blob: 4686928671142c1e5614d9e252e3433237a95881 [file] [log] [blame]
package namespace
import (
// maxCacheEntries is the max number of cache entries to keep. It exists only so that we
// can avoid edge cases blowing us up the cache.
const maxCacheEntries = 4000
// cacheHisteresisSize is how much we back off to if the cache gets filled up.
const cacheHisteresisSize = (3 * maxCacheEntries) / 4
// cache is a generic interface to the resolution cache.
type cache interface {
remember(prefix string, servers []mountedServer)
forget(names []string)
lookup(name string) ([]mountedServer, string)
// ttlCache is an instance of cache that obeys ttl from the mount points.
type ttlCache struct {
epochStart time.Time
entries map[string][]mountedServer
// newTTLCache creates an empty ttlCache.
func newTTLCache() cache {
return &ttlCache{epochStart: time.Now(), entries: make(map[string][]mountedServer)}
func isStale(now uint32, servers []mountedServer) bool {
for _, s := range servers {
if s.TTL <= now {
return true
return false
// normalize removes any single trailing slash. Added for idiots who seem to
// like adding trailing slashes.
func normalize(name string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "//") {
return name
return strings.TrimSuffix(name, "/")
// esecs returns seconds since start of this cache's epoch.
func (c *ttlCache) esecs() uint32 {
return uint32(time.Since(c.epochStart).Seconds())
// randomDrop randomly removes one cache entry. Assumes we've already locked the cache.
func (c *ttlCache) randomDrop() {
n := rand.Intn(len(c.entries))
for k := range c.entries {
if n == 0 {
delete(c.entries, k)
// cleaner reduces the number of entries. Assumes we've already locked the cache.
func (c *ttlCache) cleaner() {
// First dump any stale entries.
now := c.esecs()
for k, v := range c.entries {
if len(c.entries) < cacheHisteresisSize {
if isStale(now, v) {
delete(c.entries, k)
// If we haven't gotten low enough, dump randomly.
for len(c.entries) >= cacheHisteresisSize {
// remember the servers associated with name with suffix removed.
func (c *ttlCache) remember(prefix string, servers []mountedServer) {
prefix = normalize(prefix)
for i := range servers {
// Remember when this cached entry times out relative to our epoch.
servers[i].TTL += c.esecs()
// Enforce an upper limit on the cache size.
if len(c.entries) >= maxCacheEntries {
if _, ok := c.entries[prefix]; !ok {
c.entries[prefix] = servers
// forget cache entries whose index begins with an element of names. If names is nil
// forget all cached entries.
func (c *ttlCache) forget(names []string) {
defer c.Unlock()
for key := range c.entries {
for _, n := range names {
n = normalize(n)
if strings.HasPrefix(key, n) {
delete(c.entries, key)
// lookup searches the cache for a maximal prefix of name and returns the associated servers,
// prefix, and suffix. If any of the associated servers is past its TTL, don't return anything
// since that would reduce availability.
func (c *ttlCache) lookup(name string) ([]mountedServer, string) {
name = normalize(name)
defer c.Unlock()
now := c.esecs()
for prefix, suffix := name, ""; len(prefix) > 0; prefix, suffix = backup(prefix, suffix) {
servers, ok := c.entries[prefix]
if !ok {
if isStale(now, servers) {
return nil, ""
vlog.VI(2).Infof("namespace cache %s -> %v %s", name, servers, suffix)
return servers, suffix
return nil, ""
// backup moves the last element of the prefix to the suffix. "//" is preserved. Thus
// a/b//c, -> a/b, //c
// /a/b,c/d -> /a, b/c/d
// /a,b/c/d -> ,/a/b/c/d
func backup(prefix, suffix string) (string, string) {
for i := len(prefix) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if prefix[i] != '/' {
if prefix[i-1] == '/' {
suffix = naming.Join(prefix[i-1:], suffix)
prefix = prefix[:i-1]
} else {
suffix = naming.Join(prefix[i+1:], suffix)
prefix = prefix[:i]
return prefix, suffix
return "", naming.Join(prefix, suffix)
// nullCache is an instance of cache that does nothing.
type nullCache int
func newNullCache() cache { return nullCache(1) }
func (nullCache) remember(prefix string, servers []mountedServer) {}
func (nullCache) forget(names []string) {}
func (nullCache) lookup(name string) ([]mountedServer, string) { return nil, "" }