blob: ae9b409e1e3a87a42538d096287d85fc545955f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package modules implements a mechanism for running commonly used services as
// subprocesses, and client functionality for accessing those services. Such
// services and functions are collectively called 'commands' and are managed by
// a 'Registry'. The Shell is analagous to the UNIX shell and maintains a key,
// value store of environment variables and config settings that are accessible
// to the commands that it hosts. Simple variable expansion is supported.
// Four types of 'commands' may be invoked via a Shell.
// - functions of type Shell.Main as subprocesses via fork/exec
// - functions of type Shell.Main as functions within the current process
// - arbitrary non-Vanadium commands available on the underlying
// operating system such as '/bin/cp', 'bash' etc.
// - arbtirary Vanadium commands available on the underlying
// operating system such as precompiled Vanadium services.
// The first two types require that the function to be executed is compiled
// into the binary executing the calls to the Shell. These functions
// are registered with a single, per-process, registry.
// The signature of the function that implements the command is the
// same for both types of command and is defined by the Main function type.
// In particular stdin, stdout and stderr are provided as parameters, as is
// a map representation of the shell's environment.
// The second two types allow for arbitrary binaries to be executed. The
// distinction between a Vanadium and non-Vanadium command is that the
// Vanadium command implements the protocol used by
// package to synchronise between the parent and child processes and to share
// information such as the ConfigKey key,value store supported by the Shell,
// a shared secret, shared file descriptors etc.
// When the exec protocol is not used the only form of communication with the
// child processes are environment variables and command line flags and any
// shared file descriptors explicitly created by the parent process and expected
// by the child process; the Start method will not create any additional
// file descriptors.
// The registry provides the following functions:
// - RegisterChild: generally called from an init function to register a
// shell.Main to be executed in a subprocess by fork/exec'ing the calling
// process.
// - Dispatch: which must be called in the child process to lookup the
// requested function in the registry and to invoke it. This will typically
// be called from a TestMain. modules.IsModulesChildProcess can be used
// to determine if the calling process is a child started via this package.
// - DispatchAndExit: essentially the same as Dispatch but intended to be
// called as the first thing in a main function.
// - RegisterFunction: for an in-process function that will be invoked
// via function call.
// The v23 tool can automate generation of TestMain and calls to RegisterChild,
// and RegisterFunction. Adding the comment below to a test file will
// generate the appropriate code.
// //go:generate v23 test generate .
// Use 'v23 test generate --help' to get a complete explanation.
// In all cases commands are started by invoking the StartWithOpts method
// on the Shell with the name of the command to run. An instance of the Handle
// interface is returned which can be used to interact with the function
// or subprocess, and in particular to read/write data from/to it using io
// channels that follow the stdin, stdout, stderr convention. The StartOpts
// struct is used to control the detailed behaviour of each such invocation.
// Various helper functions are provided both for creating appropriate
// instances of StartOpts and for common uses of StartWithOpts.
// Each successful call to StartWithOpts returns a handle representing
// the running command. This handle can be used to gain access to that
// command's stdin, stdout, stderr and to request or synchronize with
// its termination via the Shutdown method. The Shutdown method can
// optionally be used to read any remaining output from the commands stdout
// and stderr.
// The Shell maintains a record of all such handles and will call Shutdown
// on them in LIFO order when the Shell's Cleanup method is called.
// A simple protocol must be followed by all modules.Main commands,
// in particular, they should wait for their stdin stream to be closed
// before exiting. The caller can then coordinate with any command by writing
// to that stdin stream and reading responses from the stdout stream, and it
// can close stdin when it's ready for the command to exit using the
// CloseStdin method on the command's handle. Any binary or script that
// follows this protocol can be used as well.
// By default, every Shell created by NewShell starts a security agent
// to manage principals for child processes. These default credentials
// can be overridden by passing a nil context to NewShell then specifying
// VeyronCredentials in the environment provided as a parameter to the
// StartWithOpts method. It is also possible to specify custom credentials
// via StartOpts.
// Interacting with Commands:
// Handle.Stdout(), Stdin(), Stderr():
// StartWithOpts returns a Handle which can be used to interact with the
// running command. In particular, its Stdin() and Stdout() methods give
// access to the running process' corresponding stdin and stdout and hence
// can be used to communicate with it. Stderr is handled differently and is
// configured so that the child's stderr is written to a log file rather
// than a pipe. This is in order to maximise the liklihood of capturing
// stderr output from a crashed child process.
// Handle.Shutdown(stdout, stderr io.Writer):
// The Shutdown method is used to gracefully shutdown a command and to
// synchronise with its termination. In particular, Shutdown can be used
// to read any unread output from the command's stdout and stderr. Note that
// since Stderr is buffered to a file, Shutdown is able to return the entire
// contents of that file. This is useful for debugging misbehaving/crashing
// child processes.
// Shell.Cleanup(stdout, stderr io.Writer):
// The Shell keeps track of all Handles that it has issued and in particular
// if Shutdown (or Forget) have not been called, it will call Shutdown for
// each such Handle in LIFO order. This ensures that all commands will be
// Shutdown even if the developer does not explicitly take care to do so
// for every invocation.
// Pipes:
// StartWithOpts allows the caller to pass an io.Reader to the command
// (StartOpts.Stdin) for it to read from, rather than creating a new pipe
// internally. This makes it possible to connect the output of one
// command to the input of another directly.
// Command Line Arguments:
// The arguments passed in calls to Start are appended to any system required
// ones (e.g. for propagating test timeouts, verbosity etc) and the child
// process will call the command with the result of flag.Args(). In this way
// the caller can provide flags used by libraries in the child process
// as well as those specific to the command and the command will only
// receive the args specific to it. The usual "--" convention can be
// used to override this default behaviour.
// Caveats:
// Handle.Shutdown assumes that the child command/process will terminate
// when its stdin stream is closed. This assumption is unlikely to be valid
// for 'external' commands (e.g. /bin/cp) and in these cases Kill or some other
// application specific mechanism will need to be used.
package modules
import (
const (
shellBlessingExtension = "test-shell"
defaultStartTimeout = time.Minute
defaultShutdownTimeout = time.Minute
defaultExpectTimeout = time.Minute
var defaultStartOpts = StartOpts{
StartTimeout: defaultStartTimeout,
ShutdownTimeout: defaultShutdownTimeout,
ExpectTimeout: defaultExpectTimeout,
ExecProtocol: true,
// Shell represents the context within which commands are run.
type Shell struct {
mu sync.Mutex
env map[string]string
handles map[Handle]struct{}
lifoHandles []Handle
defaultStartOpts StartOpts
// tmpCredDir is the temporary directory created by this
// shell. This must be removed when the shell is cleaned up.
tempCredDir string
config exec.Config
principal security.Principal
agent *keymgr.Agent
ctx *context.T
sessionVerbosity bool
cancelCtx func()
// NewShell creates a new instance of Shell.
// If ctx is non-nil, the shell will manage Principals for child processes.
// If p is non-nil, any child process created has its principal blessed
// by the default blessings of 'p', Else any child process created has its
// principal blessed by the default blessings of ctx's principal.
// If verbosity is true additional debugging info will be displayed,
// in particular by the Shutdown.
// If t is non-nil, then the expect Session created for every invocation
// will be constructed with that value of t unless overridden by a
// StartOpts provided to that invocation. Providing a non-nil value of
// t enables expect.Session to call t.Error, Errorf and Log.
func NewShell(ctx *context.T, p security.Principal, verbosity bool, t expect.Testing) (*Shell, error) {
sh := &Shell{
env: make(map[string]string),
handles: make(map[Handle]struct{}),
config: exec.NewConfig(),
defaultStartOpts: defaultStartOpts,
sessionVerbosity: verbosity,
sh.defaultStartOpts = sh.defaultStartOpts.WithSessions(t, time.Minute)
if ctx == nil {
return sh, nil
var err error
ctx, sh.cancelCtx = context.WithCancel(ctx)
if ctx, err = v23.WithNewStreamManager(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
sh.ctx = ctx
if sh.tempCredDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "shell_credentials-"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sh.agent, err = keymgr.NewLocalAgent(ctx, sh.tempCredDir, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
sh.principal = p
if sh.principal == nil {
sh.principal = v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
return sh, nil
// DefaultStartOpts returns the current StartOpts stored with the Shell.
func (sh *Shell) DefaultStartOpts() StartOpts {
return sh.defaultStartOpts
// SetDefaultStartOpts sets the default StartOpts stored with the Shell.
func (sh *Shell) SetDefaultStartOpts(opts StartOpts) {
sh.defaultStartOpts = opts
// CustomCredentials encapsulates a Principal which can be shared with
// one or more processes run by a Shell.
type CustomCredentials struct {
p security.Principal
agent *keymgr.Agent
id []byte
// Principal returns the Principal.
func (c *CustomCredentials) Principal() security.Principal {
return c.p
// File returns a socket which can be used to connect to the agent
// managing this principal. Typically you would pass this to a child
// process.
func (c *CustomCredentials) File() (*os.File, error) {
return c.agent.NewConnection(
func dup(conn *os.File) (int, error) {
fd, err := syscall.Dup(int(conn.Fd()))
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return fd, nil
// NewCustomCredentials creates a new Principal for StartWithOpts..
// Returns nil if the shell is not managing principals.
func (sh *Shell) NewCustomCredentials() (cred *CustomCredentials, err error) {
// Create child principal.
if sh.ctx == nil {
return nil, nil
id, conn, err := sh.agent.NewPrincipal(sh.ctx, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fd, err := dup(conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ep, err := v23.NewEndpoint(agentlib.AgentEndpoint(fd))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := agentlib.NewAgentPrincipal(sh.ctx, ep, v23.GetClient(sh.ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CustomCredentials{p, sh.agent, id}, nil
// NewChildCredentials creates a new principal, served via the security agent
// whose blessings are an extension of this shell's principal (with the
// provided caveats).
// All processes started by this shell will recognize the credentials created
// by this call.
// Returns nil if the shell is not managing principals.
// Since the Shell type is intended for tests, it is not required to provide
// caveats. In production scenarios though, one must think long and hard
// before blessing anothing principal without any caveats.
func (sh *Shell) NewChildCredentials(extension string, caveats (c *CustomCredentials, err error) {
creds, err := sh.NewCustomCredentials()
if creds == nil {
return nil, err
parent := sh.principal
child := creds.p
if len(caveats) == 0 {
caveats = []security.Caveat{security.UnconstrainedUse()}
// Bless the child principal with blessings derived from the default blessings
// of shell's principal.
blessings, err := parent.Bless(child.PublicKey(), parent.BlessingStore().Default(), extension, caveats[0], caveats[1:]...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := child.BlessingStore().SetDefault(blessings); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := child.BlessingStore().Set(blessings, security.AllPrincipals); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := child.AddToRoots(blessings); err != nil {
return nil, err
return creds, nil
type Main func(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error
// String returns a string representation of the Shell, which is a
// list of the commands currently available in the shell.
func (sh *Shell) String() string {
// Help returns the help message for the specified command.
func (sh *Shell) Help(command string) string {
// Start is shorthand for StartWithOpts(sh.DefaultStartOpts(), ...)
func (sh *Shell) Start(name string, env []string, args ...string) (Handle, error) {
return sh.StartWithOpts(sh.DefaultStartOpts(), env, name, args...)
// StartOpts represents the options that can be passed to the
// StartWithOpts method.
type StartOpts struct {
// Error is set when creating/intializing instances of StartOpts
// via one of the factory methods and returned when StartWithOpts
// is called. This allows usage of of the form:
// err := sh.StartWithOpts(sh.DefaultStartOpts()...)
// as opposed to:
// opts, err := sh.DefaultStartOpts(....)
// if err != nil {
// panic(...)
// }
// sh.StartWithOpts(opts, ....)
Error error
// Stdin, if non-nil, will be used as the stdin for the child process.
// If this option is set, then the Stdin() method on the returned Handle
// will return nil. The client of this API maintains ownership of stdin
// and must close it, i.e. the shell will not do so.
Stdin io.Reader
// Credentials, if non-nil, will be used as the credentials for the
// child process. If the creds are nil or the shell is not managing
// principals, the credentials are ignored.
Credentials *CustomCredentials
// ExecProtocol indicates whether the child process is expected to
// implement the parent/child protocol.
// It should be set to false when running non-vanadium commands
// (e.g. /bin/cp).
ExecProtocol bool
// External indicates if the command is an external process rather than
// a Shell.Main function.
External bool
// StartTimeout specifies the amount of time to wait for the
// child process to signal its correct intialization for Vanadium
// processes that implement the exec parent/child protocol. It has no
// effect if External is set to true.
StartTimeout time.Duration
// ShutdownTimeout specifics the amount of time to wait for the child
// process to exit when the Shutdown method is called on that
// child's handle.
ShutdownTimeout time.Duration
// ExpectTesting is used when creating an instance of expect.Session
// to embed in Handle.
ExpectTesting expect.Testing
// ExpectTimeout is the timeout to use with expect.Session.
ExpectTimeout time.Duration
// DefaultStartOpts returns an instance of Startops with the current default
// values. The defaults have values for timeouts, no credentials
// (StartWithOpts will then create credentials each time it is called),
// and with ExecProtocol set to true.
// This is expected to be the common use case.
func DefaultStartOpts() StartOpts {
return defaultStartOpts
// WithCustomCredentials returns an instance of StartOpts with the specified
// credentials.
// All other options are set to the current defaults.
func (opts StartOpts) WithCustomCredentials(creds *CustomCredentials) StartOpts {
opts.Credentials = creds
return opts
// WithSessions returns a copy of opts with the specified expect.Testing and
// associated timeout.
func (opts StartOpts) WithSessions(t expect.Testing, timeout time.Duration) StartOpts {
opts.ExpectTesting = t
opts.ExpectTimeout = timeout
return opts
// WithStdin returns a copy of opts with the specified Stdin io.Reader.
func (opts StartOpts) WithStdin(stdin io.Reader) StartOpts {
opts.Stdin = stdin
return opts
// NoExecCommand returns a copy of opts with the External option
// enabled and ExecProtocol disabled.
func (opts StartOpts) NoExecCommand() StartOpts {
opts.External = true
opts.ExecProtocol = false
return opts
// ExternalCommand returns a copy of StartOpts with the
// External option enabled.
func (opts StartOpts) ExternalCommand() StartOpts {
opts.External = true
return opts
var (
ErrNotRegistered = errors.New("command not registered")
ErrNoExecAndCustomCreds = errors.New("ExecProtocol set to false but this invocation is attempting to use custome credentials")
// StartWithOpts starts the specified command according to the supplied
// StartOpts and returns a Handle which can be used for interacting with
// that command.
// The environment variables for the command are set by merging variables
// from the OS environment, those in this Shell and those provided as a
// parameter to it. In general, it prefers values from its parameter over
// those from the Shell, over those from the OS. However, the VeyronCredentials
// and agent FdEnvVar variables will never use the value from the Shell or OS.
// If the shell is managing principals, the command is configured to
// connect to the shell's agent. Custom credentials may be specified
// via StartOpts. If the shell is not managing principals, set
// the VeyronCredentials environment variable in the 'env' parameter.
// The Shell tracks all of the Handles that it creates so that it can shut
// them down when asked to. The returned Handle may be non-nil even when an
// error is returned, in which case it may be used to retrieve any output
// from the failed command.
// StartWithOpts will return a valid handle for errors that occur during the
// child processes startup process. It is thus possible to call Shutdown
// to obtain the error output. Handle will be nil if the error is due to
// some other reason, such as failure to create pipes/files before starting
// the child process. A common use will therefore be:
// h, err := sh.Start(env, "/bin/echo", "hello")
// if err != nil {
// if h != nil {
// h.Shutdown(nil,os.Stderr)
// }
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
func (sh *Shell) StartWithOpts(opts StartOpts, env []string, name string, args ...string) (Handle, error) {
var err error
if opts.Error != nil {
return nil, opts.Error
var desc *commandDesc
if opts.External {
desc = registry.getExternalCommand(name)
} else if desc = registry.getCommand(name); desc == nil {
return nil, ErrNotRegistered
if !opts.ExecProtocol && opts.Credentials != nil {
return nil, ErrNoExecAndCustomCreds
if sh.ctx != nil && opts.ExecProtocol && opts.Credentials == nil {
opts.Credentials, err = sh.NewChildCredentials("child")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := desc.factory()
expanded := append([]string{name}, sh.expand(args...)...)
cenv := sh.setupCommandEnv(env)
var p *os.File
if opts.Credentials != nil {
p, err = opts.Credentials.File()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
h, err := cmd.start(sh, p, &opts, cenv, expanded...)
if err != nil {
return h, err
sh.handles[h] = struct{}{}
sh.lifoHandles = append(sh.lifoHandles, h)
return h, nil
// CommandEnvelope returns the command line and environment that would be
// used for running the subprocess or function if it were started with the
// specifed arguments.
func (sh *Shell) CommandEnvelope(name string, env []string, args ...string) ([]string, []string) {
cmd := registry.getCommand(name)
if cmd == nil {
return []string{}, []string{}
menv := sh.setupCommandEnv(env)
return cmd.factory().envelope(sh, menv, args...)
// Forget tells the Shell to stop tracking the supplied Handle. This is
// generally used when the application wants to control the order that
// commands are shutdown in.
func (sh *Shell) Forget(h Handle) {
delete(sh.handles, h)
func (sh *Shell) expand(args ...string) []string {
exp := []string{}
for _, a := range args {
if len(a) > 0 && a[0] == '$' {
if v, present := sh.env[a[1:]]; present {
exp = append(exp, v)
exp = append(exp, a)
return exp
// GetVar returns the variable associated with the specified key
// and an indication of whether it is defined or not.
func (sh *Shell) GetVar(key string) (string, bool) {
v, present := sh.env[key]
return v, present
// SetVar sets the value to be associated with key.
func (sh *Shell) SetVar(key, value string) {
// TODO(cnicolaou): expand value
sh.env[key] = value
// ClearVar removes the speficied variable from the Shell's environment
func (sh *Shell) ClearVar(key string) {
delete(sh.env, key)
// GetConfigKey returns the value associated with the specified key in
// the Shell's config and an indication of whether it is defined or
// not.
func (sh *Shell) GetConfigKey(key string) (string, bool) {
v, err := sh.config.Get(key)
return v, err == nil
// SetConfigKey sets the value of the specified key in the Shell's
// config.
func (sh *Shell) SetConfigKey(key, value string) {
sh.config.Set(key, value)
// ClearConfigKey removes the speficied key from the Shell's config.
func (sh *Shell) ClearConfigKey(key string) {
// Env returns the entire set of environment variables associated with this
// Shell as a string slice.
func (sh *Shell) Env() []string {
vars := envvar.MapToSlice(sh.env)
return vars
// Cleanup calls Shutdown on all of the Handles currently being tracked
// by the Shell and writes to stdout and stderr as per the Shutdown
// method in the Handle interface. Cleanup returns the error from the
// last Shutdown that returned a non-nil error. The order that the
// Shutdown routines are executed is not defined.
func (sh *Shell) Cleanup(stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
verbose := sh.sessionVerbosity
writeMsg := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !verbose {
if stderr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr, format, args...)
writeMsg("---- Shell Cleanup ----\n")
defer writeMsg("---- Shell Cleanup Complete ----\n")
handles := make([]Handle, 0, len(sh.lifoHandles))
for _, h := range sh.lifoHandles {
if _, present := sh.handles[h]; present {
handles = append(handles, h)
sh.handles = make(map[Handle]struct{})
sh.lifoHandles = nil
var err error
for i := len(handles); i > 0; i-- {
h := handles[i-1]
switch v := h.(type) {
case *functionHandle:
writeMsg("---- Cleanup calling Shutdown on function %q\n",
case *execHandle:
writeMsg("---- Cleanup calling Shutdown on command %q\n",
cerr := h.Shutdown(stdout, stderr)
if cerr != nil {
err = cerr
fn := func() string {
if cerr == nil {
return ": done"
} else {
return ": error: " + err.Error()
switch v := h.(type) {
case *functionHandle:
writeMsg("---- Shutdown on function %q%s\n",, fn())
case *execHandle:
writeMsg("---- Shutdown on command %q%s\n",, fn())
if sh.cancelCtx != nil {
writeMsg("---- Cleanup calling cancelCtx ----\n")
// Note(ribrdb, caprita): This will shutdown the agents. If there
// were errors shutting down it is possible there could be child
// processes still running, and stopping the agent may cause
// additional failures.
return err
func (sh *Shell) setupCommandEnv(env []string) []string {
osmap := envvar.SliceToMap(os.Environ())
evmap := envvar.SliceToMap(env)
m1 := envvar.MergeMaps(osmap, sh.env)
// Clear any VeyronCredentials directory in m1 as we never
// want the child to directly use the directory specified
// by the shell's VeyronCredentials.
delete(m1, ref.EnvCredentials)
delete(m1, ref.EnvAgentEndpoint)
m2 := envvar.MergeMaps(m1, evmap)
return envvar.MapToSlice(m2)
// ExpectSession is a subset of's methods
// that are embedded in Handle.
type ExpectSession interface {
Expect(expected string)
ExpectEOF() error
ExpectRE(pattern string, n int) [][]string
ExpectSetEventuallyRE(expected ...string) [][]string
ExpectSetRE(expected ...string) [][]string
ExpectVar(name string) string
Expectf(format string, args ...interface{})
ReadAll() (string, error)
ReadLine() string
Failed() bool
Error() error
// Handle represents a running command.
type Handle interface {
// Stdout returns a reader to the running command's stdout stream.
Stdout() io.Reader
// Stderr returns a reader to the running command's stderr
// stream.
Stderr() io.Reader
// Stdin returns a writer to the running command's stdin. The
// convention is for commands to wait for stdin to be closed before
// they exit, thus the caller should close stdin when it wants the
// command to exit cleanly.
Stdin() io.Writer
// CloseStdin closes stdin in a manner that avoids a data race
// between any current readers on it.
// Shutdown closes the Stdin for the command and then reads output
// from the command's stdout until it encounters EOF, waits for
// the command to complete and then reads all of its stderr output.
// The stdout and stderr contents are written to the corresponding
// io.Writers if they are non-nil, otherwise the content is discarded.
Shutdown(stdout, stderr io.Writer) error
// Pid returns the pid of the process running the command
Pid() int
// command is used to abstract the implementations of inprocess and subprocess
// commands.
type command interface {
envelope(sh *Shell, env []string, args ...string) ([]string, []string)
start(sh *Shell, agent *os.File, opts *StartOpts, env []string, args ...string) (Handle, error)