blob: 429552feb884c4a9961e599ed269309051ba2685 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
_ ""
type server struct{}
// TypeTester interface implementation
func (*server) EchoBool(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 bool) (bool, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoBool(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoFloat32(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 float32) (float32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoFloat32(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoFloat64(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 float64) (float64, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoFloat64(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoInt32(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 int32) (int32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoInt32(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoInt64(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 int64) (int64, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoInt64(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoString(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 string) (string, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoString(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoByte(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 byte) (byte, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoByte(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoUint32(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 uint32) (uint32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoUint32(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoUint64(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 uint64) (uint64, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoUint64(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) XEchoArray(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 [2]int32) ([2]int32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("XEchoArray(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) XEchoMap(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 map[int32]string) (map[int32]string, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("XEchoMap(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) XEchoSet(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 map[int32]struct{}) (map[int32]struct{}, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("XEchoSet(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) XEchoSlice(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 []int32) ([]int32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("XEchoSlice(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) XEchoStruct(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 test_base.Struct) (test_base.Struct, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("XEchoStruct(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) YMultiArg(call ipc.ServerContext, i1, i2 int32) (int32, int32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("YMultiArg(%v,%v) was called.", i1, i2)
return i1, i2, nil
func (*server) YNoArgs(call ipc.ServerContext) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("YNoArgs() was called.")
return nil
func (*server) ZStream(ctx test_base.TypeTesterZStreamContext, nStream int32, item bool) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("ZStream(%v,%v) was called.", nStream, item)
sender := ctx.SendStream()
for i := int32(0); i < nStream; i++ {
return nil
func initTest(t *testing.T) (name string, shutdown veyron2.Shutdown) {
// The gctx initialized here is the global context defined in vrpc.go.
gctx, shutdown = testutil.InitForTest()
ipcServer, err := veyron2.NewServer(gctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewServer failed: %v", err)
endpoints, err := ipcServer.Listen(veyron2.GetListenSpec(gctx))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
name = endpoints[0].Name()
obj := test_base.TypeTesterServer(&server{})
if err := ipcServer.Serve("", obj, nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Serve failed: %v", err)
return name, shutdown
return name, shutdown
func TestSignature(t *testing.T) {
name, shutdown := initTest(t)
defer shutdown()
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
cmdVRPC.Init(nil, &stdout, &stderr)
if err := cmdVRPC.Execute([]string{"signature", name}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
wantSig := `// TypeTester methods are listed in alphabetical order, to make it easier to
// test Signature output, which sorts methods alphabetically.
type "".TypeTester interface {
// Methods to test support for primitive types.
EchoBool(I1 bool) (O1 bool | error)
EchoByte(I1 byte) (O1 byte | error)
EchoFloat32(I1 float32) (O1 float32 | error)
EchoFloat64(I1 float64) (O1 float64 | error)
EchoInt32(I1 int32) (O1 int32 | error)
EchoInt64(I1 int64) (O1 int64 | error)
EchoString(I1 string) (O1 string | error)
EchoUint32(I1 uint32) (O1 uint32 | error)
EchoUint64(I1 uint64) (O1 uint64 | error)
// Methods to test support for composite types.
XEchoArray(I1 [2]int32) (O1 [2]int32 | error)
XEchoMap(I1 map[int32]string) (O1 map[int32]string | error)
XEchoSet(I1 set[int32]) (O1 set[int32] | error)
XEchoSlice(I1 []int32) (O1 []int32 | error)
XEchoStruct(I1 "".Struct) (O1 "".Struct | error)
// Methods to test support for different number of arguments.
YMultiArg(I1 int32, I2 int32) (O1 int32, O2 int32 | error)
YNoArgs() error
// Methods to test support for streaming.
ZStream(NumStreamItems int32, StreamItem bool) stream<_, bool> error
// Reserved methods implemented by the IPC framework. Each method name is prefixed with a double underscore "__".
type __Reserved interface {
// Glob returns all entries matching the pattern.
__Glob(pattern string) stream<any, any> error
// MethodSignature returns the signature for the given method.
__MethodSignature(method string) ("signature".Method | error)
// Signature returns all interface signatures implemented by the object.
__Signature() ([]"signature".Interface | error)
type "signature".Arg struct {
Name string
Doc string
Type typeobject
type "signature".Embed struct {
Name string
PkgPath string
Doc string
type "signature".Interface struct {
Name string
PkgPath string
Doc string
Embeds []"signature".Embed
Methods []"signature".Method
type "signature".Method struct {
Name string
Doc string
InArgs []"signature".Arg
OutArgs []"signature".Arg
InStream ?"signature".Arg
OutStream ?"signature".Arg
Tags []any
type "".Struct struct {
X int32
Y int32
if got, want := stdout.String(), wantSig; got != want {
t.Errorf("got stdout %q, want %q", got, want)
if got, want := stderr.String(), ""; got != want {
t.Errorf("got stderr %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestMethodSignature(t *testing.T) {
name, shutdown := initTest(t)
defer shutdown()
tests := []struct {
Method, Want string
// Spot-check some individual methods.
{"EchoByte", `EchoByte(I1 byte) (O1 byte | error)`},
{"EchoFloat32", `EchoFloat32(I1 float32) (O1 float32 | error)`},
{"XEchoStruct", `
XEchoStruct(I1 "".Struct) (O1 "".Struct | error)
type "".Struct struct {
X int32
Y int32
for _, test := range tests {
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
cmdVRPC.Init(nil, &stdout, &stderr)
if err := cmdVRPC.Execute([]string{"signature", name, test.Method}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q failed: %v", test.Method, err)
if got, want := strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()), strings.TrimSpace(test.Want); got != want {
t.Errorf("got stdout %q, want %q", got, want)
if got, want := stderr.String(), ""; got != want {
t.Errorf("got stderr %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestCall(t *testing.T) {
name, shutdown := initTest(t)
defer shutdown()
tests := []struct {
Method, InArgs, Want string
{"EchoBool", `true`, `true`},
{"EchoBool", `false`, `false`},
{"EchoFloat32", `1.2`, `float32(1.2)`},
{"EchoFloat64", `-3.4`, `float64(-3.4)`},
{"EchoInt32", `11`, `int32(11)`},
{"EchoInt64", `-22`, `int64(-22)`},
{"EchoString", `"abc"`, `"abc"`},
{"EchoByte", `33`, `byte(33)`},
{"EchoUint32", `44`, `uint32(44)`},
{"EchoUint64", `55`, `uint64(55)`},
{"XEchoArray", `{1,2}`, `[2]int32{1, 2}`},
{"XEchoMap", `{1:"a"}`, `map[int32]string{1: "a"}`},
{"XEchoSet", `{1}`, `set[int32]{1}`},
{"XEchoSlice", `{1,2}`, `[]int32{1, 2}`},
{"XEchoStruct", `{1,2}`, `"".Struct{X: 1, Y: 2}`},
{"YMultiArg", `1,2`, `int32(1) int32(2)`},
{"YNoArgs", ``, ``},
{"ZStream", `2,true`, `<< true
<< true`},
for _, test := range tests {
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
cmdVRPC.Init(nil, &stdout, &stderr)
if err := cmdVRPC.Execute([]string{"call", name, test.Method, test.InArgs}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q(%s) failed: %v", test.Method, test.InArgs, err)
if got, want := strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()), strings.TrimSpace(test.Want); got != want {
t.Errorf("got stdout %q, want %q", got, want)
if got, want := stderr.String(), ""; got != want {
t.Errorf("got stderr %q, want %q", got, want)