blob: 6e3561cb55393560395eac5e3071ba2143375131 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
type server struct{}
// TypeTester interface implementation
func (*server) EchoBool(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 bool) (bool, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoBool(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoFloat32(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 float32) (float32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoFloat32(%u) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoFloat64(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 float64) (float64, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoFloat64(%u) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoInt32(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 int32) (int32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoInt32(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoInt64(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 int64) (int64, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoInt64(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoString(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 string) (string, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoString(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoByte(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 byte) (byte, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoByte(%v) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoUInt32(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 uint32) (uint32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoUInt32(%u) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) EchoUInt64(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 uint64) (uint64, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("EchoUInt64(%u) was called.", i1)
return i1, nil
func (*server) InputArray(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 [2]uint8) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("CInputArray(%v) was called.", i1)
return nil
func (*server) OutputArray(call ipc.ServerContext) ([2]uint8, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("COutputArray() was called.")
return [2]uint8{1, 2}, nil
func (*server) InputMap(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 map[uint8]uint8) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("CInputMap(%v) was called.", i1)
return nil
func (*server) OutputMap(call ipc.ServerContext) (map[uint8]uint8, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("COutputMap() was called.")
return map[uint8]uint8{1: 2}, nil
func (*server) InputSlice(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 []uint8) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("CInputSlice(%v) was called.", i1)
return nil
func (*server) OutputSlice(call ipc.ServerContext) ([]uint8, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("COutputSlice() was called.")
return []uint8{1, 2}, nil
func (*server) InputStruct(call ipc.ServerContext, i1 test_base.Struct) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("CInputStruct(%v) was called.", i1)
return nil
func (*server) OutputStruct(call ipc.ServerContext) (test_base.Struct, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("COutputStruct() was called.")
return test_base.Struct{X: 1, Y: 2}, nil
func (*server) NoArguments(call ipc.ServerContext) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("NoArguments() was called.")
return nil
func (*server) MultipleArguments(call ipc.ServerContext, i1, i2 int32) (int32, int32, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Info("MultipleArguments(%v,%v) was called.", i1, i2)
return i1, i2, nil
func (*server) StreamingOutput(ctx test_base.TypeTesterStreamingOutputContext, nStream int32, item bool) error {
vlog.VI(2).Info("StreamingOutput(%v,%v) was called.", nStream, item)
sender := ctx.SendStream()
for i := int32(0); i < nStream; i++ {
return nil
func startServer(t *testing.T, r veyron2.Runtime) (ipc.Server, naming.Endpoint, error) {
obj := test_base.TypeTesterServer(&server{})
server, err := r.NewServer()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("NewServer failed: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
endpoints, err := server.Listen(profiles.LocalListenSpec)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Listen failed: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
if err := server.Serve("", obj, nil); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Serve failed: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
return server, endpoints[0], nil
func stopServer(t *testing.T, server ipc.Server) {
if err := server.Stop(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("server.Stop failed: %v", err)
func testInvocation(t *testing.T, buffer *bytes.Buffer, cmd *cmdline.Command, args []string, expected string) {
if err := cmd.Execute(args); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
if output := strings.Trim(buffer.String(), "\n"); output != expected {
t.Errorf("Incorrect invoke output: expected %s, got %s", expected, output)
func testError(t *testing.T, cmd *cmdline.Command, args []string, expected string) {
if err := cmd.Execute(args); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expected) {
t.Errorf("Expected error: ...%v..., got: %v", expected, err)
func TestVRPC(t *testing.T) {
var err error
runtime, err = rt.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error initializing runtime: %s", err)
defer runtime.Cleanup()
// Skip defer runtime.Cleanup() to avoid messing up other tests in the
// same process.
server, endpoint, err := startServer(t, runtime)
if err != nil {
defer stopServer(t, server)
// Setup the command-line.
cmd := root()
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Init(nil, &stdout, &stderr)
name := naming.JoinAddressName(endpoint.String(), "")
// Test the 'describe' command.
if err := cmd.Execute([]string{"describe", name}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
// TODO(toddw): Switch VRPC to new __Signature, and update these tests.
expectedSignature := []string{
"func EchoBool(I1 bool) (O1 bool, err error)",
"func EchoFloat32(I1 float32) (O1 float32, err error)",
"func EchoFloat64(I1 float64) (O1 float64, err error)",
"func EchoInt32(I1 int32) (O1 int32, err error)",
"func EchoInt64(I1 int64) (O1 int64, err error)",
"func EchoString(I1 string) (O1 string, err error)",
"func EchoByte(I1 byte) (O1 byte, err error)",
"func EchoUInt32(I1 uint32) (O1 uint32, err error)",
"func EchoUInt64(I1 uint64) (O1 uint64, err error)",
"func InputArray(I1 [2]byte) (error)",
"func InputMap(I1 map[byte]byte) (error)",
"func InputSlice(I1 []byte) (error)",
"func InputStruct(I1 struct{X int32, Y int32}) (error)",
"func OutputArray() (O1 [2]byte, err error)",
"func OutputMap() (O1 map[byte]byte, err error)",
"func OutputSlice() (O1 []byte, err error)",
"func OutputStruct() (O1 struct{X int32, Y int32}, err error)",
"func NoArguments() (error)",
"func MultipleArguments(I1 int32, I2 int32) (O1 int32, O2 int32, err error)",
"func StreamingOutput(NumStreamItems int32, StreamItem bool) stream<_, bool> (error)",
signature := make([]string, 0, len(expectedSignature))
line, err := stdout.ReadBytes('\n')
for err == nil {
signature = append(signature, strings.Trim(string(line), "\n"))
line, err = stdout.ReadBytes('\n')
if len(signature) != len(expectedSignature) {
t.Fatalf("signature lengths don't match %v and %v.", len(signature), len(expectedSignature))
for i, expectedSig := range expectedSignature {
if expectedSig != signature[i] {
t.Errorf("signature line doesn't match: %v and %v\n", expectedSig, signature[i])
// Test the 'invoke' command.
tests := [][]string{
[]string{"EchoBool", "EchoBool(true) = [true, <nil>]", "[\"bool\",true]"},
[]string{"EchoFloat32", "EchoFloat32(3.2) = [3.2, <nil>]", "[\"float32\",3.2]"},
[]string{"EchoFloat64", "EchoFloat64(6.4) = [6.4, <nil>]", "[\"float64\",6.4]"},
[]string{"EchoInt32", "EchoInt32(-32) = [-32, <nil>]", "[\"int32\",-32]"},
[]string{"EchoInt64", "EchoInt64(-64) = [-64, <nil>]", "[\"int64\",-64]"},
[]string{"EchoString", "EchoString(Hello World!) = [Hello World!, <nil>]", "[\"string\",\"Hello World!\"]"},
[]string{"EchoByte", "EchoByte(8) = [8, <nil>]", "[\"byte\",8]"},
[]string{"EchoUInt32", "EchoUInt32(32) = [32, <nil>]", "[\"uint32\",32]"},
[]string{"EchoUInt64", "EchoUInt64(64) = [64, <nil>]", "[\"uint64\",64]"},
// TODO(jsimsa): The InputArray currently triggers an error in the
// vom decoder. Benj is looking into this.
// []string{"InputArray", "InputArray([1 2]) = []", "[\"[2]uint\",[1,2]]"},
[]string{"InputMap", "InputMap(map[1:2]) = [<nil>]", "[\"map[uint]uint\",{\"1\":\"2\"}]"},
// TODO(jsimsa): The InputSlice currently triggers an error in the
// vom decoder. Benj is looking into this.
// []string{"InputSlice", "InputSlice([1 2]) = []", "[\"[]uint\",[1,2]]"},
[]string{"InputStruct", "InputStruct({1 2}) = [<nil>]",
"[\"type\",\" struct{X int32;Y int32}\"] [\"Struct\",{\"X\":1,\"Y\":2}]"},
// TODO(jsimsa): The OutputArray currently triggers an error in the
// vom decoder. Benj is looking into this.
// []string{"OutputArray", "OutputArray() = [1 2]"}
[]string{"OutputMap", "OutputMap() = [map[1:2], <nil>]"},
[]string{"OutputSlice", "OutputSlice() = [[1 2], <nil>]"},
[]string{"OutputStruct", "OutputStruct() = [{1 2}, <nil>]"},
[]string{"NoArguments", "NoArguments() = [<nil>]"},
[]string{"MultipleArguments", "MultipleArguments(1, 2) = [1, 2, <nil>]", "[\"uint32\",1]", "[\"uint32\",2]"},
[]string{"StreamingOutput", "StreamingOutput(3, true) = <<\n0: true\n1: true\n2: true\n>> [<nil>]", "[\"int8\",3]", "[\"bool\",true ]"},
[]string{"StreamingOutput", "StreamingOutput(0, true) = [<nil>]", "[\"int8\",0]", "[\"bool\",true ]"},
for _, test := range tests {
testInvocation(t, &stdout, cmd, append([]string{"invoke", name, test[0]}, test[2:]...), test[1])
testErrors := [][]string{
[]string{"EchoBool", "exit code 1"},
[]string{"DoesNotExist", "invoke: method DoesNotExist not found"},
for _, test := range testErrors {
testError(t, cmd, append([]string{"invoke", name, test[0]}, test[2:]...), test[1])