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| Sample queries: |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="/?q=VomEncode">VomEncode</a> - All benchmarks with names matching VomEncode</li> |
| <li><a href="/?q=os:linux+cpu:amd64+v.io/v23/security">os:linux cpu:amd64 v.io/v23/security</a> - Benchmarks on desktop linux for the <span class="fixed-width">v.io/v23/security</span> package</li> |
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| Search operators: |
| <ul> |
| <li>os - Operating system, e.g., os:linux, os:"Ubuntu 14.04" etc.</li> |
| <li>cpu - CPU, e.g., cpu:arm, cpu:xeon etc.</li> |
| <li>uploader - Identity of uploader, e.g., uploader:janedoe</li> |
| <li>label - Label assigned by the uploader, e.g., label:mylabel</li> |
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