blob: eeafcb3ab10c468921869fd889b9a91ffb26c54b [file] [log] [blame]
package unresolve
import (
// The test sets up a topology of mounttables and servers (the latter configured
// in various ways, with/without custom UnresolveStep methods, mounting
// themselves with one or several names under a mounttable (directly or via
// a name that resolves to a mounttable). The "ASCII" art below illustrates the
// setup, with a description of each node in the topology following.
// (A)
// |
// |"b"
// |
// (B)
// \_____________________________________________
// | | | | | | \
// |"c" |"d" | "I/want/to/know" |"e1" |"e2" |"f" |"g"
// | | | | | | |
// (C) (D) (D/tell/me") (E) (E) (F) (G)
// A mounttable service (A) with OA "aEP/mt" acting as a root mounttable.
// A mounttable service (B) with OA "bEP/mt", mounting its ep "bEP" as "b" under
// mounttable A.
// A fortune service (C) with OA "eEP/fortune", mouting its ep "eEP" as "c"
// under mounttable B. [ This is the vanilla case. ]
// A fortune service (D) with OA "dEP/tell/me/the/future", mounting its ep "dEP"
// automatically as "d" under mounttable B, and also mounting the OA
// "dEP/tell/me" manually as "I/want/to/know" under mounttable B. It implements
// its own custom UnresolveStep. [ This demonstrates using a custom
// UnresolveStep implementation with an IDL-based service. ]
// A fortune service (E) with OA "eEP/fortune", mounting its ep "eEP" as "e1"
// and as "e2" under mounttable B. [ This shows a service published under more
// than one name. ]
// A fortune service (F) with OA "fEP/fortune", with mounttable root "aOA/b/mt"
// mounting its ep "fEP" as "f" under "aOA/b/mt" (essentially, under mounttable
// B). [ This shows a service whose local root is a name that resolves to a
// mounttable via another mounttable (so local root is not just an OA ].
// A fortune service (G) with OA "gEP/fortune" that is not based on an IDL. G
// mounts itself as "g" under mounttable B, and defines its own UnresolveStep.
// [ This demonstrates defining UnresolveStep for a service that is not
// IDL-based. ]
func TestHelperProcess(t *testing.T) {
func init() {
blackbox.CommandTable["childMT"] = childMT
blackbox.CommandTable["childFortune"] = childFortune
blackbox.CommandTable["childFortuneCustomUnresolve"] = childFortuneCustomUnresolve
blackbox.CommandTable["childFortuneNoIDL"] = childFortuneNoIDL
// TODO(caprita): Consider making shutdown part of blackbox.Child.
func shutdown(child *blackbox.Child) {
func TestUnresolve(t *testing.T) {
// Create the set of servers and ensure that the right mounttables act
// as namespace roots for each. We run all servers with an identity blessed
// by the root mounttable's identity under the name "test", i.e., if <rootMT>
// is the identity of the root mounttable then the servers run with the identity
// <rootMT>/test.
// TODO(ataly): Eventually we want to use the same identities the servers
// would have if they were running in production.
defer initRT()()
server := newServer()
defer server.Stop()
// Create mounttable A.
aOA := createMT(server)
if len(aOA) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("aOA is empty")
vlog.Infof("aOA=%v", aOA)
idA := rt.R().Identity()
vlog.Infof("idA=%v", idA)
// Create mounttable B.
b := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "childMT", "b")
defer shutdown(b)
idFile := testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
b.Cmd.Env = append(b.Cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("VEYRON_IDENTITY=%v", idFile), fmt.Sprintf("MOUNTTABLE_ROOT=%v", aOA))
bOA := naming.Join(resolveStep(t, naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(aOA, "b"))), "mt")
vlog.Infof("bOA=%v", bOA)
// Create server C.
c := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "childFortune", "c")
defer shutdown(c)
idFile = testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
c.Cmd.Env = append(c.Cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("VEYRON_IDENTITY=%v", idFile), fmt.Sprintf("MOUNTTABLE_ROOT=%v", bOA))
cEP := resolveStep(t, naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(bOA, "c")))
vlog.Infof("cEP=%v", cEP)
// Create server D.
d := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "childFortuneCustomUnresolve", "d")
defer shutdown(d)
idFile = testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
d.Cmd.Env = append(d.Cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("VEYRON_IDENTITY=%v", idFile), fmt.Sprintf("MOUNTTABLE_ROOT=%v", bOA))
dEP := resolveStep(t, naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(bOA, "d")))
vlog.Infof("dEP=%v", dEP)
// Create server E.
e := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "childFortune", "e1", "e2")
defer shutdown(e)
idFile = testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
e.Cmd.Env = append(e.Cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("VEYRON_IDENTITY=%v", idFile), fmt.Sprintf("MOUNTTABLE_ROOT=%v", bOA))
eEP := resolveStep(t, naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(bOA, "e1")))
vlog.Infof("eEP=%v", eEP)
// Create server F.
f := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "childFortune", "f")
defer shutdown(f)
idFile = testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
f.Cmd.Env = append(f.Cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("VEYRON_IDENTITY=%v", idFile), fmt.Sprintf("MOUNTTABLE_ROOT=%v", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt")))
fEP := resolveStep(t, naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(bOA, "f")))
vlog.Infof("fEP=%v", fEP)
// Create server G.
g := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "childFortuneNoIDL", "g")
defer shutdown(g)
idFile = testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
g.Cmd.Env = append(g.Cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("VEYRON_IDENTITY=%v", idFile), fmt.Sprintf("MOUNTTABLE_ROOT=%v", bOA))
gEP := resolveStep(t, naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(bOA, "g")))
vlog.Infof("gEP=%v", gEP)
// Check that things resolve correctly.
// Create a client runtime with oOA as its root.
idFile = testutil.SaveIdentityToFile(testutil.NewBlessedIdentity(idA, "test"))
defer os.Remove(idFile)
os.Setenv("VEYRON_IDENTITY", idFile)
r, _ := rt.New(veyron2.MountTableRoots([]string{aOA}))
resolveCases := []struct {
name, resolved string
{"b/mt/c", cEP},
{"b/mt/d", dEP},
{"b/mt/I/want/to/know", naming.JoinAddressNameFixed(dEP, "tell/me")},
{"b/mt/e1", eEP},
{"b/mt/e2", eEP},
{"b/mt/f", fEP},
{"b/mt/g", gEP},
for _, c := range resolveCases {
if want, got := c.resolved, resolve(t, r.MountTable(),; want != got {
t.Errorf("resolve %q expected %q, got %q instead",, want, got)
// Verify that we can talk to the servers we created, and that unresolve
// one step at a time works.
unresolveStepCases := []struct {
name, unresStep1, unresStep2 string
naming.Join(bOA, "c/fortune"),
naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/c/fortune"),
naming.Join(bOA, "I/want/to/know/the/future"),
naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future"),
naming.Join(bOA, "f/fortune"),
naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/f/fortune"),
naming.Join(bOA, "g/fortune"),
naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/g/fortune"),
for _, c := range unresolveStepCases {
// Verify that we can talk to the server.
client := createFortuneClient(r,
if fortuneMessage, err := client.Get(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("fortune.Get failed with %v", err)
} else if fortuneMessage != fixedFortuneMessage {
t.Errorf("fortune expected %q, got %q instead", fixedFortuneMessage, fortuneMessage)
// Unresolve, one step.
if want, got := c.unresStep1, unresolveStep(t, client); want != got {
t.Errorf("fortune.UnresolveStep expected %q, got %q instead", want, got)
// Go up the tree, unresolve another step.
if want, got := c.unresStep2, unresolveStep(t, createMTClient(naming.MakeFixed(c.unresStep1))); want != got {
t.Errorf("mt.UnresolveStep expected %q, got %q instead", want, got)
// We handle (E) separately since its UnresolveStep returns two names
// instead of one.
// Verify that we can talk to server E.
eClient := createFortuneClient(r, "b/mt/e1/fortune")
if fortuneMessage, err := eClient.Get(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("fortune.Get failed with %v", err)
} else if fortuneMessage != fixedFortuneMessage {
t.Errorf("fortune expected %q, got %q instead", fixedFortuneMessage, fortuneMessage)
// Unresolve E, one step.
eUnres, err := eClient.UnresolveStep()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("UnresolveStep failed with %v", err)
if want, got := []string{naming.Join(bOA, "e1/fortune"), naming.Join(bOA, "e2/fortune")}, eUnres; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("e.UnresolveStep expected %q, got %q instead", want, got)
// Try unresolve step on a random name in B.
if want, got := naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/some/random/name"),
unresolveStep(t, createMTClient(naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(bOA, "some/random/name")))); want != got {
t.Errorf("b.UnresolveStep expected %q, got %q instead", want, got)
// Try unresolve step on a random name in A.
if unres, err := createMTClient(naming.MakeFixed(naming.Join(aOA, "another/random/name"))).UnresolveStep(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("UnresolveStep failed with %v", err)
} else if len(unres) > 0 {
t.Errorf("b.UnresolveStep expected no results, got %q instead", unres)
// Verify that full unresolve works.
unresolveCases := []struct {
name, want string
{"b/mt/c/fortune", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/c/fortune")},
{naming.Join(bOA, "c/fortune"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/c/fortune")},
{naming.Join(cEP, "fortune"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/c/fortune")},
{"b/mt/d/tell/me/the/future", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future")},
{naming.Join(bOA, "d/tell/me/the/future"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future")},
{"b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future")},
{naming.Join(bOA, "I/want/to/know/the/future"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future")},
{naming.Join(dEP, "tell/me/the/future"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/I/want/to/know/the/future")},
{"b/mt/e1/fortune", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/e1/fortune")},
{"b/mt/e2/fortune", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/e1/fortune")},
{"b/mt/f/fortune", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/f/fortune")},
{naming.Join(fEP, "fortune"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/f/fortune")},
{"b/mt/g/fortune", naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/g/fortune")},
{naming.Join(bOA, "g/fortune"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/g/fortune")},
{naming.Join(gEP, "fortune"), naming.Join(aOA, "b/mt/g/fortune")},
for _, c := range unresolveCases {
if want, got := c.want, unresolve(t, r.MountTable(),; want != got {
t.Errorf("unresolve %q expected %q, got %q instead",, want, got)