blob: f023f23d4a33a4cf1712a1dd98a3dbaa070d9cbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main_test
import (
//go:generate v23 test generate
// redirect redirects the stdout of the given invocation to the file at the
// given path.
func redirect(t *v23tests.T, inv *v23tests.Invocation, path string) {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(inv.Output()), 0600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile(%q) failed: %v\n", path, err)
// removePublicKeys replaces public keys (16 hex bytes, :-separated) with
// XX:.... This substitution enables comparison with golden output even when
// keys are freshly minted by the "principal create" command.
func removePublicKeys(input string) string {
return regexp.MustCompile("([0-9a-f]{2}:){15}[0-9a-f]{2}").ReplaceAllString(input, "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX")
func removeCaveats(input string) string {
input = regexp.MustCompile(`0xa64c2d0119fba3348071feeb2f308000\(time\.Time=.*\)`).ReplaceAllString(input, "ExpiryCaveat")
input = regexp.MustCompile(`0x54a676398137187ecdb26d2d69ba0003\(\[]string=.*\)`).ReplaceAllString(input, "MethodCaveat")
input = regexp.MustCompile(`0x00000000000000000000000000000000\(bool=true\)`).ReplaceAllString(input, "Unconstrained")
return input
func V23TestBlessSelf(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
aliceBlessingFile = filepath.Join(outputDir, "aliceself")
bin := t.BuildGoPkg("")
bin.Run("create", aliceDir, "alice")
bin = bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + aliceDir)
redirect(t, bin.Start("blessself", "alicereborn"), aliceBlessingFile)
got := removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", aliceBlessingFile).Output())
want := `Blessings : alicereborn
Certificate chains : 1
Chain #0 (1 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alicereborn with 0 caveats
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, wanted \n%s, got\n%s", want, got)
func V23TestStore(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
aliceFriend = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice.bless")
bobDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "bob")
bobForPeer = filepath.Join(outputDir, "")
// Create two principals: alice and bob.
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
bin.Start("create", bobDir, "bob").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// Bless Alice with Bob's principal.
blessEnv := []string{"VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + aliceDir}
redirect(t, bin.WithEnv(blessEnv...).Start("bless", "--for=1m", bobDir, "friend"), aliceFriend)
// Run store forpeer on bob.
bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+bobDir, "store", "set", aliceFriend, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
redirect(t, bin.WithEnv(blessEnv...).Start("--veyron.credentials="+bobDir, "store", "forpeer", "alice/server"), bobForPeer)
got := removeCaveats(removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", bobForPeer).Output()))
want := `Blessings : bob#alice/friend
Certificate chains : 2
Chain #0 (1 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: bob with 0 caveats
Chain #1 (2 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alice with 0 caveats
Certificate #1: friend with 1 caveat
(0) ExpiryCaveat
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
func V23TestDump(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
blessEnv := []string{"VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + aliceDir}
got := removePublicKeys(bin.WithEnv(blessEnv...).Start("dump").Output())
want := `Public key : XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
---------------- BlessingStore ----------------
Default blessings: alice
Peer pattern : Blessings
... : alice
---------------- BlessingRoots ----------------
Public key : Pattern
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
// Given an invocation of "principal recvblessings", this function returns the
// arguments to provide to "principal bless" provided by the "recvblessings"
// invocation.
// For example,
// principal recvblessings
// would typically print something like:
// principal bless --remote_key=<some_public_key> --remote_token=<some_token> extensionfoo
// as an example of command line to use to send the blessings over.
// In that case, this method would return:
// { "--remote_key=<some_public_key>", "--remote_token=<some_token>", "extensionfoo"}
func blessArgsFromRecvBlessings(inv *v23tests.Invocation) []string {
cmd := inv.ExpectSetEventuallyRE("(^principal bless .*$)")[0][0]
return strings.Split(cmd, " ")[2:]
func V23TestRecvBlessings(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
carolDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "carol")
// Generate principals for alice and carol.
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
bin.Start("create", carolDir, "carol").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// Run recvblessings on carol, and have alice send blessings over
// (blessings received must be set as default and shareable with all peers).
var args []string
inv := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+carolDir, "--veyron.tcp.address=", "recvblessings")
defer inv.Kill(syscall.SIGTERM)
args = append([]string{"bless", "--require_caveats=false"}, blessArgsFromRecvBlessings(inv)...)
// Replace the random extension suggested by recvblessings with "friend/carol"
args[len(args)-1] = "friend/carol"
bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS="+aliceDir).Start(args...).WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// Run recvblessings on carol, and have alice send blessings over
// (blessings received must be set as shareable with peers matching 'alice/...'.)
inv := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+carolDir, "--veyron.tcp.address=", "recvblessings", "--for_peer=alice", "--set_default=false")
defer inv.Kill(syscall.SIGTERM)
// recvblessings suggests a random extension, find the extension and replace it with friend/carol/foralice.
args = append([]string{"bless", "--require_caveats=false"}, blessArgsFromRecvBlessings(inv)...)
args[len(args)-1] = "friend/carol/foralice"
bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS="+aliceDir).Start(args...).WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
listenerInv := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+carolDir, "--veyron.tcp.address=", "recvblessings", "--for_peer=alice/...", "--set_default=false", "--vmodule=*=2", "--logtostderr")
defer listenerInv.Kill(syscall.SIGTERM)
args = append([]string{"bless", "--require_caveats=false"}, blessArgsFromRecvBlessings(listenerInv)...)
// Mucking around with remote_key should fail.
cpy := strings.Split(regexp.MustCompile("remote_key=").ReplaceAllString(strings.Join(args, " "), "remote_key=BAD"), " ")
var buf bytes.Buffer
if bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS="+aliceDir).Start(cpy...).Wait(os.Stdout, &buf) == nil {
t.Fatalf("%v should have failed, but did not", cpy)
if want, got := "key mismatch", buf.String(); !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("expected %q to be contained within\n%s\n, but was not", want, got)
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Mucking around with the token should fail.
cpy := strings.Split(regexp.MustCompile("remote_token=").ReplaceAllString(strings.Join(args, " "), "remote_token=BAD"), " ")
if bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS="+aliceDir).Start(cpy...).Wait(os.Stdout, &buf) == nil {
t.Fatalf("%v should have failed, but did not", cpy)
if want, got := "blessings received from unexpected sender", buf.String(); !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("expected %q to be contained within\n%s\n, but was not", want, got)
// Dump carol out, the only blessing that survives should be from the
// first "bless" command. (alice/friend/carol).
got := removePublicKeys(bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+carolDir, "dump").Output())
want := `Public key : XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
---------------- BlessingStore ----------------
Default blessings: alice/friend/carol
Peer pattern : Blessings
... : alice/friend/carol
alice : alice/friend/carol/foralice
---------------- BlessingRoots ----------------
Public key : Pattern
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
func V23TestFork(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
alicePhoneDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice-phone")
alicePhoneCalendarDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice-phone-calendar")
tmpfile = filepath.Join(outputDir, "tmpfile")
// Generate principals for alice.
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// Run fork to setup up credentials for alice/phone that are
// blessed by alice under the extension "phone".
bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+aliceDir, "fork", "--for", "1h", alicePhoneDir, "phone").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// Dump alice-phone out, the only blessings it has must be from alice (alice/phone).
got := removePublicKeys(bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+alicePhoneDir, "dump").Output())
want := `Public key : XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
---------------- BlessingStore ----------------
Default blessings: alice/phone
Peer pattern : Blessings
... : alice/phone
---------------- BlessingRoots ----------------
Public key : Pattern
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
// And it should have an expiry caveat
redirect(t, bin.Start("--veyron.credentials", alicePhoneDir, "store", "default"), tmpfile)
got := removeCaveats(removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", tmpfile).Output()))
want := `Blessings : alice/phone
Certificate chains : 1
Chain #0 (2 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alice with 0 caveats
Certificate #1: phone with 1 caveat
(0) ExpiryCaveat
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
// Run fork to setup up credentials for alice/phone/calendar that are
// blessed by alice/phone under the extension "calendar".
bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+alicePhoneDir, "fork", "--for", "1h", alicePhoneCalendarDir, "calendar").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
got := removePublicKeys(bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+alicePhoneCalendarDir, "dump").Output())
want := `Public key : XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
---------------- BlessingStore ----------------
Default blessings: alice/phone/calendar
Peer pattern : Blessings
... : alice/phone/calendar
---------------- BlessingRoots ----------------
Public key : Pattern
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
redirect(t, bin.Start("--veyron.credentials", alicePhoneCalendarDir, "store", "default"), tmpfile)
got := removeCaveats(removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", tmpfile).Output()))
want := `Blessings : alice/phone/calendar
Certificate chains : 1
Chain #0 (3 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alice with 0 caveats
Certificate #1: phone with 1 caveat
(0) ExpiryCaveat
Certificate #2: calendar with 1 caveat
(0) ExpiryCaveat
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, got\n%s, wanted\n%s", got, want)
func V23TestCreate(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
// Creating a principal should succeed the first time.
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// The second time should fail (the create command won't override an existing principal).
if bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr) == nil {
t.Fatalf("principal creation should have failed, but did not")
// If we specify -overwrite, it will.
bin.Start("create", "--overwrite", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
func V23TestCaveats(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
outputDir = t.NewTempDir()
aliceDir = filepath.Join(outputDir, "alice")
aliceBlessingFile = filepath.Join(outputDir, "aliceself")
bin := t.BuildGoPkg("")
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
bin = bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + aliceDir)
args := []string{
redirect(t, bin.Start(args...), aliceBlessingFile)
got := removeCaveats(removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", aliceBlessingFile).Output()))
want := `Blessings : alicereborn
Certificate chains : 1
Chain #0 (1 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alicereborn with 2 caveats
(0) MethodCaveat
(1) MethodCaveat
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output, wanted \n%s, got\n%s", want, got)
func V23TestForkWithoutVDLPATH(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
parent = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("").WithEnv("VANADIUM_ROOT=''", "VDLPATH=''")
if err := bin.Start("create", parent, "parent").Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create %q failed: %v", parent, err)
if err := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+parent, "fork", "--for=1s", t.NewTempDir(), "child").Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr); err != nil {
t.Errorf("fork failed: %v", err)
func V23TestForkWithoutCaveats(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
parent = t.NewTempDir()
child = t.NewTempDir()
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
buf bytes.Buffer
if err := bin.Start("create", parent, "parent").Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create %q failed: %v", parent, err)
if err := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials", parent, "fork", child, "child").Wait(os.Stdout, &buf); err == nil {
t.Errorf("fork should have failed without any caveats, but did not")
} else if got, want := buf.String(), "ERROR: no caveats provided"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("fork returned error: %q, expected error to contain %q", got, want)
if err := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials", parent, "fork", "--for=0", child, "child").Wait(os.Stdout, &buf); err == nil {
t.Errorf("fork should have failed without any caveats, but did not")
} else if got, want := buf.String(), "ERROR: no caveats provided"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("fork returned error: %q, expected error to contain %q", got, want)
if err := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials", parent, "fork", "--require_caveats=false", child, "child").Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr); err != nil {
t.Errorf("fork --require_caveats=false failed with: %v", err)
func V23TestBless(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
dir = t.NewTempDir()
aliceDir = filepath.Join(dir, "alice")
bobDir = filepath.Join(dir, "bob")
tmpfile = filepath.Join(dir, "tmpfile")
// Create two principals: alice and bob
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
bin.Start("create", bobDir, "bob").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// All blessings will be done by "alice"
bin = bin.WithEnv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + aliceDir)
// "alice" should fail to bless "bob" without any caveats
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := bin.Start("bless", bobDir, "friend").Wait(os.Stdout, &buf); err == nil {
t.Errorf("bless should have failed when no caveats are specified")
} else if got, want := buf.String(), "ERROR: no caveats provided"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got error %q, expected to match %q", got, want)
// But succeed if --require_caveats=false is specified
redirect(t, bin.Start("bless", "--require_caveats=false", bobDir, "friend"), tmpfile)
got := removeCaveats(removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", tmpfile).Output()))
want := `Blessings : alice/friend
Certificate chains : 1
Chain #0 (2 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alice with 0 caveats
Certificate #1: friend with 1 caveat
(0) Unconstrained
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Got\n%vWant\n%v", got, want)
// And succeed if --for is specified
redirect(t, bin.Start("bless", "--for=1m", bobDir, "friend"), tmpfile)
got := removeCaveats(removePublicKeys(bin.Start("dumpblessings", tmpfile).Output()))
want := `Blessings : alice/friend
Certificate chains : 1
Chain #0 (2 certificates). Root certificate public key: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Certificate #0: alice with 0 caveats
Certificate #1: friend with 1 caveat
(0) ExpiryCaveat
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Got\n%vWant\n%v", got, want)
// But not if --for=0
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := bin.Start("bless", "--for=0", bobDir, "friend").Wait(os.Stdout, &buf); err == nil {
t.Errorf("bless should have failed when no caveats are specified")
} else if got, want := buf.String(), "ERROR: no caveats provided"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got error %q, expected to match %q", got, want)
func V23TestAddToRoots(t *v23tests.T) {
var (
bin = t.BuildGoPkg("")
aliceDir = t.NewTempDir()
bobDir = t.NewTempDir()
blessingFile = filepath.Join(t.NewTempDir(), "bobfile")
// Extract the public key from the first line of output from
// "principal dump", which is formatted as:
// Public key : <the public key>
publicKey = func(dir string) string {
output := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+dir, "dump").Output()
line := strings.SplitN(output, "\n", 2)[0]
fields := strings.Split(line, " ")
return fields[len(fields)-1]
// Create two principals, "alice" and "bob"
bin.Start("create", aliceDir, "alice").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
bin.Start("create", bobDir, "bob").WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
// Have bob create a "bob/friend" blessing and have alice recognize that.
redirect(t, bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+bobDir, "bless", "--require_caveats=false", aliceDir, "friend"), blessingFile)
bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+aliceDir, "addtoroots", blessingFile).WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
var (
// blessing roots lines that should match the keys
aliceLine = fmt.Sprintf("%v : [alice]", publicKey(aliceDir))
bobLine = fmt.Sprintf("%v : [bob]", publicKey(bobDir))
foundAlice, foundBob bool
// Finally dump alice's principal, it should have lines corresponding to aliceLine and bobLine.
output := bin.Start("--veyron.credentials="+aliceDir, "dump").Output()
for _, line := range strings.Split(output, "\n") {
if line == aliceLine {
foundAlice = true
} else if line == bobLine {
foundBob = true
if !foundAlice || !foundBob {
t.Fatalf("Got:\n%v\n\nExpected Blessing Roots to include:\n%s\n%s", output, aliceLine, bobLine)