blob: bd2a50e98b7e70ae769223b39675476e10e0da75 [file] [log] [blame]
package impl_test
import (
mgmttest ""
// TODO(rjkroege): This helper is generally useful. Move to util_test.go
// and use it to reduce boiler plate across all tests here.
func startupHelper(t *testing.T) (func(), *context.T, *modules.Shell, *application.Envelope, string, string) {
ctx, shutdown := testutil.InitForTest()
sh, deferFn := mgmttest.CreateShellAndMountTable(t, ctx, nil)
// Set up mock application and binary repositories.
envelope, envCleanup := startMockRepos(t, ctx)
root, rootCleanup := mgmttest.SetupRootDir(t, "devicemanager")
// Create a script wrapping the test target that implements suidhelper.
helperPath := generateSuidHelperScript(t, root)
return func() {
}, ctx, sh, envelope, root, helperPath
func TestReaperNoticesAppDeath(t *testing.T) {
cleanup, ctx, sh, envelope, root, helperPath := startupHelper(t)
defer cleanup()
// Set up the device manager. Since we won't do device manager updates,
// don't worry about its application envelope and current link.
dmh, dms := mgmttest.RunShellCommand(t, sh, nil, deviceManagerCmd, "dm", root, helperPath, "unused_app_repo_name", "unused_curr_link")
mgmttest.ReadPID(t, dms)
claimDevice(t, ctx, "dm", "mydevice", noPairingToken)
// Create the local server that the app uses to let us know it's ready.
pingCh, cleanup := setupPingServer(t, ctx)
defer cleanup()
resolve(t, ctx, "pingserver", 1)
// Create an envelope for a first version of the app.
*envelope = envelopeFromShell(sh, nil, appCmd, "google naps", "appV1")
// Install the app. The config-specified flag value for testFlagName
// should override the value specified in the envelope above.
appID := installApp(t, ctx)
// Start an instance of the app.
instance1ID := startApp(t, ctx, appID)
// Wait until the app pings us that it's ready.
verifyPingArgs(t, pingCh, userName(t), "default", "")
// Get application pid.
name := naming.Join("dm", "apps/"+appID+"/"+instance1ID+"/stats/system/pid")
c := stats.StatsClient(name)
v, err := c.Value(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Value() failed: %v\n", err)
pid, ok := v.(int64)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("pid returned from stats interface is not an int")
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instance1ID, "started")
syscall.Kill(int(pid), 9)
// Start a second instance of the app which will force polling to happen.
instance2ID := startApp(t, ctx, appID)
verifyPingArgs(t, pingCh, userName(t), "default", "")
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instance2ID, "started")
stopApp(t, ctx, appID, instance2ID)
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instance1ID, "suspended")
// TODO(rjkroege): Exercise the polling loop code.
// Cleanly shut down the device manager.
syscall.Kill(dmh.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
dms.Expect("dm terminated")
func getPid(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, appID, instanceID string) int {
name := naming.Join("dm", "apps/"+appID+"/"+instanceID+"/stats/system/pid")
c := stats.StatsClient(name)
v, err := c.Value(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Value() failed: %v\n", err)
return int(v.(int64))
func TestReapReconciliation(t *testing.T) {
cleanup, ctx, sh, envelope, root, helperPath := startupHelper(t)
defer cleanup()
// Start a device manager.
// (Since it will be restarted, use the VeyronCredentials environment
// to maintain the same set of credentials across runs)
dmCreds, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestDeviceManagerUpdateAndRevert")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(dmCreds)
dmEnv := []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", consts.VeyronCredentials, dmCreds)}
dmh, dms := mgmttest.RunShellCommand(t, sh, dmEnv, deviceManagerCmd, "dm", root, helperPath, "unused_app_repo_name", "unused_curr_link")
mgmttest.ReadPID(t, dms)
claimDevice(t, ctx, "dm", "mydevice", noPairingToken)
// Create the local server that the app uses to let us know it's ready.
pingCh, cleanup := setupPingServer(t, ctx)
defer cleanup()
resolve(t, ctx, "pingserver", 1)
// Create an envelope for the app.
*envelope = envelopeFromShell(sh, nil, appCmd, "google naps", "appV1")
// Install the app.
appID := installApp(t, ctx)
// Start three app instances.
instances := make([]string, 3)
for i, _ := range instances {
instances[i] = startApp(t, ctx, appID)
verifyPingArgs(t, pingCh, userName(t), "default", "")
// Get pid of instance[0]
pid := getPid(t, ctx, appID, instances[0])
// Shutdown the first device manager.
syscall.Kill(dmh.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
dms.Expect("dm terminated")
dmh.Shutdown(os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
resolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "dm") // Ensure a clean slate.
// Kill instance[0]
syscall.Kill(pid, 9)
// The device manager is dead so there will be no updates of the status.
for _, instance := range instances {
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instance, "started")
// Run another device manager to replace the dead one.
dmh, dms = mgmttest.RunShellCommand(t, sh, dmEnv, deviceManagerCmd, "dm", root, helperPath, "unused_app_repo_name", "unused_curr_link")
mgmttest.ReadPID(t, dms)
resolve(t, ctx, "dm", 1) // Verify the device manager has published itself.
// By now, we've reconciled the state of the tree with which processes are actually
// alive. instance-0 is not alive.
expected := []string{"suspended", "started", "started"}
for i, _ := range instances {
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instances[i], expected[i])
// Start instance[0] over-again to show that an app suspended by reconciliation can
// be restarted.
resumeApp(t, ctx, appID, instances[0])
verifyPingArgs(t, pingCh, userName(t), "default", "")
// Kill instance[1]
pid = getPid(t, ctx, appID, instances[1])
syscall.Kill(pid, 9)
// Make a fourth instance. This forces a polling of processes so that the state is updated.
instances = append(instances, startApp(t, ctx, appID))
verifyPingArgs(t, pingCh, userName(t), "default", "")
// Stop the fourth instance to make sure that there's no way we could still be
// running the polling loop before doing the below.
stopApp(t, ctx, appID, instances[3])
// Verify that reaper picked up the previous instances and was watching instance[1]
expected = []string{"started", "suspended", "started", "stopped"}
for i, _ := range instances {
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instances[i], expected[i])
stopApp(t, ctx, appID, instances[2])
expected = []string{"started", "suspended", "stopped", "stopped"}
for i, _ := range instances {
verifyAppState(t, root, appID, instances[i], expected[i])
stopApp(t, ctx, appID, instances[0])
// TODO(rjkroege): Should be in a defer to ensure that the device manager
// is cleaned up even if the test fails in an exceptional way.
syscall.Kill(dmh.Pid(), syscall.SIGINT)
dms.Expect("dm terminated")