blob: b777bef9d2e173334d04344c96ae49bad5d124a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package dependency keeps track of a dependency graph.
// You add edges to the graph by specifying an object and the objects it depends on.
// You can then call FinsihAndWait when the object is finished to wait until
// all the dependents are also finished.
package dependency
import (
var NotFoundError = fmt.Errorf(
"Attempting to create an object whose dependency has already been terminated.")
// Every object in a Graph depends on the all key. We can wait on this key
// to know when all objects have been closed.
type all struct{}
type node struct {
dependents int
cond *sync.Cond
dependsOn []*node
// Graph keeps track of a number of objects and their dependents.
// Typical usage looks like:
// g := NewGraph()
// // Instruct the graph that A depends on B and C.
// if err := g.Depend(A, B, C); err != nil {
// // Oops, B or C is already terminating, clean up A immediately.
// }
// // D depends on A (You should check the error as above).
// g.Depend(D, A)
// ...
// // At some point we want to mark A as closed to new users and
// // wait for all the objects that depend on it to finish
// // (in this case D).
// finish := g.CloseAndWait(A)
// // Now we know D (and any other depdendents) are finished, so we
// // can clean up A.
// A.CleanUp()
// // Now notify the objects A depended on that they have one less
// // dependent.
// finish()
type Graph struct {
mu sync.Mutex
nodes map[interface{}]*node
// NewGraph returns a new Graph ready to be used.
func NewGraph() *Graph {
graph := &Graph{nodes: map[interface{}]*node{}}
graph.nodes[all{}] = &node{cond: sync.NewCond(&}
return graph
// Depend adds obj as a node in the dependency graph and notes it's
// dependencies on all the objects in 'on'. If any of the
// dependencies are already closed (or are not in the graph at all)
// then Depend returns NotFoundError and does not add any edges.
func (g *Graph) Depend(obj interface{}, on ...interface{}) error {
nodes := make([]*node, len(on)+1)
for i := range on {
if nodes[i] = g.nodes[on[i]]; nodes[i] == nil {
return NotFoundError
if alln := g.nodes[all{}]; alln == nil {
return NotFoundError
} else {
nodes[len(on)] = alln
for _, n := range nodes {
if n := g.nodes[obj]; n != nil {
n.dependsOn = append(n.dependsOn, nodes...)
} else {
g.nodes[obj] = &node{
cond: sync.NewCond(&,
dependsOn: nodes,
return nil
// CloseAndWait closes an object to new dependents and waits for all
// dependants to complete. When this function returns you can safely
// clean up Obj knowing that no users remain. Once obj is finished
// with the objects it depends on, you should call the returned function.
func (g *Graph) CloseAndWait(obj interface{}) func() {
n := g.nodes[obj]
if n == nil {
return func() {}
delete(g.nodes, obj)
for n.dependents > 0 {
return func() {
for _, dn := range n.dependsOn {
if dn.dependents--; dn.dependents == 0 {
// CloseAndWaitForAll closes the graph. No new objects or dependencies can be added
// and this function returns only after all existing objects have called
// Finish on their finishers.
func (g *Graph) CloseAndWaitForAll() {