blob: 59cf75507bbe13e70ff406f1b9059eda25046771 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
// Source: app.vdl
// The app package contains the struct that keeps per javascript app state and handles translating
// javascript requests to veyron requests and vice versa.
package app
import (
// VDL system imports
// VDL user imports
type VeyronRPCRequest struct {
Name string
Method string
NumInArgs int32
NumOutArgs int32
IsStreaming bool
// TODO(bjornick): Change Timeout to use time.WireDeadline instead.
Deadline time.Deadline
TraceRequest vtrace.Request
func (VeyronRPCRequest) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type VeyronRPCResponse struct {
OutArgs []*vdl.Value
TraceResponse vtrace.Response
func (VeyronRPCResponse) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
func init() {