blob: 915db37894f647186494e2823e3d438d6c0a4534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package googleoauth implements an http.Handler that uses OAuth 2.0 to
// authenticate with Google and then renders a page that displays all the
// blessings that were provided for that Google user.
// The GoogleIDToken is currently validated by sending an HTTP request to
// This adds a round-trip and service may be denied by
// if this handler becomes a breakout success and receives tons
// of traffic. If either is a concern, the GoogleIDToken can be validated
// without an additional HTTP request.
// See:
package googleoauth
import (
type HandlerArgs struct {
// URL at which the hander is installed.
// e.g. http://host:port/google/
// This is where the handler is installed and where redirect requests
// from Google will come to.
Addr string
// client_id and client_secret registered with the Google Developer
// Console for API access.
ClientID, ClientSecret string
// Prefix for the audit log from which data will be sourced.
// (auditor.ReadAuditLog).
Auditor string
// The RevocationManager is used to revoke blessings granted with a revocation caveat.
RevocationManager *revocation.RevocationManager
func (a *HandlerArgs) redirectURL() string {
ret := a.Addr
if !strings.HasSuffix(ret, "/") {
ret += "/"
ret += "oauth2callback"
return ret
// URL used to verify google tokens.
// (From
// and
const verifyURL = ""
// NewHandler returns an http.Handler that expects to be rooted at args.Addr
// and can be used to use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate with Google, mint a new
// identity and bless it with the Google email address.
func NewHandler(args HandlerArgs) http.Handler {
config := NewOAuthConfig(args.ClientID, args.ClientSecret, args.redirectURL())
tokenMap := make(map[tokenCaveatIDKey]bool)
return &handler{config, util.NewCSRFCop(), args.Auditor, args.RevocationManager, tokenMap}
// NewOAuthConfig returns the oauth.Config required for obtaining just the email address from Google using OAuth 2.0.
func NewOAuthConfig(clientID, clientSecret, redirectURL string) *oauth.Config {
return &oauth.Config{
ClientId: clientID,
ClientSecret: clientSecret,
RedirectURL: redirectURL,
Scope: "email",
AuthURL: "",
TokenURL: "",
type tokenCaveatIDKey struct {
token, caveatID string
type handler struct {
config *oauth.Config
csrfCop *util.CSRFCop
auditor string
revocationManager *revocation.RevocationManager
tokenRevocationCaveatMap map[tokenCaveatIDKey]bool
func (h *handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch path.Base(r.URL.Path) {
case "auth":
h.auth(w, r)
case "oauth2callback":
h.callback(w, r)
case "revoke":
h.revoke(w, r)
util.HTTPBadRequest(w, r, nil)
func (h *handler) auth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
csrf, err := h.csrfCop.NewToken(w, r, "VeyronHTTPIdentityClientID")
if err != nil {
vlog.Infof("Failed to create CSRF token[%v] for request %#v", err, r)
util.HTTPBadRequest(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Suspected automated request: %v", err))
http.Redirect(w, r, h.config.AuthCodeURL(csrf), http.StatusFound)
func (h *handler) callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := h.csrfCop.ValidateToken(r.FormValue("state"), r, "VeyronHTTPIdentityClientID"); err != nil {
vlog.Infof("Invalid CSRF token: %v in request: %#v", err, r)
util.HTTPBadRequest(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Suspected request forgery: %v", err))
email, err := ExchangeAuthCodeForEmail(h.config, r.FormValue("code"))
if err != nil {
util.HTTPBadRequest(w, r, err)
// Create a new token to protect ensure that the revocation calls are protected.
csrf, err := h.csrfCop.NewToken(w, r, "VeyronHTTPIdentityRevocationID")
if err != nil {
vlog.Infof("Failed to create CSRF token[%v] for request %#v", err, r)
util.HTTPBadRequest(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Suspected automated request: %v", err))
type tmplentry struct {
Blessee security.PublicID
Start, End time.Time
Blessed security.PublicID
RevocationCaveatID string
RevocationTime time.Time
tmplargs := struct {
Log chan tmplentry
Email, CSRFToken string
Log: make(chan tmplentry),
Email: email,
CSRFToken: csrf,
if entrych, err := auditor.ReadAuditLog(h.auditor, email); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Unable to read audit log: %v", err)
util.HTTPServerError(w, fmt.Errorf("unable to read audit log"))
} else {
go func(ch chan tmplentry) {
defer close(ch)
for entry := range entrych {
if entry.Method != "Bless" || len(entry.Arguments) < 2 {
var tmplentry tmplentry
var blessEntry revocation.BlessingAuditEntry
blessEntry, err = revocation.ReadBlessAuditEntry(entry)
tmplentry.Blessee = blessEntry.Blessee
tmplentry.Blessed = blessEntry.Blessed
tmplentry.Start = blessEntry.Start
tmplentry.End = blessEntry.End
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Unable to read bless audit entry: %v", err)
if blessEntry.RevocationCaveat != nil {
tmplentry.RevocationCaveatID = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(blessEntry.RevocationCaveat.ID()))
if revocationTime := h.revocationManager.GetRevocationTime(blessEntry.RevocationCaveat.ID()); revocationTime != nil {
tmplentry.RevocationTime = *revocationTime
// TODO(suharshs): Add a timeout that removes old entries to reduce storage space.
// TODO(suharshs): Make this map from CSRFToken to Email address, have
// revocation manager have map from caveatID to Email address in DirectoryStore.
h.tokenRevocationCaveatMap[tokenCaveatIDKey{csrf, tmplentry.RevocationCaveatID}] = true
ch <- tmplentry
w.Header().Set("Context-Type", "text/html")
if err := tmpl.Execute(w, tmplargs); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Unable to execute audit page template: %v", err)
util.HTTPServerError(w, err)
func (h *handler) revoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
const (
success = `{"success": "true"}`
failure = `{"success": "false"}`
if h.revocationManager == nil {
vlog.Infof("no provided revocation manager")
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
vlog.Infof("Failed to parse request: %s", err)
var requestParams struct {
CaveatID, CSRFToken string
if err := json.Unmarshal(content, &requestParams); err != nil {
vlog.Infof("json.Unmarshal failed : %s", err)
if err := h.validateTokenCaveatID(requestParams.CSRFToken, requestParams.CaveatID, r); err != nil {
vlog.Infof("failed to validate token for caveat: %s", err)
decodedCaveatID, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(requestParams.CaveatID)
if err != nil {
vlog.Infof("base64 decoding failed: %s", err)
caveatID := string(decodedCaveatID)
if err := h.revocationManager.Revoke(caveatID); err != nil {
vlog.Infof("Revocation failed: %s", err)
func (h *handler) validateTokenCaveatID(CSRFToken, revocationCaveatID string, r *http.Request) error {
if err := h.csrfCop.ValidateToken(CSRFToken, r, "VeyronHTTPIdentityRevocationID"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid CSRF token: %v in request: %#v", err, r)
if _, exists := h.tokenRevocationCaveatMap[tokenCaveatIDKey{CSRFToken, revocationCaveatID}]; exists {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("this token has no matching entry for the provided caveat ID")
// ExchangeAuthCodeForEmail exchanges the authorization code (which must
// have been obtained with scope=email) for an OAuth token and then uses Google's
// tokeninfo API to extract the email address from that token.
func ExchangeAuthCodeForEmail(config *oauth.Config, authcode string) (string, error) {
t, err := (&oauth.Transport{Config: config}).Exchange(authcode)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to exchange authorization code for token: %v", err)
// Ideally, would validate the token ourselves without an HTTP roundtrip.
// However, for now, as per:
// pay an HTTP round-trip to have Google do this.
if t.Extra == nil || len(t.Extra["id_token"]) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no GoogleIDToken found in OAuth token")
tinfo, err := http.Get(verifyURL + "id_token=" + t.Extra["id_token"])
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to talk to GoogleIDToken verifier (%q): %v", verifyURL, err)
if tinfo.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to verify GoogleIDToken: %s", tinfo.Status)
var gtoken token
if err := json.NewDecoder(tinfo.Body).Decode(&gtoken); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid JSON response from Google's tokeninfo API: %v", err)
if !gtoken.VerifiedEmail {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email not verified: %#v", gtoken)
if gtoken.Issuer != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid issuer: %v", gtoken.Issuer)
if gtoken.Audience != config.ClientId {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected audience(%v) in GoogleIDToken", gtoken.Audience)
return gtoken.Email, nil
// IDToken JSON message returned by Google's verification endpoint.
// This differs from the description in:
// because the Google tokeninfo endpoint
// (
// mentioned in:
// seems to return the following JSON message.
type token struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
IssuedTo string `json:"issued_to"`
Audience string `json:"audience"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IssuedAt int64 `json:"issued_at"`
Email string `json:"email"`
VerifiedEmail bool `json:"verified_email"`