blob: 0928254563c29755098cb4dd52e7eb9700cffcdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Package message provides data structures and serialization/deserialization
// methods for messages exchanged by the implementation of the
// veyron2/ipc/stream interfaces in veyron/runtimes/google/ipc/stream.
package message
// This file contains methods to read and write messages sent over the VIF.
// Every message has the following format:
// +-----------------------------------------+
// | Type (1 byte) | PayloadSize (3 bytes) |
// +-----------------------------------------+
// | Payload (PayloadSize bytes) |
// +-----------------------------------------+
// Currently, there are 2 valid types:
// 0 (controlType)
// 1 (dataType)
// When Type == controlType, the message is:
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | 0 | PayloadSize (3 bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | Cmd (1 byte) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | Data (PayloadSize - MACSize - 1 bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | MAC (MACSize bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// Where Data is the serialized Control interface object.
// When Type == dataType, the message is:
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | 1 | PayloadSize (3 bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | id.VCI (4 bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | id.Flow (4 bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | Flags (1 byte) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | MAC (MACSize bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// | Data (PayloadSize - 9 - MACSize bytes) |
// +---------------------------------------------+
// Where Data is the application data. The Data is encrypted separately; it is
// not included in the MAC.
// A crypto.ControlCipher is used to encrypt the control data. The MACSize
// comes from the ControlCipher. When used, the first word of the header,
// containing the Type and PayloadSize, is encrypted with the cipher's Encrypt
// method. The rest of the control data is encrypted with the cipher's Seal
// method. This means that none of the data is observable by an adversary, but
// the type and length are subject to corruption (the rest of the data is not).
// This doesn't matter -- if the Type or PayloadSize is corrupted by an
// adversary, the payload will be misread, and will fail to validate.
// We could potentially pass the Type and PayloadSize in the clear, but then the
// framing would be observable, a (probably minor) information leak. There is
// no reason to do so, we encrypt everything.
import (
const (
// Size (in bytes) of headers appended to application data payload in
// Data messages.
HeaderSizeBytes = commonHeaderSizeBytes + dataHeaderSizeBytes
commonHeaderSizeBytes = 4 // 1 byte type + 3 bytes payload length
dataHeaderSizeBytes = 9 // 4 byte id.VC + 4 byte id.Flow + 1 byte flags
// Make sure the first byte can't be ASCII to ensure that a VC
// header can never be confused with a web socket request.
// TODO(cnicolaou): remove the original controlType and dataType values
// when new binaries are pushed.
controlType = 0
controlTypeWS = 0x80
dataType = 1
dataTypeWS = 0x81
var (
emptyMessageErr = errors.New("message is empty")
corruptedMessageErr = errors.New("corrupted message")
// T is the interface implemented by all messages communicated over a VIF.
type T interface {
// ReadFrom reads a message from the provided iobuf.Reader.
// Sample usage:
// msg, err := message.ReadFrom(r)
// switch m := msg.(type) {
// case *Data:
// notifyFlowOfReceivedData(m.VCI, m.Flow, m.Payload)
// if m.Closed() {
// closeFlow(m.VCI, m.Flow)
// }
// case Control:
// handleControlMessage(m)
// }
func ReadFrom(r *iobuf.Reader, c crypto.ControlCipher) (T, error) {
header, err := r.Read(commonHeaderSizeBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read VC header: %v", err)
msgType := header.Contents[0]
msgPayloadSize := read3ByteUint(header.Contents[1:4])
payload, err := r.Read(msgPayloadSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read payload of %d bytes for type %d: %v", msgPayloadSize, msgType, err)
macSize := c.MACSize()
switch msgType {
case controlType, controlTypeWS:
if !c.Open(payload.Contents) {
return nil, corruptedMessageErr
m, err := readControl(bytes.NewBuffer(payload.Contents[:msgPayloadSize-macSize]))
return m, err
case dataType, dataTypeWS:
if !c.Open(payload.Contents[0 : dataHeaderSizeBytes+macSize]) {
return nil, corruptedMessageErr
m := &Data{
VCI: id.VC(read4ByteUint(payload.Contents[0:4])),
Flow: id.Flow(read4ByteUint(payload.Contents[4:8])),
flags: payload.Contents[8],
Payload: payload,
m.Payload.TruncateFront(uint(dataHeaderSizeBytes + macSize))
return m, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized message type: %d", msgType)
// WriteTo serializes message and makes a single call to w.Write.
// It is the inverse of ReadFrom.
// By writing the message in a single call to w.Write, confusion is avoided in
// case multiple goroutines are calling Write on w simultaneously.
// If message is a Data message, the Payload contents will be Released
// irrespective of the return value of this method.
func WriteTo(w io.Writer, message T, c crypto.ControlCipher) error {
macSize := c.MACSize()
switch m := message.(type) {
case *Data:
payloadSize := m.PayloadSize() + dataHeaderSizeBytes + macSize
msg := mkHeaderSpace(m.Payload, uint(HeaderSizeBytes+macSize))
header := msg.Contents[0 : HeaderSizeBytes+macSize]
header[0] = dataType
if err := write3ByteUint(header[1:4], payloadSize); err != nil {
return err
write4ByteUint(header[4:8], uint32(m.VCI))
write4ByteUint(header[8:12], uint32(m.Flow))
header[12] = m.flags
EncryptMessage(msg.Contents, c)
_, err := w.Write(msg.Contents)
return err
case Control:
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Prevent a few memory allocations by presizing the buffer to
// something that is large enough for typical control messages.
// Reserve space for the header
if err := extendBuffer(&buf, commonHeaderSizeBytes); err != nil {
return err
if err := writeControl(&buf, m); err != nil {
return err
if err := extendBuffer(&buf, macSize); err != nil {
return err
msg := buf.Bytes()
msg[0] = controlType
if err := write3ByteUint(msg[1:4], buf.Len()-commonHeaderSizeBytes); err != nil {
return err
EncryptMessage(msg, c)
_, err := w.Write(msg)
return err
return fmt.Errorf("invalid message type %T", m)
return nil
// EncryptMessage encrypts the message's control data in place.
func EncryptMessage(msg []byte, c crypto.ControlCipher) error {
if len(msg) == 0 {
return emptyMessageErr
n := len(msg)
switch msgType := msg[0]; msgType {
case controlType:
// skip
case dataType:
n = HeaderSizeBytes + c.MACSize()
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized message type: %d", msgType)
return nil
func mkHeaderSpace(slice *iobuf.Slice, space uint) *iobuf.Slice {
if slice == nil {
return iobuf.NewSlice(make([]byte, space))
if slice.ExpandFront(space) {
return slice
vlog.VI(10).Infof("Failed to expand slice by %d bytes. Copying", space)
contents := make([]byte, slice.Size()+int(space))
copy(contents[space:], slice.Contents)
return iobuf.NewSlice(contents)
var emptyBytes [256]byte
func extendBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer, size int) error {
_, err := buf.Write(emptyBytes[:size])
return err