blob: ac2c49e1020850eace15fe5c2024bdd1858af5fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package java
import (
const errorTmpl = header + `
// Source(s): {{ .Source }}
package {{ .PackagePath }};
public final class {{ .ClassName }} {
{{ range $file := .Files }}
/* The following errors originate in file: {{ $file.Name }} */
{{/*Error Defs*/}}
{{ range $error := $file.Errors }}
{{ $error.Doc }}
{{ $error.AccessModifier }} static final io.v.v23.verror.VException.IDAction {{ $error.Name }} = io.v.v23.verror.VException.register("{{ $error.ID }}", io.v.v23.verror.VException.ActionCode.{{ $error.ActionName }}, "{{ $error.EnglishFmt }}");
{{ end }} {{/* range $file.Errors */}}
{{ end }} {{/* range .Files */}}
static {
{{ range $file := .Files }}
/* The following errors originate in file: {{ $file.Name }} */
{{ range $error := $file.Errors }}
{{ range $format := $error.Formats}}
io.v.v23.i18n.Language.getDefaultCatalog().setWithBase("{{ $format.Lang }}", {{ $error.Name }}.getID(), "{{ $format.Fmt }}");
{{ end }} {{/* range $error.Formats */}}
{{ end }} {{/* range $file.Errors */}}
{{ end }} {{/* range .Files */}}
{{ range $file := .Files }}
/* The following error creator methods originate in file: {{ $file.Name }} */
{{ range $error := $file.Errors }}
* Creates an error with {@code {{ $error.Name }}} identifier.
public static io.v.v23.verror.VException {{ $error.MethodName }}(io.v.v23.context.VContext _ctx{{ $error.MethodArgs}}) {
final java.lang.Object[] _params = new java.lang.Object[] { {{ $error.Params }} };
final java.lang.reflect.Type[] _paramTypes = new java.lang.reflect.Type[]{ {{ $error.ParamTypes }} };
return new io.v.v23.verror.VException({{ $error.Name }}, _ctx, _paramTypes, _params);
{{ end }} {{/* range $file.Errors */}}
{{ end }} {{/* range .Files */}}
type errorDef struct {
AccessModifier string
Doc string
Name string
ID string
ActionName string
EnglishFmt string
Formats []errorFormat
MethodName string
MethodArgs string
Params string
ParamTypes string
type errorFormat struct {
Lang string
Fmt string
type errorFile struct {
Name string
Errors []errorDef
func shouldGenerateErrorFile(pkg *compile.Package) bool {
for _, file := range pkg.Files {
if len(file.ErrorDefs) > 0 {
return true
return false
// genJavaErrorFile generates the (single) Java file that contains error
// definitions from all the VDL files.
func genJavaErrorFile(pkg *compile.Package, env *compile.Env) *JavaFileInfo {
if !shouldGenerateErrorFile(pkg) {
return nil
className := "Errors"
files := make([]errorFile, len(pkg.Files))
for i, file := range pkg.Files {
errors := make([]errorDef, len(file.ErrorDefs))
for j, err := range file.ErrorDefs {
formats := make([]errorFormat, len(err.Formats))
for k, format := range err.Formats {
formats[k].Lang = string(format.Lang)
formats[k].Fmt = format.Fmt
errors[j].AccessModifier = accessModifierForName(err.Name)
errors[j].Doc = javaDoc(err.Doc)
errors[j].Name = vdlutil.ToConstCase(err.Name)
errors[j].ID = err.ID
errors[j].ActionName = vdlutil.ToConstCase(err.RetryCode.String())
errors[j].EnglishFmt = err.English
errors[j].Formats = formats
errors[j].MethodName = "new" + vdlutil.FirstRuneToUpper(err.Name)
errors[j].MethodArgs = javaDeclarationArgStr(err.Params, env, true)
errors[j].Params = javaCallingArgStr(err.Params, false)
errors[j].ParamTypes = javaCallingArgTypeStr(err.Params, env)
files[i].Name = file.BaseName
files[i].Errors = errors
data := struct {
FileDoc string
ClassName string
Source string
PackagePath string
Files []errorFile
FileDoc: pkg.FileDoc,
ClassName: className,
Source: javaFileNames(pkg.Files),
PackagePath: javaPath(javaGenPkgPath(pkg.GenPath)),
Files: files,
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := parseTmpl("error", errorTmpl).Execute(&buf, data)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("vdl: couldn't execute error template: %v", err)
return &JavaFileInfo{
Name: className + ".java",
Data: buf.Bytes(),