blob: 9661caec7cbda5bbe6b86e53f87f379050793ff0 [file] [log] [blame]
package namespace
// This file defines data types that are also defined in the idl for the
// mounttable. We live with the duplication here to avoid having to depend
// on stubs which in turn depend on the runtime etc.
// mountedServer mirrors mounttable.MountedServer
type mountedServer struct {
// Server is the OA that's mounted.
Server string
// TTL is the remaining time (in seconds) before the mount entry expires.
TTL uint32
// mountEntry mirrors mounttable.MountEntry
type mountEntry struct {
// Name is the mounted name.
Name string
// Servers (if present) specifies the mounted names (Link is empty).
Servers []mountedServer