blob: 3114304f6fc418d95103f81ed95ce099d8dbbeb0 [file] [log] [blame]
package signals
import (
_ ""
vflag ""
// TestHelperProcess is boilerplate for the modules setup.
func TestHelperProcess(t *testing.T) {
func init() {
modules.RegisterChild("handleDefaults", handleDefaults)
modules.RegisterChild("handleCustom", handleCustom)
modules.RegisterChild("handleCustomWithStop", handleCustomWithStop)
modules.RegisterChild("handleDefaultsIgnoreChan", handleDefaultsIgnoreChan)
func stopLoop(stdin io.Reader, ch chan<- struct{}) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
switch scanner.Text() {
case "close":
case "stop":
func program(stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, signals ...os.Signal) {
r := rt.Init()
closeStopLoop := make(chan struct{})
go stopLoop(stdin, closeStopLoop)
wait := ShutdownOnSignals(signals...)
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "ready\n")
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "received signal %s\n", <-wait)
func handleDefaults(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error {
program(stdin, stdout)
return nil
func handleCustom(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error {
program(stdin, stdout, syscall.SIGABRT)
return nil
func handleCustomWithStop(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error {
program(stdin, stdout, STOP, syscall.SIGABRT, syscall.SIGHUP)
return nil
func handleDefaultsIgnoreChan(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error {
defer rt.Init().Cleanup()
closeStopLoop := make(chan struct{})
go stopLoop(stdin, closeStopLoop)
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "ready\n")
return nil
func isSignalInSet(sig os.Signal, set []os.Signal) bool {
for _, s := range set {
if sig == s {
return true
return false
func checkSignalIsDefault(t *testing.T, sig os.Signal) {
if !isSignalInSet(sig, defaultSignals()) {
t.Errorf("signal %s not in default signal set, as expected", sig)
func checkSignalIsNotDefault(t *testing.T, sig os.Signal) {
if isSignalInSet(sig, defaultSignals()) {
t.Errorf("signal %s unexpectedly in default signal set", sig)
func newShell(t *testing.T, command string) (*modules.Shell, modules.Handle, *expect.Session) {
sh := modules.NewShell()
sh.AddSubprocess(command, "")
handle, err := sh.Start(command)
if err != nil {
sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
return nil, nil, nil
session := expect.NewSession(t, handle.Stdout(), time.Minute)
return sh, handle, session
// TestCleanShutdownSignal verifies that sending a signal to a child that
// handles it by default causes the child to shut down cleanly.
func TestCleanShutdownSignal(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaults")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
checkSignalIsDefault(t, syscall.SIGINT)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
s.Expectf("received signal %s", syscall.SIGINT)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "close\n")
// TestCleanShutdownStop verifies that sending a stop comamnd to a child that
// handles stop commands by default causes the child to shut down cleanly.
func TestCleanShutdownStop(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaults")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
s.Expectf("received signal %s", veyron2.LocalStop)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "close\n")
// TestCleanShutdownStopCustom verifies that sending a stop comamnd to a child
// that handles stop command as part of a custom set of signals handled, causes
// the child to shut down cleanly.
func TestCleanShutdownStopCustom(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleCustomWithStop")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
s.Expectf("received signal %s", veyron2.LocalStop)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "close\n")
func testExitStatus(t *testing.T, h modules.Handle, s *expect.Session, code int) {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
file = filepath.Base(file)
if got, want := h.Shutdown(os.Stdout, os.Stderr), fmt.Errorf("exit status %d", code); got.Error() != want.Error() {
t.Errorf("%s:%d: got %q, want %q", file, line, got, want)
// TestStopNoHandler verifies that sending a stop command to a child that does
// not handle stop commands causes the child to exit immediately.
func TestStopNoHandler(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleCustom")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
testExitStatus(t, h, s, veyron2.UnhandledStopExitCode)
// TestDoubleSignal verifies that sending a succession of two signals to a child
// that handles these signals by default causes the child to exit immediately
// upon receiving the second signal.
func TestDoubleSignal(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaults")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
checkSignalIsDefault(t, syscall.SIGTERM)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGTERM)
s.Expectf("received signal %s", syscall.SIGTERM)
checkSignalIsDefault(t, syscall.SIGINT)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
testExitStatus(t, h, s, DoubleStopExitCode)
// TestSignalAndStop verifies that sending a signal followed by a stop command
// to a child that handles these by default causes the child to exit immediately
// upon receiving the stop command.
func TestSignalAndStop(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaults")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
checkSignalIsDefault(t, syscall.SIGTERM)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGTERM)
s.Expectf("received signal %s", syscall.SIGTERM)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
testExitStatus(t, h, s, DoubleStopExitCode)
// TestDoubleStop verifies that sending a succession of stop commands to a child
// that handles stop commands by default causes the child to exit immediately
// upon receiving the second stop command.
func TestDoubleStop(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaults")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
s.Expectf("received signal %s", veyron2.LocalStop)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
testExitStatus(t, h, s, DoubleStopExitCode)
// TestSendUnhandledSignal verifies that sending a signal that the child does
// not handle causes the child to exit as per the signal being sent.
func TestSendUnhandledSignal(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaults")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
checkSignalIsNotDefault(t, syscall.SIGABRT)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGABRT)
testExitStatus(t, h, s, 2)
// TestDoubleSignalIgnoreChan verifies that, even if we ignore the channel that
// ShutdownOnSignals returns, sending two signals should still cause the
// process to exit (ensures that there is no dependency in ShutdownOnSignals
// on having a goroutine read from the returned channel).
func TestDoubleSignalIgnoreChan(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleDefaultsIgnoreChan")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
// Even if we ignore the channel that ShutdownOnSignals returns,
// sending two signals should still cause the process to exit.
checkSignalIsDefault(t, syscall.SIGTERM)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGTERM)
checkSignalIsDefault(t, syscall.SIGINT)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
testExitStatus(t, h, s, DoubleStopExitCode)
// TestHandlerCustomSignal verifies that sending a non-default signal to a
// server that listens for that signal causes the server to shut down cleanly.
func TestHandlerCustomSignal(t *testing.T) {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleCustom")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
checkSignalIsNotDefault(t, syscall.SIGABRT)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), syscall.SIGABRT)
s.Expectf("received signal %s", syscall.SIGABRT)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "stop\n")
// TestHandlerCustomSignalWithStop verifies that sending a custom stop signal
// to a server that listens for that signal causes the server to shut down
// cleanly, even when a STOP signal is also among the handled signals.
func TestHandlerCustomSignalWithStop(t *testing.T) {
for _, signal := range []syscall.Signal{syscall.SIGABRT, syscall.SIGHUP} {
sh, h, s := newShell(t, "handleCustomWithStop")
checkSignalIsNotDefault(t, signal)
syscall.Kill(h.Pid(), signal)
s.Expectf("received signal %s", signal)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "close\n")
sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
// TestParseSignalsList verifies that ShutdownOnSignals correctly interprets
// the input list of signals.
func TestParseSignalsList(t *testing.T) {
list := []os.Signal{STOP, syscall.SIGTERM}
if !isSignalInSet(syscall.SIGTERM, list) {
t.Errorf("signal %s not in signal set, as expected: %v", syscall.SIGTERM, list)
if !isSignalInSet(STOP, list) {
t.Errorf("signal %s not in signal set, as expected: %v", STOP, list)
type configServer struct {
ch chan<- string
func (c *configServer) Set(_ ipc.ServerContext, key, value string) error {
if key != mgmt.AppCycleManagerConfigKey {
return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected key: %v", key)
} <- value
return nil
func createConfigServer(t *testing.T) (ipc.Server, string, <-chan string) {
server, err := rt.R().NewServer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
ch := make(chan string)
var ep naming.Endpoint
if ep, err = server.ListenX(profiles.LocalListenSpec); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
if err := server.Serve("", ipc.LeafDispatcher(node.NewServerConfig(&configServer{ch}), vflag.NewAuthorizerOrDie())); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
return server, naming.JoinAddressName(ep.String(), ""), ch
// TestCleanRemoteShutdown verifies that remote shutdown works correctly.
func TestCleanRemoteShutdown(t *testing.T) {
r := rt.Init()
defer r.Cleanup()
sh := modules.NewShell()
sh.AddSubprocess("handleDefaults", "")
defer sh.Cleanup(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
// This sets up the child's identity to be derived from the parent's (so
// that default authorization works for RPCs between the two).
// TODO(caprita): Consider making this boilerplate part of blackbox.
id := r.Identity()
idFile := security.SaveIdentityToFile(security.NewBlessedIdentity(id, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
configServer, configServiceName, ch := createConfigServer(t)
defer configServer.Stop()
sh.SetVar("VEYRON_IDENTITY", idFile)
sh.SetVar(mgmt.ParentNodeManagerConfigKey, configServiceName)
h, err := sh.Start("handleDefaults")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
s := expect.NewSession(t, h.Stdout(), time.Minute)
appCycleName := <-ch
appCycle, err := appcycle.BindAppCycle(appCycleName)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
stream, err := appCycle.Stop(r.NewContext())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
rStream := stream.RecvStream()
if rStream.Advance() || rStream.Err() != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected EOF, got (%v, %v) instead: ", rStream.Value(), rStream.Err())
if err := stream.Finish(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
s.Expectf("received signal %s", veyron2.RemoteStop)
fmt.Fprintf(h.Stdin(), "close\n")