blob: 7c3a42affe1186708a7af41d457123d6dabb9887 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package server
import (
wire ""
pubutil ""
storeutil ""
// service is a singleton (i.e. not per-request) that handles Service RPCs.
type service struct {
st store.Store // keeps track of which databases exist, etc.
sync interfaces.SyncServerMethods
vclock *vclock.VClock
vclockD *vclock.VClockD
opts ServiceOptions
cancelServerBlobFetcher context.CancelFunc
serverBlobFetcherDone sync.WaitGroup
// Guards the fields below. Held during database Create, Delete, and
// SetPermissions.
mu sync.Mutex
dbs map[wire.Id]*database
var (
_ wire.ServiceServerMethods = (*service)(nil)
_ interfaces.Service = (*service)(nil)
// ServiceOptions configures a service.
type ServiceOptions struct {
// Service-level permissions. Used only when creating a brand new storage
// instance.
Perms access.Permissions
// Root dir for data storage. If empty, we write to a fresh directory created
// using ioutil.TempDir.
RootDir string
// Storage engine to use: memstore or leveldb. If empty, we use the default
// storage engine, currently leveldb.
Engine string
// Whether to skip publishing in the neighborhood.
SkipPublishInNh bool
// Whether to run in development mode; required for RPCs such as
// Service.DevModeUpdateVClock.
DevMode bool
// InitialDB, if not blank, specifies an initial database to create when
// creating a brand new storage instance.
InitialDB wire.Id
// defaultPerms returns a permissions object that grants all permissions to the
// provided blessing patterns.
func defaultPerms(blessingPatterns []security.BlessingPattern) access.Permissions {
perms := access.Permissions{}
for _, bp := range blessingPatterns {
perms.Add(bp, access.TagStrings(access.AllTypicalTags()...)...)
return perms
// PermsString returns a JSON-based string representation of the permissions.
func PermsString(ctx *context.T, perms access.Permissions) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := access.WritePermissions(&buf, perms); err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("Failed to serialize permissions %+v: %v", perms, err)
return fmt.Sprintf("[unserializable] %+v", perms)
return buf.String()
// NewService creates a new service instance and returns it.
// TODO(sadovsky): If possible, close all stores when the server is stopped.
func NewService(ctx *context.T, opts ServiceOptions) (*service, error) {
// Fill in default values for missing options.
if opts.Engine == "" {
opts.Engine = "leveldb"
if opts.RootDir == "" {
var err error
if opts.RootDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "syncbased-"); err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Infof("Created new root dir: %s", opts.RootDir)
st, err := storeutil.OpenStore(opts.Engine, filepath.Join(opts.RootDir, opts.Engine), storeutil.OpenOptions{CreateIfMissing: true, ErrorIfExists: false})
if err != nil {
// If the top-level store is corrupt, we lose the meaning of all of the
// db-level stores. util.OpenStore moved the top-level store aside, but
// it didn't do anything about the db-level stores.
if verror.ErrorID(err) == wire.ErrCorruptDatabase.ID {
ctx.Errorf("top-level store is corrupt, moving all databases aside")
appDir := filepath.Join(opts.RootDir, common.AppDir)
newPath := appDir + ".corrupt." + time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
if err := os.Rename(appDir, newPath); err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "could not move databases aside: "+err.Error())
return nil, err
s := &service{
st: st,
vclock: vclock.NewVClock(st),
opts: opts,
dbs: map[wire.Id]*database{},
// Make sure the vclock is initialized before opening any databases (which
// pass vclock to watchable.Wrap) and before starting sync or vclock daemon
// goroutines.
if err := s.vclock.InitVClockData(); err != nil {
return nil, err
newService := false
sd := &ServiceData{}
if err := store.Get(ctx, st, s.stKey(), sd); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
readPerms := sd.Perms.Normalize()
if opts.Perms != nil {
if givenPerms := opts.Perms.Copy().Normalize(); !reflect.DeepEqual(givenPerms, readPerms) {
ctx.Infof("Warning: configured permissions will be ignored: %v", PermsString(ctx, givenPerms))
ctx.Infof("Using persisted permissions: %v", PermsString(ctx, readPerms))
// TODO(ivanpi): Check other persisted perms, at runtime or in fsck.
if err := common.ValidatePerms(ctx, readPerms, access.AllTypicalTags()); err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("Error: persisted service permissions are invalid, check top-level store and Syncbase principal: %v: %v", PermsString(ctx, readPerms), err)
// Service exists.
// Run garbage collection of inactive databases.
// TODO(ivanpi): This is currently unsafe to call concurrently with
// database creation/deletion. Add mutex and run asynchronously.
if err := runGCInactiveDatabases(ctx, s); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize in-memory data structures, namely the dbs map.
if err := s.openDatabases(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err)
} else {
// Service does not exist.
newService = true
perms := opts.Perms
if perms == nil {
ctx.Info("Permissions flag not set. Giving local principal all permissions.")
perms = defaultPerms(security.DefaultBlessingPatterns(v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)))
if err := common.ValidatePerms(ctx, perms, access.AllTypicalTags()); err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Infof("Using permissions: %v", PermsString(ctx, perms))
sd = &ServiceData{
Perms: perms,
if err := store.Put(ctx, st, s.stKey(), sd); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Note, vsync.New internally handles both first-time and subsequent
// invocations.
if s.sync, err = vsync.New(ctx, s, opts.Engine, opts.RootDir, s.vclock, !opts.SkipPublishInNh); err != nil {
return nil, err
if newService && opts.InitialDB != (wire.Id{}) {
if err := pubutil.ValidateId(opts.InitialDB); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(ivanpi): If service initialization fails after putting the service
// perms but before finishing initial database creation, initial database
// will never be created because service perms existence is used as a marker
// for a fully initialized service. Fix this with a separate marker.
ctx.Infof("Creating initial database: %v", opts.InitialDB)
dbPerms := pubutil.FilterTags(sd.GetPerms(), wire.AllDatabaseTags...)
allButAdmin := []access.Tag{access.Read, access.Write, access.Resolve}
dbPerms.Add(security.BlessingPattern(opts.InitialDB.Blessing), access.TagStrings(allButAdmin...)...)
if err := s.createDatabase(ctx, nil, opts.InitialDB, dbPerms, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
// With Sync and the pre-existing DBs initialized, the store can start a
// Sync watcher for each DB store, similar to the flow of a DB creation.
for _, d := range s.dbs {
// Start a blob fetcher, setting up for stopping it in Close().
var serverBlobFetcherCtx *context.T
serverBlobFetcherCtx, s.cancelServerBlobFetcher = context.WithCancel(ctx)
go vsync.ServerBlobFetcher(serverBlobFetcherCtx, s.sync, &s.serverBlobFetcherDone)
// Start the vclock daemon. For now, we disable NTP when running in dev mode.
// If we decide to change this behavior, we'll need to update the tests in
// to disable NTP some other
// way.
ntpHost := ""
if !s.opts.DevMode {
ntpHost = common.NtpDefaultHost
s.vclockD = vclock.NewVClockD(s.vclock, ntpHost)
return s, nil
func (s *service) openDatabases(ctx *context.T) error {
dbIt :=, ""))
v := []byte{}
for dbIt.Advance() {
v = dbIt.Value(v)
info := &DbInfo{}
if err := vom.Decode(v, info); err != nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err)
d, err := openDatabase(ctx, s, info.Id, DatabaseOptions{
RootDir: info.RootDir,
Engine: info.Engine,
}, storeutil.OpenOptions{
CreateIfMissing: false,
ErrorIfExists: false,
if err != nil {
// If the database is corrupt, openDatabase will have moved it aside. We
// need to delete the service's reference to the database so that the
// client application can recreate the database the next time it starts.
if verror.ErrorID(err) == wire.ErrCorruptDatabase.ID {
ctx.Errorf("database %v is corrupt, deleting the reference to it", info.Id)
if err2 := delDbInfo(ctx,, info.Id); err2 != nil {
ctx.Errorf("failed to delete reference to corrupt database %v: %v", info.Id, err2)
// Return the ErrCorruptDatabase, not err2.
return err
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err)
s.dbs[info.Id] = d
if err := dbIt.Err(); err != nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err)
return nil
// AddNames adds all the names for this Syncbase instance, gathered from all the
// syncgroups it is currently participating in. This method is exported so that
// when syncbased is launched, it can publish these names.
// Note: This method is exported here and syncbased in main.go calls it since
// publishing needs the server handle which is available during init in
// syncbased. Alternately, one can step through server creation in main.go and
// create the server handle first and pass it to NewService so that sync can use
// that handle to publish the names it needs. Server creation can then proceed
// with hooking up the dispatcher, etc. In the current approach, we favor not
// breaking up the server init into pieces but using the available wrapper, and
// adding the names when ready. Finally, we could have also exported a SetServer
// method instead of the AddNames at the service layer. However, that approach
// will also need further synchronization between when the service starts
// accepting incoming RPC requests and when the restart is complete. We can
// control when the server starts accepting incoming requests by using a fake
// dispatcher until we are ready and then switching to the real one after
// restart. However, we will still need synchronization between Add/RemoveName.
// So, we decided to add synchronization from the get-go and avoid the fake
// dispatcher.
func (s *service) AddNames(ctx *context.T, svr rpc.Server) error {
return vsync.AddNames(ctx, s.sync, svr)
// Close shuts down this Syncbase instance.
// TODO(hpucha): Close or cleanup Syncbase database data structures.
func (s *service) Close() {
// RPC methods
// TODO(sadovsky): Add test to demonstrate that these don't work unless Syncbase
// was started in dev mode.
func (s *service) DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, opts wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts) error {
allowUpdateVClock := []access.Tag{access.Admin}
if !s.opts.DevMode {
return wire.NewErrNotInDevMode(ctx)
// Check perms.
if _, err := common.GetPermsWithAuth(ctx, call, s, allowUpdateVClock,; err != nil {
return err
if opts.NtpHost != "" {
if !opts.Now.Equal(time.Time{}) {
s.vclock.InjectFakeSysClock(opts.Now, opts.ElapsedTime)
if opts.DoNtpUpdate {
if err := s.vclockD.DoNtpUpdate(); err != nil {
return err
if opts.DoLocalUpdate {
if err := s.vclockD.DoLocalUpdate(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *service) DevModeGetTime(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (time.Time, error) {
allowGetTime := []access.Tag{access.Admin}
if !s.opts.DevMode {
return time.Time{}, wire.NewErrNotInDevMode(ctx)
// Check perms.
if _, err := common.GetPermsWithAuth(ctx, call, s, allowGetTime,; err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return s.vclock.Now()
func (s *service) SetPermissions(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, perms access.Permissions, version string) error {
allowSetPermissions := []access.Tag{access.Admin}
if err := common.ValidatePerms(ctx, perms, access.AllTypicalTags()); err != nil {
return err
return store.RunInTransaction(, func(tx store.Transaction) error {
data := &ServiceData{}
if _, err := common.GetDataWithAuth(ctx, call, s, allowSetPermissions, tx, data); err != nil {
return err
if err := util.CheckVersion(ctx, version, data.Version); err != nil {
return err
data.Perms = perms
return store.Put(ctx, tx, s.stKey(), data)
func (s *service) GetPermissions(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {
allowGetPermissions := []access.Tag{access.Admin}
data := &ServiceData{}
if _, err := common.GetDataWithAuth(ctx, call, s, allowGetPermissions,, data); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return data.Perms, util.FormatVersion(data.Version), nil
func (s *service) GlobChildren__(ctx *context.T, call rpc.GlobChildrenServerCall, matcher *glob.Element) error {
allowGlob := []access.Tag{access.Read}
// Check perms.
sn :=
defer sn.Abort()
if _, err := common.GetPermsWithAuth(ctx, call, s, allowGlob, sn); err != nil {
return err
return util.GlobChildren(ctx, call, matcher, sn, common.DbInfoPrefix)
// interfaces.Service methods
func (s *service) St() store.Store {
func (s *service) Sync() interfaces.SyncServerMethods {
return s.sync
func (s *service) Database(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, dbId wire.Id) (interfaces.Database, error) {
d, ok := s.dbs[dbId]
if !ok {
// Note, a fuzzy error should be returned to external clients instead.
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrNoExist, ctx, dbId)
return d, nil
func (s *service) DatabaseIds(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) ([]wire.Id, error) {
// Note: In the future this API will likely be replaced by one that streams
// the database ids.
dbIds := make([]wire.Id, 0, len(s.dbs))
for id := range s.dbs {
dbIds = append(dbIds, id)
return dbIds, nil
// Database management methods
func (s *service) createDatabase(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, dbId wire.Id, perms access.Permissions, metadata *wire.SchemaMetadata) (reterr error) {
allowCreateDatabase := []access.Tag{access.Write}
if err := common.ValidatePerms(ctx, perms, wire.AllDatabaseTags); err != nil {
return err
// Steps:
// 1. Check serviceData perms. Also check implicit perms if not service admin.
// 2. Put dbInfo record into garbage collection log, to clean up database if
// remaining steps fail or syncbased crashes.
// 3. Initialize database.
// 4. Move dbInfo from GC log into active dbs. <===== CHANGE BECOMES VISIBLE
// 1. Check serviceData perms. Also check implicit perms if not service admin.
sData := &ServiceData{}
if call == nil {
// call is nil (called from service initialization). Skip perms checks.
if err := store.Get(ctx,, s.stKey(), sData); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Check serviceData perms.
if _, err := common.GetDataWithAuth(ctx, call, s, allowCreateDatabase,, sData); err != nil {
return err
if adminAcl, ok := sData.Perms[string(access.Admin)]; !ok || adminAcl.Authorize(ctx, call.Security()) != nil {
// Caller is not service admin. Check implicit perms derived from blessing
// pattern in id.
if _, err := common.CheckImplicitPerms(ctx, call, dbId, wire.AllDatabaseTags); err != nil {
return err
// Check if the database exists.
if _, ok := s.dbs[dbId]; ok {
// Note, since the caller has been verified to have Write perm on service,
// they are allowed to know that the database exists.
return verror.New(verror.ErrExist, ctx, dbId)
// 2. Put dbInfo record into garbage collection log, to clean up database if
// remaining steps fail or syncbased crashes.
rootDir, err := s.rootDirForDb(ctx, dbId)
if err != nil {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err)
dbInfo := &DbInfo{
Id: dbId,
RootDir: rootDir,
Engine: s.opts.Engine,
if err := putDbGCEntry(ctx,, dbInfo); err != nil {
return err
var stRef store.Store
defer func() {
if reterr != nil {
// Best effort database destroy on error. If it fails, it will be retried
// on syncbased restart. (It is safe to pass nil stRef if step 3 fails.)
// TODO(ivanpi): Consider running asynchronously. However, see TODO in
// finalizeDatabaseDestroy.
if err := finalizeDatabaseDestroy(ctx, s, dbInfo, stRef); err != nil {
// 3. Initialize database.
// TODO(ivanpi): newDatabase doesn't close the store on failure.
d, err := newDatabase(ctx, s, dbId, metadata, DatabaseOptions{
Perms: perms,
RootDir: dbInfo.RootDir,
Engine: dbInfo.Engine,
if err != nil {
return err
// Save reference to Store to allow finalizeDatabaseDestroy to close it in
// case of error.
stRef = d.St()
// 4. Move dbInfo from GC log into active dbs.
if err := store.RunInTransaction(, func(tx store.Transaction) error {
// Note: To avoid a race, we must refetch service perms, making sure the
// perms version hasn't changed, inside the transaction that makes the new
// database visible. If the version matches, there is no need to authorize
// the caller again since they were already authorized against the same
// perms in step 1.
sDataRepeat := &ServiceData{}
if err := store.Get(ctx,, s.stKey(), sDataRepeat); err != nil {
return err
if sData.Version != sDataRepeat.Version {
return verror.NewErrBadVersion(ctx)
// Check for "database already exists".
if _, err := getDbInfo(ctx, tx, dbId); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
if err != nil {
return err
// Note, as above, since the caller has been verified to have Write perm
// on service, they are allowed to know that the database exists.
return verror.New(verror.ErrExist, ctx, dbId)
// Write dbInfo into active databases.
if err := putDbInfo(ctx, tx, dbInfo); err != nil {
return err
// Delete dbInfo from GC log.
return delDbGCEntry(ctx, tx, dbInfo)
}); err != nil {
return err
s.dbs[dbId] = d
return nil
func (s *service) destroyDatabase(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, dbId wire.Id) error {
allowDestroyDatabase := []access.Tag{access.Admin}
// Steps:
// 1. Check serviceData and databaseData perms.
// 2. Move dbInfo from active dbs into GC log. <===== CHANGE BECOMES VISIBLE
// 3. Best effort database destroy. If it fails, it will be retried on
// syncbased restart.
d, dExists := s.dbs[dbId]
if !dExists {
// Database does not exist. Use a short-lived database object for auth.
d = s.nonexistentDatabaseHandle(dbId)
// 1. Check serviceData and databaseData perms.
var authErr error
// Check permissions on Service.
if _, authErr = common.GetPermsWithAuth(ctx, call, d.s, allowDestroyDatabase,; authErr != nil {
// Caller has no Admin access on Service. Check databaseData perms.
if !dExists {
authErr = d.fuzzyNoExistError(ctx, call)
} else {
_, authErr = common.GetPermsWithAuth(ctx, call, d, allowDestroyDatabase,
} else {
// Caller has Admin access on Service. Check if Database exists.
if !dExists {
authErr = verror.New(verror.ErrNoExist, ctx,
} else {
authErr = nil
if authErr != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(authErr) == verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
// Destroy is idempotent. Note, this doesn't leak Database existence
// before the call.
return nil
return authErr
// 2. Move dbInfo from active dbs into GC log.
var dbInfo *DbInfo
if err := store.RunInTransaction(, func(tx store.Transaction) (err error) {
dbInfo, err = deleteDatabaseEntry(ctx, tx, dbId)
}); err != nil {
return err
delete(s.dbs, dbId)
// 3. Best effort database destroy. If it fails, it will be retried on
// syncbased restart.
// TODO(ivanpi): Consider returning an error on failure here, even though
// database was made inaccessible. Note, if Close() failed, ongoing RPCs
// might still be using the store.
// TODO(ivanpi): Consider running asynchronously. However, see TODO in
// finalizeDatabaseDestroy.
if err := finalizeDatabaseDestroy(ctx, s, dbInfo, d.St()); err != nil {
return nil
func (s *service) setDatabasePerms(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, dbId wire.Id, perms access.Permissions, version string) error {
// Permissions checked in d.setPermsInternal.
d, ok := s.dbs[dbId]
if !ok {
// Database does not exist. Use a short-lived database object to check if
// the client is allowed to know it.
return s.nonexistentDatabaseHandle(dbId).fuzzyNoExistError(ctx, call)
return d.setPermsInternal(ctx, call, perms, version)
// Authorization hooks
var _ common.Permser = (*service)(nil)
func (s *service) GetDataWithExistAuth(ctx *context.T, _ rpc.ServerCall, st store.StoreReader, v common.PermserData) (parentPerms, perms access.Permissions, _ error) {
sd := v.(*ServiceData)
getErr := store.Get(ctx, st, s.stKey(), sd)
if verror.ErrorID(getErr) == verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
// ServiceData entry should always exist.
getErr = verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, ctx, "ServiceData entry missing")
return openAcl(), sd.GetPerms(), getErr
func openAcl() access.Permissions {
return access.Permissions{}.Add(security.AllPrincipals, access.TagStrings(access.AllTypicalTags()...)...)
func (s *service) PermserData() common.PermserData {
return &ServiceData{}
// Other internal helpers
func (s *service) stKey() string {
return common.ServicePrefix
func (s *service) nonexistentDatabaseHandle(dbId wire.Id) *database {
return &database{
id: dbId,
s: s,
var unsafeDirNameChars *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile("[^-a-zA-Z0-9_]")
func dirNameFrom(s string) string {
// Note: Common Linux filesystems such as ext4 allow almost any character to
// appear in a filename, but other filesystems are more restrictive. For
// example, by default the OS X filesystem uses case-insensitive filenames.
// Also, since blessings can be arbitrarily long, using an encoded blessing
// directly may exceed the file path component length limit of 255 bytes.
// To play it safe, we filter out non-alphanumeric characters and truncate
// each file name component to 32 bytes, followed by appending the hex-encoded
// SHA256 sum of the original name component to prevent name collisions.
safePrefix := unsafeDirNameChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "_")
// Note, truncating is safe because all non-ascii characters have been
// filtered out, so there are no multi-byte runes.
if len(safePrefix) > 32 {
safePrefix = safePrefix[:32]
hashRaw := sha256.Sum256([]byte(s))
hashHex := hex.EncodeToString(hashRaw[:])
return safePrefix + "-" + hashHex
func (s *service) rootDirForDb(ctx *context.T, dbId wire.Id) (string, error) {
appDir := dirNameFrom(dbId.Blessing)
dbDir := dirNameFrom(dbId.Name)
// To allow recreating databases independently of garbage collecting old
// destroyed versions, a random suffix is appended to the database name.
var suffixRaw [32]byte
if _, err := rand.Read(suffixRaw[:]); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate suffix: %v", err)
suffix := hex.EncodeToString(suffixRaw[:])
dbDir += "-" + suffix
// SHA256 digests are 32 bytes long, so even after appending the 32-byte
// random suffix and with the 2x blowup from hex-encoding, the lengths of
// these names are well under the filesystem limit of 255 bytes:
// (<= 32 byte safePrefix) + '-' + hex(32 byte hash) + '-' + hex(32 byte random suffix)
// <= 32 + 1 + 64 + 1 + 64 = 162 < 255
// for dbDir; appDir does not include the suffix, so it is even shorter:
// <= 32 + 1 + 64 = 97 < 255
if len(appDir) > 255 || len(dbDir) > 255 {
ctx.Fatalf("appDir %s or dbDir %s is too long", appDir, dbDir)
return filepath.Join(common.AppDir, appDir, common.DbDir, dbDir), nil
// absRootDir returns rootDir if it is absolute, or the joined path with this service's
// RootDir if it is relative. This allows DbInfo to store relative database paths but
// pre-existing absolute paths (before CL 23453) will still open as is (achieving
// backwards compatibility).
func (s *service) absRootDir(rootDir string) string {
if !filepath.IsAbs(rootDir) {
rootDir = filepath.Join(s.opts.RootDir, rootDir)
return rootDir