blob: 0101a127b3b1dde534dbe98fb1aef09bbd98072c [file] [log] [blame]
package security
import (
// verifyNamesAndPublicKey checks that the provided id has exactly the provided
// set of names and the provided public key. If the provided set is empty then
// the provided error must be errNoMatchingIDs.
func verifyNamesAndPublicKey(id security.PublicID, err error, names []string, pkey security.PublicKey) bool {
if id == nil {
return err == errNoMatchingIDs && len(names) == 0
idNamesMap := make(map[string]bool)
namesMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, n := range id.Names() {
idNamesMap[n] = true
for _, n := range names {
namesMap[n] = true
return reflect.DeepEqual(idNamesMap, namesMap) && reflect.DeepEqual(id.PublicKey(), pkey)
func TestStoreAdd(t *testing.T) {
var (
// test principals
cAlice = newChain("alice")
cBob = newChain("bob")
cVeyronAlice = derive(bless(cAlice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice"), cAlice)
sAlice = newSetPublicID(cAlice.PublicID(), cVeyronAlice.PublicID())
s, err := NewPublicIDStore(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
// First Add should succeed for any PublicID (cAlice.PublicID() below)
if err := s.Add(cAlice.PublicID(), "alice/..."); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, cAlice.PublicID(), err)
// Subsequent Adds must succeed only for PublicIDs with cAlice's public key.
if err := s.Add(cVeyronAlice.PublicID(), "..."); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, cVeyronAlice.PublicID(), err)
if err := s.Add(sAlice, "alice/..."); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, sAlice, err)
if got, want := s.Add(cBob.PublicID(), "bob/..."), errStoreAddMismatch; got != want {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...): got: %s, want: %s", s, cBob, got, want)
func TestSetDefaultPattern(t *testing.T) {
s, err := NewPublicIDStore(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
defaultPatterns := []struct {
pattern security.BlessingPattern
success bool
{"veyron", true},
{"veyron/alice@google", true},
{"veyron/alice@google/bob", true},
{"veyron/alice@google/...", true},
{"", false},
{"veyron...", false},
{"...veyron", false},
{"/veyron", false},
{"veyron/", false},
{"veyron/.../alice", false},
for _, d := range defaultPatterns {
if got := s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern(d.pattern); d.success != (got == nil) {
t.Errorf("%s.SetDefaultPattern(%q) returned: %v, expected it to succeed: %v", s, d.pattern, got, d.success)
func TestStoreGetters(t *testing.T) {
add := func(s security.PublicIDStore, id security.PublicID, peers security.BlessingPattern) {
if err := s.Add(id, peers); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, %q) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, id, peers, err)
var (
// test principals
cAlice = newChain("alice")
cBob = newChain("bob")
cVService = newChain("vservice")
cGService = newChain("gservice")
cApp = newChain("app")
cVeyronService = derive(bless(cVService.PublicID(), veyronChain, "service"), cVService)
cGoogleService = derive(bless(cGService.PublicID(), googleChain, "service"), cGService)
cGoogleServiceApp = derive(bless(cApp.PublicID(), cGoogleService, "app"), cApp)
// PublicIDs for Alice's PublicIDStore
cGoogleAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), googleChain, "alice")
cVeyronAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice")
cGoogleServiceAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), cGoogleService, "user-42")
cVeyronServiceAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), cVeyronService, "user-24")
sGoogleAlice = newSetPublicID(cGoogleServiceAlice, cGoogleAlice)
sAllAlice = newSetPublicID(sGoogleAlice, cVeyronAlice, cVeyronServiceAlice)
// TODO(ataly): Test with SetPublicIDs as well.
// Create a new PublicIDStore and add Add Alice's PublicIDs to the store.
s, err := NewPublicIDStore(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
add(s, cGoogleAlice, "google") // use cGoogleAlice against all peers matching "google/..."
add(s, cGoogleAlice, "veyron") // use cGoogleAlice against all peers matching "veyron/..." as well
add(s, cVeyronAlice, "veyron/...") // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/..."
add(s, cVeyronAlice, "google") // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/..."
add(s, cVeyronServiceAlice, "veyron/service/...") // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/service/..."
add(s, cGoogleServiceAlice, "google/service/...") // use cGoogleServiceAlice against peers matching "google/service/..."
add(s, sGoogleAlice, "google/service") // use any PublicID from sGoogleAlice against peers matching "google/service"
add(s, sAllAlice, "veyron") // use any PublicID from sAllAlice against peers matching "veyron"
pkey := cAlice.PublicID().PublicKey()
// Test ForPeer.
testDataForPeer := []struct {
peer security.PublicID
names []string
{veyronChain.PublicID(), []string{"google/alice", "veyron/alice", "veyron/service/user-24", "google/service/user-42"}},
{cVeyronService.PublicID(), []string{"veyron/alice", "veyron/service/user-24"}},
{googleChain.PublicID(), []string{"veyron/alice", "google/alice", "google/service/user-42"}},
{cGoogleService.PublicID(), []string{"google/alice", "google/service/user-42"}},
{cGoogleServiceApp.PublicID(), []string{"google/service/user-42"}},
{cBob.PublicID(), nil},
for _, d := range testDataForPeer {
if got, err := s.ForPeer(d.peer); !verifyNamesAndPublicKey(got, err, d.names, pkey) {
t.Errorf("%s.ForPeer(%s): got: %q, want PublicID with the exact set of names %q", s, d.peer, got, d.names)
// Test initial DefaultPublicID -- we expect a PublicID with the union of the sets of names of all
// PublicIDs in the store.
defaultNames := []string{"google/alice", "veyron/alice", "veyron/service/user-24", "google/service/user-42"}
if got, err := s.DefaultPublicID(); !verifyNamesAndPublicKey(got, err, defaultNames, pkey) {
t.Errorf("%s.DefaultPublicID(): got: %s, want PublicID with the exact set of names: %s", s, got, defaultNames)
// Test SetDefaultBlessingPattern.
testDataByBlessingPattern := []struct {
defaultPattern security.BlessingPattern
defaultNames []string
{"veyron", nil},
{"veyron/...", []string{"veyron/alice", "veyron/service/user-24"}},
{"veyron/alice", []string{"veyron/alice"}},
{"veyron/service/...", []string{"veyron/service/user-24"}},
{"google", nil},
{"google/...", []string{"google/alice", "google/service/user-42"}},
{"google/alice", []string{"google/alice"}},
{"google/service/...", []string{"google/service/user-42"}},
{"bob", nil},
for _, d := range testDataByBlessingPattern {
if got, err := s.DefaultPublicID(); !verifyNamesAndPublicKey(got, err, d.defaultNames, pkey) {
t.Errorf("%s.DefaultPublicID(): got: %s, want PublicID with the exact set of names: %s", s, got, d.defaultNames)
func TestPublicIDStorePersistence(t *testing.T) {
newTempDir := func(name string) string {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", name)
if err != nil {
return dir
var (
signer = newChain("signer")
cAlice = newChain("alice")
cBob = newChain("bob")
cVeyronAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice")
cGoogleAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), googleChain, "alice")
sAllAlice = newSetPublicID(cGoogleAlice, cVeyronAlice)
pkey = cAlice.PublicID().PublicKey()
// Create a new PublicIDStore that saves all mutations to the provided directory.
dir := newTempDir("publicid_store")
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
s, err := NewPublicIDStore(&PublicIDStoreParams{dir, signer})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
if err := s.Add(sAllAlice, "google/..."); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, sAllAlice, err)
if err := s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern("veyron/..."); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern failed: %s", s, err)
// Test that all mutations are appropriately reflected in a PublicIDStore read from
// the directory.
s, err = NewPublicIDStore(&PublicIDStoreParams{dir, signer})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
testDataForPeer := []struct {
peer security.PublicID
names []string
{googleChain.PublicID(), []string{"veyron/alice", "google/alice"}},
{veyronChain.PublicID(), nil},
{cBob.PublicID(), nil},
for _, d := range testDataForPeer {
if got, err := s.ForPeer(d.peer); !verifyNamesAndPublicKey(got, err, d.names, pkey) {
t.Errorf("%s.ForPeer(%s): got: %q, want PublicID with the exact set of names %q", s, d.peer, got, d.names)
wantDefaultNames := []string{"veyron/alice"}
if got, err := s.DefaultPublicID(); !verifyNamesAndPublicKey(got, err, wantDefaultNames, pkey) {
t.Errorf("%s.DefaultPublicID(): got: %s, want PublicID with the exact set of names: %s", s, got, wantDefaultNames)
diffPubKeyID := newChain("immaterial").PublicID()
if got, want := s.Add(diffPubKeyID, security.AllPrincipals), errStoreAddMismatch; got != want {
t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...): got: %v, want: %v", s, diffPubKeyID, got, want)