blob: 39e3396284ee3c537040783facc9b59e553b542b [file] [log] [blame]
// fake implements a fake runtime. The fake runtime is useful in tests when you
// want to mock out important components.
// TODO(mattr): Make a more complete, but still fake, implementation.
package fake
import (
tsecurity ""
type contextKey int
const (
clientKey = contextKey(iota)
type Runtime struct{}
func Init(ctx *context.T) (*Runtime, *context.T, veyron2.Shutdown, error) {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, principalKey, tsecurity.NewPrincipal())
return &Runtime{}, ctx, func() {}, nil
func (r *Runtime) Init(ctx *context.T) error {
return nil
func (r *Runtime) SetPrincipal(ctx *context.T, principal security.Principal) (*context.T, error) {
return context.WithValue(ctx, principalKey, principal), nil
func (r *Runtime) GetPrincipal(ctx *context.T) security.Principal {
p, _ := ctx.Value(principalKey).(security.Principal)
return p
func (r *Runtime) SetNewLogger(ctx *context.T, name string, opts ...vlog.LoggingOpts) (*context.T, vlog.Logger, error) {
logger, err := vlog.NewLogger(name, opts...)
if err != nil {
return context.WithValue(ctx, loggerKey, logger), logger, nil
return ctx, nil, err
func (r *Runtime) GetLogger(ctx *context.T) vlog.Logger {
l, _ := ctx.Value(loggerKey).(vlog.Logger)
return l
func (r *Runtime) GetAppCycle(ctx *context.T) veyron2.AppCycle {
func (r *Runtime) SetBackgroundContext(ctx *context.T) *context.T {
// Note we add an extra context with a nil value here.
// This prevents users from travelling back through the
// chain of background contexts.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, backgroundKey, nil)
return context.WithValue(ctx, backgroundKey, ctx)
func (r *Runtime) GetBackgroundContext(ctx *context.T) *context.T {
bctx, _ := ctx.Value(backgroundKey).(*context.T)
if bctx == nil {
// There should always be a background context. If we don't find
// it, that means that the user passed us the background context
// in hopes of following the chain. Instead we just give them
// back what they sent in, which is correct.
return ctx
return bctx