blob: d459e73a8c35f5877f01002cd2cab2457368f32a [file] [log] [blame]
package security
import (
type S []string
func TestNewPrivateID(t *testing.T) {
testdata := []struct {
name, err string
{"alice", ""},
{"alice#google", ""},
{"alice@google", ""},
{"bob.smith", ""},
{"", "invalid blessing name"},
{"/", "invalid blessing name"},
{"/alice", "invalid blessing name"},
{"alice/", "invalid blessing name"},
{"google/alice", "invalid blessing name"},
{"google/alice/bob", "invalid blessing name"},
for _, d := range testdata {
if _, err := NewPrivateID(, nil); !matchesErrorPattern(err, d.err) {
t.Errorf("NewPrivateID(%q): got: %s, want to match: %s",, err, d.err)
func TestNameAndAuth(t *testing.T) {
var (
cUnknownAlice = newChain("alice").PublicID()
cTrustedAlice = bless(cUnknownAlice, veyronChain, "alice")
cMistrustedAlice = bless(cUnknownAlice, newChain("veyron"), "alice")
cGoogleAlice = bless(cUnknownAlice, googleChain, "alice")
sAlice = newSetPublicID(cTrustedAlice, cGoogleAlice)
sBadAlice = newSetPublicID(cUnknownAlice, cMistrustedAlice)
sGoogleAlice = newSetPublicID(cMistrustedAlice, cGoogleAlice)
testdata := []struct {
id security.PublicID
names []string
{id: cUnknownAlice},
{id: cTrustedAlice, names: S{"veyron/alice"}},
{id: cMistrustedAlice},
{id: sAlice, names: S{"veyron/alice", "google/alice"}},
{id: sBadAlice},
{id: sGoogleAlice, names: S{"google/alice"}},
for _, d := range testdata {
if got, want :=, d.names; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q(%T).Names(): got: %q, want: %q",,, got, want)
authID, err :={}))
if (authID != nil) == (err != nil) {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize returned: (%v, %v), exactly one return value must be nil",, authID, err)
if err := verifyAuthorizedID(, authID, d.names); err != nil {
func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
alice := newChain("alice")
type matchInstance struct {
pattern security.BlessingPattern
want bool
testdata := []struct {
id security.PublicID
matchData []matchInstance
// self-signed alice chain, not a trusted identity provider so should only match "..."
id: alice.PublicID(),
matchData: []matchInstance{
{pattern: "...", want: true},
{pattern: "alice", want: false},
{pattern: "alice/...", want: false},
// veyron/alice: rooted in the trusted "veyron" identity provider
id: bless(newChain("immaterial").PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice"),
matchData: []matchInstance{
{pattern: "...", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/...", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/alice", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/alice/...", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/alice/TV", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/ali", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/aliced", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/bob", want: false},
{pattern: "google/alice", want: false},
// alice#veyron/alice#google/alice: two trusted identity providers
id: newSetPublicID(alice.PublicID(), bless(alice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice"), bless(alice.PublicID(), googleChain, "alice")),
matchData: []matchInstance{
{pattern: "...", want: true},
// Since alice is not a trusted identity provider, the self-blessed identity
// should not match "alice/..."
{pattern: "alice", want: false},
{pattern: "alice/...", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/...", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/alice", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/alice/TV", want: true},
{pattern: "veyron/alice/...", want: true},
{pattern: "ali", want: false},
{pattern: "aliced", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/ali", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/aliced", want: false},
{pattern: "veyron/bob", want: false},
{pattern: "google/alice", want: true},
{pattern: "google/alice/TV", want: true},
{pattern: "google/alice/...", want: true},
for _, d := range testdata {
for _, m := range d.matchData {
if got := m.pattern.MatchedBy(; got != m.want {
t.Errorf("%q.Match(%s), Got %t, want %t",, m.pattern, got, m.want)
func TestExpiredIdentityChain(t *testing.T) {
id, err := veyronChain.Bless(newChain("immaterial").PublicID(), "alice", time.Millisecond, nil)
if err != nil {
if authid, _ := id.Authorize(NewContext(ContextArgs{})); authid != nil && len(authid.Names()) != 0 {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize returned %v, wanted empty slice", id, authid)
func TestExpiredIdentityInSet(t *testing.T) {
var (
alice = newChain("alice").PublicID()
googleAlice = bless(alice, googleChain, "googler")
veyronAlice, err := veyronChain.Bless(alice, "veyroner", time.Millisecond, nil)
if err != nil {
setid := newSetPublicID(alice, googleAlice, veyronAlice)
authid, _ := setid.Authorize(NewContext(ContextArgs{}))
if authid == nil {
t.Fatalf("%q.Authorize returned nil, expected google/alice", setid)
if got, want := authid.Names(), "google/googler"; len(got) != 1 || got[0] != want {
t.Errorf("Got %v want [%v]", got, want)
func TestTamperedIdentityChain(t *testing.T) {
alice := newChain("alice").PublicID().(*chainPublicID)
nCerts := len(alice.certificates)
// Tamper with alice's public key, in a way that it can be decoded into a valid key,
// just different from what was originally encoded.
xy := alice.certificates[nCerts-1].PublicKey.XY
x, y := elliptic.Unmarshal(elliptic.P256(), xy)
y = y.Add(y, big.NewInt(1))
alice.certificates[nCerts-1].PublicKey.XY = elliptic.Marshal(elliptic.P256(), x, y)
if _, err := alice.certificates[nCerts-1].PublicKey.Decode(); err != nil {
if _, err := roundTrip(alice); err != wire.ErrNoIntegrity {
t.Errorf("Got %v want %v from roundTrip(%v)", err, wire.ErrNoIntegrity, alice)
func TestBless(t *testing.T) {
var (
cAlice = newChain("alice")
cBob = newChain("bob").PublicID()
cVeyronAlice = derive(bless(cAlice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice"), cAlice)
cGoogleAlice = derive(bless(cAlice.PublicID(), googleChain, "alice"), cAlice)
cVeyronBob = bless(cBob, veyronChain, "bob")
sVeyronAlice = newSetPrivateID(cAlice, cVeyronAlice, cGoogleAlice)
sVeyronBob = newSetPublicID(cBob, cVeyronBob)
testdata := []struct {
blessor security.PrivateID
blessee security.PublicID
blessing string // name provided to security.PublicID.Bless
blessed []string // names of the blessed identity. Empty if the Bless operation should have failed
err string
// Blessings from veyron/alice (chain implementation)
blessor: cVeyronAlice,
blessee: cBob,
err: `invalid blessing name:""`,
blessor: cVeyronAlice,
blessee: cBob,
blessing: "alice/bob",
err: `invalid blessing name:"alice/bob"`,
blessor: cVeyronAlice,
blessee: cBob,
blessing: "friend_bob",
blessed: S{"veyron/alice/friend_bob"},
blessor: cVeyronAlice,
blessee: sVeyronBob,
blessing: "friend_bob",
blessed: S{"veyron/alice/friend_bob"},
// Blessings from alice#google/alice#veyron/alice
blessor: sVeyronAlice,
blessee: cBob,
err: `invalid blessing name:""`,
blessor: sVeyronAlice,
blessee: cBob,
blessing: "alice/bob",
err: `invalid blessing name:"alice/bob"`,
blessor: sVeyronAlice,
blessee: cBob,
blessing: "friend_bob",
blessed: S{"veyron/alice/friend_bob", "google/alice/friend_bob"},
blessor: sVeyronAlice,
blessee: sVeyronBob,
blessing: "friend_bob",
blessed: S{"veyron/alice/friend_bob", "google/alice/friend_bob"},
for _, d := range testdata {
if (len(d.blessed) == 0) == (len(d.err) == 0) {
t.Fatalf("Bad testdata. Exactly one of blessed and err must be non-empty: %+v", d)
blessed, err := d.blessor.Bless(d.blessee, d.blessing, 1*time.Minute, nil)
// Exactly one of (blessed, err) should be nil
if (blessed != nil) == (err != nil) {
t.Errorf("%q.Bless(%q, %q, ...) returned: (%v, %v): exactly one return value should be nil", d.blessor, d.blessee, d.blessing, blessed, err)
// err should match d.err
if !matchesErrorPattern(err, d.err) {
t.Errorf("%q.Bless(%q, %q, ...) returned error: %v, want to match: %q", d.blessor, d.blessee, d.blessing, err, d.err)
if err != nil {
// Compare names
if got, want := blessed.Names(), d.blessed; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q.Names(): got: %q, want: %q", blessed, got, want)
// Public keys should match for blessed and blessee
if !reflect.DeepEqual(blessed.PublicKey(), d.blessee.PublicKey()) {
t.Errorf("PublicKey mismatch in %q.Bless(%q, %q, ...)", d.blessor, d.blessee, d.blessing)
// Verify wire encoding of the blessed
if _, err := roundTrip(blessed); err != nil {
t.Errorf("roundTrip(%q) failed: %v (from %q.Bless(%q, %q, ...))", blessed, err, d.blessor, d.blessee, d.blessing)
type unregisteredCaveat struct {
// TODO(ataly, ashankar): The int is embedded in order to
// distinguish the signature of this type from other Caveat types
// and therefore preventing VOM from decoding values of this type
// into another type. This is still not foolproof, we need to figure
// out a better way of preventing the accidental decoding into another
// type.
UniqueField int
func (unregisteredCaveat) Validate(security.Context) error {
return nil
func encodeUnregisteredCaveat([]string) {
cav, err := security.NewCaveat(unregisteredCaveat{1})
if err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("security.NewCaveat failed: %s", err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := vom.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(cav); err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("could not VOM-encode caveat: %s", err)
func TestHelperProcess(t *testing.T) {
func TestAuthorizeWithCaveats(t *testing.T) {
var (
// alice
pcAlice = newChain("alice")
cAlice = pcAlice.PublicID().(*chainPublicID)
// Some random server called bob
bob = newChain("bob").PublicID()
// Caveats
// Can only call "Play" at the Google service
cavOnlyPlay = mkCaveat(security.MethodCaveat("Play"))
// Can only talk to the "Google" service
cavOnlyGoogle = mkCaveat(security.PeerBlessingsCaveat("google"))
// We create a Caveat from the CaveatValidator "unregisteredCaveat".
// Since "unregisteredCaveat" is not registered with VOM, decoding
// this caveat as part of a PublicID should fail.
// The Caveat is created within a child process as VOM automaitcally
// registers all values encoded within the same process.
child := blackbox.HelperCommand(t, "encodeUnregisteredCaveat")
defer child.Cleanup()
encodedCaveat, err := child.ReadLineFromChild()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadLineFromChild failed: %v", err)
var cavUnregistered security.Caveat
if err := vom.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader([]byte(encodedCaveat))).Decode(&cavUnregistered); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to decode bytes obtained from ReadLineFromChild: %v", err)
type rpc struct {
server security.PublicID
method string
// Expected output: exactly one should be non-empty
authErr string
authNames []string
testdata := []struct {
client security.PublicID
tests []rpc
// client has a chain identity
client: bless(cAlice, veyronChain, "alice", cavOnlyPlay),
tests: []rpc{
{server: bob, method: "Play", authNames: S{"veyron/alice"}},
{server: bob, method: "Hello", authErr: `security.methodCaveat=[Play] fails validation for method "Hello"`},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Play", authNames: S{"veyron/alice"}},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Hello", authErr: `security.methodCaveat=[Play] fails validation for method "Hello"`},
client: bless(cAlice, veyronChain, "alice", cavOnlyGoogle),
tests: []rpc{
{server: bob, method: "Hello", authErr: `security.peerBlessingsCaveat=[google] fails validation for peer with blessings []`},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Hello", authNames: S{"veyron/alice"}},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Play", authNames: S{"veyron/alice"}},
client: bless(cAlice, veyronChain, "alice", cavUnregistered),
tests: []rpc{
{server: bob, method: "Play", authErr: "caveat bytes could not be VOM-decoded"},
{server: bob, method: "Hello", authErr: "caveat bytes could not be VOM-decoded"},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Play", authErr: "caveat bytes could not be VOM-decoded"},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Hello", authErr: "caveat bytes could not be VOM-decoded"},
client: bless(cAlice, veyronChain, "alice", cavOnlyGoogle, cavOnlyPlay),
tests: []rpc{
{server: bob, method: "Hello", authErr: `security.peerBlessingsCaveat=[google] fails validation for peer with blessings []`},
{server: bob, method: "Play", authErr: `security.peerBlessingsCaveat=[google] fails validation for peer with blessings []`},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Hello", authErr: `security.methodCaveat=[Play] fails validation for method "Hello"`},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Play", authNames: S{"veyron/alice"}},
client: bless(cAlice, veyronChain, "alice", cavOnlyGoogle, cavUnregistered),
tests: []rpc{
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Play", authErr: "caveat bytes could not be VOM-decoded"},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Hello", authErr: "caveat bytes could not be VOM-decoded"},
// client has multiple blessings
client: newSetPublicID(bless(cAlice, veyronChain, "valice", cavOnlyPlay, cavUnregistered), bless(cAlice, googleChain, "galice", cavOnlyGoogle)),
tests: []rpc{
{server: bob, method: "Hello", authErr: "none of the blessings in the set are authorized"},
{server: bob, method: "Play", authErr: "none of the blessings in the set are authorized"},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Hello", authNames: S{"google/galice"}},
{server: googleChain.PublicID(), method: "Play", authNames: S{"google/galice"}},
for _, d := range testdata {
// Validate that the client identity (with all its blessings) is valid for wire transmission.
if _, err := roundTrip(d.client); err != nil {
t.Errorf("roundTrip(%q): %v", d.client, err)
for _, test := range d.tests {
if (len(test.authNames) == 0) == (len(test.authErr) == 0) {
t.Errorf("Bad testdata. Exactly one of authNames and authErr must be non-empty: %+q/%+v", d.client, test)
ctx := NewContext(ContextArgs{LocalID: test.server, RemoteID: d.client, Method: test.method})
authID, err := d.client.Authorize(ctx)
if !matchesErrorPattern(err, test.authErr) {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize(%v) returned error: %v, want to match: %q", d.client, ctx, err, test.authErr)
if err := verifyAuthorizedID(d.client, authID, test.authNames); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize(%v) returned identity: %v want identity with names: %q [%v]", d.client, ctx, authID, test.authNames, err)
type alwaysValidCaveat struct{}
func (alwaysValidCaveat) Validate(security.Context) error {
return nil
// proximityCaveat abuses the Method field to store proximity info
// TODO(andreser): create a context that can hold proximity data by design
type proximityCaveat struct{}
func (proximityCaveat) Validate(ctx security.Context) error {
if ctx != nil && ctx.Method() == "proximity: close enough" {
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("proximityCaveat: not close enough")
func TestThirdPartyCaveatMinting(t *testing.T) {
minter := newChain("minter")
cav, err := security.NewPublicKeyCaveat(minter.PublicID().PublicKey(), "location", security.ThirdPartyRequirements{}, newCaveat(proximityCaveat{}))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("security.NewPublicKeyCaveat failed: %s", err)
discharge, err := minter.MintDischarge(cav, NewContext(ContextArgs{}), time.Hour, nil)
if discharge != nil || !matchesErrorPattern(err, "not close enough") {
t.Errorf("Discharge was minted while minting caveats were not met")
discharge, err = minter.MintDischarge(cav, NewContext(ContextArgs{Method: "proximity: close enough"}), time.Hour, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Discharge was NOT minted even though minting caveats were met")
ctxValidateMinting := NewContext(ContextArgs{
Discharges: dischargeMap{discharge.ID(): discharge},
Debug: "ctxValidateMinting",
if err = cav.Validate(ctxValidateMinting); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed %q.Validate(%q): %s", cav, ctxValidateMinting, err)
func TestAuthorizeWithThirdPartyCaveats(t *testing.T) {
mkveyron := func(id security.PrivateID, name string) security.PrivateID {
return derive(bless(id.PublicID(), veyronChain, name), id)
mkgoogle := func(id security.PrivateID, name string) security.PrivateID {
return derive(bless(id.PublicID(), googleChain, name), id)
mkTPCaveat := func(id security.PrivateID) security.ThirdPartyCaveat {
c, err := security.NewPublicKeyCaveat(id.PublicID().PublicKey(), fmt.Sprintf("%v location", id.PublicID()), security.ThirdPartyRequirements{}, newCaveat(alwaysValidCaveat{}))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicKeyCaveat with PublicKey of: %v failed: %s", id, err)
return c
var (
alice = newChain("alice")
bob = newChain("bob")
carol = newChain("carol").PublicID()
// aliceProximityCaveat is a caveat whose discharge can only be minted by alice.
aliceProximityCaveat = mkTPCaveat(alice)
bobProximityCaveat = mkTPCaveat(bob)
mintDischarge := func(id security.PrivateID, duration time.Duration, caveats security.Discharge {
d, err := id.MintDischarge(aliceProximityCaveat.(security.ThirdPartyCaveat), nil, duration, caveats)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q.MintDischarge failed: %v", id, err)
return d
var (
// Discharges
dAlice = mintDischarge(alice, time.Minute)
dGoogle = mintDischarge(alice, time.Minute, mkCaveat(security.PeerBlessingsCaveat("google")))
dExpired = mintDischarge(alice, 0)
dInvalid = mintDischarge(bob, time.Minute) // Invalid because bob cannot mint valid discharges for aliceProximityCaveat
// Contexts
ctxEmpty = NewContext(ContextArgs{Method: "Play", Debug: "ctxEmpty"})
ctxAlice = NewContext(ContextArgs{
Method: "Play",
Discharges: dischargeMap{dAlice.ID(): dAlice},
Debug: "ctxAlice",
// Context containing the discharge dGoogle but the server is not a Google server, so
// the service caveat is not satisfied
ctxGoogleAtOther = NewContext(ContextArgs{
Method: "Play",
Discharges: dischargeMap{dGoogle.ID(): dGoogle},
Debug: "ctxGoogleAtOther",
// Context containing the discharge dGoogle at a google server.
ctxGoogleAtGoogle = NewContext(ContextArgs{
Method: "Play",
Discharges: dischargeMap{dGoogle.ID(): dGoogle},
LocalID: googleChain.PublicID(),
Debug: "ctxGoogleAtGoogle",
ctxExpired = NewContext(ContextArgs{
Method: "Play",
Discharges: dischargeMap{dExpired.ID(): dExpired},
Debug: "ctxExpired",
ctxInvalid = NewContext(ContextArgs{
Method: "Play",
Discharges: dischargeMap{dInvalid.ID(): dInvalid},
Debug: "ctxInvalid",
// Contexts that should always end in authorization errors
errtests = map[security.Context]string{
ctxEmpty: "missing discharge",
ctxGoogleAtOther: "security.peerBlessingsCaveat=[google] fails validation",
ctxExpired: "security.unixTimeExpiryCaveat",
ctxInvalid: "signature verification on discharge",
testdata := []struct {
id security.PublicID
authNames S // For ctxAlice and ctxGoogleAtGoogle
// carol blessed by bob with the third-party caveat should be authorized when the context contains a valid discharge
id: bless(carol, mkveyron(bob, "bob"), "friend", newCaveat(aliceProximityCaveat)),
authNames: S{"veyron/bob/friend"},
// veyron/vbob/vfriend with bobProximityCaveat and google/gbob/gfriend with aliceProximityCaveat
// Only google/gbob/gfriend should be authorized since the discharge for the former is missing
id: newSetPublicID(
bless(carol, mkveyron(bob, "vbob"), "vfriend", newCaveat(bobProximityCaveat)),
bless(carol, mkgoogle(bob, "gbob"), "gfriend", newCaveat(aliceProximityCaveat))),
authNames: S{"google/gbob/gfriend"},
// veyron/vbob/friend#google/gbob/friend both have the same caveat and both are satisfied
id: bless(carol, newSetPrivateID(mkveyron(bob, "vbob"), mkgoogle(bob, "gbob")), "friend", newCaveat(aliceProximityCaveat)),
authNames: S{"veyron/vbob/friend", "google/gbob/friend"},
for _, test := range testdata {
if _, err := roundTrip(; err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q is not round-trippable: %v",,, err)
for _, ctx := range []security.Context{ctxAlice, ctxGoogleAtGoogle} {
authID, _ :=
if err := verifyAuthorizedID(, authID, test.authNames); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize(%v): %v",, ctx, err)
for ctx, want := range errtests {
authID, err :=
if authID != nil {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize(%v) returned %v, should have returned nil",, ctx, authID)
if !matchesErrorPattern(err, want) {
t.Errorf("%q.Authorize(%v) returned error: %v, want to match: %q",, ctx, err, want)
type SortedThirdPartyCaveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat
func (s SortedThirdPartyCaveats) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s SortedThirdPartyCaveats) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].ID() < s[j].ID()
func (s SortedThirdPartyCaveats) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func TestThirdPartyCaveatAccessors(t *testing.T) {
mkTPCaveat := func(id security.PublicID) security.ThirdPartyCaveat {
tpCav, err := security.NewPublicKeyCaveat(id.PublicKey(), "someLocation", security.ThirdPartyRequirements{}, newCaveat(alwaysValidCaveat{}))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewPublicKeyCaveat with PublicKey of: %v failed: %s", id, err)
return tpCav
mintDischarge := func(caveat security.ThirdPartyCaveat, id security.PrivateID, caveats security.Discharge {
d, err := id.MintDischarge(caveat, nil, time.Minute, caveats)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q.MintDischarge failed: %v", id, err)
return d
sortTPCaveats := func(caveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat) []security.ThirdPartyCaveat {
return caveats
var (
// Principals (type conversions just to protect against accidentally
// calling the wrong factory function)
alice = newChain("alice").(*chainPrivateID)
cBob = newChain("bob").(*chainPrivateID)
cBobBuilder = derive(bless(cBob.PublicID(), cBob, "builder"), cBob) // Bob also calls himself bob/builder
sBob = newSetPrivateID(cBob, cBobBuilder).(setPrivateID)
// Caveats
tpCavAlice = mkTPCaveat(alice.PublicID())
tpCavBob = mkTPCaveat(alice.PublicID())
cav = mkCaveat(security.MethodCaveat(""))
caveats := []struct {
firstparty *security.Caveat
thirdparty []security.ThirdPartyCaveat
{firstparty: nil, thirdparty: nil},
{firstparty: &cav},
{thirdparty: []security.ThirdPartyCaveat{tpCavAlice}},
{thirdparty: []security.ThirdPartyCaveat{tpCavAlice, tpCavBob}},
{firstparty: &cav, thirdparty: []security.ThirdPartyCaveat{tpCavAlice, tpCavBob}},
testdata := []struct {
privID security.PrivateID
pubID security.PublicID
{privID: veyronChain, pubID: cBob.PublicID()}, // Chain blessing a chain
{privID: veyronChain, pubID: sBob.PublicID()}, // Chain blessing a set
{privID: sBob, pubID: cBob.PublicID()}, // Set blessing a chain
//{privID: veyronTree, pubID: tBob.PublicID()},
for _, d := range testdata {
for _, c := range caveats {
var all []security.Caveat
if c.firstparty != nil {
all = append(all, *c.firstparty)
for _, tpc := range c.thirdparty {
all = append(all, newCaveat(tpc))
// Test ThirdPartyCaveat accessors on security.PublicIDs.
id := bless(d.pubID, d.privID, "irrelevant", all...)
want := sortTPCaveats(c.thirdparty)
if got := sortTPCaveats(id.ThirdPartyCaveats()); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q(%T) got ThirdPartyCaveats() = %+v, want %+v", id, id, got, want)
// Test ThirdPartyCaveat accessors on security.ThirdPartyCaveat discharges.
dis := mintDischarge(mkTPCaveat(alice.PublicID()), d.privID, all...)
if got := sortTPCaveats(dis.ThirdPartyCaveats()); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q got ThirdPartyCaveats() = %+v, want %+v", dis, got, want)
func TestBlessingChainAmplification(t *testing.T) {
var (
// alice has blessings from trusted identity providers google and veyron
alice = newChain("alice")
googleAlice = derive(bless(alice.PublicID(), googleChain, "alice"), alice)
veyronAlice = derive(bless(alice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice"), alice)
bob = newChain("bob").PublicID()
// veyron/alice blesses bob for 5 minutes
veyronAliceBob, err := veyronAlice.Bless(bob, "bob@veyron@alice", 5*time.Minute, nil)
if err != nil {
authID, _ := veyronAliceBob.Authorize(NewContext(ContextArgs{}))
if err := verifyAuthorizedID(veyronAliceBob, authID, S{"veyron/alice/bob@veyron@alice"}); err != nil {
// google/alice blesses bob for 1 millisecond
googleAliceBob, err := googleAlice.Bless(bob, "bob@google@alice", 1*time.Millisecond, nil)
if err != nil {
// Wait for 1ms so that the blessing expires
authID, _ = googleAliceBob.Authorize(NewContext(ContextArgs{}))
if authID != nil {
t.Fatal("%q.Authorized returned: %q, want nil", authID)
// At this point, Bob has a valid blessing from veyron/alice and an
// expired blessing from google/alice. Bob should not be able to
// construct a valid blessing from google/alice by combining certificates.
veyronBob := veyronAliceBob.(*chainPublicID)
googleBob := googleAliceBob.(*chainPublicID)
// googleBob should be a valid identity before any modifications
if _, err := roundTrip(googleBob); err != nil {
// Keep the "google/alice" certificate and replace "alice/bob" from
// "google/alice/bob" with the one from "veyron/alice/bob"
cert := googleBob.certificates[2]
googleBob.certificates[2] = veyronBob.certificates[2]
// This hacked up identity should fail integrity tests
if _, err := roundTrip(googleBob); err != wire.ErrNoIntegrity {
t.Fatalf("roundTrip(%q) returned: %v want %v", googleBob, err, wire.ErrNoIntegrity)
// Restoring the certificate should restore validity.
googleBob.certificates[2] = cert
if _, err := roundTrip(googleBob); err != nil {
// Replacing the "google/alice" certificate with the "veyron/alice"
// certificate should also cause the identity to be invalid.
googleBob.certificates[1] = veyronBob.certificates[1]
if _, err := roundTrip(googleBob); err != wire.ErrNoIntegrity {
t.Fatalf("roundTrip(%q) returned: %v want %v", googleBob, err, wire.ErrNoIntegrity)
func TestDerive(t *testing.T) {
var (
cAlice = newChain("alice")
cVeyronAlice = bless(cAlice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice")
cBob = newChain("bob").PublicID()
sVeyronAlice = newSetPrivateID(cAlice, derive(cVeyronAlice, cAlice))
tChain = reflect.TypeOf(cAlice)
tSet = reflect.TypeOf(sVeyronAlice)
tErr = reflect.TypeOf(nil)
testdata := []struct {
priv security.PrivateID
pub security.PublicID
typ reflect.Type
{priv: cAlice, pub: cVeyronAlice, typ: tChain}, // chain.Derive(chain) = chain
{priv: cAlice, pub: sVeyronAlice.PublicID(), typ: tSet}, // chain.Derive(set) = set
{priv: cAlice, pub: cBob, typ: tErr},
{priv: sVeyronAlice, pub: cAlice.PublicID(), typ: tChain}, // set.Derive(chain) = chain
{priv: sVeyronAlice, pub: sVeyronAlice.PublicID(), typ: tSet}, // set.Derive(set) = set
{priv: sVeyronAlice, pub: cBob, typ: tErr},
for _, d := range testdata {
derivedID, err := d.priv.Derive(
if reflect.TypeOf(derivedID) != d.typ {
t.Errorf("%T=%q.Derive(%T=%q) yielded (%T, %v), want %v", d.priv, d.priv,,, derivedID, err, d.typ)
if err != nil {
// If it was not supposed to be, the previous check
// would have registered the error.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(derivedID.PublicID(), {
t.Errorf("%q.Derive(%q) returned: %q. PublicID mismatch", d.priv,, derivedID)
if _, err := roundTrip(derivedID.PublicID()); err != nil {
t.Errorf("roundTrip(%q=%q.Derive(%q)) failed: %v", derivedID, d.priv,, err)
func TestNewSetFailures(t *testing.T) {
var (
alice = newChain("alice")
bob = newChain("bob")
if s, err := NewSetPrivateID(alice, bob); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Got %v, want error since PrivateKeys do not match", s)
if s, err := NewSetPublicID(alice.PublicID(), bob.PublicID()); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Got %v, want error since PublicKeys do not match", s)
func TestSetIdentityAmplification(t *testing.T) {
var (
alice = newChain("alice").PublicID()
bob = newChain("bob").PublicID()
sAlice = newSetPublicID(bless(alice, veyronChain, "valice"), bless(alice, googleChain, "galice"))
// Manipulate sAlice before writing it out to the wire so that it has Bob's authorizations.
// Encode/decode the identity.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := vom.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(sAlice); err != nil {
var decoded security.PublicID
if err := vom.NewDecoder(&buf).Decode(&decoded); err == nil || decoded != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got (%v, %v), want wire decode of manipulated identity to fail", decoded, err)
func init() {
blackbox.CommandTable["encodeUnregisteredCaveat"] = encodeUnregisteredCaveat