blob: e80138b2b24e22bec3b7d3f115ac4a7be50dfcae [file] [log] [blame]
# All JS files except build.js and third party
JS_FILES = $(shell find browser -name "*.js" -a -not -name "build.js" -a -not -path "*third-party*")
# All HTML/CSS files except index.html and third party
HTML_FILES = $(shell find browser -name "*.css" -a -not -path "*third-party*" -o -name "*.html" -a -not -name "index.html" -a -not -path "*third-party*")
# Builds everything
all: node_modules browser/third-party browser/third-party/veyron browser/build.js browser/index.html $(VEYRON_ROOT)/veyron/go/bin
# Build p2b cli binary
$(VEYRON_ROOT)/veyron/go/bin: p2b/main.go
$(VEYRON_BUILD_SCRIPT) install veyron/...
# Install what we need from NPM, tools such as jspm, serve, etc...
node_modules: package.json
npm prune
npm install
touch node_modules
# Build and copies Veyron from local source
browser/third-party/veyron: $(VEYRON_JS_API)
mkdir -p browser/third-party
(cd $(VEYRON_JS_API) && ./vgrunt build)
mkdir -p browser/third-party/veyron
cp -rf $(VEYRON_JS_API)/dist/*.* browser/third-party/veyron
# Install JSPM and Bower packages as listed in browser/package.json from JSPM and browser/bower.json from bower
browser/third-party: browser/package.json browser/bower.json
cd browser; \
jspm install -h; \
bower prune; \
bower install
touch browser/third-party
# Bundle whole app and third-party JavaScript into a single build.js
browser/build.js: $(JS_FILES)
cd browser; \
jspm setmode local; \
jspm bundle app build.js
touch browser/third-party
# Bundle all app web components and third-party web components into a single index.html
browser/index.html: $(HTML_FILES)
cd browser; \
vulcanize -o index.html app.html
# Serve
# Continuously watch for changes to .js, .html or .css files.
# Rebundle the appropriate file (build.js and/or index.html) when local files change
watch -n 1 make
# Clean all build artifacts
rm -rf browser/third-party
rm -rf node_modules
rm -f browser/index.html
rm -f browser/build.js
.PHONY: start clean watch