blob: 91ab924c1e56d45f89b631aa9cd41a3bd9901b47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package static provides a network-aware Profile that provides appropriate
// options and configuration for a variety of network configurations, including
// being behind 1-1 NATs, but without the ability to respond to dhcp changes.
package static
import (
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
// TODO(cnicolaou,ashankar): move this into flags.
sflag ""
var (
commonFlags *flags.Flags
// ListenSpec is an initialized instance of ipc.ListenSpec that can
// be used with ipc.Listen.
ListenSpec ipc.ListenSpec
func init() {
commonFlags = flags.CreateAndRegister(flag.CommandLine, flags.Listen)
type static struct {
gce string
ac *appcycle.AppCycle
// New returns a new instance of a very static Profile. It can be used
// as a default by Runtime implementations, in unit tests etc.
func New() veyron2.Profile {
return &static{}
func (p *static) Name() string {
return "static" + p.gce
func (p *static) Runtime() (string, []veyron2.ROpt) {
return "google", nil
func (*static) Platform() *veyron2.Platform {
pstr, _ := platform.Platform()
return pstr
func (p *static) Init(rt veyron2.Runtime, _ *config.Publisher) (veyron2.AppCycle, error) {
log := rt.Logger()
rt.ConfigureReservedName(debug.NewDispatcher(log.LogDir(), sflag.NewAuthorizerOrDie(), rt.VtraceStore()))
lf := commonFlags.ListenFlags()
ListenSpec = ipc.ListenSpec{
Addrs: ipc.ListenAddrs(lf.Addrs),
Proxy: lf.ListenProxy,
} = appcycle.New()
// Our address is private, so we test for running on GCE and for its
// 1:1 NAT configuration. GCEPublicAddress returns a non-nil addr
// if we are indeed running on GCE.
if !internal.HasPublicIP(log) {
if addr := internal.GCEPublicAddress(log); addr != nil {
ListenSpec.AddressChooser = func(string, []ipc.Address) ([]ipc.Address, error) {
return []ipc.Address{&netstate.AddrIfc{addr, "nat", nil}}, nil
p.gce = "+gce"
return, nil
ListenSpec.AddressChooser = internal.IPAddressChooser
return, nil
func (p *static) Cleanup() {
if != nil {
func (p *static) String() string {
return "static profile on " + p.Platform().String()