blob: 102699be61c5f528b671e5355a43432e88765f06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
// Source: sync.vdl
package interfaces
import (
// VDL system imports
// VDL user imports
var (
ErrDupSyncGroupPublish = verror.Register("", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} duplicate publish on SyncGroup: {3}")
func init() {
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("en"), i18n.MsgID(ErrDupSyncGroupPublish.ID), "{1:}{2:} duplicate publish on SyncGroup: {3}")
// NewErrDupSyncGroupPublish returns an error with the ErrDupSyncGroupPublish ID.
func NewErrDupSyncGroupPublish(ctx *context.T, name string) error {
return verror.New(ErrDupSyncGroupPublish, ctx, name)
// SyncClientMethods is the client interface
// containing Sync methods.
// Sync defines methods for data exchange between Syncbases.
// TODO(hpucha): Flesh this out further.
type SyncClientMethods interface {
// GetDeltas returns the responder's current generation vector and all
// the missing log records when compared to the initiator's generation
// vector for one Database for either SyncGroup metadata or data.
GetDeltas(ctx *context.T, req DeltaReq, initiator string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (SyncGetDeltasClientCall, error)
// PublishSyncGroup is invoked on the SyncGroup name (typically served
// by a "central" peer) to publish the SyncGroup. It takes the name of
// Syncbase doing the publishing (the publisher) and returns the name
// of the Syncbase where the SyncGroup is published (the publishee).
// This allows the publisher and the publishee to learn of each other.
// When a SyncGroup is published, the publishee is given the SyncGroup
// metadata, its current version at the publisher, and the current
// SyncGroup generation vector. The generation vector serves as a
// checkpoint at the time of publishing. The publishing proceeds
// asynchronously, and the publishee learns the SyncGroup history
// through the routine p2p sync process and determines when it has
// caught up to the level of knowledge at the time of publishing using
// the checkpointed generation vector. Until that point, the publishee
// locally deems the SyncGroup to be in a pending state and does not
// mutate it. Thus it locally rejects SyncGroup joins or updates to
// its spec until it is caught up on the SyncGroup history.
PublishSyncGroup(ctx *context.T, publisher string, sg SyncGroup, version string, genvec PrefixGenVector, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (string, error)
// JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin is invoked by a prospective SyncGroup member's
// Syncbase on a SyncGroup admin. It checks whether the requestor is
// allowed to join the named SyncGroup, and if so, adds the requestor to
// the SyncGroup. It returns a copy of the updated SyncGroup metadata,
// its version, and the SyncGroup generation vector at the time of the
// join. Similar to the PublishSyncGroup scenario, the joiner at that
// point does not have the SyncGroup history and locally deems it to be
// in a pending state and does not mutate it. This means it rejects
// local updates to the SyncGroup spec or, if it were also an admin on
// the SyncGroup, it would reject SyncGroup joins until it is caught up
// on the SyncGroup history through p2p sync.
JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin(ctx *context.T, sgName string, joinerName string, myInfo nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (sg SyncGroup, version string, genvec PrefixGenVector, err error)
// HaveBlob verifies that the peer has the requested blob, and if
// present, returns its size.
HaveBlob(ctx *context.T, br nosql.BlobRef, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (int64, error)
// FetchBlob fetches the requested blob.
FetchBlob(ctx *context.T, br nosql.BlobRef, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (SyncFetchBlobClientCall, error)
// Methods for incremental blob transfer. The transfer starts with the
// receiver making a FetchBlobRecipe call to the sender for a given
// BlobRef. The sender, in turn, sends the chunk hashes of all the
// chunks that make up the requested blob (blob recipe). The receiver
// looks up the chunk hashes in its local blob store, and identifies the
// missing ones. The receiver then fetches the missing chunks using a
// FetchChunks call from the sender. Finally, the receiver finishes the
// blob fetch by combining the chunks obtained over the network with the
// already available local chunks as per the blob recipe.
FetchBlobRecipe(ctx *context.T, br nosql.BlobRef, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (SyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall, error)
FetchChunks(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) (SyncFetchChunksClientCall, error)
// SyncClientStub adds universal methods to SyncClientMethods.
type SyncClientStub interface {
// SyncClient returns a client stub for Sync.
func SyncClient(name string) SyncClientStub {
return implSyncClientStub{name}
type implSyncClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implSyncClientStub) GetDeltas(ctx *context.T, i0 DeltaReq, i1 string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall SyncGetDeltasClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "GetDeltas", []interface{}{i0, i1}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implSyncGetDeltasClientCall{ClientCall: call}
func (c implSyncClientStub) PublishSyncGroup(ctx *context.T, i0 string, i1 SyncGroup, i2 string, i3 PrefixGenVector, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 string, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "PublishSyncGroup", []interface{}{i0, i1, i2, i3}, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
func (c implSyncClientStub) JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin(ctx *context.T, i0 string, i1 string, i2 nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 SyncGroup, o1 string, o2 PrefixGenVector, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin", []interface{}{i0, i1, i2}, []interface{}{&o0, &o1, &o2}, opts...)
func (c implSyncClientStub) HaveBlob(ctx *context.T, i0 nosql.BlobRef, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 int64, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "HaveBlob", []interface{}{i0}, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
func (c implSyncClientStub) FetchBlob(ctx *context.T, i0 nosql.BlobRef, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall SyncFetchBlobClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "FetchBlob", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implSyncFetchBlobClientCall{ClientCall: call}
func (c implSyncClientStub) FetchBlobRecipe(ctx *context.T, i0 nosql.BlobRef, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall SyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "FetchBlobRecipe", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall{ClientCall: call}
func (c implSyncClientStub) FetchChunks(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall SyncFetchChunksClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "FetchChunks", nil, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implSyncFetchChunksClientCall{ClientCall: call}
// SyncGetDeltasClientStream is the client stream for Sync.GetDeltas.
type SyncGetDeltasClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Sync.GetDeltas client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() DeltaResp
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SyncGetDeltasClientCall represents the call returned from Sync.GetDeltas.
type SyncGetDeltasClientCall interface {
// Finish blocks until the server is done, and returns the positional return
// values for call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implSyncGetDeltasClientCall struct {
valRecv DeltaResp
errRecv error
func (c *implSyncGetDeltasClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() DeltaResp
Err() error
} {
return implSyncGetDeltasClientCallRecv{c}
type implSyncGetDeltasClientCallRecv struct {
c *implSyncGetDeltasClientCall
func (c implSyncGetDeltasClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implSyncGetDeltasClientCallRecv) Value() DeltaResp {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implSyncGetDeltasClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implSyncGetDeltasClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// SyncFetchBlobClientStream is the client stream for Sync.FetchBlob.
type SyncFetchBlobClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Sync.FetchBlob client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() []byte
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SyncFetchBlobClientCall represents the call returned from Sync.FetchBlob.
type SyncFetchBlobClientCall interface {
// Finish blocks until the server is done, and returns the positional return
// values for call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implSyncFetchBlobClientCall struct {
valRecv []byte
errRecv error
func (c *implSyncFetchBlobClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() []byte
Err() error
} {
return implSyncFetchBlobClientCallRecv{c}
type implSyncFetchBlobClientCallRecv struct {
c *implSyncFetchBlobClientCall
func (c implSyncFetchBlobClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implSyncFetchBlobClientCallRecv) Value() []byte {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implSyncFetchBlobClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implSyncFetchBlobClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// SyncFetchBlobRecipeClientStream is the client stream for Sync.FetchBlobRecipe.
type SyncFetchBlobRecipeClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Sync.FetchBlobRecipe client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() ChunkHash
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall represents the call returned from Sync.FetchBlobRecipe.
type SyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall interface {
// Finish blocks until the server is done, and returns the positional return
// values for call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall struct {
valRecv ChunkHash
errRecv error
func (c *implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() ChunkHash
Err() error
} {
return implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCallRecv{c}
type implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCallRecv struct {
c *implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall
func (c implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.valRecv = ChunkHash{}
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCallRecv) Value() ChunkHash {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implSyncFetchBlobRecipeClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// SyncFetchChunksClientStream is the client stream for Sync.FetchChunks.
type SyncFetchChunksClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Sync.FetchChunks client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() ChunkData
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchChunks client stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors
// encountered while sending, or if Send is called after Close or
// the stream has been canceled. Blocks if there is no buffer
// space; will unblock when buffer space is available or after
// the stream has been canceled.
Send(item ChunkHash) error
// Close indicates to the server that no more items will be sent;
// server Recv calls will receive io.EOF after all sent items.
// This is an optional call - e.g. a client might call Close if it
// needs to continue receiving items from the server after it's
// done sending. Returns errors encountered while closing, or if
// Close is called after the stream has been canceled. Like Send,
// blocks if there is no buffer space available.
Close() error
// SyncFetchChunksClientCall represents the call returned from Sync.FetchChunks.
type SyncFetchChunksClientCall interface {
// Finish performs the equivalent of SendStream().Close, then blocks until
// the server is done, and returns the positional return values for the call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implSyncFetchChunksClientCall struct {
valRecv ChunkData
errRecv error
func (c *implSyncFetchChunksClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() ChunkData
Err() error
} {
return implSyncFetchChunksClientCallRecv{c}
type implSyncFetchChunksClientCallRecv struct {
c *implSyncFetchChunksClientCall
func (c implSyncFetchChunksClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.valRecv = ChunkData{}
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implSyncFetchChunksClientCallRecv) Value() ChunkData {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implSyncFetchChunksClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implSyncFetchChunksClientCall) SendStream() interface {
Send(item ChunkHash) error
Close() error
} {
return implSyncFetchChunksClientCallSend{c}
type implSyncFetchChunksClientCallSend struct {
c *implSyncFetchChunksClientCall
func (c implSyncFetchChunksClientCallSend) Send(item ChunkHash) error {
return c.c.Send(item)
func (c implSyncFetchChunksClientCallSend) Close() error {
return c.c.CloseSend()
func (c *implSyncFetchChunksClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// SyncServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for Sync.
// Sync defines methods for data exchange between Syncbases.
// TODO(hpucha): Flesh this out further.
type SyncServerMethods interface {
// GetDeltas returns the responder's current generation vector and all
// the missing log records when compared to the initiator's generation
// vector for one Database for either SyncGroup metadata or data.
GetDeltas(ctx *context.T, call SyncGetDeltasServerCall, req DeltaReq, initiator string) error
// PublishSyncGroup is invoked on the SyncGroup name (typically served
// by a "central" peer) to publish the SyncGroup. It takes the name of
// Syncbase doing the publishing (the publisher) and returns the name
// of the Syncbase where the SyncGroup is published (the publishee).
// This allows the publisher and the publishee to learn of each other.
// When a SyncGroup is published, the publishee is given the SyncGroup
// metadata, its current version at the publisher, and the current
// SyncGroup generation vector. The generation vector serves as a
// checkpoint at the time of publishing. The publishing proceeds
// asynchronously, and the publishee learns the SyncGroup history
// through the routine p2p sync process and determines when it has
// caught up to the level of knowledge at the time of publishing using
// the checkpointed generation vector. Until that point, the publishee
// locally deems the SyncGroup to be in a pending state and does not
// mutate it. Thus it locally rejects SyncGroup joins or updates to
// its spec until it is caught up on the SyncGroup history.
PublishSyncGroup(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, publisher string, sg SyncGroup, version string, genvec PrefixGenVector) (string, error)
// JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin is invoked by a prospective SyncGroup member's
// Syncbase on a SyncGroup admin. It checks whether the requestor is
// allowed to join the named SyncGroup, and if so, adds the requestor to
// the SyncGroup. It returns a copy of the updated SyncGroup metadata,
// its version, and the SyncGroup generation vector at the time of the
// join. Similar to the PublishSyncGroup scenario, the joiner at that
// point does not have the SyncGroup history and locally deems it to be
// in a pending state and does not mutate it. This means it rejects
// local updates to the SyncGroup spec or, if it were also an admin on
// the SyncGroup, it would reject SyncGroup joins until it is caught up
// on the SyncGroup history through p2p sync.
JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, sgName string, joinerName string, myInfo nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo) (sg SyncGroup, version string, genvec PrefixGenVector, err error)
// HaveBlob verifies that the peer has the requested blob, and if
// present, returns its size.
HaveBlob(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, br nosql.BlobRef) (int64, error)
// FetchBlob fetches the requested blob.
FetchBlob(ctx *context.T, call SyncFetchBlobServerCall, br nosql.BlobRef) error
// Methods for incremental blob transfer. The transfer starts with the
// receiver making a FetchBlobRecipe call to the sender for a given
// BlobRef. The sender, in turn, sends the chunk hashes of all the
// chunks that make up the requested blob (blob recipe). The receiver
// looks up the chunk hashes in its local blob store, and identifies the
// missing ones. The receiver then fetches the missing chunks using a
// FetchChunks call from the sender. Finally, the receiver finishes the
// blob fetch by combining the chunks obtained over the network with the
// already available local chunks as per the blob recipe.
FetchBlobRecipe(ctx *context.T, call SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCall, br nosql.BlobRef) error
FetchChunks(*context.T, SyncFetchChunksServerCall) error
// SyncServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// Sync methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// The only difference between this interface and SyncServerMethods
// is the streaming methods.
type SyncServerStubMethods interface {
// GetDeltas returns the responder's current generation vector and all
// the missing log records when compared to the initiator's generation
// vector for one Database for either SyncGroup metadata or data.
GetDeltas(ctx *context.T, call *SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub, req DeltaReq, initiator string) error
// PublishSyncGroup is invoked on the SyncGroup name (typically served
// by a "central" peer) to publish the SyncGroup. It takes the name of
// Syncbase doing the publishing (the publisher) and returns the name
// of the Syncbase where the SyncGroup is published (the publishee).
// This allows the publisher and the publishee to learn of each other.
// When a SyncGroup is published, the publishee is given the SyncGroup
// metadata, its current version at the publisher, and the current
// SyncGroup generation vector. The generation vector serves as a
// checkpoint at the time of publishing. The publishing proceeds
// asynchronously, and the publishee learns the SyncGroup history
// through the routine p2p sync process and determines when it has
// caught up to the level of knowledge at the time of publishing using
// the checkpointed generation vector. Until that point, the publishee
// locally deems the SyncGroup to be in a pending state and does not
// mutate it. Thus it locally rejects SyncGroup joins or updates to
// its spec until it is caught up on the SyncGroup history.
PublishSyncGroup(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, publisher string, sg SyncGroup, version string, genvec PrefixGenVector) (string, error)
// JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin is invoked by a prospective SyncGroup member's
// Syncbase on a SyncGroup admin. It checks whether the requestor is
// allowed to join the named SyncGroup, and if so, adds the requestor to
// the SyncGroup. It returns a copy of the updated SyncGroup metadata,
// its version, and the SyncGroup generation vector at the time of the
// join. Similar to the PublishSyncGroup scenario, the joiner at that
// point does not have the SyncGroup history and locally deems it to be
// in a pending state and does not mutate it. This means it rejects
// local updates to the SyncGroup spec or, if it were also an admin on
// the SyncGroup, it would reject SyncGroup joins until it is caught up
// on the SyncGroup history through p2p sync.
JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, sgName string, joinerName string, myInfo nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo) (sg SyncGroup, version string, genvec PrefixGenVector, err error)
// HaveBlob verifies that the peer has the requested blob, and if
// present, returns its size.
HaveBlob(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, br nosql.BlobRef) (int64, error)
// FetchBlob fetches the requested blob.
FetchBlob(ctx *context.T, call *SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub, br nosql.BlobRef) error
// Methods for incremental blob transfer. The transfer starts with the
// receiver making a FetchBlobRecipe call to the sender for a given
// BlobRef. The sender, in turn, sends the chunk hashes of all the
// chunks that make up the requested blob (blob recipe). The receiver
// looks up the chunk hashes in its local blob store, and identifies the
// missing ones. The receiver then fetches the missing chunks using a
// FetchChunks call from the sender. Finally, the receiver finishes the
// blob fetch by combining the chunks obtained over the network with the
// already available local chunks as per the blob recipe.
FetchBlobRecipe(ctx *context.T, call *SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub, br nosql.BlobRef) error
FetchChunks(*context.T, *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub) error
// SyncServerStub adds universal methods to SyncServerStubMethods.
type SyncServerStub interface {
// Describe the Sync interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// SyncServer returns a server stub for Sync.
// It converts an implementation of SyncServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func SyncServer(impl SyncServerMethods) SyncServerStub {
stub := implSyncServerStub{
impl: impl,
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implSyncServerStub struct {
impl SyncServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implSyncServerStub) GetDeltas(ctx *context.T, call *SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub, i0 DeltaReq, i1 string) error {
return s.impl.GetDeltas(ctx, call, i0, i1)
func (s implSyncServerStub) PublishSyncGroup(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 string, i1 SyncGroup, i2 string, i3 PrefixGenVector) (string, error) {
return s.impl.PublishSyncGroup(ctx, call, i0, i1, i2, i3)
func (s implSyncServerStub) JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 string, i1 string, i2 nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo) (SyncGroup, string, PrefixGenVector, error) {
return s.impl.JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin(ctx, call, i0, i1, i2)
func (s implSyncServerStub) HaveBlob(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 nosql.BlobRef) (int64, error) {
return s.impl.HaveBlob(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implSyncServerStub) FetchBlob(ctx *context.T, call *SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub, i0 nosql.BlobRef) error {
return s.impl.FetchBlob(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implSyncServerStub) FetchBlobRecipe(ctx *context.T, call *SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub, i0 nosql.BlobRef) error {
return s.impl.FetchBlobRecipe(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implSyncServerStub) FetchChunks(ctx *context.T, call *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub) error {
return s.impl.FetchChunks(ctx, call)
func (s implSyncServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implSyncServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{SyncDesc}
// SyncDesc describes the Sync interface.
var SyncDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descSync
// descSync hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descSync = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Sync",
PkgPath: "",
Doc: "// Sync defines methods for data exchange between Syncbases.\n// TODO(hpucha): Flesh this out further.",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "GetDeltas",
Doc: "// GetDeltas returns the responder's current generation vector and all\n// the missing log records when compared to the initiator's generation\n// vector for one Database for either SyncGroup metadata or data.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"req", ``}, // DeltaReq
{"initiator", ``}, // string
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
Name: "PublishSyncGroup",
Doc: "// PublishSyncGroup is invoked on the SyncGroup name (typically served\n// by a \"central\" peer) to publish the SyncGroup. It takes the name of\n// Syncbase doing the publishing (the publisher) and returns the name\n// of the Syncbase where the SyncGroup is published (the publishee).\n// This allows the publisher and the publishee to learn of each other.\n// When a SyncGroup is published, the publishee is given the SyncGroup\n// metadata, its current version at the publisher, and the current\n// SyncGroup generation vector. The generation vector serves as a\n// checkpoint at the time of publishing. The publishing proceeds\n// asynchronously, and the publishee learns the SyncGroup history\n// through the routine p2p sync process and determines when it has\n// caught up to the level of knowledge at the time of publishing using\n// the checkpointed generation vector. Until that point, the publishee\n// locally deems the SyncGroup to be in a pending state and does not\n// mutate it. Thus it locally rejects SyncGroup joins or updates to\n// its spec until it is caught up on the SyncGroup history.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"publisher", ``}, // string
{"sg", ``}, // SyncGroup
{"version", ``}, // string
{"genvec", ``}, // PrefixGenVector
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // string
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
Name: "JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin",
Doc: "// JoinSyncGroupAtAdmin is invoked by a prospective SyncGroup member's\n// Syncbase on a SyncGroup admin. It checks whether the requestor is\n// allowed to join the named SyncGroup, and if so, adds the requestor to\n// the SyncGroup. It returns a copy of the updated SyncGroup metadata,\n// its version, and the SyncGroup generation vector at the time of the\n// join. Similar to the PublishSyncGroup scenario, the joiner at that\n// point does not have the SyncGroup history and locally deems it to be\n// in a pending state and does not mutate it. This means it rejects\n// local updates to the SyncGroup spec or, if it were also an admin on\n// the SyncGroup, it would reject SyncGroup joins until it is caught up\n// on the SyncGroup history through p2p sync.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"sgName", ``}, // string
{"joinerName", ``}, // string
{"myInfo", ``}, // nosql.SyncGroupMemberInfo
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"sg", ``}, // SyncGroup
{"version", ``}, // string
{"genvec", ``}, // PrefixGenVector
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
Name: "HaveBlob",
Doc: "// HaveBlob verifies that the peer has the requested blob, and if\n// present, returns its size.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"br", ``}, // nosql.BlobRef
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // int64
Name: "FetchBlob",
Doc: "// FetchBlob fetches the requested blob.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"br", ``}, // nosql.BlobRef
Name: "FetchBlobRecipe",
Doc: "// Methods for incremental blob transfer. The transfer starts with the\n// receiver making a FetchBlobRecipe call to the sender for a given\n// BlobRef. The sender, in turn, sends the chunk hashes of all the\n// chunks that make up the requested blob (blob recipe). The receiver\n// looks up the chunk hashes in its local blob store, and identifies the\n// missing ones. The receiver then fetches the missing chunks using a\n// FetchChunks call from the sender. Finally, the receiver finishes the\n// blob fetch by combining the chunks obtained over the network with the\n// already available local chunks as per the blob recipe.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"br", ``}, // nosql.BlobRef
Name: "FetchChunks",
// SyncGetDeltasServerStream is the server stream for Sync.GetDeltas.
type SyncGetDeltasServerStream interface {
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.GetDeltas server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item DeltaResp) error
// SyncGetDeltasServerCall represents the context passed to Sync.GetDeltas.
type SyncGetDeltasServerCall interface {
// SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements SyncGetDeltasServerCall.
type SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub struct {
// Init initializes SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.GetDeltas server stream.
func (s *SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item DeltaResp) error
} {
return implSyncGetDeltasServerCallSend{s}
type implSyncGetDeltasServerCallSend struct {
s *SyncGetDeltasServerCallStub
func (s implSyncGetDeltasServerCallSend) Send(item DeltaResp) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// SyncFetchBlobServerStream is the server stream for Sync.FetchBlob.
type SyncFetchBlobServerStream interface {
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchBlob server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item []byte) error
// SyncFetchBlobServerCall represents the context passed to Sync.FetchBlob.
type SyncFetchBlobServerCall interface {
// SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements SyncFetchBlobServerCall.
type SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub struct {
// Init initializes SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchBlob server stream.
func (s *SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item []byte) error
} {
return implSyncFetchBlobServerCallSend{s}
type implSyncFetchBlobServerCallSend struct {
s *SyncFetchBlobServerCallStub
func (s implSyncFetchBlobServerCallSend) Send(item []byte) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerStream is the server stream for Sync.FetchBlobRecipe.
type SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerStream interface {
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchBlobRecipe server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item ChunkHash) error
// SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCall represents the context passed to Sync.FetchBlobRecipe.
type SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCall interface {
// SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCall.
type SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub struct {
// Init initializes SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchBlobRecipe server stream.
func (s *SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item ChunkHash) error
} {
return implSyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallSend{s}
type implSyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallSend struct {
s *SyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallStub
func (s implSyncFetchBlobRecipeServerCallSend) Send(item ChunkHash) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// SyncFetchChunksServerStream is the server stream for Sync.FetchChunks.
type SyncFetchChunksServerStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Sync.FetchChunks server stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() ChunkHash
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchChunks server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item ChunkData) error
// SyncFetchChunksServerCall represents the context passed to Sync.FetchChunks.
type SyncFetchChunksServerCall interface {
// SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements SyncFetchChunksServerCall.
type SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub struct {
valRecv ChunkHash
errRecv error
// Init initializes SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Sync.FetchChunks server stream.
func (s *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() ChunkHash
Err() error
} {
return implSyncFetchChunksServerCallRecv{s}
type implSyncFetchChunksServerCallRecv struct {
s *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub
func (s implSyncFetchChunksServerCallRecv) Advance() bool {
s.s.valRecv = ChunkHash{}
s.s.errRecv = s.s.Recv(&s.s.valRecv)
return s.s.errRecv == nil
func (s implSyncFetchChunksServerCallRecv) Value() ChunkHash {
return s.s.valRecv
func (s implSyncFetchChunksServerCallRecv) Err() error {
if s.s.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return s.s.errRecv
// SendStream returns the send side of the Sync.FetchChunks server stream.
func (s *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item ChunkData) error
} {
return implSyncFetchChunksServerCallSend{s}
type implSyncFetchChunksServerCallSend struct {
s *SyncFetchChunksServerCallStub
func (s implSyncFetchChunksServerCallSend) Send(item ChunkData) error {
return s.s.Send(item)