blob: b27dbb92411174963c9815d8f12f09751c753513 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package crc64window provides CRCs over fixed-sized, rolling windows of bytes.
// It uses the same polynomial representation and CRC conditioning as
// hash/crc64, so the results are the same as computing hash/crc64 over the
// window of the last sz bytes added, where sz is the window size. Thus, in
// this code, rolling and nonRolling will receive the same value.
// w := crc64window.New(crc64window.ECMA, 3) // Window size is 3 bytes.
// w.Advance(0x17)
// w.Advance(0x92)
// w.Advance(0x04)
// rolling := w.Advance(0x28) // Rolls 0x17 out, and 0x28 in.
// nonRolling := crc64.Update(0, crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ECMA), []byte{0x92, 0x04, 0x28})
// Strangely, hash/crc64's specification does not mention which of the many
// possible bit representations and conditioning choices it uses. We assume it
// will not change from the following, which was gleaned from the hash/crc64
// source code:
// - All messages to be processed, CRC values, and CRC polynomials are
// polynomials in x whose coefficients are in Z(2).
// - CRC values are represented by uint64 values in which bit i of the integer
// represents the coefficient of x**(63-i) in the polynomial.
// - CRC polynomials are represented like CRC values, except that the x**64
// coefficient of the CRC polynomial is implicitly 1, and not stored.
// - Messages to be processed are represented by byte vectors in which the
// lowest-order bit of the first byte is the highest-degree polynomial
// coefficient.
// - For a CRC polynomial p and a message m, the CRC value:
// CRC(p, m) = c + ((c * (x**len(m)) + (m * x**64)) mod p)
// where the conditioning constant c = x**63 + x**62 + x**61 + ... + x + 1,
// and len(m) is the number of bits in m.
package crc64window
import "sync"
// The ECMA-64 polynomial, defined in ECMA 182.
// This polynomial is recommended for use with this package, though other
// polynomials found in hash/crc64 will also work.
const ECMA = 0xc96c5795d7870f42
// A Window contains the state needed to compute a CRC over a fixed-sized,
// rolling window of data.
type Window struct {
crc uint64 // CRC of window, unconditioned (i.e., just the window mod the CRC polynomial).
window []byte // The bytes in the window.
pos int // Index in window[] of first byte, which is the next byte to be overwritten.
crcData *crcData // Pointer to the immutable CRC tables for the CRC.
// A crcData is immutable after initialization, and contains tables for
// computing a particular CRC over a particular window size. Pre-computed
// copies of crcData are stored in tables[] so that CRC tables need be computed
// only once per (polynomial, window size) pair.
type crcData struct {
conditioning uint64
crcTableFront [256]uint64
crcTableRear [256]uint64
var mu sync.Mutex // Protects "tables", the cache of CRC tables already computed.
// A polySize represents a pair of a CRC polynomial and a window size.
type polySize struct {
poly uint64
size int
// tables[] maps (polynomial,window size) pairs to computed tables, so tables
// are computed only once. It's accessed only under mu.
var tables map[polySize]*crcData
// getCRCData() returns a pointer to a crcData for the given CRC polynomial
// and window size, either by cache lookup on by calculating it. Requires
// size > 0.
func getCRCData(poly uint64, size int) *crcData {
// Use cached CRC tables if available.
if tables == nil {
tables = make(map[polySize]*crcData)
ps := polySize{poly: poly, size: size}
c, found := tables[ps]
if !found { // Compute and save the CRC tables.
c = new(crcData)
// Loop ensures: c.crcTableFront[m & 0xff] ^ (m >> 8)==CRC(m * x**8)
zeroOrPoly := []uint64{0, poly}
for i := 1; i != 256; i <<= 1 {
crc := uint64(i)
for j := 0; j != 8; j++ {
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ zeroOrPoly[crc&1]
for j := 0; j != i; j++ {
c.crcTableFront[j+i] = crc ^ c.crcTableFront[j]
// Loop ensures: c.crcTableRear[b] == CRC(b * x**(size*8))
for i := 1; i != 256; i <<= 1 {
crc := c.crcTableFront[i]
for j := 1; j != size; j++ {
crc = c.crcTableFront[byte(crc)] ^ (crc >> 8)
for j := 0; j != i; j++ {
c.crcTableRear[j+i] = crc ^ c.crcTableRear[j]
// Loop ensures: c.conditioning == CRC(all-ones * x**(size*8))
conditioning := ^uint64(0)
for i := 0; i != size; i++ {
conditioning = c.crcTableFront[byte(conditioning)] ^ (conditioning >> 8)
c.conditioning = conditioning
tables[ps] = c
return c
// New() returns a Window with the given size and CRC polynomial.
// Initially, all the bytes in the window are zero. Requires size > 0.
func New(poly uint64, size int) *Window {
if size <= 0 {
panic("crc64window.New() called with size <= 0")
w := new(Window)
w.window = make([]byte, size)
w.crc = 0
w.crcData = getCRCData(poly, size)
return w
// Advance() removes the first byte from window *w, adds b as the new last
// byte, and returns the CRC of the window.
func (w *Window) Advance(b byte) uint64 {
c := w.crcData
pos := w.pos
crc := w.crc
crc ^= c.crcTableRear[w.window[pos]]
w.crc = c.crcTableFront[byte(crc)^b] ^ (crc >> 8)
w.window[pos] = b
if pos == len(w.window) {
pos = 0
w.pos = pos
return ^(c.conditioning ^ w.crc)