blob: 54405a222afa16d8076750578e18e2849c828367 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package watchable
import (
// With Memstore, TestReadWriteRandom is slow with ManagedPrefixes=nil since
// every watchable.Store.Get() takes a snapshot, and memstore snapshots are
// relatively expensive since the entire data map is copied. LevelDB snapshots
// are cheap, so with LevelDB ManagedPrefixes=nil is still reasonably fast.
const useMemstoreForTest = false
type testData struct {
key string
createVal string
updateVal string
var data1 testData = testData{
key: "key-a",
createVal: "val-a1",
updateVal: "val-a2",
var data2 testData = testData{
key: "key-b",
createVal: "val-b1",
updateVal: "val-b2",
func TestLogEntryTimestamps(t *testing.T) {
stImpl, destroy := createStore(useMemstoreForTest)
defer destroy()
t1 := time.Now()
inc := time.Duration(1) * time.Second
var mockClock *MockSystemClock = NewMockSystemClock(t1, inc)
wst1, err := Wrap(stImpl, &Options{ManagedPrefixes: nil})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to wrap store for create")
seqForCreate := getSeq(wst1)
setMockSystemClock(wst1, mockClock)
// Create data in store
if err := store.RunInTransaction(wst1, func(st store.StoreReadWriter) error {
// add data1
if err := st.Put([]byte(data1.key), []byte(data1.createVal)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't put {%q: %v}: %v",
data1.key, data1.createVal, err)
// add data2
if err := st.Put([]byte(data2.key), []byte(data2.createVal)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't put {%q: %v}: %v",
data2.key, data2.createVal, err)
return nil
}); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("can't commit transaction: %v", err))
// read and verify LogEntries written as part of above transaction
// We expect 2 entries in the log for the two puts.
// Timestamp from mockclock for the commit should be t1
verifyCommitLog(t, stImpl, seqForCreate, 2, t1)
// Update data already present in store with a new watchable store
wst2, err := Wrap(stImpl, &Options{ManagedPrefixes: nil})
setMockSystemClock(wst2, mockClock)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to wrap store for update")
seqForUpdate := getSeq(wst2)
if seqForUpdate != (seqForCreate + 1) {
t.Errorf("unexpected sequence number for update. seq for create: %d, seq for update: %d", seqForCreate, seqForUpdate)
if err := store.RunInTransaction(wst2, func(st store.StoreReadWriter) error {
if err := checkAndUpdate(st, data1); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkAndUpdate(st, data2); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("can't commit transaction: %v", err))
// read and verify LogEntries written as part of above transaction
// We expect 4 entries in the log for the two gets and two puts.
// Timestamp from mockclock for the commit should be t1 + 1 sec
t2 := t1.Add(inc)
verifyCommitLog(t, stImpl, seqForUpdate, 4, t2)
func checkAndUpdate(st store.StoreReadWriter, data testData) error {
// check and update data1
keyBytes := []byte(data.key)
val, err := st.Get(keyBytes, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't get key %q: %v", data.key, err)
if !bytes.Equal(val, []byte(data.createVal)) {
return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected value for key %q: %q", data.key, string(val))
if err := st.Put(keyBytes, []byte(data.updateVal)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't put {%q: %v}: %v",
data.key, data.updateVal, err)
return nil
func verifyCommitLog(t *testing.T, st store.Store, seq uint64, expectedEntries int, expectedTimestamp time.Time) {
var ler *LogEntryReader = NewLogEntryReader(st, seq)
var entryCount int = 0
for ler.Advance() {
_, entry := ler.GetEntry()
if entry.CommitTimestamp != expectedTimestamp.UnixNano() {
errStr := "Unexpected timestamp found for entry." +
" Expected: %d, found: %d"
t.Errorf(errStr, expectedTimestamp.UnixNano(), entry.CommitTimestamp)
if entryCount != expectedEntries {
t.Errorf("Unexpected number of log entries found. Expected: %d, found: %d", expectedEntries, entryCount)