blob: e4af0493a7eab32c24857ec5952e26955157255e [file] [log] [blame]
// Package blackbox provides routines to help with blackbox testing.
// Some tests need to run a subprocess. We reuse the same test binary
// to do so. A fake test 'TestHelperProcess' contains the code we need to
// run in the child and we simply run this same binary with a arg
// that runs just that test. This idea was taken from the tests for os/exec.
// To use this, you need to specify entry points to be called as subprocesses.
// // File: mytestsubprocess.go
// import (
// "veyron/lib/testutil/blackbox"
// )
// func init() {
// blackbox.CommandTable["myTestEntryPoint"] = myTestEntryPoint
// }
// func myTestEntryPoint(argv []string) {
// // argv contains all non-flag arguments. Any flags should be handled
// // using the flag package.
// ...
// blackbox.WaitForEOFOnStdin()
// }
// You also need to specify a TestHelperProcess() entry point as part of your
// test suite. This is boilerplate; the code reads as follows.
// // File: driver_test.go
// package foo
// import (
// "veyron/lib/testutil/blackbox"
// )
// func TestHelperProcess(t *testing.T) {
// blackbox.HelperProcess(t)
// }
// Finally, to start a subprocess, use the HelperCommand(). defer execution
// of the Cleanup method to ensure that logs from the child process
// are collected, printed (if the vlog level is >= the number specified), and
// the log files are deleted.
// // Starts myTestEntryPoint("myTestEntryPoint", "arg1", ..., "argN")
// // in a subprocess.
// child := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "myTestEntryPoint", "arg1", ..., "argN")
// child.Cmd.Start()
// defer child.Cleanup(2)
// // Use the ExpectXXX() functions to examine the output.
// child.Expect("sometext\n")
// child.ExpectEOFAndWait()
// // Close stdin when you are done.
// child.CloseStdin()
package blackbox