blob: 19b1b0474320d4df6e9589f92d661b7a672cf647 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
deviceimpl ""
// TODO(caprita): Re-implement this with Glob, so that one can say instead,
// update <devicename>/apps/... or <devicename>/apps/appname/* etc.
// TODO(caprita): Add unit test.
var cmdUpdateAll = &cmdline.Command{
Run: runUpdateAll,
Name: "updateall",
Short: "Update all installations/instances of an application",
Long: "Given a name that can refer to an app instance or app installation or app or all apps on a device, updates all installations and instances under that name",
ArgsName: "<object name>",
ArgsLong: `
<object name> is the vanadium object name to update, as follows:
<devicename>/apps/apptitle/installationid/instanceid: updates the given instance, suspending/resuming it if running
<devicename>/apps/apptitle/installationid: updates the given installation and then all its instances
<devicename>/apps/apptitle: updates all installations for the given app
<devicename>/apps: updates all apps on the device
type updater func(cmd *cmdline.Command, von string) error
func updateChildren(cmd *cmdline.Command, von string, updateChild updater) error {
ns := v23.GetNamespace(gctx)
pattern := naming.Join(von, "*")
c, err := ns.Glob(gctx, pattern)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ns.Glob(%q) failed: %v", pattern, err)
var (
pending sync.WaitGroup
numErrors int
numErrorsMu sync.Mutex
for res := range c {
switch v := res.(type) {
case *naming.MountEntry:
go func() {
if err := updateChild(cmd, v.Name); err != nil {
case *naming.GlobError:
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr(), "Glob error for %q: %v\n", v.Name, v.Error)
if numErrors > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%d error(s) encountered while updating children", numErrors)
return nil
func updateInstance(cmd *cmdline.Command, von string) (retErr error) {
defer func() {
if retErr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Successfully updated instance %q.\n", von)
} else {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to update instance %q: %v", von, retErr)
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr(), "ERROR: %v.\n", retErr)
// Try suspending the app in case it was running.
switch err := device.ApplicationClient(von).Suspend(gctx); {
case err == nil:
// App was running, and we suspended it.
defer func() {
// Resume the instance.
if err := device.ApplicationClient(von).Resume(gctx); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to resume instance %q: %v", von, err)
if retErr == nil {
retErr = err
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr(), "ERROR: %v.\n", err)
case verror.ErrorID(err) == deviceimpl.ErrInvalidOperation.ID:
// App was likely not running.
// TODO(caprita): change returned error to distinguish no-op
// app sttate transitions from failed state transitions.
return fmt.Errorf("failed to suspend instance %q: %v.\n", von, err)
// Update the instance.
switch err := device.ApplicationClient(von).Update(gctx); {
case err == nil:
return nil
case verror.ErrorID(err) == deviceimpl.ErrUpdateNoOp.ID:
// TODO(caprita): Ideally, we wouldn't even attempt a suspend /
// resume if there's no newer version of the application.
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Instance %q already up to date.\n", von)
return nil
return err
func updateInstallation(cmd *cmdline.Command, von string) (retErr error) {
defer func() {
if retErr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Successfully updated installation %q.\n", von)
} else {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to update installation %q: %v", von, retErr)
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr(), "ERROR: %v.\n", retErr)
// First, update the installation.
switch err := device.ApplicationClient(von).Update(gctx); {
case err == nil:
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Successfully updated version for installation %q.\n", von)
case verror.ErrorID(err) == deviceimpl.ErrUpdateNoOp.ID:
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Installation %q already up to date.\n", von)
// NOTE: we still proceed to update the instances in this case,
// since it's possible that some instances are still running
// from older versions.
return err
// Then, update all the instances for the installation.
return updateChildren(cmd, von, updateInstance)
func updateApp(cmd *cmdline.Command, von string) error {
if err := updateChildren(cmd, von, updateInstallation); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to update app %q: %v", von, err)
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr(), "ERROR: %v.\n", err)
return err
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Successfully updated app %q.\n", von)
return nil
func updateAllApps(cmd *cmdline.Command, von string) error {
if err := updateChildren(cmd, von, updateApp); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to update all apps %q: %v", von, err)
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr(), "ERROR: %v.\n", err)
return err
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout(), "Successfully updated all apps %q.\n", von)
return nil
func runUpdateAll(cmd *cmdline.Command, args []string) error {
if expected, got := 1, len(args); expected != got {
return cmd.UsageErrorf("updateall: incorrect number of arguments, expected %d, got %d", expected, got)
appVON := args[0]
components := strings.Split(appVON, "/")
var prefix string
// TODO(caprita): Trying to figure out what the app suffix is by looking
// for "/apps/" in the name is hacky and error-prone (e.g., what if an
// app has the title "apps"). Instead, we should either query the
// server or use resolution to split up the name into address and
// suffix.
for i := len(components) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if components[i] == "apps" {
prefix = naming.Join(components[:i+1]...)
components = components[i+1:]
if prefix == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't recognize app name: %q", appVON)
fmt.Printf("prefix: %q, components: %q\n", prefix, components)
switch len(components) {
case 0:
return updateAllApps(cmd, appVON)
case 1:
return updateApp(cmd, appVON)
case 2:
return updateInstallation(cmd, appVON)
case 3:
return updateInstance(cmd, appVON)
return cmd.UsageErrorf("updateall: name %q does not refer to a supported app hierarchy object", appVON)