blob: ca32285bae2a0aeae855d16a72e19e1a7e51a953 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main_test
// TODO(caprita): Rename to update_revert_test.go
import (
cmd_device ""
func capitalize(s string) string {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
if r == utf8.RuneError {
return ""
return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[size:]
// TestUpdateAndRevertCommands verifies the device update and revert commands.
func TestUpdateAndRevertCommands(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := test.V23Init()
defer shutdown()
tapes := servicetest.NewTapeMap()
ctx, server, err := v23.WithNewDispatchingServer(ctx, "", newDispatcher(t, tapes))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewServer failed: %v", err)
addr := server.Status().Endpoints[0].String()
root := cmd_device.CmdRoot
appName := naming.JoinAddressName(addr, "app")
rootTape := tapes.ForSuffix("")
globName := naming.JoinAddressName(addr, "glob")
// TODO(caprita): Move joinLines to a common place.
joinLines := func(args ...string) string {
return strings.Join(args, "\n")
for _, cmd := range []string{"update", "revert"} {
for _, c := range []struct {
globResponses []string
statusResponses map[string][]interface{}
expectedStimuli map[string][]interface{}
expectedStdout string
expectedStderr string
expectedError string
{ // Everything succeeds.
[]string{"app/2", "app/1", "app/5", "app/3", "app/4"},
"app/1": []interface{}{instanceRunning, nil, nil, nil},
"app/2": []interface{}{instanceNotRunning, nil},
"app/3": []interface{}{installationActive, nil},
// The uninstalled installation and the
// deleted instance should be excluded
// from the Update and Revert as per the
// default GlobSettings for the update
// and revert commands.
"app/4": []interface{}{installationUninstalled, nil},
"app/5": []interface{}{instanceDeleted, nil},
"app/1": []interface{}{"Status", KillStimulus{"Kill", 10 * time.Second}, capitalize(cmd), "Run"},
"app/2": []interface{}{"Status", capitalize(cmd)},
"app/3": []interface{}{"Status", capitalize(cmd)},
fmt.Sprintf("Successful %s of version for installation \"%s/3\".", cmd, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("Successful %s of version for instance \"%s/1\".", cmd, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("Successful %s of version for instance \"%s/2\".", cmd, appName)),
{ // Assorted failure modes.
[]string{"app/1", "app/2", "app/3", "app/4", "app/5"},
// Starts as running, fails Kill, but then
// recovers. This ultimately counts as a success.
"app/1": []interface{}{instanceRunning, fmt.Errorf("Simulate Kill failing"), instanceNotRunning, nil, nil},
// Starts as running, fails Kill, and stays running.
"app/2": []interface{}{instanceRunning, fmt.Errorf("Simulate Kill failing"), instanceRunning},
// Starts as running, Kill and Update succeed, but Run fails.
"app/3": []interface{}{instanceRunning, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Simulate Run failing")},
// Starts as running, Kill succeeds, Update fails, but Run succeeds.
"app/4": []interface{}{instanceRunning, nil, fmt.Errorf("Simulate %s failing", capitalize(cmd)), nil},
// Starts as running, Kill succeeds, Update fails, and Run fails.
"app/5": []interface{}{instanceRunning, nil, fmt.Errorf("Simulate %s failing", capitalize(cmd)), fmt.Errorf("Simulate Run failing")},
"app/1": []interface{}{"Status", KillStimulus{"Kill", 10 * time.Second}, "Status", capitalize(cmd), "Run"},
"app/2": []interface{}{"Status", KillStimulus{"Kill", 10 * time.Second}, "Status"},
"app/3": []interface{}{"Status", KillStimulus{"Kill", 10 * time.Second}, capitalize(cmd), "Run"},
"app/4": []interface{}{"Status", KillStimulus{"Kill", 10 * time.Second}, capitalize(cmd), "Run"},
"app/5": []interface{}{"Status", KillStimulus{"Kill", 10 * time.Second}, capitalize(cmd), "Run"},
fmt.Sprintf("Successful %s of version for instance \"%s/1\".", cmd, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("Successful %s of version for instance \"%s/3\".", cmd, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("WARNING for \"%s/1\": recovered from Kill error (device.test:<rpc.Client>\"%s/1\".Kill: Error: Simulate Kill failing). Proceeding with %s.", appName, appName, cmd),
fmt.Sprintf("ERROR for \"%s/2\": Kill failed: device.test:<rpc.Client>\"%s/2\".Kill: Error: Simulate Kill failing.", appName, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("ERROR for \"%s/3\": Run failed: device.test:<rpc.Client>\"%s/3\".Run: Error: Simulate Run failing.", appName, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("ERROR for \"%s/4\": %s failed: device.test:<rpc.Client>\"%s/4\".%s: Error: Simulate %s failing.", appName, capitalize(cmd), appName, capitalize(cmd), capitalize(cmd)),
fmt.Sprintf("ERROR for \"%s/5\": Run failed: device.test:<rpc.Client>\"%s/5\".Run: Error: Simulate Run failing.", appName, appName),
fmt.Sprintf("ERROR for \"%s/5\": %s failed: device.test:<rpc.Client>\"%s/5\".%s: Error: Simulate %s failing.", appName, capitalize(cmd), appName, capitalize(cmd), capitalize(cmd)),
"encountered a total of 4 error(s)",
} {
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
env := &cmdline.Env{Stdout: &stdout, Stderr: &stderr}
rootTape.SetResponses(GlobResponse{results: c.globResponses})
for n, r := range c.statusResponses {
args := []string{cmd, globName}
if err := v23cmd.ParseAndRunForTest(root, ctx, env, args); err != nil {
if want, got := c.expectedError, err.Error(); want != got {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error: want %v, got %v", want, got)
} else {
if c.expectedError != "" {
t.Errorf("Expected to get error %v, but didn't get any error.", c.expectedError)
if expected, got := c.expectedStdout, strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()); got != expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected stdout output from %s.\nGot:\n%v\nExpected:\n%v", cmd, got, expected)
if expected, got := c.expectedStderr, strings.TrimSpace(stderr.String()); got != expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected stderr output from %s.\nGot:\n%v\nExpected:\n%v", cmd, got, expected)
for n, m := range c.expectedStimuli {
if want, got := m, tapes.ForSuffix(n).Play(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected stimuli for %v. Want: %v, got %v.", n, want, got)