| // Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Command dmrun runs a binary on a remote GCE instance using device manager. |
| // |
| // dmrun creates the GCE instance, installs and starts device manager on it, and |
| // then installs and starts an app from the specified binary. |
| // |
| // dmrun uses the credentials it is running with in order to claim the device |
| // manager and provide the app with blessings. To specify credentials for |
| // dmrun, use the V23_CREDENTIALS environment variable instead of the |
| // --v23.credentials flag. |
| // |
| // Usage: |
| // dmrun [ENV=VAL ...] path/to/binary [--flag=val ...] |
| // |
| // All flags and environment variable settings are passed to the app. |
| package main |
| |
| import ( |
| "archive/zip" |
| "flag" |
| "fmt" |
| "io" |
| "io/ioutil" |
| "net" |
| "os" |
| "os/exec" |
| "os/user" |
| "path" |
| "path/filepath" |
| "regexp" |
| "strings" |
| "time" |
| |
| "v.io/x/ref" |
| ) |
| |
| var ( |
| workDir string |
| vcloud string |
| device string |
| cleanupOnDeath func() |
| ) |
| |
| var dmBins = [...]string{ |
| "v.io/x/ref/services/device/deviced", |
| "v.io/x/ref/services/agent/agentd", |
| "v.io/x/ref/services/device/inithelper", |
| "v.io/x/ref/services/device/suidhelper", |
| } |
| |
| const ( |
| vcloudBin = "v.io/x/devtools/vcloud" |
| deviceBin = "v.io/x/ref/services/device/device" |
| devicexRepo = "release.go.x.ref" |
| devicex = "services/device/devicex" |
| ) |
| |
| func die(format string, args ...interface{}) { |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args...) |
| fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr) |
| if cleanupOnDeath != nil { |
| savedCleanupFn := cleanupOnDeath |
| cleanupOnDeath = func() { |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Avoided recursive call to cleanup in die()\n") |
| } |
| savedCleanupFn() |
| } |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| func dieIfErr(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) { |
| if err != nil { |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Encountered error: %v\n", err) |
| die(format, args...) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // getPath returns the filesystem path to a file specified by a repository and a |
| // repository-relative path. |
| func getPath(repo, file string) string { |
| cmd := exec.Command("v23", "project", "list") |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| out := string(output) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Running %v failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), out) |
| var projectPathRE = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("project=\"%s\" path=\"(.+)\"", repo)) |
| matches := projectPathRE.FindStringSubmatch(out) |
| if matches == nil { |
| die("Couldn't extract project path from %s", out) |
| } |
| return filepath.Join(matches[1], filepath.FromSlash(file)) |
| } |
| |
| // setupWorkDir creates a directory for all the local files created by this |
| // tool. |
| func setupWorkDir() { |
| var err error |
| workDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", filepath.Base(os.Args[0])) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't set up work dir") |
| dieIfErr(os.Chmod(workDir, 0777), "Couldn't chmod work dir") |
| fmt.Println("Working dir: %s", workDir) |
| } |
| |
| // buildV23Binary builds the specified binary and returns the path to the |
| // executable. |
| func buildV23Binary(pkg string) string { |
| fmt.Println("Building", pkg) |
| dest := filepath.Join(workDir, path.Base(pkg)) |
| cmd := exec.Command("v23", "go", "build", "-x", "-o", dest, pkg) |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Running build command %v failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| return dest |
| } |
| |
| // buildDMBinaries builds the binaries required for a device manager |
| // installation and returns the paths to the executables. |
| func buildDMBinaries() (ret []string) { |
| for _, b := range dmBins { |
| ret = append(ret, buildV23Binary(b)) |
| } |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // createArchive creates a zip archive from the given files. |
| func createArchive(files []string) string { |
| zipFile := filepath.Join(workDir, "dm.zip") |
| z, err := os.OpenFile(zipFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, os.FileMode(0644)) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't create zip archive file") |
| defer z.Close() |
| w := zip.NewWriter(z) |
| for _, file := range files { |
| info, err := os.Stat(file) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't stat %v", file) |
| fh, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(info) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't set up file info header") |
| fh.Method = zip.Deflate |
| fwrite, err := w.CreateHeader(fh) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't create writer") |
| fread, err := os.Open(file) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't creater reader") |
| _, err = io.Copy(fwrite, fread) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't write to archive") |
| dieIfErr(fread.Close(), "Couldn't close reader") |
| } |
| dieIfErr(w.Close(), "Couldn't close zip archive") |
| return zipFile |
| } |
| |
| // setupInstance creates a new GCE instance and returns its name and IP address. |
| func setupInstance() (string, string) { |
| currUser, err := user.Current() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't obtain current user") |
| instanceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", currUser.Username, time.Now().UTC().Format("20060102-150405")) |
| // TODO(caprita): Allow project and zone to be customized. |
| cmd := exec.Command(vcloud, "node", "create", "--project=google.com:veyron", "--zone=us-central1-c", instanceName) |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Setting up new GCE instance (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| cmd = exec.Command(vcloud, "list", "--project=google.com:veyron", "--noheader", "--fields=EXTERNAL_IP", instanceName) |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Listing instances (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| instanceIP := strings.TrimSpace(string(output)) |
| if net.ParseIP(instanceIP) == nil { |
| die("Not a valid IP address: %v", instanceIP) |
| } |
| // Install unzip so we can unpack the archive. |
| // TODO(caprita): Use tar instead. |
| cmd = exec.Command(vcloud, "sh", "--project=google.com:veyron", instanceName, "sudo", "apt-get", "install", "unzip") |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Installing unzip (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| fmt.Println("Created GCE instance", instanceName, "with IP", instanceIP) |
| return instanceName, instanceIP |
| } |
| |
| // installArchive ships the archive to the GCE instance and unpacks it. |
| func installArchive(archive, instance string) { |
| cmd := exec.Command("gcloud", "compute", "--project=google.com:veyron", "copy-files", archive, fmt.Sprintf("veyron@%s:/tmp/", instance), "--zone=us-central1-c") |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Copying archive (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| cmd = exec.Command(vcloud, "sh", "--project=google.com:veyron", instance, "unzip", path.Join("/tmp", filepath.Base(archive)), "-d", "/tmp/unpacked") |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Extracting archive (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| } |
| |
| // installDevice installs and starts device manager, and returns the public key |
| // and pairing token needed for claiming. |
| func installDevice(instance string) (string, string) { |
| fmt.Println("Installing device manager...") |
| defer fmt.Println("Done installing device manager...") |
| cmd := exec.Command(vcloud, "sh", "--project=google.com:veyron", instance, "V23_DEVICE_DIR=/tmp/dm", "/tmp/unpacked/devicex", "install", "/tmp/unpacked", "--single_user", "--", "--v23.tcp.address=:8151", "--deviced-port=8150", "--proxy-port=8160", "--use-pairing-token") |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Installing device manager (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| cmd = exec.Command(vcloud, "sh", "--project=google.com:veyron", instance, "V23_DEVICE_DIR=/tmp/dm", "/tmp/unpacked/devicex", "start") |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Starting device manager (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| // Grab the token and public key from the device manager log. |
| dieAfter := time.After(5 * time.Second) |
| firstIteration := true |
| for { |
| if !firstIteration { |
| select { |
| case <-dieAfter: |
| die("Failed to find token and public key in log: %v", string(output)) |
| case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond): |
| } |
| } else { |
| firstIteration = false |
| } |
| cmd = exec.Command(vcloud, "sh", "--project=google.com:veyron", instance, "cat", "/tmp/dm/dmroot/device-manager/logs/deviced.INFO") |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Reading device manager log (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| pairingTokenRE := regexp.MustCompile("Device manager pairing token: (.*)") |
| matches := pairingTokenRE.FindSubmatch(output) |
| if matches == nil { |
| continue |
| } |
| pairingToken := string(matches[1]) |
| publicKeyRE := regexp.MustCompile("public_key: (.*)") |
| matches = publicKeyRE.FindSubmatch(output) |
| if matches == nil { |
| continue |
| } |
| publicKey := string(matches[1]) |
| return publicKey, pairingToken |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // setCredentialsEnv sets the command's environment to share the principal of |
| // dmrun. |
| func setCredentialsEnv(cmd *exec.Cmd) { |
| // TODO(caprita): This doesn't work with --v23.credentials. |
| if creds := os.Getenv(ref.EnvCredentials); len(creds) > 0 { |
| cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", ref.EnvCredentials, creds)) |
| } else if agentCreds := os.Getenv(ref.EnvAgentEndpoint); len(agentCreds) > 0 { |
| cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", ref.EnvAgentEndpoint, agentCreds)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // claimDevice claims the device manager, blessing it with extension. |
| func claimDevice(deviceName, ip, publicKey, pairingToken, extension string) { |
| fmt.Println("claiming device manager ...") |
| cmd := exec.Command(device, "claim", deviceName, extension, pairingToken, publicKey) |
| setCredentialsEnv(cmd) |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Claiming device manager (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| cmd = exec.Command(device, "acl", "get", fmt.Sprintf("/%s:8151/devmgr/device", ip)) |
| setCredentialsEnv(cmd) |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Getting device manager acls (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| fmt.Printf("Done claiming device manager. Device manager ACLs:\n%s", string(output)) |
| } |
| |
| // installApp installs the binary specified on the command-line and returns the |
| // Vanadium name for the installation object. |
| func installApp(deviceName, ip string) string { |
| args := []string{fmt.Sprintf("--v23.proxy=/%s:8160", ip), "install-local", deviceName + "/apps", "app"} |
| args = append(args, flag.Args()...) |
| cmd := exec.Command(device, args...) |
| setCredentialsEnv(cmd) |
| cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("V23_NAMESPACE=/%s:8151", ip)) |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Installing app (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| installationName := strings.TrimSpace(string(output)) |
| fmt.Println("Installed", installationName) |
| return installationName |
| } |
| |
| // startApp creates and launches an instance of the given installation, blessing |
| // it with extension. It returns the Vanadium name for the instance object. |
| func startApp(installationName, extension string) string { |
| cmd := exec.Command(device, "instantiate", installationName, extension) |
| setCredentialsEnv(cmd) |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Instantiating app (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| instanceName := strings.TrimSpace(string(output)) |
| fmt.Println("Instantiated", instanceName) |
| cmd = exec.Command(device, "run", instanceName) |
| setCredentialsEnv(cmd) |
| output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| dieIfErr(err, "Starting app (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| return instanceName |
| } |
| |
| func main() { |
| flag.Parse() |
| if len(flag.Args()) == 0 { |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s <app> <arguments ... >\n", os.Args[0]) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| setupWorkDir() |
| cleanupOnDeath = func() { |
| os.RemoveAll(workDir) |
| } |
| defer os.RemoveAll(workDir) |
| vcloud = buildV23Binary(vcloudBin) |
| device = buildV23Binary(deviceBin) |
| dmBins := buildDMBinaries() |
| archive := createArchive(append(dmBins, getPath(devicexRepo, devicex))) |
| gceInstanceName, gceInstanceIP := setupInstance() |
| cleanupOnDeath = func() { |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Deleting GCE instance ...\n") |
| cmd := exec.Command(vcloud, "node", "delete", "--project=google.com:veyron", "--zone=us-central1-c", gceInstanceName) |
| output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Removing tmp files ...\n") |
| os.RemoveAll(workDir) |
| dieIfErr(err, "Deleting GCE instance (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output)) |
| } |
| installArchive(archive, gceInstanceName) |
| publicKey, pairingToken := installDevice(gceInstanceName) |
| deviceAddr := net.JoinHostPort(gceInstanceIP, "8150") |
| deviceName := "/" + deviceAddr |
| claimDevice(deviceName, gceInstanceIP, publicKey, pairingToken, gceInstanceName) |
| installationName := installApp(deviceName, gceInstanceIP) |
| instanceName := startApp(installationName, "app") |
| fmt.Println("Launched app.") |
| fmt.Println("-------------") |
| fmt.Println("See its status:") |
| fmt.Printf("\t${V23_ROOT}/release/go/bin/device status %s\n", instanceName) |
| fmt.Println("See the logs:") |
| fmt.Printf("\t${V23_ROOT}/release/go/bin/debug glob %s/logs/*\n", instanceName) |
| fmt.Println("Dump e.g. the INFO log:") |
| fmt.Printf("\t${V23_ROOT}/release/go/bin/debug logs read %s/logs/app.INFO\n", instanceName) |
| fmt.Println("Clean up by deleting the GCE instance:") |
| fmt.Printf("\t${V23_ROOT}/release/go/bin/vcloud node delete --project=google.com:veyron --zone=us-central1-c %s\n", gceInstanceName) |
| } |