blob: 3eb4f922e92079d25ea9f39fd8f763b5e520e688 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package apilog provides a function to be used in conjunction with vtrace
// and logcop automatically injected logging calls. These are called on
// entry/exit for methods that implements a v23 API call.
package apilog
import (
// logCallLogLevel is the log level beyond which calls are logged.
const logCallLogLevel = 1
func callerFuncName() string {
var funcName string
const stackSkip = 1
pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(stackSkip + 1)
if ok {
function := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if function != nil {
funcName = path.Base(function.Name())
return funcName
// TODO(cnicolaou): remove LogCall from vlog.
// LogCall logs that its caller has been called given the arguments
// passed to it. It returns a function that is supposed to be called
// when the caller returns, logging the caller’s return along with the
// arguments it is provided with.
// File name and line number of the call site and a randomly generated
// invocation identifier is logged automatically. The path through which
// the caller function returns will be logged automatically too.
// The canonical way to use LogCall is along the lines of the following:
// func Function(ctx *context.T, a Type1, b Type2) ReturnType {
// defer apilog.LogCall(ctx, a, b)(ctx)
// // ... function body ...
// return retVal
// }
// To log the return value as the function returns, the following
// pattern should be used. Note that pointers to the output
// variables should be passed to the returning function, not the
// variables themselves. Also note that nil can be used when a context.T
// is not available:
// func Function(a Type1, b Type2) (r ReturnType) {
// defer apilog.LogCall(nil, a, b)(nil, &r)
// // ... function body ...
// return computeReturnValue()
// }
// Note that when using this pattern, you do not need to actually
// assign anything to the named return variable explicitly. A regular
// return statement would automatically do the proper return variable
// assignments.
// The log injector tool will automatically insert a LogCall invocation
// into all implementations of the public API it runs, unless a Valid
// Log Construct is found. A Valid Log Construct is defined as one of
// the following at the beginning of the function body (i.e. should not
// be preceded by any non-whitespace or non-comment tokens):
// 1. defer apilog.LogCall(optional arguments)(optional pointers to return values)
// 2. defer apilog.LogCallf(argsFormat, optional arguments)(returnValuesFormat, optional pointers to return values)
// 3. // nologcall
// The comment "// nologcall" serves as a hint to log injection and
// checking tools to exclude the function from their consideration.
// It is used as follows:
// func FunctionWithoutLogging(args ...interface{}) {
// // nologcall
// // ... function body ...
// }
func LogCall(ctx *context.T, v ...interface{}) func(*context.T, ...interface{}) {
if !vlog.V(logCallLogLevel) { // TODO(mattr): add call to vtrace.
return func(*context.T, ...interface{}) {}
callerFuncName := callerFuncName()
invocationId := newInvocationIdentifier()
var output string
if len(v) > 0 {
output = fmt.Sprintf("call[%s %s]: args:%v", callerFuncName, invocationId, v)
} else {
output = fmt.Sprintf("call[%s %s]", callerFuncName, invocationId)
// TODO(mattr): annotate vtrace span.
return func(ctx *context.T, v ...interface{}) {
var output string
if len(v) > 0 {
output = fmt.Sprintf("return[%s %s]: %v", callerFuncName, invocationId, derefSlice(v))
} else {
output = fmt.Sprintf("return[%s %s]", callerFuncName, invocationId)
// TODO(mattr): annotate vtrace span.
// LogCallf behaves identically to LogCall, except it lets the caller to
// customize the log messages via format specifiers, like the following:
// func Function(a Type1, b Type2) (r, t ReturnType) {
// defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "a: %v, b: %v", a, b)(nil, "(r,t)=(%v,%v)", &r, &t)
// // ... function body ...
// return finalR, finalT
// }
func LogCallf(ctx *context.T, format string, v ...interface{}) func(*context.T, string, ...interface{}) {
if !vlog.V(logCallLogLevel) { // TODO(mattr): add call to vtrace.
return func(*context.T, string, ...interface{}) {}
callerFuncName := callerFuncName()
invocationId := newInvocationIdentifier()
output := fmt.Sprintf("call[%s %s]: %s", callerFuncName, invocationId, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// TODO(mattr): annotate vtrace span.
return func(ctx *context.T, format string, v ...interface{}) {
output := fmt.Sprintf("return[%s %s]: %v", callerFuncName, invocationId, fmt.Sprintf(format, derefSlice(v)...))
// TODO(mattr): annotate vtrace span.
func derefSlice(slice []interface{}) []interface{} {
o := make([]interface{}, 0, len(slice))
for _, x := range slice {
o = append(o, reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(x)).Interface())
return o
var invocationCounter uint64 = 0
// newInvocationIdentifier generates a unique identifier for a method invocation
// to make it easier to match up log lines for the entry and exit of a function
// when looking at a log transcript.
func newInvocationIdentifier() string {
const (
charSet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
charSetLen = uint64(len(charSet))
r := []byte{'@'}
for n := atomic.AddUint64(&invocationCounter, 1); n > 0; n /= charSetLen {
r = append(r, charSet[n%charSetLen])
return string(r)