blob: e068999edb743421b0c77eef00c2da38717ab82e [file] [log] [blame]
package agent_test
import (
//go:generate v23 test generate
func V23TestTestPassPhraseUse(i *v23tests.T) {
// Test passphrase handling.
bin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
credentials := "VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + i.NewTempDir()
// Create the passphrase
agent := bin.WithEnv(credentials).Start("echo", "Hello")
fmt.Fprintln(agent.Stdin(), "PASSWORD")
agent.ReadLine() // Skip over ...creating new key... message
// Use it successfully
agent = bin.WithEnv(credentials).Start("echo", "Hello")
fmt.Fprintln(agent.Stdin(), "PASSWORD")
agent = bin.WithEnv(credentials).Start("echo", "Hello")
fmt.Fprintln(agent.Stdin(), "BADPASSWORD")
stderr := bytes.Buffer{}
err := agent.Wait(nil, &stderr)
if err == nil {
i.Fatalf("expected an error!")
if got, want := err.Error(), "exit status 255"; got != want {
i.Fatalf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
if got, want := stderr.String(), "passphrase incorrect for decrypting private key"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
i.Fatalf("%q doesn't contain %q", got, want)
func V23TestAllPrincipalMethods(i *v23tests.T) {
// Test all methods of the principal interface.
// (Errors are printed to STDERR)
agentBin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
principalBin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
credentials := "VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + i.NewTempDir()
agent := agentBin.WithEnv(credentials).Start(principalBin.Path())
agent.WaitOrDie(nil, os.Stderr)
func buildAndRunPingpongServer(i *v23tests.T, rootMTArg string) *v23tests.Binary {
pingpongBin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
pingpongServer := pingpongBin.Start("--server", rootMTArg)
// Make sure pingpong is up and running.
pingpongServer.ExpectRE(".*Listening at.*", -1)
return pingpongBin
func V23TestAgentProcesses(i *v23tests.T) {
// Test that the agent can correctly run one or more subproccesses.
v23tests.RunRootMT(i, "--veyron.tcp.address=")
// The agent doesn't pass NAMESPACE_ROOT or other env vars through to its
// children, so we have to pass them specifically to the commands
// we ask it to run.
rootMT, _ := i.GetVar("NAMESPACE_ROOT")
rootMTArg := "--veyron.namespace.root=" + rootMT
agentBin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
testChildBin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
credentials := "VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + i.NewTempDir()
// Test running a single app.
pingpongBin := buildAndRunPingpongServer(i, rootMTArg)
pingpongClient := agentBin.WithEnv(credentials).Start(pingpongBin.Path(), rootMTArg)
// Enter a newline for an empty passphrase to the agent.
pingpongClient.ExpectRE(".*Pinging...", -1)
// Make sure that the agent does not pass VEYRON_CREDENTIALs on to its children
agent := agentBin.WithEnv(credentials).Start("bash", "-c", "echo", "$VEYRON_CREDENTIALS")
all, err := agent.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
if got, want := all, "\n"; got != want {
i.Fatalf("got %q: VEYRON_CREDENTIALS should not be set when running under the agent", got)
// Test running multiple apps connecting to the same agent, we do that using
// the test_child helper binary which runs the pingpong server and client
// and has them talk to each other.
args := []string{testChildBin.Path(), "--rootmt", rootMT, "--pingpong", pingpongBin.Path()}
testChild := agentBin.WithEnv(credentials).Start(args...)
// Enter a newline for an empty passphrase to the agent.
testChild.Expect("running client")
testChild.Expect("client output")
testChild.ExpectRE(".*Pinging...", -1)
testChild.WaitOrDie(nil, nil)
func V23TestAgentRestart(i *v23tests.T) {
v23tests.RunRootMT(i, "--veyron.tcp.address=")
ns, _ := i.GetVar("NAMESPACE_ROOT")
// The agent doesn't pass NAMESPACE_ROOT or other env vars through to its
// children, so we have to pass them specifically to the commands
// we ask it to run.
rootMTArg := "--veyron.namespace.root=" + ns
agentBin := i.BuildGoPkg("")
vrun := i.BuildGoPkg("")
pingpongBin := buildAndRunPingpongServer(i, rootMTArg)
credentials := "VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=" + i.NewTempDir()
// This script increments a counter in $COUNTER_FILE and exits with exit code 0
// while the counter is < 5, and 1 otherwise.
counterFile := i.NewTempFile()
script := fmt.Sprintf("%q %q|| exit 101\n", pingpongBin.Path(), rootMTArg)
script += fmt.Sprintf("%q %q %q|| exit 102\n", vrun.Path(), pingpongBin.Path(), rootMTArg)
script += fmt.Sprintf("readonly COUNT=$(expr $(<%q) + 1)\n", counterFile.Name())
script += fmt.Sprintf("echo $COUNT > %q\n", counterFile.Name())
script += fmt.Sprintf("[[ $COUNT -lt 5 ]]; exit $?\n")
runscript := func(status, exit, counter string) {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
loc := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filepath.Base(file), line)
counterFile.Seek(0, 0)
fmt.Fprintln(counterFile, "0")
agent := agentBin.WithEnv(credentials).Start("--additional_principals", i.NewTempDir(), exit, "bash", "-c", script)
if err := agent.Wait(nil, nil); err == nil {
if len(status) > 0 {
i.Fatalf("%s: expected an error %q that didn't occur", loc, status)
} else {
if got, want := err.Error(), status; got != want {
i.Fatalf("%s: got %q, want %q", loc, got, want)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(counterFile.Name())
if err != nil {
if got, want := string(buf), counter; got != want {
i.Fatalf("%s: got %q, want %q", loc, got, want)
runscript("exit status 1", "--restart_exit_code=0", "5\n")
runscript("", "--restart_exit_code=!0", "1\n")
runscript("exit status 1", "--restart_exit_code=!1", "5\n")