blob: e4fa5efc57cf859a500402218d97f150008642d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Binary pbankd is a simple implementation of the bank service.
// Binary bank clients can connect to this bank service to manage virtual bank
// accounts. Unlike bankd, pbankd uses the Veyron Store. It can recover user
// data after a crash, but it must always connect to the stored service.
// Unlike bankd, pbankd prevents race conditions with transactions.
package main
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE(kash): This file is commented out because we are making large changes
// to the Store API and we don't want to repeatedly update this example.
// Additionally, the server uses a common transaction across all requests,
// so there is a pretty bad race condition that we don't want people to
// copy. The only reason we are keeping this file is because it demonstrates
// how to write a custom dispatcher.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// import (
// "errors"
// "flag"
// "fmt"
// "math/rand"
// "os"
// "os/user"
// "path/filepath"
// "reflect"
// "regexp"
// "strings"
// "time"
// "veyron/examples/bank"
// "veyron/examples/bank/schema"
// "veyron/lib/signals"
// vsecurity "veyron/security"
// "veyron/security/caveat"
// idutil "veyron/services/identity/util"
// "veyron2"
// "veyron2/ipc"
// "veyron2/naming"
// "veyron2/rt"
// "veyron2/security"
// "veyron2/storage"
// "veyron2/storage/vstore"
// "veyron2/vlog"
// )
// // Duration of a bank account blessing, intended to be very long.
// const BLESS_DURATION = 24 * 10000 * time.Hour
// // Ensure that account numbers are all 6 digits long.
// const MIN_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = 100000
// const MAX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = 999999
// const SUFFIX_REGEXP = "/[0-9]{6}"
// // Where we will store the bank in the store database.
// const BANK_ROOT string = "/Bank"
// var (
// storeName string
// ACCOUNTS string
// runtime veyron2.Runtime
// )
// func init() {
// username := "unknown"
// if u, err := user.Current(); err == nil {
// username = u.Username
// }
// hostname := "unknown"
// if h, err := os.Hostname(); err == nil {
// hostname = h
// }
// dir := "global/vstore/" + hostname + "/" + username
// // Parse the flags (variableName, flagName, defaultValue, description)
// flag.StringVar(&storeName, "store", dir, "Name of the Veyron store")
// // Set the random seed to the current time to increase psuedorandomness.
// rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix())
// // Set the name for the ACCOUNTS 'constant'. TODO(alexfandrianto): Is there a better way to know the field is named "Accounts"?
// ACCOUNTS = reflect.TypeOf(schema.Bank{}).Field(0).Name
// }
// // The following struct and functions handle construction of the persistent bank.
// type pbankd struct {
// // Pointer to the store
// store storage.Store
// // Current Transaction name; empty if there's no transaction
// tname string
// // The bank's private ID (used for blessing)
// ID security.PrivateID
// }
// // newPbankd creates a new persistent bank structure.
// func newPbankd(store storage.Store, identity security.PrivateID) *pbankd {
// b := &pbankd{
// store: store,
// ID: identity,
// }
// return b
// }
// // InitializeBank bank details in the store; currently only initializes the root.
// func (b *pbankd) initializeBank() {
// if err := b.newTransaction(); err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal(err)
// }
// // NOTE(sadovsky): initializeBankRoot ought to return an error. Currently,
// // some errors (e.g. failed puts) could slip through unnoticed.
// b.initializeBankRoot()
// if err := b.commit(); err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal(err)
// }
// }
// // initializeBankRoot prepares the bank root as BANK_ROOT if it isn't yet in the Veyron store.
// func (b *pbankd) initializeBankRoot() {
// // Create parent directories for the bank root, if necessary
// l := strings.Split(BANK_ROOT, "/")
// fmt.Println(l)
// for i, _ := range l {
// fmt.Println(i)
// prefix := filepath.Join(l[:i]...)
// o :=, prefix))
// if exist, err := o.Exists(runtime.TODOContext()); err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error checking existence at %q: %s", prefix, err)
// } else if !exist {
// if _, err := o.Put(runtime.TODOContext(), &schema.Dir{}); err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error creating parent %q: %s", prefix, err)
// }
// fmt.Printf("%q was created!\n", prefix)
// } else {
// fmt.Printf("%q was already present in the store.\n", prefix)
// }
// }
// // Add the bank schema to the store at BANK_ROOT, if necessary
// o :=, BANK_ROOT))
// if exist, err := o.Exists(runtime.TODOContext()); err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error checking existence at %q: %s", BANK_ROOT, err)
// } else if !exist {
// _, err := o.Put(runtime.TODOContext(), &schema.Bank{})
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error creating bank at %q: %s", BANK_ROOT, err)
// }
// }
// }
// // Register creates an account for a new user with the given bankName.
// func (b *pbankd) Connect(context ipc.ServerContext) (string, int64, error) {
// // Check if the RemoteID() has been blessed by the bank
// if num := getBankAccountNumber(context); num != 0 {
// // Look up the user and return their bank account number
// fmt.Println("This client is blessed!")
// fmt.Printf("ID: %d\n", num)
// return "", num, nil
// } else {
// fmt.Println("This client isn't blessed. Let's bless them!")
// // Use the store
// if err := b.newTransaction(); err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal(err)
// }
// // Keep rolling until we get an unseen number
// for b.isUser(randID) {
// }
// fmt.Printf("ID: %d\n", randID)
// // Bless the user
// pp := security.PrincipalPattern(context.LocalID().Names()[0])
// pID, err := b.ID.Bless(
// context.RemoteID(),
// fmt.Sprintf("%d", randID),
// []security.ServiceCaveat{security.UniversalCaveat(caveat.PeerIdentity{pp})},
// )
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal(err)
// }
// // Encode the public ID
// enc, err := idutil.Base64VomEncode(pID)
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal(err)
// }
// // Store the user into the database
// b.registerNewUser(randID)
// err = b.commit()
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal(err)
// }
// // Ensure the new user is a user before returning the blessing and ID
// if b.isUser(randID) {
// return enc, randID, nil
// }
// return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to register user")
// }
// }
// // Deposit adds the amount given to this account.
// func (b *pbankd) Deposit(context ipc.ServerContext, amount int64) error {
// user := getBankAccountNumber(context)
// if user == 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve account number")
// }
// if err := b.newTransaction(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if !b.isUser(user) {
// return fmt.Errorf("user isn't registered")
// } else if amount < 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("deposit amount %d is negative", amount)
// }
// b.changeBalance(user, amount)
// return b.commit()
// }
// // Withdraw reduces the amount given from this account.
// func (b *pbankd) Withdraw(context ipc.ServerContext, amount int64) error {
// user := getBankAccountNumber(context)
// if user == 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve account number")
// }
// if err := b.newTransaction(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if !b.isUser(user) {
// return fmt.Errorf("user isn't registered")
// } else if amount < 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("withdraw amount %d is negative", amount)
// } else if balance := b.checkBalance(user); amount > balance {
// return fmt.Errorf("withdraw amount %d exceeds balance %d", amount, balance)
// }
// b.changeBalance(user, -amount)
// return b.commit()
// }
// // Transfer moves the amount given to the receiver.
// func (b *pbankd) Transfer(context ipc.ServerContext, accountNumber int64, amount int64) error {
// user := getBankAccountNumber(context)
// if user == 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve account number")
// }
// if err := b.newTransaction(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if !b.isUser(user) {
// return fmt.Errorf("user isn't registered")
// } else if !b.isUser(accountNumber) {
// return fmt.Errorf("%d isn't registered", accountNumber)
// } else if amount < 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("transfer amount %d is negative", amount)
// } else if balance := b.checkBalance(user); amount > balance {
// return fmt.Errorf("transfer amount %d exceeds balance %d", amount, balance)
// }
// b.changeBalance(user, -amount)
// b.changeBalance(accountNumber, amount)
// return b.commit()
// }
// // Balance returns the amount stored by the given user.
// // Throws an error if the user is invalid.
// func (b *pbankd) Balance(context ipc.ServerContext) (int64, error) {
// user := getBankAccountNumber(context)
// if user == 0 {
// return 0, fmt.Errorf("couldn't retrieve account number")
// }
// if !b.isUser(user) {
// return 0, fmt.Errorf("user isn't registered")
// }
// return b.checkBalance(user), nil
// }
// /*
// Helper functions for the persistent bank service that deal with store access.
// */
// // newTransaction starts a new transaction.
// func (b *pbankd) newTransaction() error {
// tid, err :="").CreateTransaction(runtime.TODOContext())
// if err != nil {
// b.tname = ""
// return err
// }
// b.tname = tid // Transaction is rooted at "", so tname == tid.
// return nil
// }
// // commit commits the current transaction.
// func (b *pbankd) commit() error {
// if b.tname == "" {
// return errors.New("No transaction to commit")
// }
// err :=
// b.tname = ""
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("Failed to commit transaction: %s", err)
// }
// return nil
// }
// // isUser helps determine if the given user is part of the system or not.
// func (b *pbankd) isUser(accountNumber int64) bool {
// // If this is a user, their location in the store should exist.
// prefix := filepath.Join(BANK_ROOT, ACCOUNTS, fmt.Sprintf("%d", accountNumber))
// o :=, prefix))
// exist, err := o.Exists(runtime.TODOContext())
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error checking existence at %s: %s", prefix, err)
// return false
// }
// return exist
// }
// // Obtains the bank account number of the user. Returns 0 if it could not be found.
// func getBankAccountNumber(context ipc.ServerContext) int64 {
// bankName := context.LocalID().Names()[0]
// // Untrusted clients have no names.
// if len(context.RemoteID().Names()) == 0 {
// return 0
// }
// // Otherwise, extract the account number from the name.
// name := context.RemoteID().Names()[0]
// if match, err := regexp.MatchString(bankName+SUFFIX_REGEXP, name); err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("MatchString error: %s", err)
// return 0
// } else if !match {
// vlog.Infof("No matching name found")
// return 0
// }
// var v int64
// _, err := fmt.Sscanf(name, bankName+"/%d", &v)
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Failure to parse ID from %s: %s", name, err)
// return 0
// }
// return v
// }
// // registerNewUser adds the user to the system under the specified name and returns success.
// func (b *pbankd) registerNewUser(user int64) {
// // Create the user's account
// prefix := filepath.Join(BANK_ROOT, ACCOUNTS, fmt.Sprintf("%d", user))
// o :=, prefix))
// if _, err := o.Put(runtime.TODOContext(), int64(0)); err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error creating %s: %s", prefix, err)
// }
// }
// // checkBalance gets the user's balance from the store
// func (b *pbankd) checkBalance(user int64) int64 {
// prefix := filepath.Join(BANK_ROOT, ACCOUNTS, fmt.Sprintf("%d", user))
// o :=, prefix))
// e, err := o.Get(runtime.TODOContext())
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error getting %s: %s", prefix, err)
// }
// value, _ := e.Value.(int64)
// return value
// }
// // changeBalance modifies the user's balance in the store
// func (b *pbankd) changeBalance(user int64, amount int64) {
// prefix := filepath.Join(BANK_ROOT, ACCOUNTS, fmt.Sprintf("%d", user))
// o :=, prefix))
// e, err := o.Get(runtime.TODOContext())
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error getting %s: %s", prefix, err)
// }
// if _, err := o.Put(runtime.TODOContext(), e.Value.(int64)+amount); err != nil {
// vlog.Infof("Error changing %s: %s", prefix, err)
// }
// }
// // This custom bank dispatcher has two interfaces with distinct authorizers.
// func newBankDispatcher(bankServer interface{}, bankAccountServer interface{}, authBank security.Authorizer, authBankAccount security.Authorizer) ipc.Dispatcher {
// return BankDispatcher{ipc.ReflectInvoker(bankServer), ipc.ReflectInvoker(bankAccountServer), authBank, authBankAccount}
// }
// type BankDispatcher struct {
// invokerBank ipc.Invoker
// invokerBankAccount ipc.Invoker
// authBank security.Authorizer
// authBankAccount security.Authorizer
// }
// func (d BankDispatcher) Lookup(suffix string) (ipc.Invoker, security.Authorizer, error) {
// fmt.Println("Dispatcher Lookup Suffix:", suffix)
// if suffix != "" {
// return d.invokerBankAccount, d.authBankAccount, nil
// }
// return d.invokerBank, d.authBank, nil
// }
// // The custom account authorizer checks if the RemoteID matches a regexp pattern and allows only Reads and Writes.
// type AccountAuthorizer string
// func (aa AccountAuthorizer) Authorize(ctx security.Context) error {
// name := ctx.RemoteID().Names()[0]
// match, err := regexp.MatchString(string(aa), name)
// fmt.Printf("Authorizing for Account %s %t\n", name, match)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if match {
// if ctx.Label() != security.ReadLabel && ctx.Label() != security.WriteLabel {
// return errors.New("unauthorized; may only read or write")
// }
// return nil
// }
// return errors.New("unauthorized to access account")
// }
func main() {
// // Create a new server instance.
// runtime = rt.Init()
// s, err := runtime.NewServer()
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal("failure creating server: ", err)
// }
// // Connect to the Veyron Store
// vlog.Infof("Binding to store on %s", storeName)
// st, err := vstore.New(storeName)
// if err != nil {
// vlog.Fatalf("Can't connect to store: %s: %s", storeName, err)
// }
// // Create the bank server and bank account server stubs, using the store connection
// pbankd := newPbankd(st, runtime.Identity())
// pbankd.initializeBank()
// bankServer := bank.NewServerBank(pbankd)
// bankAccountServer := bank.NewServerBankAccount(pbankd)
// // Setup bank and account authorizers.
// bankAuth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.NewWhitelistACL(
// map[security.PrincipalPattern]security.LabelSet{
// security.AllPrincipals: security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel | security.WriteLabel),
// }))
// bankAccountAuth := AccountAuthorizer(runtime.Identity().PublicID().Names()[0] + SUFFIX_REGEXP)
// dispatcher := newBankDispatcher(bankServer, bankAccountServer, bankAuth, bankAccountAuth)
// // Create an endpoint and begin listening.
// endpoint, err := s.Listen("tcp", "")
// if err == nil {
// fmt.Printf("Listening at: %v\n", endpoint)
// } else {
// vlog.Fatal("error listening to service: ", err)
// }
// // Publish the service in the mount table.
// mountName := "veyron/bank"
// fmt.Printf("Mounting bank on %s, endpoint /%s\n", mountName, endpoint)
// if err := s.Serve(mountName, dispatcher); err != nil {
// vlog.Fatal("s.Serve() failed: ", err)
// }
// // Wait forever.
// <-signals.ShutdownOnSignals()