blob: 9a9f02563f843d8181f4e959a01db36de5bbffe6 [file] [log] [blame]
package vif
// Logging guidelines:
// vlog.VI(1) for per-net.Conn information
// vlog.VI(2) for per-VC information
// vlog.VI(3) for per-Flow information
import (
vsync ""
ivtrace ""
// VIF implements a "virtual interface" over an underlying network connection
// (net.Conn). Just like multiple network connections can be established over a
// single physical interface, multiple Virtual Circuits (VCs) can be
// established over a single VIF.
type VIF struct {
conn net.Conn
pool *iobuf.Pool
localEP naming.Endpoint
// control channel encryption.
isSetup bool
// ctrlCipher is normally guarded by writeMu, however see the exception in
// readLoop.
ctrlCipher crypto.ControlCipher
writeMu sync.Mutex
vcMap *vcMap
wpending, rpending vsync.WaitGroup
muListen sync.Mutex
acceptor *upcqueue.T // GUARDED_BY(muListen)
listenerOpts []stream.ListenerOpt // GUARDED_BY(muListen)
muNextVCI sync.Mutex
nextVCI id.VC
outgoing bqueue.T
expressQ bqueue.Writer
flowQ bqueue.Writer
flowMu sync.Mutex
flowCounters message.Counters
stopQ bqueue.Writer
// The IPC version range supported by this VIF. In practice this is
// non-nil only in testing. nil is equivalent to using the versions
// actually supported by this IPC implementation (which is always
// what you want outside of tests).
versions *version.Range
// ConnectorAndFlow represents a Flow and the Connector that can be used to
// create another Flow over the same underlying VC.
type ConnectorAndFlow struct {
Connector stream.Connector
Flow stream.Flow
// Separate out constants that are not exported so that godoc looks nicer for
// the exported ones.
const (
// Priorities of the buffered queues used for flow control of writes.
expressPriority bqueue.Priority = iota
// Convenience aliases so that the package name "vc" does not
// conflict with the variables named "vc".
defaultBytesBufferedPerFlow = vc.DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow
sharedFlowID = vc.SharedFlowID
var (
errAlreadySetup = errors.New("VIF is already setup")
// InternalNewDialedVIF creates a new virtual interface over the provided
// network connection, under the assumption that the conn object was created
// using net.Dial.
// As the name suggests, this method is intended for use only within packages
// placed inside veyron/runtimes/google. Code outside the
// veyron2/runtimes/google/* packages should never call this method.
func InternalNewDialedVIF(conn net.Conn, rid naming.RoutingID, versions *version.Range, opts (*VIF, error) {
ctx, principal, dc, err := clientAuthOptions(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ctx != nil {
var span vtrace.Span
ctx, span = ivtrace.WithNewSpan(ctx, "InternalNewDialedVIF")
span.Annotatef("(%v, %v)", conn.RemoteAddr().Network(), conn.RemoteAddr())
defer span.Finish()
c, err := AuthenticateAsClient(ctx, conn, versions, principal, dc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return internalNew(conn, rid, id.VC(vc.NumReservedVCs), versions, nil, nil, c)
// InternalNewAcceptedVIF creates a new virtual interface over the provided
// network connection, under the assumption that the conn object was created
// using an Accept call on a net.Listener object.
// The returned VIF is also setup for accepting new VCs and Flows with the provided
// ListenerOpts.
// As the name suggests, this method is intended for use only within packages
// placed inside veyron/runtimes/google. Code outside the
// veyron/runtimes/google/* packages should never call this method.
func InternalNewAcceptedVIF(conn net.Conn, rid naming.RoutingID, versions *version.Range, lopts (*VIF, error) {
var nc crypto.NullControlCipher
return internalNew(conn, rid, id.VC(vc.NumReservedVCs)+1, versions, upcqueue.New(), lopts, &nc)
func internalNew(conn net.Conn, rid naming.RoutingID, initialVCI id.VC, versions *version.Range, acceptor *upcqueue.T, listenerOpts []stream.ListenerOpt, c crypto.ControlCipher) (*VIF, error) {
// Some cloud providers (like Google Compute Engine) seem to blackhole
// inactive TCP connections, set a TCP keep alive to prevent that.
// See:
if tcpconn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
if err := tcpconn.SetKeepAlivePeriod(30 * time.Second); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Failed to set TCP keep alive: %v", err)
} else {
var (
// Choose IDs that will not conflict with any other (VC, Flow)
// pairs. VCI 0 is never used by the application (it is
// reserved for control messages), so steal from the Flow space
// there.
expressID bqueue.ID = packIDs(0, 0)
flowID bqueue.ID = packIDs(0, 1)
stopID bqueue.ID = packIDs(0, 2)
outgoing := drrqueue.New(vc.MaxPayloadSizeBytes)
expressQ, err := outgoing.NewWriter(expressID, expressPriority, defaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create bqueue.Writer for express messages: %v", err)
expressQ.Release(-1) // Disable flow control
flowQ, err := outgoing.NewWriter(flowID, flowPriority, flowToken.Size())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create bqueue.Writer for flow control counters: %v", err)
flowQ.Release(-1) // Disable flow control
stopQ, err := outgoing.NewWriter(stopID, stopPriority, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create bqueue.Writer for stopping the write loop: %v", err)
stopQ.Release(-1) // Disable flow control
localAddr := conn.LocalAddr()
ep := version.Endpoint(localAddr.Network(), localAddr.String(), rid)
if versions != nil {
ep = versions.Endpoint(localAddr.Network(), localAddr.String(), rid)
vif := &VIF{
conn: conn,
pool: iobuf.NewPool(0),
ctrlCipher: c,
vcMap: newVCMap(),
acceptor: acceptor,
listenerOpts: listenerOpts,
localEP: ep,
nextVCI: initialVCI,
outgoing: outgoing,
expressQ: expressQ,
flowQ: flowQ,
flowCounters: message.NewCounters(),
stopQ: stopQ,
versions: versions,
go vif.readLoop()
go vif.writeLoop()
return vif, nil
// Dial creates a new VC to the provided remote identity, authenticating the VC
// with the provided local identity.
func (vif *VIF) Dial(remoteEP naming.Endpoint, opts (stream.VC, error) {
vc, err := vif.newVC(vif.allocVCI(), vif.localEP, remoteEP, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
counters := message.NewCounters()
counters.Add(vc.VCI(), sharedFlowID, defaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
err = vif.sendOnExpressQ(&message.OpenVC{
VCI: vc.VCI(),
DstEndpoint: remoteEP,
SrcEndpoint: vif.localEP,
Counters: counters})
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("vif.sendOnExpressQ(OpenVC) failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
if err := vc.HandshakeDialedVC(opts...); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("VC handshake failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
return vc, nil
// Close closes all VCs (and thereby Flows) over the VIF and then closes the
// underlying network connection after draining all pending writes on those
// VCs.
func (vif *VIF) Close() {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Closing VIF %s", vif)
// Stop accepting new VCs.
// Close local datastructures for all existing VCs.
vcs := vif.vcMap.Freeze()
for _, vc := range vcs {
vc.VC.Close("VIF is being closed")
// Wait for the vcWriteLoops to exit (after draining queued up messages).
// Close the underlying network connection.
// No need to send individual messages to close all pending VCs since
// the remote end should know to close all VCs when the VIF's
// connection breaks.
if err := vif.conn.Close(); err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("net.Conn.Close failed on VIF %s: %v", vif, err)
// StartAccepting begins accepting Flows (and VCs) initiated by the remote end
// of a VIF. opts is used to setup the listener on newly established VCs.
func (vif *VIF) StartAccepting(opts error {
defer vif.muListen.Unlock()
if vif.acceptor != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("already accepting Flows on VIF %v", vif)
vif.acceptor = upcqueue.New()
vif.listenerOpts = opts
return nil
// StopAccepting prevents any Flows initiated by the remote end of a VIF from
// being accepted and causes any existing and future calls to Accept to fail
// immediately.
func (vif *VIF) StopAccepting() {
defer vif.muListen.Unlock()
if vif.acceptor != nil {
vif.acceptor = nil
vif.listenerOpts = nil
// Accept returns the (stream.Connector, stream.Flow) pair of a newly
// established VC and/or Flow.
// Sample usage:
// for {
// cAndf, err := vif.Accept()
// switch {
// case err != nil:
// fmt.Println("Accept error:", err)
// return
// case cAndf.Flow == nil:
// fmt.Println("New VC established:", cAndf.Connector)
// default:
// fmt.Println("New flow established")
// go handleFlow(cAndf.Flow)
// }
// }
func (vif *VIF) Accept() (ConnectorAndFlow, error) {
acceptor := vif.acceptor
if acceptor == nil {
return ConnectorAndFlow{}, fmt.Errorf("VCs not accepted on VIF %v", vif)
item, err := acceptor.Get(nil)
if err != nil {
return ConnectorAndFlow{}, fmt.Errorf("Accept failed: %v", err)
return item.(ConnectorAndFlow), nil
func (vif *VIF) String() string {
l := vif.conn.LocalAddr()
r := vif.conn.RemoteAddr()
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s, %s) <-> (%s, %s)", r.Network(), r, l.Network(), l)
func (vif *VIF) readLoop() {
defer vif.Close()
reader := iobuf.NewReader(vif.pool, vif.conn)
defer reader.Close()
defer vif.stopVCDispatchLoops()
for {
// vif.ctrlCipher is guarded by vif.writeMu. However, the only mutation
// to it is in handleMessage, which runs in the same goroutine, so a
// lock is not required here.
msg, err := message.ReadFrom(reader, vif.ctrlCipher)
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Exiting readLoop of VIF %s because of read error: %v", vif, err)
vlog.VI(3).Infof("Received %T = [%v] on VIF %s", msg, msg, vif)
if err := vif.handleMessage(msg); err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Exiting readLoop of VIF %s because of message error: %v", vif, err)
// handleMessage handles a single incoming message. Any error returned is
// fatal, causing the VIF to close.
func (vif *VIF) handleMessage(msg message.T) error {
switch m := msg.(type) {
case *message.Data:
_, rq, _ := vif.vcMap.Find(m.VCI)
if rq == nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Ignoring message of %d bytes for unrecognized VCI %d on VIF %s", m.Payload.Size(), m.VCI, vif)
return nil
if err := rq.Put(m, nil); err != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Failed to put message(%v) on VC queue on VIF %v: %v", m, vif, err)
case *message.OpenVC:
closed := vif.acceptor == nil || vif.acceptor.IsClosed()
lopts := vif.listenerOpts
if closed {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Ignoring OpenVC message %+v as VIF %s does not accept VCs", m, vif)
Error: "VCs not accepted",
return nil
vc, err := vif.newVC(m.VCI, m.DstEndpoint, m.SrcEndpoint, false)
if err != nil {
Error: err.Error(),
return nil
go vif.acceptFlowsLoop(vc, vc.HandshakeAcceptedVC(lopts...))
case *message.CloseVC:
if vc, _, _ := vif.vcMap.Find(m.VCI); vc != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("CloseVC(%+v) on VIF %s", m, vif)
// TODO(cnicolaou): it would be nice to have a method on VC
// to indicate a 'remote close' rather than a 'local one'. This helps
// with error reporting since we expect reads/writes to occur
// after a remote close, but not after a local close.
vc.Close(fmt.Sprintf("remote end closed VC(%v)", m.Error))
return nil
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Ignoring CloseVC(%+v) for unrecognized VCI on VIF %s", m, vif)
case *message.AddReceiveBuffers:
case *message.OpenFlow:
if vc, _, _ := vif.vcMap.Find(m.VCI); vc != nil {
if err := vc.AcceptFlow(m.Flow); err != nil {
vlog.VI(3).Infof("OpenFlow %+v on VIF %v failed:%v", m, vif, err)
cm := &message.Data{VCI: m.VCI, Flow: m.Flow}
return nil
vc.ReleaseCounters(m.Flow, m.InitialCounters)
return nil
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Ignoring OpenFlow(%+v) for unrecognized VCI on VIF %s", m, m, vif)
case *message.HopSetup:
// Configure the VIF. This takes over the conn during negotiation.
if vif.isSetup {
return errAlreadySetup
principal, lBlessings, dischargeClient, err := serverAuthOptions(vif.listenerOpts)
if err != nil {
return errVersionNegotiationFailed
c, err := AuthenticateAsServer(vif.conn, vif.versions, principal, lBlessings, dischargeClient, m)
if err != nil {
return err
vif.ctrlCipher = c
vif.isSetup = true
vlog.Infof("Ignoring unrecognized message %T on VIF %s", m, vif)
return nil
func (vif *VIF) vcDispatchLoop(vc *vc.VC, messages *pcqueue.T) {
defer vlog.VI(2).Infof("Exiting vcDispatchLoop(%v) on VIF %v", vc, vif)
defer vif.rpending.Done()
for {
qm, err := messages.Get(nil)
if err != nil {
m := qm.(*message.Data)
if err := vc.DispatchPayload(m.Flow, m.Payload); err != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Ignoring data message %v for on VIF %v: %v", m, vif, err)
if m.Close() {
vif.shutdownFlow(vc, m.Flow)
func (vif *VIF) stopVCDispatchLoops() {
vcs := vif.vcMap.Freeze()
for _, v := range vcs {
func (vif *VIF) acceptFlowsLoop(vc *vc.VC, c <-chan vc.HandshakeResult) {
hr := <-c
if hr.Error != nil {
vif.closeVCAndSendMsg(vc, hr.Error.Error())
acceptor := vif.acceptor
if acceptor == nil {
vif.closeVCAndSendMsg(vc, "Flows no longer being accepted")
// Notify any listeners that a new VC has been established
if err := acceptor.Put(ConnectorAndFlow{vc, nil}); err != nil {
vif.closeVCAndSendMsg(vc, fmt.Sprintf("VC accept failed: %v", err))
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Running acceptFlowsLoop for VC %v on VIF %v", vc, vif)
for {
f, err := hr.Listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Accept failed on VC %v on VIF %v: %v", vc, vif, err)
if err := acceptor.Put(ConnectorAndFlow{vc, f}); err != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("vif.acceptor.Put(%v, %T) on VIF %v failed: %v", vc, f, vif, err)
func (vif *VIF) distributeCounters(counters message.Counters) {
for cid, bytes := range counters {
vc, _, _ := vif.vcMap.Find(cid.VCI())
if vc == nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Ignoring counters for non-existent VCI %d on VIF %s", cid.VCI(), vif)
vc.ReleaseCounters(cid.Flow(), bytes)
func (vif *VIF) writeLoop() {
defer vif.outgoing.Close()
defer vif.stopVCWriteLoops()
for {
writer, bufs, err := vif.outgoing.Get(nil)
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Exiting writeLoop of VIF %s because of bqueue.Get error: %v", vif, err)
switch writer {
case vif.expressQ:
for _, b := range bufs {
if err := vif.writeSerializedMessage(b.Contents); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Exiting writeLoop of VIF %s because Control message write failed: %s", vif, err)
case vif.flowQ:
msg := &message.AddReceiveBuffers{}
// No need to call releaseBufs(bufs) as all bufs are
// the exact same value: flowToken.
if len(vif.flowCounters) > 0 {
msg.Counters = vif.flowCounters
vif.flowCounters = message.NewCounters()
if len(msg.Counters) > 0 {
vlog.VI(3).Infof("Sending counters %v on VIF %s", msg.Counters, vif)
if err := vif.writeMessage(msg); err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Exiting writeLoop of VIF %s because AddReceiveBuffers message write failed: %v", vif, err)
case vif.stopQ:
// Lowest-priority queue which will never have any
// buffers, Close is the only method called on it.
vif.writeDataMessages(writer, bufs)
func (vif *VIF) vcWriteLoop(vc *vc.VC, messages *pcqueue.T) {
defer vlog.VI(2).Infof("Exiting vcWriteLoop(%v) on VIF %v", vc, vif)
defer vif.wpending.Done()
for {
qm, err := messages.Get(nil)
if err != nil {
m := qm.(*message.Data)
m.Payload, err = vc.Encrypt(m.Flow, m.Payload)
if err != nil {
vlog.Infof("Encryption failed. Flow:%v VC:%v Error:%v", m.Flow, vc, err)
if m.Close() {
// The last bytes written on the flow will be sent out
// on vif.conn. Local datastructures for the flow can
// be cleaned up now.
vif.shutdownFlow(vc, m.Flow)
if err == nil {
err = vif.writeMessage(m)
if err != nil {
// TODO(caprita): Calling closeVCAndSendMsg below causes
// a race as described in:
// There should be a finer grained way to fix this, and
// there are likely other instances where we should not
// be closing the VC.
// For now, commenting out the line below removes the
// flakiness from our existing unit tests, but this
// needs to be revisited and fixed correctly.
// vif.closeVCAndSendMsg(vc, fmt.Sprintf("write failure: %v", err))
// Drain the queue and exit.
for {
qm, err := messages.Get(nil)
if err != nil {
func (vif *VIF) stopVCWriteLoops() {
vcs := vif.vcMap.Freeze()
for _, v := range vcs {
// sendOnExpressQ adds 'msg' to the expressQ (highest priority queue) of messages to write on the wire.
func (vif *VIF) sendOnExpressQ(msg message.T) error {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("sendOnExpressQ(%T = %+v) on VIF %s", msg, msg, vif)
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Don't encrypt yet, because the message ordering isn't yet determined.
// Encryption is performed by vif.writeSerializedMessage() when the
// message is actually written to vif.conn.
c := vif.ctrlCipher
if err := message.WriteTo(&buf, msg, crypto.NewDisabledControlCipher(c)); err != nil {
return err
return vif.expressQ.Put(iobuf.NewSlice(buf.Bytes()), nil)
// writeMessage writes the message to the channel. Writes must be serialized so
// that the control channel can be encrypted, so we acquire the writeMu.
func (vif *VIF) writeMessage(msg message.T) error {
defer vif.writeMu.Unlock()
return message.WriteTo(vif.conn, msg, vif.ctrlCipher)
// Write writes the message to the channel, encrypting the control data. Writes
// must be serialized so that the control channel can be encrypted, so we
// acquire the writeMu.
func (vif *VIF) writeSerializedMessage(msg []byte) error {
defer vif.writeMu.Unlock()
if err := message.EncryptMessage(msg, vif.ctrlCipher); err != nil {
return err
if n, err := vif.conn.Write(msg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write failed: got (%d, %v) for %d byte message", n, err, len(msg))
return nil
func (vif *VIF) writeDataMessages(writer bqueue.Writer, bufs []*iobuf.Slice) {
vci, fid := unpackIDs(writer.ID())
// iobuf.Coalesce will coalesce buffers only if they are adjacent to
// each other. In the worst case, each buf will be non-adjacent to the
// others and the code below will end up with multiple small writes
// instead of a single big one.
// Might want to investigate this and see if this needs to be
// revisited.
bufs = iobuf.Coalesce(bufs, uint(vc.MaxPayloadSizeBytes))
_, _, wq := vif.vcMap.Find(vci)
if wq == nil {
// VC has been removed, stop sending messages
vlog.VI(2).Infof("VCI %d on VIF %s was shutdown, dropping %d messages that were pending a write", vci, vif, len(bufs))
last := len(bufs) - 1
drained := writer.IsDrained()
for i, b := range bufs {
d := &message.Data{VCI: vci, Flow: fid, Payload: b}
if drained && i == last {
if err := wq.Put(d, nil); err != nil {
if len(bufs) == 0 && drained {
d := &message.Data{VCI: vci, Flow: fid}
if err := wq.Put(d, nil); err != nil {
func (vif *VIF) allocVCI() id.VC {
ret := vif.nextVCI
vif.nextVCI += 2
return ret
func (vif *VIF) newVC(vci id.VC, localEP, remoteEP naming.Endpoint, dialed bool) (*vc.VC, error) {
version, err := version.CommonVersion(localEP, remoteEP)
if vif.versions != nil {
version, err = vif.versions.CommonVersion(localEP, remoteEP)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vc := vc.InternalNew(vc.Params{
VCI: vci,
Dialed: dialed,
LocalEP: localEP,
RemoteEP: remoteEP,
Pool: vif.pool,
ReserveBytes: uint(message.HeaderSizeBytes + vif.ctrlCipher.MACSize()),
Helper: vcHelper{vif},
Version: version,
added, rq, wq := vif.vcMap.Insert(vc)
// Start vcWriteLoop
if added = added && vif.wpending.TryAdd(); added {
go vif.vcWriteLoop(vc, wq)
// Start vcDispatchLoop
if added = added && vif.rpending.TryAdd(); added {
go vif.vcDispatchLoop(vc, rq)
if !added {
if rq != nil {
if wq != nil {
vc.Close("underlying network connection shutting down")
// Should a custom errorid be used?
return nil, verror.Abortedf("underlying network connection(%v) shutting down", vif)
return vc, nil
func (vif *VIF) closeVCAndSendMsg(vc *vc.VC, msg string) {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Shutting down VCI %d on VIF %v due to: %v", vc.VCI(), vif, msg)
if err := vif.sendOnExpressQ(&message.CloseVC{
VCI: vc.VCI(),
Error: msg,
}); err != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("sendOnExpressQ(CloseVC{VCI:%d,...}) on VIF %v failed: %v", vc.VCI(), vif, err)
// shutdownFlow clears out all the datastructures associated with fid.
func (vif *VIF) shutdownFlow(vc *vc.VC, fid id.Flow) {
delete(vif.flowCounters, message.MakeCounterID(vc.VCI(), fid))
// ShutdownVCs closes all VCs established to the provided remote endpoint.
// Returns the number of VCs that were closed.
func (vif *VIF) ShutdownVCs(remote naming.Endpoint) int {
vcs := vif.vcMap.List()
n := 0
for _, vc := range vcs {
if naming.Compare(vc.RemoteAddr().RoutingID(), remote.RoutingID()) {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("VCI %d on VIF %s being closed because of ShutdownVCs call", vc.VCI(), vif)
vif.closeVCAndSendMsg(vc, "")
return n
// NumVCs returns the number of VCs established over this VIF.
func (vif *VIF) NumVCs() int { return vif.vcMap.Size() }
// DebugString returns a descriptive state of the VIF.
// The returned string is meant for consumptions by humans. The specific format
// should not be relied upon by any automated processing.
func (vif *VIF) DebugString() string {
vcs := vif.vcMap.List()
l := make([]string, 0, len(vcs)+1)
vif.muNextVCI.Lock() // Needed for vif.nextVCI
l = append(l, fmt.Sprintf("VIF:[%s] -- #VCs:%d NextVCI:%d", vif, len(vcs), vif.nextVCI))
for _, vc := range vcs {
l = append(l, vc.DebugString())
return strings.Join(l, "\n")
// Methods and type that implement vc.Helper
type vcHelper struct{ vif *VIF }
func (h vcHelper) NotifyOfNewFlow(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow, bytes uint) {
h.vif.sendOnExpressQ(&message.OpenFlow{VCI: vci, Flow: fid, InitialCounters: uint32(bytes)})
func (h vcHelper) AddReceiveBuffers(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow, bytes uint) {
if bytes == 0 {
h.vif.flowCounters.Add(vci, fid, uint32(bytes))
func (h vcHelper) NewWriter(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow) (bqueue.Writer, error) {
return h.vif.outgoing.NewWriter(packIDs(vci, fid), normalPriority, defaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
// The token added to vif.flowQ.
var flowToken *iobuf.Slice
func init() {
// flowToken must be non-empty otherwise bqueue.Writer.Put will ignore it.
flowToken = iobuf.NewSlice(make([]byte, 1))
func packIDs(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow) bqueue.ID {
return bqueue.ID(message.MakeCounterID(vci, fid))
func unpackIDs(b bqueue.ID) (id.VC, id.Flow) {
cid := message.CounterID(b)
return cid.VCI(), cid.Flow()
func releaseBufs(bufs []*iobuf.Slice) {
for _, b := range bufs {