blob: 9908261a1dacabc6cca45caa46a0c04bdb6ccdc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Use a different package for the tests to ensure that only the exported API is used.
package vc_test
import (
iversion ""
var (
clientEP = endpoint(naming.FixedRoutingID(0xcccccccccccccccc))
serverEP = endpoint(naming.FixedRoutingID(0x5555555555555555))
//go:generate v23 test generate
const (
// Convenience alias to avoid conflicts between the package name "vc" and variables called "vc".
DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow = vc.DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow
// Shorthands
SecurityNone = options.SecurityNone
SecurityDefault = options.SecurityConfidential
var LatestVersion = iversion.SupportedRange.Max
// testFlowEcho writes a random string of 'size' bytes on the flow and then
// ensures that the same string is read back.
func testFlowEcho(t *testing.T, flow stream.Flow, size int) {
defer flow.Close()
wrote := testutil.RandomBytes(size)
go func() {
buf := wrote
for len(buf) > 0 {
limit := 1 + testutil.Intn(len(buf)) // Random number in [1, n]
n, err := flow.Write(buf[:limit])
if n != limit || err != nil {
t.Errorf("Write returned (%d, %v) want (%d, nil)", n, err, limit)
buf = buf[limit:]
total := 0
read := make([]byte, size)
buf := read
for total < size {
n, err := flow.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
total += n
buf = buf[n:]
if bytes.Compare(read, wrote) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Data read != data written")
func TestHandshakeNoSecurity(t *testing.T) {
// When the principals are nil, no blessings should be sent over the wire.
h, vc, err := New(LatestVersion, nil, nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
if !flow.RemoteBlessings().IsZero() {
t.Errorf("Server sent blessing %v over insecure transport", flow.RemoteBlessings())
if !flow.LocalBlessings().IsZero() {
t.Errorf("Client sent blessing %v over insecure transport", flow.LocalBlessings())
func testFlowAuthN(flow stream.Flow, serverBlessings security.Blessings, serverDischarges map[string]security.Discharge, clientPublicKey security.PublicKey) error {
if got, want := flow.RemoteBlessings(), serverBlessings; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("Server shared blessings %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := flow.RemoteDischarges(), serverDischarges; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("Server shared discharges %#v, want %#v", got, want)
if got, want := flow.LocalBlessings().PublicKey(), clientPublicKey; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("Client shared %v, want %v", got, want)
return nil
// auth implements security.Authorizer.
type auth struct {
localPrincipal security.Principal
remoteBlessings security.Blessings
remoteDischarges map[string]security.Discharge
suffix, method string
err error
// Authorize tests that the context passed to the authorizer is the expected one.
func (a *auth) Authorize(ctx *context.T, call security.Call) error {
if a.err != nil {
return a.err
if got, want := call.LocalPrincipal(), a.localPrincipal; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.LocalPrincipal: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := call.RemoteBlessings(), a.remoteBlessings; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.RemoteBlessings: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := call.RemoteDischarges(), a.remoteDischarges; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.RemoteDischarges: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := call.LocalEndpoint(), clientEP; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.LocalEndpoint: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := call.RemoteEndpoint(), serverEP; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.RemoteEndpoint: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := call.Suffix(), a.suffix; got != want {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.RemoteEndpoint: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := call.Method(), a.method; got != want {
return fmt.Errorf("ctx.RemoteEndpoint: got %v, want %v", got, want)
return nil
// mockDischargeClient implements vc.DischargeClient.
type mockDischargeClient []security.Discharge
func (m mockDischargeClient) PrepareDischarges(_ *context.T, forcaveats []security.Caveat, impetus security.DischargeImpetus) []security.Discharge {
return m
func (mockDischargeClient) Invalidate( {}
func (mockDischargeClient) RPCStreamListenerOpt() {}
func (mockDischargeClient) RPCStreamVCOpt() {}
// Test that mockDischargeClient implements vc.DischargeClient.
var _ vc.DischargeClient = (mockDischargeClient)(nil)
func TestHandshake(t *testing.T) {
matchesError := func(got error, want string) error {
if (got == nil) && len(want) == 0 {
return nil
if got == nil && !strings.Contains(got.Error(), want) {
return fmt.Errorf("got error %q, wanted to match %q", got, want)
return nil
var (
root = testutil.NewIDProvider("root")
discharger = testutil.NewPrincipal("discharger")
client = testutil.NewPrincipal()
server = testutil.NewPrincipal()
tpcav, err := security.NewPublicKeyCaveat(discharger.PublicKey(), "irrelevant", security.ThirdPartyRequirements{}, security.UnconstrainedUse())
if err != nil {
dis, err := discharger.MintDischarge(tpcav, security.UnconstrainedUse())
if err != nil {
// Root blesses the client
if err := root.Bless(client, "client"); err != nil {
// Root blesses the server with a third-party caveat
if err := root.Bless(server, "server", tpcav); err != nil {
testdata := []struct {
dischargeClient vc.DischargeClient
auth *vc.ServerAuthorizer
dialErr string
flowRemoteBlessings security.Blessings
flowRemoteDischarges map[string]security.Discharge
flowRemoteBlessings: server.BlessingStore().Default(),
dischargeClient: mockDischargeClient([]security.Discharge{dis}),
flowRemoteBlessings: server.BlessingStore().Default(),
flowRemoteDischarges: map[string]security.Discharge{dis.ID(): dis},
dischargeClient: mockDischargeClient([]security.Discharge{dis}),
auth: &vc.ServerAuthorizer{
Suffix: "suffix",
Method: "method",
Policy: &auth{
localPrincipal: client,
remoteBlessings: server.BlessingStore().Default(),
remoteDischarges: map[string]security.Discharge{dis.ID(): dis},
suffix: "suffix",
method: "method",
flowRemoteBlessings: server.BlessingStore().Default(),
flowRemoteDischarges: map[string]security.Discharge{dis.ID(): dis},
dischargeClient: mockDischargeClient([]security.Discharge{dis}),
auth: &vc.ServerAuthorizer{
Suffix: "suffix",
Method: "method",
Policy: &auth{
err: errors.New("authorization error"),
dialErr: "authorization error",
for i, d := range testdata {
h, vc, err := New(LatestVersion, client, server, d.dischargeClient, d.auth)
if merr := matchesError(err, d.dialErr); merr != nil {
t.Errorf("Test #%d: HandshakeDialedVC with server authorizer %#v:: %v", i, d.auth.Policy, merr)
if err != nil {
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to create flow: %v", err)
if err := testFlowAuthN(flow, d.flowRemoteBlessings, d.flowRemoteDischarges, client.PublicKey()); err != nil {
func testConnect_Small(t *testing.T, version version.RPCVersion, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) {
h, vc, err := NewSimple(version, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
testFlowEcho(t, flow, 10)
func TestConnect_SmallNoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testConnect_Small(t, LatestVersion, SecurityNone) }
func TestConnect_Small(t *testing.T) { testConnect_Small(t, LatestVersion, SecurityDefault) }
func TestConnect_Small7NoSecurity(t *testing.T) {
testConnect_Small(t, version.RPCVersion7, SecurityNone)
func TestConnect_Small7(t *testing.T) { testConnect_Small(t, version.RPCVersion7, SecurityDefault) }
func TestConnect_Small8NoSecurity(t *testing.T) {
testConnect_Small(t, version.RPCVersion8, SecurityNone)
func TestConnect_Small8(t *testing.T) { testConnect_Small(t, version.RPCVersion8, SecurityDefault) }
func testConnect(t *testing.T, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) {
h, vc, err := NewSimple(LatestVersion, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
testFlowEcho(t, flow, 10*DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
func TestConnectNoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testConnect(t, SecurityNone) }
func TestConnect(t *testing.T) { testConnect(t, SecurityDefault) }
func testConnect_Version7(t *testing.T, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) {
h, vc, err := NewSimple(LatestVersion, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
testFlowEcho(t, flow, 10)
func TestConnect_Version7NoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testConnect_Version7(t, SecurityNone) }
func TestConnect_Version7(t *testing.T) { testConnect_Version7(t, SecurityDefault) }
// helper function for testing concurrent operations on multiple flows over the
// same VC. Such tests are most useful when running the race detector.
// (go test -race ...)
func testConcurrentFlows(t *testing.T, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel, flows, gomaxprocs int) {
mp := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(gomaxprocs)
defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(mp)
h, vc, err := NewSimple(LatestVersion, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < flows; i++ {
go func(n int) {
defer wg.Done()
flow, err := vc.Connect()
if err != nil {
} else {
testFlowEcho(t, flow, (n+1)*DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
func TestConcurrentFlows_1NOSecurity(t *testing.T) { testConcurrentFlows(t, SecurityNone, 10, 1) }
func TestConcurrentFlows_1(t *testing.T) { testConcurrentFlows(t, SecurityDefault, 10, 1) }
func TestConcurrentFlows_10NoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testConcurrentFlows(t, SecurityNone, 10, 10) }
func TestConcurrentFlows_10(t *testing.T) { testConcurrentFlows(t, SecurityDefault, 10, 10) }
func testListen(t *testing.T, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) {
h, vc, err := NewSimple(LatestVersion, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
if err := h.VC.AcceptFlow(id.Flow(21)); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected AcceptFlow on a new flow to fail as Listen was not called")
ln, err := vc.Listen()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("vc.Listen failed: %v", err)
_, err = vc.Listen()
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Second call to vc.Listen should have failed")
if err := h.VC.AcceptFlow(id.Flow(23)); err != nil {
data := "the dark knight"
cipherdata, err := h.otherEnd.VC.Encrypt(id.Flow(23), iobuf.NewSlice([]byte(data)))
if err != nil {
if err := h.VC.DispatchPayload(id.Flow(23), cipherdata); err != nil {
flow, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
if err := ln.Close(); err != nil {
var buf [4096]byte
if n, err := flow.Read(buf[:]); n != len(data) || err != nil || string(buf[:n]) != data {
t.Errorf("Got (%d, %v) = %q, want (%d, nil) = %q", n, err, string(buf[:n]), len(data), data)
if n, err := flow.Read(buf[:]); n != 0 || err != io.EOF {
t.Errorf("Got (%d, %v) want (0, %v)", n, err, io.EOF)
func TestListenNoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testListen(t, SecurityNone) }
func TestListen(t *testing.T) { testListen(t, SecurityDefault) }
func testNewFlowAfterClose(t *testing.T, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) {
h, _, err := NewSimple(LatestVersion, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
if err := h.VC.AcceptFlow(id.Flow(10)); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("New flows should not be accepted once the VC is closed")
func TestNewFlowAfterCloseNoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testNewFlowAfterClose(t, SecurityNone) }
func TestNewFlowAfterClose(t *testing.T) { testNewFlowAfterClose(t, SecurityDefault) }
func testConnectAfterClose(t *testing.T, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) {
h, vc, err := NewSimple(LatestVersion, securityLevel)
if err != nil {
defer h.Close()
if f, err := vc.Connect(); f != nil || err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "myerr") {
t.Fatalf("Got (%v, %v), want (nil, %q)", f, err, "myerr")
func TestConnectAfterCloseNoSecurity(t *testing.T) { testConnectAfterClose(t, SecurityNone) }
func TestConnectAfterClose(t *testing.T) { testConnectAfterClose(t, SecurityDefault) }
// helper implements vc.Helper and also sets up a single VC.
type helper struct {
VC *vc.VC
bq bqueue.T
mu sync.Mutex
otherEnd *helper // GUARDED_BY(mu)
func createPrincipals(securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) (client, server security.Principal) {
if securityLevel == SecurityDefault {
client = testutil.NewPrincipal("client")
server = testutil.NewPrincipal("server")
// A convenient version of New() with default parameters.
func NewSimple(v version.RPCVersion, securityLevel options.SecurityLevel) (*helper, stream.VC, error) {
pclient, pserver := createPrincipals(securityLevel)
return New(v, pclient, pserver, nil, nil)
// New creates both ends of a VC but returns only the "client" end (i.e., the
// one that initiated the VC). The "server" end (the one that "accepted" the VC)
// listens for flows and simply echoes data read.
func New(v version.RPCVersion, client, server security.Principal, dischargeClient vc.DischargeClient, auth *vc.ServerAuthorizer) (*helper, stream.VC, error) {
clientH := &helper{bq: drrqueue.New(vc.MaxPayloadSizeBytes)}
serverH := &helper{bq: drrqueue.New(vc.MaxPayloadSizeBytes)}
clientH.otherEnd = serverH
serverH.otherEnd = clientH
vci := id.VC(1234)
clientParams := vc.Params{
VCI: vci,
Dialed: true,
LocalEP: clientEP,
RemoteEP: serverEP,
Pool: iobuf.NewPool(0),
Helper: clientH,
serverParams := vc.Params{
VCI: vci,
LocalEP: serverEP,
RemoteEP: clientEP,
Pool: iobuf.NewPool(0),
Helper: serverH,
clientH.VC = vc.InternalNew(clientParams)
serverH.VC = vc.InternalNew(serverParams)
clientH.AddReceiveBuffers(vci, vc.SharedFlowID, vc.DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
go clientH.pipeLoop(serverH.VC)
go serverH.pipeLoop(clientH.VC)
var (
lopts []stream.ListenerOpt
vcopts []stream.VCOpt
if dischargeClient != nil {
lopts = append(lopts, dischargeClient)
if auth != nil {
vcopts = append(vcopts, auth)
var bserver security.Blessings
if server != nil {
bserver = server.BlessingStore().Default()
var clientExchanger func(*crypto.BoxKey) error
var serverExchanger func(*crypto.BoxKey) (*crypto.BoxKey, error)
if v >= version.RPCVersion9 {
server, client := make(chan *crypto.BoxKey, 1), make(chan *crypto.BoxKey, 1)
clientExchanger = func(pubKey *crypto.BoxKey) error {
client <- pubKey
return clientH.VC.FinishHandshakeDialedVC(v, <-server)
serverExchanger = func(pubKey *crypto.BoxKey) (*crypto.BoxKey, error) {
server <- pubKey
return <-client, nil
c := serverH.VC.HandshakeAcceptedVC(v, server, bserver, serverExchanger, lopts...)
if err := clientH.VC.HandshakeDialedVC(client, v, clientExchanger, vcopts...); err != nil {
go func() { <-c }()
return nil, nil, err
hr := <-c
if hr.Error != nil {
return nil, nil, hr.Error
go acceptLoop(hr.Listener)
return clientH, clientH.VC, nil
// pipeLoop forwards slices written to to dst.
func (h *helper) pipeLoop(dst *vc.VC) {
for {
w, bufs, err :=
if err != nil {
fid := id.Flow(w.ID())
for _, b := range bufs {
cipher, err := h.VC.Encrypt(fid, b)
if err != nil {
vlog.Infof("vc encrypt failed: %v", err)
if err := dst.DispatchPayload(fid, cipher); err != nil {
vlog.Infof("dispatch payload failed: %v", err)
if w.IsDrained() {
func acceptLoop(ln stream.Listener) {
for {
f, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
go echoLoop(f)
func echoLoop(flow stream.Flow) {
var buf [vc.DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow * 20]byte
for {
n, err := flow.Read(buf[:])
if err == io.EOF {
if err == nil {
_, err = flow.Write(buf[:n])
if err != nil {
func (h *helper) NotifyOfNewFlow(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow, bytes uint) {
if h.otherEnd != nil {
if err := h.otherEnd.VC.AcceptFlow(fid); err != nil {
h.otherEnd.VC.ReleaseCounters(fid, uint32(bytes))
func (h *helper) AddReceiveBuffers(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow, bytes uint) {
if h.otherEnd != nil {
h.otherEnd.VC.ReleaseCounters(fid, uint32(bytes))
func (h *helper) NewWriter(vci id.VC, fid id.Flow, priority bqueue.Priority) (bqueue.Writer, error) {
return, priority, DefaultBytesBufferedPerFlow)
func (h *helper) Close() {
h.VC.Close(fmt.Errorf("helper closed"))
otherEnd := h.otherEnd
h.otherEnd = nil
if otherEnd != nil {
otherEnd.otherEnd = nil
type endpoint naming.RoutingID
func (e endpoint) Network() string { return "test" }
func (e endpoint) VersionedString(int) string { return e.String() }
func (e endpoint) String() string { return naming.RoutingID(e).String() }
func (e endpoint) Name() string { return naming.JoinAddressName(e.String(), "") }
func (e endpoint) RoutingID() naming.RoutingID { return naming.RoutingID(e) }
func (e endpoint) Addr() net.Addr { return nil }
func (e endpoint) ServesMountTable() bool { return false }
func (e endpoint) ServesLeaf() bool { return false }
func (e endpoint) BlessingNames() []string { return nil }
func (e endpoint) RPCVersionRange() version.RPCVersionRange { return version.RPCVersionRange{} }