blob: 6fa05b7595ac6e4b974f8878829481c76bd7f57c [file] [log] [blame]
// Package v23tests provides support for writing end-to-end style integration
// tests. In particular, support is provided for building binaries, running
// processes, making assertions about their output/state and ensuring that
// no processes or files are left behind on exit. Since such tests are often
// difficult to debug facilities are provided to help do so.
// The preferred usage of this integration test framework is via the v23
// tool which generates supporting code. The primary reason for doing so is
// to cleanly separate integration tests, which can be very expensive to run,
// from normal unit tests which are intended to be fast and used constantly.
// However, it still beneficial to be able to always compile the integration
// test code with the normal test code, just not to run it. Similarly, it
// is beneficial to share as much of the existing go test infrastructure as
// possible, so the generated code uses a flag and a naming convention to
// separate the tests. Integration tests may be run in addition to unit tests
// by supplying the --v23.tests flag; the -run flag can be used
// to avoid running unit tests by specifying a prefix of TestV23 since
// the generate test functions always. Thus:
// v23 go test -v <pkgs> --v23.test // runs both unit and integration tests
// v23 go test -v -run=TestV23 <pkgs> --v23.test // runs just integration tests
// The go generate mechanism is used to generate the test code, thus the
// comment:
// //go:generate v23 integration generate
// will generate the files v23_test.go and internal_v23_test.go for the
// package in which it occurs. Run v23 integration generate help for full
// details and options. In short, any function in an external
// (i.e. <pgk>_test) test package of the following form:
// V23Test<x>(t *v23tests.T)
// will be invoked as integration test if the --v23.tests flag is used.
// The generated code makes use of the RunTest function, documented below.
// The test environment is implemented by an instance of the interface T.
// It is constructed with an instance of another interface Test, which is
// generally implemented by testing.T. Thus, the integration test environment
// directly as follows:
// func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
// env := v23tests.New(t)
// defer env.Cleanup()
// ...
// }
// The methods in this API typically do not return error in the case of
// failure. Instead, the current test will fail with an appropriate error
// message. This avoids the need to handle errors inline the test itself.
// The test environment manages all built packages, subprocesses and a
// set of environment variables that are passed to subprocesses.
// Debugging is supported as follows:
// 1. The DebugShell method creates an interative shell at that point in
// the tests execution that has access to all of the running processes
// and environment of those processes. The developer can interact with
// those processes to determine the state of the test.
// 2. Calls to methods on Test (e.g. FailNow, Fatalf) that fail the test
// cause the Cleanup method to print out the status of all invocations.
// 3. Similarly, if the flag is set then the
// cleanup method will invoke a DebugShell on a test failure allowing
// the developer to inspect the state of the test.
// 4. The implementation of this package uses filenames that start with v23test
// to allow for easy tracing with --vmodule=v23test*=2 for example.
package v23tests
import (
tsecurity ""
// TB is an exact mirror of testing.TB. It is provided to allow for testing
// of this package using a mock implementation. As per testing.TB, it is not
// intended to be implemented outside of this package.
type TB interface {
Error(args ...interface{})
Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
Failed() bool
Fatal(args ...interface{})
Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
Log(args ...interface{})
Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
Skip(args ...interface{})
Skipf(format string, args ...interface{})
Skipped() bool
// T represents an integration test environment.
type T struct {
// The embedded TB
// The function to shutdown the context used to create the environment.
shutdown v23.Shutdown
// The shell to use to start commands.
shell *modules.Shell
// The environment's root security principal.
principal security.Principal
// Maps path to Binary.
builtBinaries map[string]*Binary
tempFiles []*os.File
tempDirs []string
binDir, cachedBinDir string
dirStack []string
invocations []*Invocation
var errNotShutdown = errors.New("has not been shutdown")
// Caller returns a string of the form <filename>:<lineno> for the
// caller specified by skip, where skip is as per runtime.Caller.
func Caller(skip int) string {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(skip + 1)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filepath.Base(file), line)
// Run constructs a Binary for path and invokes Run on it.
func (t *T) Run(path string, args ...string) string {
return t.BinaryFromPath(path).run(args...)
// Run constructs a Binary for path and invokes Run on it using
// the specified StartOpts
func (t *T) RunWithOpts(opts modules.StartOpts, path string, args ...string) string {
b := t.BinaryFromPath(path)
return b.WithStartOpts(opts).run(args...)
// WaitFunc is the type of the functions to be used in conjunction
// with WaitFor and WaitForAsync. It should return a value or an error
// when it wants those functions to terminate, returning a nil value
// and nil error will result in it being called again after the specified
// delay time specified in the calls to WaitFor and WaitForAsync.
type WaitFunc func() (interface{}, error)
// WaitFor calls fn at least once with the specified delay value
// between iterations until the first of the following is encountered:
// 1. fn returns a non-nil value.
// 2. fn returns an error value
// 3. fn is executed at least once and the specified timeout is exceeded.
// WaitFor returns the non-nil value for the first case and calls e.Fatalf for
// the other two cases.
// WaitFor will always run fn at least once to completion and hence it will
// hang if that first iteration of fn hangs. If this behaviour is not
// appropriate, then WaitForAsync should be used.
func (t *T) WaitFor(fn WaitFunc, delay, timeout time.Duration) interface{} {
deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
for {
val, err := fn()
if val != nil {
return val
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: the WaitFunc returned an error: %v", Caller(1), err)
if time.Now().After(deadline) {
t.Fatalf("%s: timed out after %s", Caller(1), timeout)
// WaitForAsync is like WaitFor except that it calls fn in a goroutine
// and can timeout during the execution of fn.
func (t *T) WaitForAsync(fn WaitFunc, delay, timeout time.Duration) interface{} {
resultCh := make(chan interface{})
errCh := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
for {
val, err := fn()
if val != nil {
resultCh <- val
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
select {
case err := <-errCh:
t.Fatalf("%s: the WaitFunc returned error: %v", Caller(1), err)
case result := <-resultCh:
return result
case <-time.After(timeout):
t.Fatalf("%s: timed out after %s", Caller(1), timeout)
return nil
// Pushd pushes the current working directory to the stack of
// directories, returning it as its result, and changes the working
// directory to dir.
func (t *T) Pushd(dir string) string {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: Getwd failed: %s", Caller(1), err)
if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: Chdir failed: %s", Caller(1), err)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Pushd: %s -> %s", cwd, dir)
t.dirStack = append(t.dirStack, cwd)
return cwd
// Popd pops the most recent entry from the directory stack and changes
// the working directory to that directory. It returns the new working
// directory as its result.
func (t *T) Popd() string {
if len(t.dirStack) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("%s: directory stack empty", Caller(1))
dir := t.dirStack[len(t.dirStack)-1]
t.dirStack = t.dirStack[:len(t.dirStack)-1]
if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: Chdir failed: %s", Caller(1), err)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Popd: -> %s", dir)
return dir
// Caller returns a string of the form <filename>:<lineno> for the
// caller specified by skip, where skip is as per runtime.Caller.
func (t *T) Caller(skip int) string {
return Caller(skip + 1)
// Principal returns the security principal of this environment.
func (t *T) Principal() security.Principal {
return t.principal
// Cleanup cleans up the environment, deletes all its artifacts and
// kills all subprocesses. It will kill subprocesses in LIFO order.
// Cleanup checks to see if the test has failed and logs information
// as to the state of the processes it was asked to invoke up to that
// point and optionally, if the flag is set
// then it will run a debug shell before cleaning up its state.
func (t *T) Cleanup() {
if t.Failed() {
if testutil.IntegrationTestsDebugShellOnError {
// Print out a summary of the invocations and their status.
for i, inv := range t.invocations {
if inv.hasShutdown && inv.Exists() {
m := fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s has been shutdown but still exists: %v", i, inv.path, inv.shutdownErr)
vlog.VI(2).Infof("%d: %s %v", i, inv.path, inv.args)
if inv.shutdownErr != nil {
m := fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s: shutdown status: %v", i, inv.path, inv.shutdownErr)
vlog.VI(2).Infof("%d: %s %v", i, inv.path, inv.args)
// Shut down all processes in LIFO order before attempting to delete any
// files/directories to avoid potential 'file system busy' problems
// on non-unix systems.
for i := len(t.invocations); i > 0; i-- {
inv := t.invocations[i-1]
if inv.hasShutdown {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: %q has been shutdown", inv.Path())
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: Kill: %q", inv.Path())
err := inv.Kill(syscall.SIGTERM)
inv.Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: Killed: %q: %v", inv.Path(), err)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: all invocations taken care of.")
if err :=, os.Stderr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WARNING: could not clean up shell (%v)", err)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: cleaning up binaries & files")
for _, tempFile := range t.tempFiles {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: cleaning up %s", tempFile.Name())
if err := tempFile.Close(); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("WARNING: Close(%q) failed: %v", tempFile.Name(), err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(tempFile.Name()); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("WARNING: RemoveAll(%q) failed: %v", tempFile.Name(), err)
for _, tempDir := range t.tempDirs {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("V23Test.Cleanup: cleaning up %s", tempDir)
if err := os.RemoveAll(tempDir); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("WARNING: RemoveAll(%q) failed: %v", tempDir, err)
// shutdown the runtime
// GetVar returns the variable associated with the specified key
// and an indication of whether it is defined or not.
func (t *T) GetVar(key string) (string, bool) {
// SetVar sets the value to be associated with key.
func (t *T) SetVar(key, value string) {, value)
// ClearVar removes the speficied variable from the Shell's environment
func (t *T) ClearVar(key string) {
func writeStringOrDie(t *T, f *os.File, s string) {
if _, err := f.WriteString(s); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Write() failed: %v", err)
// DebugSystemShell drops the user into a debug system shell (e.g. bash)
// with any environment variables specified in env... (in VAR=VAL format)
// available to it.
// If there is no controlling TTY, DebugSystemShell will emit a warning message
// and take no futher action. The DebugSystemShell also sets some environment
// variables that relate to the running test:
// - V23_TMP_DIR<#> contains the name of each temp directory created.
// - V23_BIN_DIR contains the name of the directory containing binaries.
func (t *T) DebugSystemShell(env ...string) {
// Get the current working directory.
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Getwd() failed: %v", err)
// Transfer stdin, stdout, and stderr to the new process
// and also set target directory for the shell to start in.
dev := "/dev/tty"
fd, err := syscall.Open(dev, syscall.O_RDWR, 0)
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("WARNING: Open(%v) failed, was asked to create a debug shell but cannot: %v", dev, err)
var agentFile *os.File
if creds, err :=; err == nil {
if agentFile, err = creds.File(); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("WARNING: failed to obtain credentials for the debug shell: %v", err)
} else {
vlog.Errorf("WARNING: failed to obtain credentials for the debug shell: %v", err)
file := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), dev)
attr := os.ProcAttr{
Files: []*os.File{file, file, file},
Dir: cwd,
// Set up agent for Child.
attr.Files = append(attr.Files, agentFile)
attr.Env = append(attr.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", agent.FdVarName, len(attr.Files)-1))
// Set up environment for Child.
for _, v := range {
attr.Env = append(attr.Env, v)
for i, td := range t.tempDirs {
attr.Env = append(attr.Env, fmt.Sprintf("V23_TMP_DIR%d=%s", i, td))
if len(t.cachedBinDir) > 0 {
attr.Env = append(attr.Env, "V23_BIN_DIR="+t.BinDir())
attr.Env = append(attr.Env, env...)
// Start up a new shell.
writeStringOrDie(t, file, ">> Starting a new interactive shell\n")
writeStringOrDie(t, file, "Hit CTRL-D to resume the test\n")
if len(t.builtBinaries) > 0 {
writeStringOrDie(t, file, "Built binaries:\n")
for _, value := range t.builtBinaries {
writeStringOrDie(t, file, "\t"+value.Path()+"\n")
if len(t.cachedBinDir) > 0 {
writeStringOrDie(t, file, fmt.Sprintf("Binaries are cached in %q\n", t.cachedBinDir))
} else {
writeStringOrDie(t, file, fmt.Sprintf("Caching of binaries was not enabled, being written to %q\n", t.binDir))
shellPath := "/bin/sh"
if shellPathFromEnv := os.Getenv("SHELL"); shellPathFromEnv != "" {
shellPath = shellPathFromEnv
proc, err := os.StartProcess(shellPath, []string{}, &attr)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("StartProcess(%q) failed: %v", shellPath, err)
// Wait until user exits the shell
state, err := proc.Wait()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Wait(%v) failed: %v", shellPath, err)
writeStringOrDie(t, file, fmt.Sprintf("<< Exited shell: %s\n", state.String()))
// BinaryFromPath returns a new Binary that, when started, will
// execute the executable or script at the given path.
// E.g. env.BinaryFromPath("/bin/bash").Start("-c", "echo hello world").Output() -> "hello world"
func (t *T) BinaryFromPath(path string) *Binary {
return &Binary{
env: t,
envVars: nil,
path: path,
// BuildGoPkg expects a Go package path that identifies a "main"
// package and returns a Binary representing the newly built
// binary. This binary does not use the exec protocol defined
// in Use this for command line tools and non
// Vanadium servers.
func (t *T) BuildGoPkg(pkg string) *Binary {
return t.buildPkg(pkg)
// BuildV23 is like BuildGoPkg, but instead assumes that the resulting
// binary is a Vanadium application and does implement the exec protocol
// defined in Use this for Vanadium servers.
func (t *T) BuildV23Pkg(pkg string) *Binary {
b := t.buildPkg(pkg)
b.opts =
return b
func (t *T) buildPkg(pkg string) *Binary {
then := time.Now()
loc := Caller(1)
cached, built_path, err := buildPkg(t.BinDir(), pkg)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: buildPkg(%s) failed: %v", loc, pkg, err)
return nil
if _, err := os.Stat(built_path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: buildPkg(%s) failed to stat %q", loc, pkg, built_path)
taken := time.Now().Sub(then)
if cached {
vlog.Infof("%s: using %s, from %s in %s.", loc, pkg, built_path, taken)
} else {
vlog.Infof("%s: built %s, written to %s in %s.", loc, pkg, built_path, taken)
binary := &Binary{
env: t,
envVars: nil,
path: built_path,
t.builtBinaries[pkg] = binary
return binary
// NewTempFile creates a temporary file. Temporary files will be deleted
// by Cleanup.
func (t *T) NewTempFile() *os.File {
loc := Caller(1)
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: TempFile() failed: %v", loc, err)
vlog.Infof("%s: created temporary file at %s", loc, f.Name())
t.tempFiles = append(t.tempFiles, f)
return f
// NewTempDir creates a temporary directory. Temporary directories and
// their contents will be deleted by Cleanup.
func (t *T) NewTempDir() string {
loc := Caller(1)
f, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: TempDir() failed: %v", loc, err)
vlog.Infof("%s: created temporary directory at %s", loc, f)
t.tempDirs = append(t.tempDirs, f)
return f
func (t *T) appendInvocation(inv *Invocation) {
t.invocations = append(t.invocations, inv)
// Creates a new local testing environment. A local testing environment has a
// a security principle available via Principal().
// You should clean up the returned environment using the env.Cleanup() method.
// A typical end-to-end test will begin like:
// func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
// env := integration.NewT(t)
// defer env.Cleanup()
// ...
// }
func New(t TB) *T {
ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
vlog.Infof("creating root principal")
principal := tsecurity.NewPrincipal("root")
ctx, err := v23.SetPrincipal(ctx, principal)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to set principal: %v", err)
shell, err := modules.NewShell(ctx, principal)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewShell() failed: %v", err)
opts := modules.DefaultStartOpts()
opts.StartTimeout = time.Minute
opts.ShutdownTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// The V23_BIN_DIR environment variable can be
// used to identify a directory that multiple integration
// tests can use to share binaries. Whoever sets this
// environment variable is responsible for cleaning up the
// directory it points to.
cachedBinDir := os.Getenv("V23_BIN_DIR")
e := &T{
TB: t,
principal: principal,
builtBinaries: make(map[string]*Binary),
shell: shell,
tempFiles: []*os.File{},
tempDirs: []string{},
cachedBinDir: cachedBinDir,
shutdown: shutdown,
if len(e.cachedBinDir) == 0 {
e.binDir = e.NewTempDir()
return e
func (t *T) Shell() *modules.Shell {
// BinDir returns the directory that binarie files are stored in.
func (t *T) BinDir() string {
if len(t.cachedBinDir) > 0 {
return t.cachedBinDir
return t.binDir
// BuildPkg returns a path to a directory that contains the built binary for
// the given packages and a function that should be invoked to clean up the
// build artifacts. Note that the clients of this function should not modify
// the contents of this directory directly and instead defer to the cleanup
// function.
func buildPkg(binDir, pkg string) (bool, string, error) {
binFile := filepath.Join(binDir, path.Base(pkg))
if _, err := os.Stat(binFile); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, "", err
cmd := exec.Command("v23", "go", "build", "-o", binFile, pkg)
if output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("\n%v:\n%v\n", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output))
return false, "", err
return false, binFile, nil
return true, binFile, nil
// RunTest runs a single Vanadium 'v23 style' integration test.
func RunTest(t *testing.T, fn func(i *T)) {
if !testutil.IntegrationTestsEnabled {
i := New(t)
// defer the Cleanup method so that it will be called even if
// t.Fatalf/FailNow etc are called and can print out useful information.
defer i.Cleanup()
// RunRootMT builds and runs a root mount table instance. It populates
// the NAMESPACE_ROOT variable in the test environment so that all subsequent
// invocations will access this root mount table.
func RunRootMT(i *T, args ...string) (*Binary, *Invocation) {
b := i.BuildV23Pkg("")
inv := b.start(1, args...)
name := inv.ExpectVar("NAME")
inv.Environment().SetVar("NAMESPACE_ROOT", name)
vlog.Infof("Running root mount table: %q", name)
return b, inv
// UseSharedBinDir ensures that a shared directory is used for binaries
// across multiple instances of the test environment. This is achieved
// by setting the V23_BIN_DIR environment variable if it is not already
// set in the test processes environment (as will typically be the case when
// these tests are run from the v23 tool). It is intended to be called
// from TestMain.
func UseSharedBinDir() func() {
if v23BinDir := os.Getenv("V23_BIN_DIR"); len(v23BinDir) == 0 {
v23BinDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "bin-")
if err == nil {
vlog.Infof("Setting V23_BIN_DIR to %q", v23BinDir)
os.Setenv("V23_BIN_DIR", v23BinDir)
return func() { os.RemoveAll(v23BinDir) }
} else {
vlog.Infof("Using V23_BIN_DIR %q", v23BinDir)
return func() {}