blob: e72b4d6f1d48d32065d62e914ba0f58401652168 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gosh
import (
var (
errAlreadyCalledStart = errors.New("gosh: already called Cmd.Start")
errAlreadyCalledWait = errors.New("gosh: already called Cmd.Wait")
errAlreadySetStdin = errors.New("gosh: already set stdin")
errDidNotCallStart = errors.New("gosh: did not call Cmd.Start")
errProcessExited = errors.New("gosh: process exited")
// Cmd represents a command. Not thread-safe.
// Public fields should not be modified after calling Start.
type Cmd struct {
// Err is the most recent error from this Cmd (may be nil).
Err error
// Path is the path of the command to run.
Path string
// Vars is the map of env vars for this Cmd.
Vars map[string]string
// Args is the list of args for this Cmd, starting with the resolved path.
// Note, we set Args[0] to the resolved path (rather than the user-specified
// name) so that a command started by Shell can reliably determine the path to
// its executable.
Args []string
// IgnoreParentExit, if true, makes it so the child process does not exit when
// its parent exits. Only takes effect if the child process was spawned via
// Shell.FuncCmd or explicitly calls InitChildMain.
IgnoreParentExit bool
// ExitAfter, if non-zero, specifies that the child process should exit after
// the given duration has elapsed. Only takes effect if the child process was
// spawned via Shell.FuncCmd or explicitly calls InitChildMain.
ExitAfter time.Duration
// PropagateOutput is inherited from Shell.PropagateChildOutput.
PropagateOutput bool
// OutputDir is inherited from Shell.ChildOutputDir.
OutputDir string
// ExitErrorIsOk specifies whether an *exec.ExitError should be reported via
// Shell.HandleError.
ExitErrorIsOk bool
// IgnoreClosedPipeError, if true, causes errors from read/write on a closed
// pipe to be indistinguishable from success. These errors often occur in
// command pipelines, e.g. "yes | head -1", where "yes" will receive a closed
// pipe error when it tries to write on stdout, after "head" has exited. If a
// closed pipe error occurs, Cmd.Err will be nil, and no err is reported to
// Shell.HandleError.
IgnoreClosedPipeError bool
// ExtraFiles is used to populate ExtraFiles in the underlying exec.Cmd
// object. Does not get cloned.
ExtraFiles []*os.File
// Internal state.
sh *Shell
c *exec.Cmd
calledStart bool
calledWait bool
cond *sync.Cond
waitChan chan error
stdinDoneChan chan error
started bool // protected by sh.cleanupMu
exited bool // protected by cond.L
stdoutWriters []io.Writer
stderrWriters []io.Writer
afterStartClosers []io.Closer
afterWaitClosers []io.Closer
recvVars map[string]string // protected by cond.L
// Shell returns the shell that this Cmd was created from.
func (c *Cmd) Shell() *Shell {
// Clone returns a new Cmd with a copy of this Cmd's configuration.
func (c *Cmd) Clone() *Cmd {
res, err := c.clone()
return res
// StdinPipe returns a WriteCloser backed by an unlimited-size pipe for the
// command's stdin. The pipe will be closed when the process exits, but may also
// be closed earlier by the caller, e.g. if the command does not exit until its
// stdin is closed. Must be called before Start. Only one call may be made to
// StdinPipe or SetStdinReader; subsequent calls will fail.
func (c *Cmd) StdinPipe() io.WriteCloser {
res, err := c.stdinPipe()
return res
// StdoutPipe returns a ReadCloser backed by an unlimited-size pipe for the
// command's stdout. The pipe will be closed when the process exits, but may
// also be closed earlier by the caller, e.g. if all expected output has been
// received. Must be called before Start. May be called more than once; each
// call creates a new pipe.
func (c *Cmd) StdoutPipe() io.ReadCloser {
res, err := c.stdoutPipe()
return res
// StderrPipe returns a ReadCloser backed by an unlimited-size pipe for the
// command's stderr. The pipe will be closed when the process exits, but may
// also be closed earlier by the caller, e.g. if all expected output has been
// received. Must be called before Start. May be called more than once; each
// call creates a new pipe.
func (c *Cmd) StderrPipe() io.ReadCloser {
res, err := c.stderrPipe()
return res
// SetStdinReader configures this Cmd to read stdin from the given Reader. Must
// be called before Start. Only one call may be made to StdinPipe or
// SetStdinReader; subsequent calls will fail.
func (c *Cmd) SetStdinReader(r io.Reader) {
// AddStdoutWriter configures this Cmd to tee stdout to the given Writer. Must
// be called before Start. If the same Writer is passed to both AddStdoutWriter
// and AddStderrWriter, Cmd will ensure that Write is never called concurrently.
func (c *Cmd) AddStdoutWriter(w io.Writer) {
// AddStderrWriter configures this Cmd to tee stderr to the given Writer. Must
// be called before Start. If the same Writer is passed to both AddStdoutWriter
// and AddStderrWriter, Cmd will ensure that Write is never called concurrently.
func (c *Cmd) AddStderrWriter(w io.Writer) {
// Start starts the command.
func (c *Cmd) Start() {
// AwaitVars waits for the child process to send values for the given vars
// (e.g. using SendVars). Must not be called before Start or after Wait.
func (c *Cmd) AwaitVars(keys ...string) map[string]string {
res, err := c.awaitVars(keys...)
return res
// Wait waits for the command to exit.
func (c *Cmd) Wait() {
// Signal sends a signal to the underlying process.
func (c *Cmd) Signal(sig os.Signal) {
// Terminate sends a signal to the underlying process, then waits for it to
// exit. Terminate is different from Signal followed by Wait: Terminate succeeds
// as long as the process exits, whereas Wait fails if the exit code isn't 0.
func (c *Cmd) Terminate(sig os.Signal) {
// Run calls Start followed by Wait.
func (c *Cmd) Run() {
// Stdout calls Start followed by Wait, then returns the command's stdout.
func (c *Cmd) Stdout() string {
res, err := c.stdout()
return res
// StdoutStderr calls Start followed by Wait, then returns the command's stdout
// and stderr.
func (c *Cmd) StdoutStderr() (string, string) {
stdout, stderr, err := c.stdoutStderr()
return stdout, stderr
// CombinedOutput calls Start followed by Wait, then returns the command's
// combined stdout and stderr.
func (c *Cmd) CombinedOutput() string {
res, err := c.combinedOutput()
return res
// Pid returns the command's PID, or -1 if the command has not been started.
func (c *Cmd) Pid() int {
if !c.started {
return -1
return c.c.Process.Pid
// Internals
func newCmdInternal(sh *Shell, vars map[string]string, path string, args []string) (*Cmd, error) {
c := &Cmd{
Path: path,
Vars: vars,
Args: append([]string{path}, args...),
sh: sh,
c: &exec.Cmd{},
cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
waitChan: make(chan error, 1),
recvVars: map[string]string{},
// Protect against concurrent signal-triggered Shell.cleanup().
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
return nil, errAlreadyCalledCleanup
sh.cmds = append(sh.cmds, c)
return c, nil
func newCmd(sh *Shell, vars map[string]string, name string, args ...string) (*Cmd, error) {
// Mimics Command.
if filepath.Base(name) == name {
dirs := splitTokens(sh.Vars["PATH"], ":")
lp := lookpath.Look(dirs, name)
if lp == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gosh: failed to locate executable: %s", name)
name = lp
return newCmdInternal(sh, vars, name, args)
func (c *Cmd) errorIsOk(err error) bool {
if c.ExitErrorIsOk {
if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
return true
return err == nil
// An explanation of closed pipe errors. Consider the pipeline "yes | head -1",
// where yes keeps writing "y\n" to stdout, and head succeeds after it reads the
// first line. There is an os pipe connecting the two commands, and when head
// exits, it causes yes to receive a closed pipe error on its next write. Should
// we consider such a pipeline to have succeeded or failed?
// Bash only looks at the exit status of the last command by default, thus the
// pipeline succeeds. But that's dangerous, since yes could have crashed and we
// wouldn't know. It's recommended to run "set -o pipefail" to tell bash to
// check the exit status of all commands. But that causes the pipeline to fail.
// IgnoreClosedPipeError handles this case. gosh.Pipeline sets this option to
// true, so that by default the pipeline above will succeed, but will fail on
// any other error. Note that the exec package always returns an ExitError if
// the child process exited with a non-zero exit code; the closed pipe error is
// only returned if the child process exited with a zero exit code, and Write on
// the io.MultiWriter in the parent process received the closed pipe error.
// TODO(toddw): We could adopt the convention that exit code 141 indicates
// "closed pipe", and use IgnoreClosedPipeError to also ignore that case. We
// choose 141 because it's 128 + 13, where SIGPIPE is 13, and there is an
// existing convention for this. By default Go programs ignore SIGPIPE, so we
// might also want to add code to InitChildMain to exit the program with 141 if
// it receives SIGPIPE.
func (c *Cmd) handleError(err error) {
if c.IgnoreClosedPipeError && isClosedPipeError(err) {
err = nil
c.Err = err
if !c.errorIsOk(err) {
func (c *Cmd) isRunning() bool {
if !c.started {
return false
defer c.cond.L.Unlock()
return !c.exited
// recvWriter listens for gosh vars from a child process.
type recvWriter struct {
c *Cmd
buf []byte
matchedPrefix int
matchedSuffix int
func (w *recvWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
for i, b := range p {
if w.matchedPrefix < len(varsPrefix) {
// Look for matching prefix.
if b != varsPrefix[w.matchedPrefix] {
w.matchedPrefix = 0
if b == varsPrefix[w.matchedPrefix] {
w.buf = append(w.buf, b)
// Look for matching suffix.
if b != varsSuffix[w.matchedSuffix] {
w.matchedSuffix = 0
if b == varsSuffix[w.matchedSuffix] {
if w.matchedSuffix != len(varsSuffix) {
// Found matching suffix.
data := w.buf[:len(w.buf)-len(varsSuffix)]
w.buf = w.buf[:0]
w.matchedPrefix, w.matchedSuffix = 0, 0
vars := make(map[string]string)
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &vars); err != nil {
return i, err
w.c.recvVars = mergeMaps(w.c.recvVars, vars)
return len(p), nil
func (c *Cmd) makeStdoutStderr() (io.Writer, io.Writer, error) {
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, &recvWriter{c: c})
if c.PropagateOutput {
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, os.Stdout)
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, os.Stderr)
if c.OutputDir != "" {
t := time.Now().Format("20060102.150405.000000")
name := filepath.Join(c.OutputDir, filepath.Base(c.Path)+"."+t)
const flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_EXCL
switch file, err := os.OpenFile(name+".stdout", flags, 0600); {
case err != nil:
return nil, nil, err
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, file)
c.afterWaitClosers = append(c.afterWaitClosers, file)
switch file, err := os.OpenFile(name+".stderr", flags, 0600); {
case err != nil:
return nil, nil, err
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, file)
c.afterWaitClosers = append(c.afterWaitClosers, file)
switch hasOut, hasErr := len(c.stdoutWriters) > 0, len(c.stderrWriters) > 0; {
case hasOut && hasErr:
// Make writes synchronous between stdout and stderr. This ensures all
// writers that capture both will see the same ordering, and don't need to
// worry about concurrent writes.
sharedMu := &sync.Mutex{}
stdout := &sharedLockWriter{sharedMu, io.MultiWriter(c.stdoutWriters...)}
stderr := &sharedLockWriter{sharedMu, io.MultiWriter(c.stderrWriters...)}
return stdout, stderr, nil
case hasOut:
return io.MultiWriter(c.stdoutWriters...), nil, nil
case hasErr:
return nil, io.MultiWriter(c.stderrWriters...), nil
return nil, nil, nil
type sharedLockWriter struct {
mu *sync.Mutex
w io.Writer
func (w *sharedLockWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.w.Write(p)
return n, err
func (c *Cmd) clone() (*Cmd, error) {
args := make([]string, len(c.Args))
copy(args, c.Args)
res, err := newCmdInternal(, copyMap(c.Vars), c.Path, args[1:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.IgnoreParentExit = c.IgnoreParentExit
res.ExitAfter = c.ExitAfter
res.PropagateOutput = c.PropagateOutput
res.OutputDir = c.OutputDir
res.ExitErrorIsOk = c.ExitErrorIsOk
res.IgnoreClosedPipeError = c.IgnoreClosedPipeError
return res, nil
func (c *Cmd) stdinPipe() (io.WriteCloser, error) {
switch {
case c.calledStart:
return nil, errAlreadyCalledStart
case c.c.Stdin != nil:
return nil, errAlreadySetStdin
// We want to provide an unlimited-size pipe to the user. If we set c.c.Stdin
// directly to the newBufferedPipe, the os/exec package will create an os.Pipe
// for us, along with a goroutine to copy data over. And exec.Cmd.Wait will
// wait for this goroutine to exit before returning, even if the process has
// already exited. That means the user will be forced to call Close on the
// returned WriteCloser, which is annoying.
// Instead, we set c.c.Stdin to our own os.Pipe, so that os/exec won't create
// the pipe nor the goroutine. We chain our newBufferedPipe in front of this,
// with our own copier goroutine. This gives the user a pipe that never blocks
// on Write, and which they don't need to Close if the process exits.
pr, pw, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.c.Stdin = pr
c.afterStartClosers = append(c.afterStartClosers, pr)
bp := newBufferedPipe()
c.afterWaitClosers = append(c.afterWaitClosers, bp)
c.stdinDoneChan = make(chan error, 1)
go c.stdinPipeCopier(pw, bp) // pw is closed by stdinPipeCopier
return bp, nil
func (c *Cmd) stdinPipeCopier(dst io.WriteCloser, src io.Reader) {
var firstErr error
if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src); err != nil && !isClosedPipeError(err) {
firstErr = err
if err := dst.Close(); err != nil && firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
c.stdinDoneChan <- firstErr
// isClosedPipeError returns true iff the error indicates a closed pipe. This
// typically occurs with a pipeline of commands "A | B"; if B exits first, the
// next write by A will receive a closed pipe error. Also see:
func isClosedPipeError(err error) bool {
if err == io.ErrClosedPipe {
return true
// Closed pipe on os.Pipe; mirrors logic in os/exec/exec_posix.go.
if pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok && pe.Op == "write" && pe.Path == "|1" && pe.Err == syscall.EPIPE {
return true
return false
func (c *Cmd) setStdinReader(r io.Reader) error {
switch {
case c.calledStart:
return errAlreadyCalledStart
case c.c.Stdin != nil:
return errAlreadySetStdin
c.c.Stdin = r
return nil
func (c *Cmd) stdoutPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if c.calledStart {
return nil, errAlreadyCalledStart
p := newBufferedPipe()
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, p)
c.afterWaitClosers = append(c.afterWaitClosers, p)
return p, nil
func (c *Cmd) stderrPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if c.calledStart {
return nil, errAlreadyCalledStart
p := newBufferedPipe()
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, p)
c.afterWaitClosers = append(c.afterWaitClosers, p)
return p, nil
func (c *Cmd) addStdoutWriter(w io.Writer) error {
if c.calledStart {
return errAlreadyCalledStart
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, w)
return nil
func (c *Cmd) addStderrWriter(w io.Writer) error {
if c.calledStart {
return errAlreadyCalledStart
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, w)
return nil
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe wrap every child process with a "supervisor" process
// that calls InitChildMain.
func (c *Cmd) start() (e error) {
defer func() {
// Always close afterStartClosers upon return. Only close afterWaitClosers
// if start failed; if start succeeds, they're closed in the startExitWaiter
// goroutine. Only the first error is reported.
if err := closeClosers(c.afterStartClosers); e == nil {
e = err
if !c.started {
if err := closeClosers(c.afterWaitClosers); e == nil {
e = err
if c.calledStart {
return errAlreadyCalledStart
c.calledStart = true
// Protect against Cmd.start() writing to c.c.Process concurrently with
// signal-triggered Shell.cleanup() reading from it.
if {
return errAlreadyCalledCleanup
// Configure the command.
c.c.Path = c.Path
vars := copyMap(c.Vars)
if c.IgnoreParentExit {
delete(vars, envWatchParent)
} else {
vars[envWatchParent] = "1"
if c.ExitAfter == 0 {
delete(vars, envExitAfter)
} else {
vars[envExitAfter] = c.ExitAfter.String()
c.c.Env = mapToSlice(vars)
c.c.Args = c.Args
var err error
if c.c.Stdout, c.c.Stderr, err = c.makeStdoutStderr(); err != nil {
return err
c.c.ExtraFiles = c.ExtraFiles
// Start the command.
if err = c.c.Start(); err != nil {
return err
c.started = true
return nil
// startExitWaiter spawns a goroutine that calls exec.Cmd.Wait, waiting for the
// process to exit. Calling exec.Cmd.Wait here rather than in gosh.Cmd.Wait
// ensures that the child process is reaped once it exits. Note, gosh.Cmd.wait
// blocks on waitChan.
func (c *Cmd) startExitWaiter() {
go func() {
waitErr := c.c.Wait()
c.exited = true
if err := closeClosers(c.afterWaitClosers); waitErr == nil {
waitErr = err
if c.stdinDoneChan != nil {
// Wait for the stdinPipeCopier goroutine to finish.
if err := <-c.stdinDoneChan; waitErr == nil {
waitErr = err
c.waitChan <- waitErr
func closeClosers(closers []io.Closer) error {
var firstErr error
for _, closer := range closers {
if err := closer.Close(); firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
return firstErr
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe add optional timeouts for Cmd.{awaitVars,wait}.
func (c *Cmd) awaitVars(keys ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
switch {
case !c.started:
return nil, errDidNotCallStart
case c.calledWait:
return nil, errAlreadyCalledWait
wantKeys := map[string]bool{}
for _, key := range keys {
wantKeys[key] = true
res := map[string]string{}
updateRes := func() {
for k, v := range c.recvVars {
if _, ok := wantKeys[k]; ok {
res[k] = v
defer c.cond.L.Unlock()
for !c.exited && len(res) < len(wantKeys) {
// Return nil error if both conditions triggered simultaneously.
if len(res) < len(wantKeys) {
return nil, errProcessExited
return res, nil
func (c *Cmd) wait() error {
switch {
case !c.started:
return errDidNotCallStart
case c.calledWait:
return errAlreadyCalledWait
c.calledWait = true
return <-c.waitChan
// Note: We check for this particular error message to handle the unavoidable
// race between sending a signal to a process and the process exiting.
const errFinished = "os: process already finished"
// NOTE(sadovsky): Technically speaking, Process.Signal(os.Kill) is different
// from Process.Kill. Currently, gosh.Cmd does not provide a way to trigger
// Process.Kill. If it proves necessary, we'll add a "gosh.Kill" implementation
// of the os.Signal interface, and have the signal and terminate methods map
// that to Process.Kill.
func (c *Cmd) signal(sig os.Signal) error {
switch {
case !c.started:
return errDidNotCallStart
case c.calledWait:
return errAlreadyCalledWait
if !c.isRunning() {
return nil
if err := c.c.Process.Signal(sig); err != nil && err.Error() != errFinished {
return err
return nil
func (c *Cmd) terminate(sig os.Signal) error {
if err := c.signal(sig); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.wait(); err != nil {
// Succeed as long as the process exited, regardless of the exit code.
if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok {
return err
return nil
func (c *Cmd) run() error {
if err := c.start(); err != nil {
return err
return c.wait()
func (c *Cmd) stdout() (string, error) {
if c.calledStart {
return "", errAlreadyCalledStart
var stdout bytes.Buffer
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, &stdout)
err :=
return stdout.String(), err
func (c *Cmd) stdoutStderr() (string, string, error) {
if c.calledStart {
return "", "", errAlreadyCalledStart
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, &stdout)
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, &stderr)
err :=
return stdout.String(), stderr.String(), err
func (c *Cmd) combinedOutput() (string, error) {
if c.calledStart {
return "", errAlreadyCalledStart
var output bytes.Buffer
c.stdoutWriters = append(c.stdoutWriters, &output)
c.stderrWriters = append(c.stderrWriters, &output)
err :=
return output.String(), err