blob: ee55e0bf28449e94298f879968ddc98d077ce871 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package server provides a server which keeps a principal in memory
// and allows clients to use that principal.
// The agent starts processes with the VEYRON_AGENT_FD set to one end of a
// unix domain socket. To connect to the agent, a client should create
// a unix domain socket pair. Then send one end of the socket to the agent
// with 1 byte of data. The agent will then serve the Agent service on
// the recieved socket, using VCSecurityNone.
// The agent also supports an optional mode where it can manage multiple principals.
// Typically this is only used by Device Manager. In this mode, VEYRON_AGENT_FD
// will be 3, and there will be another socket at fd 4.
// Creating a new principal is similar to connecting to to agent: create a socket
// pair and send one end on fd 4 with 1 byte of data.
// Set the data to 1 to request the principal only be stored in memory.
// The agent will create a new principal and respond with a principal handle on fd 4.
// To connect using a previously created principal, create a socket pair and send
// one end with they principal handle as data on fd 4. The agent will not send a
// response on fd 4.
// In either, you can use the normal process to connect to an agent over the
// other end of the pair. Typically you would pass the other end to a child
// process and set VEYRON_AGENT_FD so it knows to connect.
package server
import (
type Agent interface {
Bless(key []byte, wit security.WireBlessings, extension string, caveat security.Caveat, additionalCaveats []security.Caveat) (security.WireBlessings, error)
BlessSelf(name string, caveats []security.Caveat) (security.WireBlessings, error)
Sign(message []byte) (security.Signature, error)
MintDischarge(tp any, caveat security.Caveat, additionalCaveats []security.Caveat) (any, error)
PublicKey() ([]byte, error)
BlessingsByName(name security.BlessingPattern) ([]security.WireBlessings, error)
BlessingsInfo(blessings security.WireBlessings) ([]string, error)
AddToRoots(blessing security.WireBlessings) error
BlessingStoreSet(blessings security.WireBlessings, forPeers security.BlessingPattern) (security.WireBlessings, error)
BlessingStoreForPeer(peerBlessings []string) (security.WireBlessings, error)
BlessingStoreSetDefault(blessings security.WireBlessings) error
BlessingStoreDefault() (security.WireBlessings, error)
BlessingStorePeerBlessings() (map[security.BlessingPattern]security.WireBlessings, error)
BlessingStoreDebugString() (string, error)
BlessingRootsAdd(root []byte, pattern security.BlessingPattern) error
BlessingRootsRecognized(root []byte, blessing string) error
BlessingRootsDebugString() (string, error)