blob: 84c28252fea5497eaafbf58588774e75de57c40e [file] [log] [blame]
// Package vtrace implements the Trace and Span interfaces in veyron2/vtrace.
// We also provide internal utilities for migrating trace information across
// IPC calls.
package vtrace
import (
// A span represents an annotated period of time.
type span struct {
id uniqueid.ID
parent uniqueid.ID
name string
collector *collector
start time.Time
func newSpan(parent uniqueid.ID, name string, collector *collector) *span {
id, err := uniqueid.Random()
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("vtrace: Couldn't generate Span ID, debug data may be lost: %v", err)
s := &span{
id: id,
parent: parent,
name: name,
collector: collector,
start: time.Now(),
return s
func (c *span) ID() uniqueid.ID { return }
func (c *span) Parent() uniqueid.ID { return c.parent }
func (c *span) Name() string { return }
func (c *span) Trace() vtrace.Trace { return c.collector }
func (c *span) Annotate(s string) {
c.collector.annotate(c, s)
func (c *span) Annotatef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
c.collector.annotate(c, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
func (c *span) Finish() { c.collector.finish(c) }
// Request generates a vtrace.Request from the active Span.
func Request(ctx *context.T) vtrace.Request {
if span := getSpan(ctx); span != nil {
return vtrace.Request{
TraceID: span.collector.traceID,
Method: span.collector.method,
return vtrace.Request{}
// Response captures the vtrace.Response for the active Span.
func Response(ctx *context.T) vtrace.Response {
if span := getSpan(ctx); span != nil {
return span.collector.response()
return vtrace.Response{}
// spanKey is uses to store and retrieve spans inside a context.T objects.
type spanKey struct{}
// ContinuedSpan creates a span that represents a continuation of a trace from
// a remote server. name is a user readable string that describes the context
// and req contains the parameters needed to connect this span with it's trace.
func WithContinuedSpan(ctx *context.T, name string, req vtrace.Request, store *Store) (*context.T, vtrace.Span) {
newSpan := newSpan(req.SpanID, name, newCollector(req.TraceID, store))
if req.Method == vtrace.InMemory {
return ctx.WithValue(spanKey{}, newSpan), newSpan
func WithNewRootSpan(ctx *context.T, store *Store, forceCollect bool) (*context.T, vtrace.Span) {
id, err := uniqueid.Random()
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("vtrace: Couldn't generate Trace ID, debug data may be lost: %v", err)
col := newCollector(id, store)
if forceCollect {
s := newSpan(id, "", col)
return ctx.WithValue(spanKey{}, s), s
// NewSpan creates a new span.
func WithNewSpan(parent *context.T, name string) (*context.T, vtrace.Span) {
if curSpan := getSpan(parent); curSpan != nil {
s := newSpan(curSpan.ID(), name, curSpan.collector)
return parent.WithValue(spanKey{}, s), s
vlog.Error("vtrace: Creating a new child span from context with no existing span.")
return WithNewRootSpan(parent, nil, false)
func getSpan(ctx *context.T) *span {
span, _ := ctx.Value(spanKey{}).(*span)
return span
// GetSpan returns the active span from the context.
func FromContext(ctx *context.T) vtrace.Span {
span, _ := ctx.Value(spanKey{}).(vtrace.Span)
return span