blob: 0b70ae7a8193fa64a3af92e5065fa66288daebd0 [file] [log] [blame]
package textutil
import (
// LineWriter implements an io.Writer filter that formats input text into output
// lines with a given target width in runes.
// Each input rune is classified into one of three kinds:
// EOL: end-of-line, consisting of \f, \n, \r, \v, U+2028 or U+2029
// Space: defined by unicode.IsSpace
// Letter: everything else
// The input text is expected to consist of words, defined as sequences of
// letters. Sequences of words form paragraphs, where paragraphs are separated
// by either blank lines (that contain no letters), or an explicit U+2029
// ParagraphSeparator. Input lines with leading spaces are treated verbatim.
// Paragraphs are output as word-wrapped lines; line breaks only occur at word
// boundaries. Output lines are usually no longer than the target width. The
// exceptions are single words longer than the target width, which are output on
// their own line, and verbatim lines, which may be arbitrarily longer or
// shorter than the width.
// Output lines never contain trailing spaces. Only verbatim output lines may
// contain leading spaces. Spaces separating input words are output verbatim,
// unless it would result in a line with leading or trailing spaces.
// EOL runes within the input text are never written to the output; the output
// line terminator and paragraph separator may be configured, and some EOL may
// be output as a single space ' ' to maintain word separation.
// The algorithm greedily fills each output line with as many words as it can,
// assuming that all Unicode code points have the same width. Invalid UTF-8 is
// silently transformed to the replacement character U+FFFD and treated as a
// single rune.
// Flush must be called after the last call to Write; the input is buffered.
// Implementation note: line breaking is a complicated topic. This approach
// attempts to be simple and useful; a full implementation conforming to
// Unicode Standard Annex #14 would be complicated, and is not implemented.
// Languages that don't use spaces to separate words (e.g. CJK) won't work
// well under the current approach.
// [Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm]
// [5.8 Newline Guidelines]
type LineWriter struct {
// State configured by the user.
w io.Writer
runeDecoder RuneChunkDecoder
width runePos
lineTerm []byte
paragraphSep string
indents []string
// The buffer contains a single output line.
lineBuf byteRuneBuffer
// Keep track of the previous state and rune.
prevState state
prevRune rune
// Keep track of blank input lines.
inputLineHasLetter bool
// lineBuf positions where the line starts (after separators and indents), a
// new word has started and the last word has ended.
lineStart bytePos
newWordStart bytePos
lastWordEnd bytePos
// Keep track of paragraph terminations and line indices, so we can output the
// paragraph separator and indents correctly.
terminateParagraph bool
paragraphLineIndex int
wroteFirstLine bool
type state int
const (
stateWordWrap state = iota // Perform word-wrapping [start state]
stateVerbatim // Verbatim output-line, no word-wrapping
stateSkipSpace // Skip spaces in input line.
// NewLineWriter returns a new LineWriter with the given target width in runes,
// producing output on the underlying writer w. The dec and enc are used to
// respectively decode runes from Write calls, and encode runes to w.
func NewLineWriter(w io.Writer, width int, dec RuneChunkDecoder, enc RuneEncoder) *LineWriter {
ret := &LineWriter{
w: w,
runeDecoder: dec,
width: runePos(width),
lineTerm: []byte("\n"),
paragraphSep: "\n",
prevState: stateWordWrap,
prevRune: LineSeparator,
lineBuf: byteRuneBuffer{enc: enc},
return ret
// NewUTF8LineWriter returns a new LineWriter filter that implements io.Writer,
// and decodes and encodes runes in UTF-8.
func NewUTF8LineWriter(w io.Writer, width int) *LineWriter {
return NewLineWriter(w, width, &UTF8ChunkDecoder{}, UTF8Encoder{})
// Width returns the target width in runes. If width < 0 the width is
// unlimited; each paragraph is output as a single line.
func (w *LineWriter) Width() int { return int(w.width) }
// SetLineTerminator sets the line terminator for subsequent Write calls. Every
// output line is terminated with term; EOL runes from the input are never
// written to the output. A new LineWriter instance uses "\n" as the default
// line terminator.
// Calls Flush internally, and returns any Flush error.
func (w *LineWriter) SetLineTerminator(term string) error {
if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
w.lineTerm = []byte(term)
return nil
// SetParagraphSeparator sets the paragraph separator for subsequent Write
// calls. Every consecutive pair of non-empty paragraphs is separated with sep;
// EOL runes from the input are never written to the output. A new LineWriter
// instance uses "\n" as the default paragraph separator.
// Calls Flush internally, and returns any Flush error.
func (w *LineWriter) SetParagraphSeparator(sep string) error {
if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
w.paragraphSep = sep
return nil
// SetIndents sets the indentation for subsequent Write calls. Multiple indents
// may be set, corresponding to the indent to use for the corresponding
// paragraph line. E.g. SetIndents("AA", "BBB", C") means the first line in
// each paragraph is indented with "AA", the second line in each paragraph is
// indented with "BBB", and all subsequent lines in each paragraph are indented
// with "C".
// SetIndents() is equivalent to SetIndents(""), SetIndents("", ""), etc.
// A new LineWriter instance has no idents by default.
// Calls Flush internally, and returns any Flush error.
func (w *LineWriter) SetIndents(indents ...string) error {
if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
// Copy indents in case the user passed the slice via SetIndents(p...), and
// canonicalize the all empty case to nil.
allEmpty := true
w.indents = make([]string, len(indents))
for ix, indent := range indents {
w.indents[ix] = indent
if indent != "" {
allEmpty = false
if allEmpty {
w.indents = nil
return nil
// Write implements io.Writer by buffering data into the LineWriter w. Actual
// writes to the underlying writer may occur, and may include data buffered in
// either this Write call or previous Write calls.
// Flush must be called after the last call to Write.
func (w *LineWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
return RuneChunkWrite(w.runeDecoder, w.addRune, data)
// Flush flushes any remaining buffered text, and resets the paragraph line
// count back to 0, so that indents will be applied starting from the first
// line. It does not imply a paragraph separator; repeated calls to Flush with
// no intervening calls to other methods is equivalent to a single Flush.
// Flush must be called after the last call to Write, and may be called an
// arbitrary number of times before the last Write.
func (w *LineWriter) Flush() error {
if err := RuneChunkFlush(w.runeDecoder, w.addRune); err != nil {
return err
// Add U+2028 to force the last line (if any) to be written.
if err := w.addRune(LineSeparator); err != nil {
return err
// Reset the paragraph line count.
w.paragraphLineIndex = 0
return nil
// addRune is called every time w.runeDecoder decodes a full rune.
func (w *LineWriter) addRune(r rune) error {
state, lineBreak := w.nextState(r, w.updateRune(r))
if lineBreak {
if err := w.writeLine(); err != nil {
return err
w.bufferRune(r, state, lineBreak)
w.prevState = state
w.prevRune = r
return nil
// We classify each incoming rune into three kinds for easier handling.
type kind int
const (
kindEOL kind = iota
func runeKind(r rune) kind {
switch r {
case '\f', '\n', '\r', '\v', LineSeparator, ParagraphSeparator:
return kindEOL
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
return kindSpace
return kindLetter
func (w *LineWriter) updateRune(r rune) bool {
forceLineBreak := false
switch kind := runeKind(r); kind {
case kindEOL:
// Update lastWordEnd if the last word just ended.
if w.newWordStart != -1 {
w.newWordStart = -1
w.lastWordEnd = w.lineBuf.ByteLen()
switch {
case w.prevRune == '\r' && r == '\n':
// Treat "\r\n" as a single EOL; we've already handled the logic for '\r',
// so there's nothing to do when we see '\n'.
case r == LineSeparator:
// Treat U+2028 as a pure line break; it's never a paragraph break.
forceLineBreak = true
case r == ParagraphSeparator || !w.inputLineHasLetter:
// The paragraph has just been terminated if we see an explicit U+2029, or
// if we see a blank line, which may contain spaces.
forceLineBreak = true
w.terminateParagraph = true
w.inputLineHasLetter = false
case kindSpace:
// Update lastWordEnd if the last word just ended.
if w.newWordStart != -1 {
w.newWordStart = -1
w.lastWordEnd = w.lineBuf.ByteLen()
case kindLetter:
// Update newWordStart if a new word just started.
if w.newWordStart == -1 {
w.newWordStart = w.lineBuf.ByteLen()
w.inputLineHasLetter = true
w.terminateParagraph = false
panic(fmt.Errorf("textutil: updateRune unhandled kind %d", kind))
return forceLineBreak
// nextState returns the next state and whether we should break the line.
// Here's a handy table that describes all the scenarios in which we will line
// break input text, grouped by the reason for the break. The current position
// is the last non-* rune in each pattern, which is where we decide to break.
// w.prevState Next state Buffer reset
// ----------- ---------- ------------
// ===== Force line break (U+2028 / U+2029, blank line) =====
// a..*|*** * wordWrap empty
// a._.|*** * wordWrap empty
// a+**|*** * wordWrap empty
// ===== verbatim: wait for any EOL =====
// _*.*|*** verbatim wordWrap empty
// ===== wordWrap: switch to verbatim =====
// a._*|*** wordWrap verbatim empty
// ===== wordWrap: line is too wide =====
// abc.|*** wordWrap wordWrap empty
// abcd|.** wordWrap wordWrap empty
// abcd|e.* wordWrap wordWrap empty
// a_cd|.** wordWrap wordWrap empty
// abc_|*** wordWrap skipSpace empty
// abcd|_** wordWrap skipSpace empty
// abcd|e_* wordWrap skipSpace empty
// a_cd|_** wordWrap skipSpace empty
// a_cd|e** wordWrap start newWordStart
// abcde Letter
// . End-of-line
// + End-of-line (only U+2028 / U+2029)
// _ Space
// * Any rune (letter, line-end or space)
// | Visual indication of width=4, has no width itself.
// Note that Flush calls behave exactly as if an explicit U+2028 line separator
// were added to the end of all buffered data.
func (w *LineWriter) nextState(r rune, forceLineBreak bool) (state, bool) {
if forceLineBreak {
return stateWordWrap, true
kind := runeKind(r)
// Handle non word-wrap states, which are easy.
switch w.prevState {
case stateVerbatim:
if kind == kindEOL {
return stateWordWrap, true
return stateVerbatim, false
case stateSkipSpace:
if kind == kindSpace {
return stateSkipSpace, false
return stateWordWrap, false
// Handle stateWordWrap, which is more complicated.
// Switch to the verbatim state when we see a space right after an EOL.
if runeKind(w.prevRune) == kindEOL && kind == kindSpace {
return stateVerbatim, true
// Break on EOL or space when the line is too wide. See above table.
if w.width >= 0 && w.width <= w.lineBuf.RuneLen()+1 {
switch kind {
case kindEOL:
return stateWordWrap, true
case kindSpace:
return stateSkipSpace, true
// case kindLetter falls through
// Handle the newWordStart case in the above table.
if w.width >= 0 && w.width < w.lineBuf.RuneLen()+1 && w.newWordStart != w.lineStart {
return stateWordWrap, true
// Stay in the wordWrap state and don't break the line.
return stateWordWrap, false
func (w *LineWriter) writeLine() error {
if w.lastWordEnd == -1 {
// Don't write blank lines, but we must reset the line in case the paragraph
// has just been terminated.
return nil
// Write the line (without trailing spaces) followed by the line terminator.
line := w.lineBuf.Bytes()[:w.lastWordEnd]
if _, err := w.w.Write(line); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := w.w.Write(w.lineTerm); err != nil {
return err
// Reset the line buffer.
w.wroteFirstLine = true
if w.newWordStart != -1 {
// If we have an unterminated new word, we must be in the newWordStart case
// in the table above. Handle the special buffer reset here.
newWord := string(w.lineBuf.Bytes()[w.newWordStart:])
w.newWordStart = w.lineBuf.ByteLen()
} else {
return nil
func (w *LineWriter) resetLine() {
w.newWordStart = -1
w.lastWordEnd = -1
// Write the paragraph separator if the previous paragraph has terminated.
// This consumes no runes from the line width.
if w.wroteFirstLine && w.terminateParagraph {
w.paragraphLineIndex = 0
// Add indent; a non-empty indent consumes runes from the line width.
var indent string
switch {
case w.paragraphLineIndex < len(w.indents):
indent = w.indents[w.paragraphLineIndex]
case len(w.indents) > 0:
indent = w.indents[len(w.indents)-1]
w.lineStart = w.lineBuf.ByteLen()
func (w *LineWriter) bufferRune(r rune, state state, lineBreak bool) {
// Never add leading spaces to the buffer in the wordWrap state.
wordWrapNoLeadingSpaces := state == stateWordWrap && !lineBreak
switch kind := runeKind(r); kind {
case kindEOL:
// When we're word-wrapping and we see a letter followed by EOL, we convert
// the EOL into a single space in the buffer, to break the previous word
// from the next word.
if wordWrapNoLeadingSpaces && runeKind(w.prevRune) == kindLetter {
w.lineBuf.WriteRune(' ')
case kindSpace:
if wordWrapNoLeadingSpaces || state == stateVerbatim {
case kindLetter:
panic(fmt.Errorf("textutil: bufferRune unhandled kind %d", kind))