blob: 9bae1d540f6f8f84a37e8df5fcc58af5fa033023 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build linux,!android
package internal
import (
const pkgPath = ""
var (
errNotGoogleComputeEngine = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNotGoogleComputeEngine", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} failed to access gce metadata")
initialized bool
mu sync.Mutex
// InitCloudVM initializes the CloudVM metadata.
// If EnvExpectGoogleComputeEngine is set, this function returns after the
// initialization is done. Otherwise, the initialization is done asynchronously
// and future calls to CloudVMPublicAddress() will block until the
// initialization is complete.
// Returns a function to cancel initialization.
func InitCloudVM() (func(), error) {
if initialized {
return func() {}, nil
initialized = true
cancel := make(chan struct{})
if os.Getenv(ref.EnvExpectGoogleComputeEngine) != "" {
defer mu.Unlock()
cloudvm.InitGCE(30*time.Second, cancel)
if !cloudvm.RunningOnGCE() {
return func() {}, verror.New(errNotGoogleComputeEngine, nil)
return func() {}, nil
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
cloudvm.InitGCE(time.Second, cancel)
cloudvm.InitAWS(time.Second, cancel)
return func() {
}, nil
// CloudVMPublicAddress returns the public IP address of the Cloud VM instance
// it is run from, or nil if run from anywhere else. The returned address is the
// public address of a 1:1 NAT tunnel to this host.
func CloudVMPublicAddress() *net.IPAddr {
defer mu.Unlock()
if !initialized {
panic("CloudVMPublicAddress called before InitCloudVM")
if !cloudvm.RunningOnGCE() && !cloudvm.RunningOnAWS() {
return nil
// Determine the IP address from VM's metadata
if ip := cloudvm.ExternalIPAddress(); ip != nil {
// 1:1 NAT case, our network config will not change.
return &net.IPAddr{IP: ip}
return nil