blob: 60aeab48af618996e6c4b0e36ebf022bb60fa1b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// HTTP server that uses OAuth to create security.Blessings objects.
package server
import (
mrand "math/rand"
const (
macaroonService = "macaroon"
dischargerService = "discharger"
type IdentityServer struct {
oauthProvider oauth.OAuthProvider
auditor audit.Auditor
blessingLogReader auditor.BlessingLogReader
revocationManager revocation.RevocationManager
caveatSelector caveats.CaveatSelector
rootedObjectAddrs []naming.Endpoint
assetsPrefix string
mountNamePrefix string
dischargerLocation string
registeredApps handlers.RegisteredAppMap
// NewIdentityServer returns a IdentityServer that:
// - uses oauthProvider to authenticate users
// - auditor and blessingLogReader to audit the root principal and read audit logs
// - revocationManager to store revocation data and grant discharges
func NewIdentityServer(oauthProvider oauth.OAuthProvider, auditor audit.Auditor, blessingLogReader auditor.BlessingLogReader, revocationManager revocation.RevocationManager, caveatSelector caveats.CaveatSelector, assetsPrefix, mountNamePrefix, dischargerLocation string, registeredApps handlers.RegisteredAppMap) *IdentityServer {
return &IdentityServer{
oauthProvider: oauthProvider,
auditor: auditor,
blessingLogReader: blessingLogReader,
revocationManager: revocationManager,
caveatSelector: caveatSelector,
assetsPrefix: assetsPrefix,
mountNamePrefix: mountNamePrefix,
dischargerLocation: dischargerLocation,
registeredApps: registeredApps,
// findUnusedPort finds an unused port and returns it. Of course, no guarantees
// are made that the port will actually be available by the time the caller
// gets around to binding to it. If no port can be found, (0, nil) is returned.
// If an error occurs while creating a socket, that error is returned and the
// other return value is 0.
func findUnusedPort() (int, error) {
random := mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
fd, err := syscall.Socket(syscall.AF_INET, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, syscall.IPPROTO_TCP)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
port := int(1024 + random.Int31n(64512))
sa := &syscall.SockaddrInet4{Port: port}
err = syscall.Bind(fd, sa)
if err == nil {
return port, nil
return 0, nil
func (s *IdentityServer) Serve(ctx, oauthCtx *context.T, externalHttpAddr, httpAddr, tlsConfig string) {
ctx, err := v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, audit.NewPrincipal(ctx, s.auditor))
if err != nil {
oauthCtx, err = v23.WithPrincipal(oauthCtx, audit.NewPrincipal(oauthCtx, s.auditor))
if err != nil {
httphost, httpport, err := net.SplitHostPort(httpAddr)
if err != nil || httpport == "0" {
httpportNum, err := findUnusedPort()
if err != nil {
httpAddr = net.JoinHostPort(httphost, strconv.Itoa(httpportNum))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
rpcServer, _, externalAddr := s.Listen(ctx, oauthCtx, externalHttpAddr, httpAddr, tlsConfig)
fmt.Printf("HTTP_ADDR=%s\n", externalAddr)
if len(s.rootedObjectAddrs) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("NAME=%s\n", s.rootedObjectAddrs[0].Name())
ctx.Infof("Received shutdown request.")
ctx.Infof("Successfully stopped the rpc server.")
func (s *IdentityServer) Listen(ctx, oauthCtx *context.T, externalHttpAddr, httpAddr, tlsConfig string) (rpc.Server, []string, string) {
// json-encoded public key and blessing names of this server
principal := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
http.Handle("/auth/blessing-root", handlers.BlessingRoot{principal})
rpcServer, published, err := s.setupBlessingServices(ctx, oauthCtx)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to setup vanadium services for blessing: %v", err)
externalHttpAddr = httpAddress(externalHttpAddr, httpAddr)
http.HandleFunc("/health", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
n := "/auth/google/"
args := oauth.HandlerArgs{
Principal: principal,
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", externalHttpAddr, n),
BlessingLogReader: s.blessingLogReader,
RevocationManager: s.revocationManager,
DischargerLocation: s.dischargerLocation,
MacaroonBlessingService: func() []string {
status := rpcServer.Status()
names := make([]string, len(status.Endpoints))
for i, e := range status.Endpoints {
names[i] = naming.JoinAddressName(e.Name(), macaroonService)
return names
OAuthProvider: s.oauthProvider,
CaveatSelector: s.caveatSelector,
AssetsPrefix: s.assetsPrefix,
if s.revocationManager != nil {
args.DischargeServers = appendSuffixTo(published, dischargerService)
http.Handle(n, oauth.NewHandler(ctx, args))
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
self, _ := principal.BlessingStore().Default()
tmplArgs := struct {
Self security.Blessings
DischargeServers []string
ListBlessingsRoute string
AssetsPrefix string
Email string
Self: self,
DischargeServers: args.DischargeServers,
ListBlessingsRoute: oauth.ListBlessingsRoute,
AssetsPrefix: s.assetsPrefix,
if err := templates.Home.Execute(w, tmplArgs); err != nil {
ctx.Info("Failed to render template:", err)
ctx.Infof("Running HTTP server at: %v", externalHttpAddr)
go runHTTPSServer(ctx, httpAddr, tlsConfig)
return rpcServer, published, externalHttpAddr
func appendSuffixTo(objectname []string, suffix string) []string {
names := make([]string, len(objectname))
for i, o := range objectname {
names[i] = naming.JoinAddressName(o, suffix)
return names
// Starts the Vanadium and HTTP services for blessing, and the Vanadium service for discharging.
// All Vanadium services are started on the same port.
func (s *IdentityServer) setupBlessingServices(ctx, oauthCtx *context.T) (rpc.Server, []string, error) {
disp := newDispatcher()
p := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
b, _ := p.BlessingStore().Default()
blessingNames := security.BlessingNames(p, b)
if len(blessingNames) == 0 {
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, fmt.Sprintf("identity server has no blessings?"))
if len(blessingNames) > 1 {
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, fmt.Sprintf("cannot configure identity server with >1 (%d = %v) blessings - not quite sure what names to select for the discharger service etc.", len(blessingNames), blessingNames))
objectAddr := naming.Join(s.mountNamePrefix, naming.EncodeAsNameElement(blessingNames[0]))
ctx, server, err := v23.WithNewDispatchingServer(ctx, objectAddr, disp)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
s.rootedObjectAddrs = server.Status().Endpoints
var rootedObjectAddr string
if naming.Rooted(objectAddr) {
rootedObjectAddr = objectAddr
} else if nsroots := v23.GetNamespace(ctx).Roots(); len(nsroots) >= 1 {
rootedObjectAddr = naming.Join(nsroots[0], objectAddr)
} else {
rootedObjectAddr = s.rootedObjectAddrs[0].Name()
if s.dischargerLocation == "" {
s.dischargerLocation = naming.Join(rootedObjectAddr, dischargerService)
ctx.Infof("Vanadium Blessing and discharger services will be published at %v", rootedObjectAddr)
// Start the HTTP Handler for the OAuth2 access token based blesser.
handlerParams := handlers.OAuthBlesserParams{
OAuthProvider: s.oauthProvider,
BlessingDuration: 365 * 24 * time.Hour,
RevocationManager: s.revocationManager,
DischargerLocation: s.dischargerLocation,
http.Handle("/auth/google/bless", handlers.NewOAuthBlessingHandler(oauthCtx, handlerParams, s.registeredApps))
return server, []string{rootedObjectAddr}, nil
// newDispatcher returns a dispatcher for both the blessing and the discharging
// service.
func newDispatcher() *dispatcher {
d := &dispatcher{
m: map[string]interface{}{
macaroonService: blesser.NewMacaroonBlesserServer(),
dischargerService: discharger.DischargerServer(dischargerlib.NewDischarger()),
// Set up the glob invoker.
var children []string
for k, _ := range d.m {
children = append(children, k)
d.m[""] = rpc.ChildrenGlobberInvoker(children...)
return d
type dispatcher struct {
m map[string]interface{}
func (d *dispatcher) Lookup(ctx *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
if invoker := d.m[suffix]; invoker != nil {
return invoker, security.AllowEveryone(), nil
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrNoExist, ctx, suffix)
func runHTTPSServer(ctx *context.T, addr, tlsConfig string) {
if len(tlsConfig) == 0 {
ctx.Fatal("Please set the --tls-config flag")
paths := strings.Split(tlsConfig, ",")
if len(paths) != 2 {
ctx.Fatalf("Could not parse --tls-config. Must have exactly two components, separated by a comma")
ctx.Infof("Starting HTTP server with TLS using certificate [%s] and private key [%s] at https://%s", paths[0], paths[1], addr)
if err := http.ListenAndServeTLS(addr, paths[0], paths[1], nil); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("http.ListenAndServeTLS failed: %v", err)
func httpAddress(externalHttpAddr, httpAddr string) string {
// If an externalHttpAddr is provided use that.
if externalHttpAddr != "" {
httpAddr = externalHttpAddr
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%v", httpAddr)