blob: bbefdadd0c3bd2f5d1330e24232273f40b9afe76 [file] [log] [blame]
Package bank implements an application to manipulate virtual money. The client's
Veyron Identity determines the account they can manipulate. New identity's make
a new account. Clients can deposit, withdraw, transfer, or query their balance
in virtual currency.
package bank
import "veyron2/security"
// Bank allows clients to store virtual money. Certain implementations can use persistent storage.
// Uses the client's Veyron Identity to determine account access.
type Bank interface {
// Connect causes the bank to bless a new user (string) and return their bank account number (int64). Existing users are not blessed (""), but still receive their account number (int64).
Connect() (newIdentity string, accountNumber int64, err error) {security.WriteLabel}
// The BankAccount can only be accessed by blessed users
type BankAccount interface {
// Deposit adds the amount given to this account.
Deposit(amount int64) error {security.WriteLabel}
// Withdraw reduces the amount given from this account.
Withdraw(amount int64) error {security.WriteLabel}
// Transfer moves the amount given to the receiver's account.
Transfer(receiver int64, amount int64) error {security.WriteLabel}
// Balance returns the amount stored in this account.
Balance() (int64, error) {security.ReadLabel}