blob: 2855a36e6be71190c3c4d2440b02face3b476195 [file] [log] [blame]
package security
// This file describes a certificate chain based implementation of security.PublicID.
import (
vsecurity ""
const (
// unknownIDProviderPrefix is the prefix added when stringifying
// an identity for which there is no entry for the root certificate
// in the trusted keys set.
unknownIDProviderPrefix = "unknown/"
// mistrustedIDProviderPrefix is the prefix added when stringifying
// an identity whose root certificate has a public key that does
// not exist in the (non-empty) set of trusted keys for that root.
mistrustedIDProviderPrefix = "mistrusted/"
func errAuthorize(err error) error {
return fmt.Errorf("not authorized because: %v", err)
// chainPublicID implements security.PublicID.
type chainPublicID struct {
certificates []wire.Certificate
// Fields derived from certificates in VomDecode
publicKey security.PublicKey
rootKey security.PublicKey
name string
func (id *chainPublicID) Names() []string {
// Return a name only if the identity provider is trusted.
if keys.LevelOfTrust(id.rootKey, id.certificates[0].Name) == keys.Trusted {
return []string{}
return nil
func (id *chainPublicID) PublicKey() security.PublicKey { return id.publicKey }
func (id *chainPublicID) String() string {
// Add a prefix if the identity provider is not trusted.
switch keys.LevelOfTrust(id.rootKey, id.certificates[0].Name) {
case keys.Trusted:
case keys.Mistrusted:
return mistrustedIDProviderPrefix +
return unknownIDProviderPrefix +
func (id *chainPublicID) VomEncode() (*wire.ChainPublicID, error) {
return &wire.ChainPublicID{Certificates: id.certificates}, nil
func (id *chainPublicID) VomDecode(w *wire.ChainPublicID) error {
if err := w.VerifyIntegrity(); err != nil {
return err
firstKey, err := w.Certificates[0].PublicKey.Decode()
if err != nil {
return err
lastKey, err := w.Certificates[len(w.Certificates)-1].PublicKey.Decode()
if err != nil {
return err
} = w.Name()
id.certificates = w.Certificates
id.publicKey = lastKey
id.rootKey = firstKey
return err
func caveatsFromWire(bytes []wire.Caveat) []security.Caveat {
caveats := make([]security.Caveat, len(bytes))
for idx, b := range bytes {
caveats[idx].ValidatorVOM = b.Bytes
return caveats
// Authorize checks if all caveats on the PublicID validate with respect to the
// provided context and if so returns the original PublicID. This method assumes that
// the existing PublicID was obtained after successfully decoding a serialized
// PublicID and hence has integrity.
func (id *chainPublicID) Authorize(context security.Context) (security.PublicID, error) {
for _, c := range id.certificates {
validators, err := vsecurity.CaveatValidators(caveatsFromWire(c.Caveats)...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errAuthorize(err)
for _, v := range validators {
if err := v.Validate(context); err != nil {
return nil, errAuthorize(err)
return id, nil
func (id *chainPublicID) ThirdPartyCaveats() []security.ThirdPartyCaveat {
var tpCaveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat
for _, c := range id.certificates {
tpCaveats = append(tpCaveats, vsecurity.ThirdPartyCaveats(caveatsFromWire(c.Caveats)...)...)
return tpCaveats
// chainPrivateID implements security.PrivateID
type chainPrivateID struct {
signer security.Signer
publicID *chainPublicID
privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey // can be nil
func (id *chainPrivateID) PublicID() security.PublicID { return id.publicID }
func (id *chainPrivateID) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("PrivateID:%v", id.publicID) }
func (id *chainPrivateID) VomEncode() (*wire.ChainPrivateID, error) {
if id.privateKey == nil {
// TODO(ataly): Figure out a clean way to serialize Signers.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot vom-encode a chainPrivateID that doesn't have access to a private key")
pub, err := id.publicID.VomEncode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &wire.ChainPrivateID{Secret: id.privateKey.D.Bytes(), PublicID: *pub}, nil
func (id *chainPrivateID) VomDecode(w *wire.ChainPrivateID) error {
id.publicID = new(chainPublicID)
if err := id.publicID.VomDecode(&w.PublicID); err != nil {
return err
id.privateKey = &ecdsa.PrivateKey{
PublicKey: *id.publicID.publicKey.DO_NOT_USE(),
D: new(big.Int).SetBytes(w.Secret),
id.signer = security.NewInMemoryECDSASigner(id.privateKey)
return nil
// Bless returns a new PublicID by extending the ceritificate chain of the PrivateID's
// PublicID with a new certificate that has the provided blessingName, caveats, and an
// additional expiry caveat for the given duration.
func (id *chainPrivateID) Bless(blessee security.PublicID, blessingName string, duration time.Duration, caveats []security.Caveat) (security.PublicID, error) {
// The integrity of the PublicID blessee is assumed to have been verified
// (typically by a Vom decode).
if err := wire.ValidateBlessingName(blessingName); err != nil {
return nil, err
cert := wire.Certificate{Name: blessingName}
if err := cert.PublicKey.Encode(blessee.PublicKey()); err != nil {
return nil, err
expiryCaveat, err := security.ExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(duration))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
caveats = append(caveats, expiryCaveat)
cert.Caveats = make([]wire.Caveat, len(caveats))
for i, c := range caveats {
cert.Caveats[i] = wire.Caveat{Bytes: c.ValidatorVOM}
vomPubID, err := id.publicID.VomEncode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cert.Sign(id, vomPubID); err != nil {
return nil, err
w := &wire.ChainPublicID{
Certificates: append(id.publicID.certificates, cert),
return &chainPublicID{
certificates: w.Certificates,
publicKey: blessee.PublicKey(),
rootKey: id.publicID.rootKey,
name: w.Name(),
}, nil
func (id *chainPrivateID) Derive(pub security.PublicID) (security.PrivateID, error) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(pub.PublicKey(), id.publicID.publicKey) {
return nil, errDeriveMismatch
switch p := pub.(type) {
case *chainPublicID:
return &chainPrivateID{
signer: id.signer,
publicID: p,
privateKey: id.privateKey,
}, nil
case *setPublicID:
privs := make([]security.PrivateID, len(*p))
var err error
for ix, ip := range *p {
if privs[ix], err = id.Derive(ip); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Derive failed for public id %d of %d in set: %v", ix, len(*p), err)
return setPrivateID(privs), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PrivateID of type %T cannot be used to Derive from PublicID of type %T", id, pub)
func (id *chainPrivateID) MintDischarge(cav security.ThirdPartyCaveat, ctx security.Context, duration time.Duration, dischargeCaveats []security.Caveat) (security.Discharge, error) {
// TODO(ashankar): HACK using new API to fit into old. This will go away anyway when we get rid of PrivateID and PublicID before release.
principal, err := security.CreatePrincipal(id.signer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expiry, err := security.ExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(duration))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return principal.MintDischarge(cav, ctx, expiry, dischargeCaveats...)
func (id *chainPrivateID) Sign(message []byte) (security.Signature, error) {
return id.signer.Sign(nil, message)
func (id *chainPrivateID) PublicKey() security.PublicKey { return id.signer.PublicKey() }
// newChainPrivateID returns a new PrivateID that uses the provided Signer to generate
// signatures. The returned PrivateID additionaly contains a single self-signed
// certificate with the given name.
// If a nil signer is provided, this method will generate a new public/private key pair
// and use a system-default signer, which stores the private key in the clear in the memory
// of the running process.
func newChainPrivateID(name string, signer security.Signer) (security.PrivateID, error) {
if err := wire.ValidateBlessingName(name); err != nil {
return nil, err
var privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
if signer == nil {
var err error
privKey, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signer = security.NewInMemoryECDSASigner(privKey)
id := &chainPrivateID{
signer: signer,
publicID: &chainPublicID{
certificates: []wire.Certificate{{Name: name}},
name: name,
publicKey: signer.PublicKey(),
rootKey: signer.PublicKey(),
privateKey: privKey,
// Self-sign the (single) certificate.
cert := &id.publicID.certificates[0]
if err := cert.PublicKey.Encode(signer.PublicKey()); err != nil {
return nil, err
vomPubID, err := id.publicID.VomEncode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cert.Sign(id, vomPubID); err != nil {
return nil, err
return id, nil
func init() {