blob: 0d6ef1f1694efa65d57824c37d089c76dbf4981f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vsync
import (
var (
x = makeRowKeyFromParts("table1", "x")
y = makeRowKeyFromParts("table1", "y")
z = makeRowKeyFromParts("table1", "z")
a = makeRowKeyFromParts("table2", "a")
b = makeRowKeyFromParts("table2", "b")
c = makeRowKeyFromParts("table2", "c")
d = makePermsKeyFromParts("table1", "d")
e = makeRowKeyFromParts("table1", "e")
f = makeRowKeyFromParts("table1", "f")
g = makeRowKeyFromParts("table1", "g")
p = makeRowKeyFromParts("table3", "p")
q = makeRowKeyFromParts("table3", "q")
func createObjConflictState(isConflict, hasLocal, hasRemote, hasAncestor bool) *objConflictState {
remote := NoVersion
local := NoVersion
ancestor := NoVersion
if hasRemote {
remote = string(watchable.NewVersion())
if hasLocal {
local = string(watchable.NewVersion())
if hasAncestor {
ancestor = string(watchable.NewVersion())
return &objConflictState{
isAddedByCr: hasLocal && !hasRemote,
isConflict: isConflict,
newHead: remote,
oldHead: local,
ancestor: ancestor,
func verifyResolution(t *testing.T, updMap map[string]*objConflictState, oid string, resolution resolutionType) {
st, ok := updMap[oid]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("st not found for oid %v", oid)
if st.res == nil {
t.Errorf("st.res found nil for oid %v", oid)
if st.res.ty != resolution {
t.Errorf("st.res.ty value for oid %v expected: %v, actual: %v", oid, resolution, st.res.ty)
func verifyBatchId(t *testing.T, updMap map[string]*objConflictState, batchId uint64, oids ...string) {
for _, oid := range oids {
if updMap[oid].res.batchId != batchId {
t.Errorf("BatchId for Oid %v expected: %#v, actual: %#v", oid, batchId, updMap[oid].res.batchId)
func verifyCreateNew(t *testing.T, updMap map[string]*objConflictState, oid string, isDeleted bool) {
st, ok := updMap[oid]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("st not found for oid %v", oid)
if st.res == nil {
t.Errorf("st.res found nil for oid %v", oid)
if st.res.ty != createNew {
t.Errorf("st.res.ty value for oid %v expected: %v, actual: %v", oid, createNew, st.res.ty)
if updObjectsAppResolves[oid].res.rec == nil {
t.Errorf("No log record found for newly created value of oid: %v", oid)
if isDeleted {
if updObjectsAppResolves[oid].res.val != nil {
t.Errorf("Resolution for oid %v has missing new value", oid)
} else if updObjectsAppResolves[oid].res.val == nil {
t.Errorf("Resolution for oid %v is not expected to have a val", oid)
func saveNodeAndLogRec(tx store.Transaction, oid, version string, ts int64, isDeleted bool) {
devId, gen := rand64(), rand64()
node := &DagNode{
Deleted: isDeleted,
Logrec: logRecKey(logDataPrefix, devId, gen),
setNode(nil, tx, oid, version, node)
logRec := &LocalLogRec{
Metadata: interfaces.LogRecMetadata{
Id: devId,
Gen: gen,
UpdTime: unixNanoToTime(ts),
CurVers: version,
putLogRec(nil, tx, logDataPrefix, logRec)