blob: 5f8337e73d0cad144ac655b53e75eb4db527aea6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conn
import (
vsecurity ""
func checkBlessings(t *testing.T, got, want security.Blessings, gotd map[string]security.Discharge) {
if !got.Equivalent(want) {
t.Errorf("got: %v wanted %v", got, want)
tpid := got.ThirdPartyCaveats()[0].ThirdPartyDetails().ID()
if _, has := gotd[tpid]; !has {
t.Errorf("got: %#v wanted %s", gotd, tpid)
func checkFlowBlessings(t *testing.T, df, af flow.Flow, db, ab security.Blessings) {
if msg, err := af.ReadMsg(); err != nil || string(msg) != "hello" {
t.Errorf("Got %s, %v wanted hello, nil", string(msg), err)
checkBlessings(t, af.LocalBlessings(), ab, af.LocalDischarges())
checkBlessings(t, af.RemoteBlessings(), db, af.RemoteDischarges())
checkBlessings(t, df.LocalBlessings(), db, df.LocalDischarges())
checkBlessings(t, df.RemoteBlessings(), ab, df.RemoteDischarges())
func dialFlow(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, dc *Conn, b security.Blessings) flow.Flow {
df, err := dc.Dial(ctx, peerAuthorizer{b}, nil)
if err != nil {
if _, err = df.WriteMsg([]byte("hello")); err != nil {
return df
func BlessWithTPCaveat(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, p security.Principal, s string) security.Blessings {
dp := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
expcav, err := security.NewExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(time.Hour))
if err != nil {
tpcav, err := security.NewPublicKeyCaveat(dp.PublicKey(), "discharge",
security.ThirdPartyRequirements{}, expcav)
if err != nil {
b, err := testutil.IDProviderFromPrincipal(dp).NewBlessings(p, s, tpcav)
if err != nil {
return b
func NewPrincipalWithTPCaveat(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, s string) *context.T {
p := testutil.NewPrincipal()
vsecurity.SetDefaultBlessings(p, BlessWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, p, s))
ctx, err := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return ctx
type fakeDischargeClient struct {
p security.Principal
func (fc *fakeDischargeClient) Call(_ *context.T, _, _ string, inArgs, outArgs []interface{}, _ ...rpc.CallOpt) error {
expiry, err := security.NewExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(time.Minute))
if err != nil {
*(outArgs[0].(*security.Discharge)), err = fc.p.MintDischarge(
inArgs[0].(security.Caveat), expiry)
return err
func (fc *fakeDischargeClient) StartCall(*context.T, string, string, []interface{}, ...rpc.CallOpt) (rpc.ClientCall, error) {
return nil, nil
func (fc *fakeDischargeClient) Close() {}
func (fc *fakeDischargeClient) Closed() <-chan struct{} { return nil }
func TestUnidirectional(t *testing.T) {
defer goroutines.NoLeaks(t, leakWaitTime)()
ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
defer shutdown()
ctx = fake.SetClientFactory(ctx, func(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.ClientOpt) rpc.Client {
return &fakeDischargeClient{v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)}
ctx, _, _ = v23.WithNewClient(ctx)
dctx := NewPrincipalWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, "dialer")
actx := NewPrincipalWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, "acceptor")
aflows := make(chan flow.Flow, 2)
dc, ac := setupConns(t, "local", "", dctx, actx, nil, aflows)
defer dc.Close(dctx, nil)
defer ac.Close(actx, nil)
df1 := dialFlow(t, dctx, dc, v23.GetPrincipal(dctx).BlessingStore().Default())
af1 := <-aflows
checkFlowBlessings(t, df1, af1,
db2 := BlessWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, v23.GetPrincipal(dctx), "other")
df2 := dialFlow(t, dctx, dc, db2)
af2 := <-aflows
checkFlowBlessings(t, df2, af2, db2,
// We should not be able to dial in the other direction, because that flow
// manager is not willing to accept flows.
_, err := ac.Dial(actx, flowtest.AllowAllPeersAuthorizer{}, nil)
if verror.ErrorID(err) != ErrDialingNonServer.ID {
t.Errorf("got %v, wanted ErrDialingNonServer", err)
func TestBidirectional(t *testing.T) {
defer goroutines.NoLeaks(t, leakWaitTime)()
ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
defer shutdown()
ctx = fake.SetClientFactory(ctx, func(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.ClientOpt) rpc.Client {
return &fakeDischargeClient{v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)}
ctx, _, _ = v23.WithNewClient(ctx)
dctx := NewPrincipalWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, "dialer")
actx := NewPrincipalWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, "acceptor")
dflows := make(chan flow.Flow, 2)
aflows := make(chan flow.Flow, 2)
dc, ac := setupConns(t, "local", "", dctx, actx, dflows, aflows)
defer dc.Close(dctx, nil)
defer ac.Close(actx, nil)
df1 := dialFlow(t, dctx, dc, v23.GetPrincipal(dctx).BlessingStore().Default())
af1 := <-aflows
checkFlowBlessings(t, df1, af1,
db2 := BlessWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, v23.GetPrincipal(dctx), "other")
df2 := dialFlow(t, dctx, dc, db2)
af2 := <-aflows
checkFlowBlessings(t, df2, af2, db2,
af3 := dialFlow(t, actx, ac, v23.GetPrincipal(actx).BlessingStore().Default())
df3 := <-dflows
checkFlowBlessings(t, af3, df3,
ab2 := BlessWithTPCaveat(t, ctx, v23.GetPrincipal(actx), "aother")
af4 := dialFlow(t, actx, ac, ab2)
df4 := <-dflows
checkFlowBlessings(t, af4, df4, ab2,