blob: 21d28bb08aa48b926285a862afc4417d7970e515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package leveldb_fsck performs consistency checking
// of a leveldb-based syncbase store.
package leveldb_fsck
import "fmt"
import "path/filepath"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
var startKey []byte // A start key for a scan of everything.
var limitKey []byte // A limit key for a scan of everything.
// init() initializes startKey and limitKey.
func init() {
startKey = make([]byte, 0)
limitKey = make([]byte, 32)
for i := 0; i != len(limitKey); i++ {
limitKey[i] = 0xff
// limit() returns a "limit" argument of StoreReader.Scan(), assuming that
// "start" is the corresponding "start" argument, and the client wishes to
// iterate over all keys with "start" as a prefix.
func limit(start []byte) (r []byte) {
r = []byte(util.PrefixRangeLimit(string(start)))
if len(r) == 0 { // Handle case where we wish to iterate to the end of the database.
r = limitKey
return r
// An appDBData is in-memory information for a given app's data in a syncbase database.
type appDBData struct {
path string // The path of the directiory containing an app's leveldb.
appDB store.Store // The handle on the app's leveldb.
// A dbContext is the in-memory information for a syncbase database being processed
// by leveldb_fsck.
type dbContext struct {
rootPath string // The root path of the database.
errors []error // A list of errors encountered while trying to process the database.
rootDB store.Store // A handle on the syncbase's root database.
blobDB store.Store // A handle on the syncbase's blobmap database.
appDBList []appDBData // Data on the various app databases within syncbase.
// appendError() appends err to dbCtx.errors if err!=nil.
func appendError(dbCtx *dbContext, err error) {
if err != nil {
dbCtx.errors = append(dbCtx.errors, err)
// CheckDBRoot() attempts to check the root store of the syncbase database at the specified path.
// It returns a list of errors in *errors.
func CheckDBRoot(path string, errors *[]error) {
keyBuf := make([]byte, 1024)
valBuf := make([]byte, 1024)
var err error
dbCtx := new(dbContext)
dbCtx.rootPath = path
dbCtx.rootDB, err = leveldb.Open(filepath.Join(path, "leveldb"), leveldb.OpenOptions{})
appendError(dbCtx, err)
dbCtx.blobDB, err = leveldb.Open(filepath.Join(path, "blobs/chunk"), leveldb.OpenOptions{})
appendError(dbCtx, err)
var appDBList []string
if dbCtx.rootDB != nil {
fmt.Printf("******************* rootDB\n")
cantDecode := 0
var stream store.Stream = dbCtx.rootDB.Scan(startKey, limit(startKey))
for stream.Advance() {
keyStr := string(stream.Key(keyBuf))
valueBytes := stream.Value(valBuf)
var value interface{}
err = vom.Decode(valueBytes, &value)
if err != nil {
if cantDecode == 0 {
appendError(dbCtx, fmt.Errorf("rootDB: can't vom.Decode value: key=%q value=%v", keyStr, stream.Value(valBuf)))
} else {
if dbInfo, ok := value.(*server.DbInfo); ok {
appDBList = append(appDBList, dbInfo.RootDir)
} else {
fmt.Printf("key=%q\nvalue=%#v\n\n", common.SplitNKeyParts(keyStr, -1), value)
if cantDecode > 1 {
appendError(dbCtx, fmt.Errorf("rootDB: can't vom.Decode %d values in total", cantDecode))
appendError(dbCtx, stream.Err())
fmt.Printf("******************* END rootDB\n\n\n")
// Process the application stores.
for i := 0; i != len(appDBList); i++ {
CheckDBApp(dbCtx, appDBList[i])
// Process the blobmap.
if dbCtx.blobDB != nil {
*errors = dbCtx.errors
// CloseDB() closes the stores associated with the database *dbCtx.
func CloseDB(dbCtx *dbContext) {
if dbCtx.blobDB != nil {
appendError(dbCtx, dbCtx.blobDB.Close())
if dbCtx.rootDB != nil {
appendError(dbCtx, dbCtx.rootDB.Close())
for i := range dbCtx.appDBList {
if dbCtx.appDBList[i].appDB != nil {
appendError(dbCtx, dbCtx.appDBList[i].appDB.Close())