blob: 1694917035f0a6a5fc14844a8dd17e33b3792889 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
// Source: base.vdl
// Package base is a simple single-file test of vdl functionality.
package base
import (
// VDL system imports
type NamedBool bool
func (NamedBool) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedByte byte
func (NamedByte) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedUint16 uint16
func (NamedUint16) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedUint32 uint32
func (NamedUint32) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedUint64 uint64
func (NamedUint64) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedInt16 int16
func (NamedInt16) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedInt32 int32
func (NamedInt32) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedInt64 int64
func (NamedInt64) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedFloat32 float32
func (NamedFloat32) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedFloat64 float64
func (NamedFloat64) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedComplex64 complex64
func (NamedComplex64) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedComplex128 complex128
func (NamedComplex128) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedString string
func (NamedString) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedEnum int
const (
NamedEnumA NamedEnum = iota
// NamedEnumAll holds all labels for NamedEnum.
var NamedEnumAll = [...]NamedEnum{NamedEnumA, NamedEnumB, NamedEnumC}
// NamedEnumFromString creates a NamedEnum from a string label.
func NamedEnumFromString(label string) (x NamedEnum, err error) {
err = x.Set(label)
// Set assigns label to x.
func (x *NamedEnum) Set(label string) error {
switch label {
case "A", "a":
*x = NamedEnumA
return nil
case "B", "b":
*x = NamedEnumB
return nil
case "C", "c":
*x = NamedEnumC
return nil
*x = -1
return fmt.Errorf("unknown label %q in base.NamedEnum", label)
// String returns the string label of x.
func (x NamedEnum) String() string {
switch x {
case NamedEnumA:
return "A"
case NamedEnumB:
return "B"
case NamedEnumC:
return "C"
return ""
func (NamedEnum) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
Enum struct{ A, B, C string }
}) {
type NamedArray [2]bool
func (NamedArray) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedList []uint32
func (NamedList) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedSet map[string]struct{}
func (NamedSet) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedMap map[string]float32
func (NamedMap) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type NamedStruct struct {
A bool
B string
C int32
func (NamedStruct) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type (
// NamedUnion represents any single field of the NamedUnion union type.
NamedUnion interface {
// Index returns the field index.
Index() int
// Interface returns the field value as an interface.
Interface() interface{}
// Name returns the field name.
Name() string
// __VDLReflect describes the NamedUnion union type.
// NamedUnionA represents field A of the NamedUnion union type.
NamedUnionA struct{ Value bool }
// NamedUnionB represents field B of the NamedUnion union type.
NamedUnionB struct{ Value string }
// NamedUnionC represents field C of the NamedUnion union type.
NamedUnionC struct{ Value int32 }
// __NamedUnionReflect describes the NamedUnion union type.
__NamedUnionReflect struct {
Name string ""
Type NamedUnion
Union struct {
A NamedUnionA
B NamedUnionB
C NamedUnionC
func (x NamedUnionA) Index() int { return 0 }
func (x NamedUnionA) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x NamedUnionA) Name() string { return "A" }
func (x NamedUnionA) __VDLReflect(__NamedUnionReflect) {}
func (x NamedUnionB) Index() int { return 1 }
func (x NamedUnionB) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x NamedUnionB) Name() string { return "B" }
func (x NamedUnionB) __VDLReflect(__NamedUnionReflect) {}
func (x NamedUnionC) Index() int { return 2 }
func (x NamedUnionC) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x NamedUnionC) Name() string { return "C" }
func (x NamedUnionC) __VDLReflect(__NamedUnionReflect) {}
type Scalars struct {
A0 bool
A1 byte
A2 uint16
A3 uint32
A4 uint64
A5 int16
A6 int32
A7 int64
A8 float32
A9 float64
A10 complex64
A11 complex128
A12 string
A13 error
A14 *vdl.Value
A15 *vdl.Type
B0 NamedBool
B1 NamedByte
B2 NamedUint16
B3 NamedUint32
B4 NamedUint64
B5 NamedInt16
B6 NamedInt32
B7 NamedInt64
B8 NamedFloat32
B9 NamedFloat64
B10 NamedComplex64
B11 NamedComplex128
B12 NamedString
B13 NamedEnum
B14 NamedUnion
func (Scalars) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
// These are all scalars that may be used as map or set keys.
type KeyScalars struct {
A0 bool
A1 byte
A2 uint16
A3 uint32
A4 uint64
A5 int16
A6 int32
A7 int64
A8 float32
A9 float64
A10 complex64
A11 complex128
A12 string
B0 NamedBool
B1 NamedByte
B2 NamedUint16
B3 NamedUint32
B4 NamedUint64
B5 NamedInt16
B6 NamedInt32
B7 NamedInt64
B8 NamedFloat32
B9 NamedFloat64
B10 NamedComplex64
B11 NamedComplex128
B12 NamedString
func (KeyScalars) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type ScalarsArray [2]Scalars
func (ScalarsArray) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type Composites struct {
A0 Scalars
A1 ScalarsArray
A2 []Scalars
A3 map[KeyScalars]struct{}
A4 map[string]Scalars
A5 map[KeyScalars][]map[string]complex128
func (Composites) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type CompositesArray [2]Composites
func (CompositesArray) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
type CompComp struct {
A0 Composites
A1 CompositesArray
A2 []Composites
A3 map[string]Composites
A4 map[KeyScalars][]map[string]Composites
func (CompComp) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
// NestedArgs is defined before Args; that's allowed in regular Go, and also
// allowed in our vdl files. The compiler will re-order dependent types to ease
// code generation in other languages.
type NestedArgs struct {
Args Args
func (NestedArgs) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
// Args will be reordered to show up before NestedArgs in the generated output.
type Args struct {
A int32
B int32
func (Args) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string ""
}) {
func init() {
const Cbool = true
const Cbyte = byte(1)
const Cint32 = int32(2)
const Cint64 = int64(3)
const Cuint32 = uint32(4)
const Cuint64 = uint64(5)
const Cfloat32 = float32(6)
const Cfloat64 = float64(7)
const CNamedBool = NamedBool(true)
var CNamedStruct = NamedStruct{
A: true,
B: "test",
const Ccomplex64 = complex64(8 + 9i)
const Ccomplex128 = complex128(10 + 11i)
const Cstring = "foo"
const Cenum = NamedEnumA
var Cunion = NamedUnion(NamedUnionA{true})
var Carray = NamedArray{
var Clist = []int32{
var Cset = map[int32]struct{}{
1: struct{}{},
2: struct{}{},
3: struct{}{},
var cmap = map[int32]string{
1: "A",
2: "B",
3: "C",
var Cargs = Args{
A: 1,
B: 2,
var CScalars = Scalars{
A0: true,
A1: 1,
A2: 2,
A3: 3,
A4: 4,
A5: 5,
A6: 6,
A7: 7,
A8: 8,
A9: 9,
A10: 10,
A11: 11,
A12: "abc",
A14: vdl.ValueOf(false),
A15: vdl.TypeOf(false),
B0: true,
B1: 1,
B2: 2,
B3: 3,
B4: 4,
B5: 5,
B6: 6,
B7: 7,
B8: 8,
B9: 9,
B10: 10,
B11: 11,
B12: "abc",
B13: NamedEnumB,
B14: NamedUnionC{int32(123)},
const True = true
const Foo = "foo"
const Five = int32(5)
const Six = uint64(6)
const SixSquared = uint64(36)
const FiveSquared = int32(25)
var CTypeObject_bool = vdl.TypeOf(false)
var CTypeObject_string = vdl.TypeOf("")
var CTypeObject_bytes = vdl.TypeOf([]byte(nil))
var CTypeObject_byte = vdl.TypeOf(byte(0))
var CTypeObject_uint16 = vdl.TypeOf(uint16(0))
var CTypeObject_int16 = vdl.TypeOf(int16(0))
var CTypeObject_float32 = vdl.TypeOf(float32(0))
var CTypeObject_complex64 = vdl.TypeOf(complex64(0))
var CTypeObject_enum = vdl.TypeOf(NamedEnumA)
var CTypeObject_Array = vdl.TypeOf(NamedArray{})
var CTypeObject_List = vdl.TypeOf([]string(nil))
var CTypeObject_Set = vdl.TypeOf(map[string]struct{}(nil))
var CTypeObject_Map = vdl.TypeOf(map[string]int64(nil))
var CTypeObject_Struct = vdl.TypeOf(Scalars{
A15: vdl.AnyType,
B14: NamedUnionA{false},
var CTypeObject_Union = vdl.TypeOf(NamedUnion(NamedUnionA{false}))
var CTypeObject_TypeObject = vdl.TypeObjectType
var CTypeObject_Any = vdl.AnyType
var (
ErrNoParams1 = verror.Register("", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} en msg")
ErrNoParams2 = verror.Register("", verror.RetryRefetch, "{1:}{2:} en msg")
ErrWithParams1 = verror.Register("", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}")
ErrWithParams2 = verror.Register("", verror.RetryRefetch, "{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}")
errNotExported = verror.Register("", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}")
func init() {
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("en"), i18n.MsgID(ErrNoParams1.ID), "{1:}{2:} en msg")
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("en"), i18n.MsgID(ErrNoParams2.ID), "{1:}{2:} en msg")
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("fr"), i18n.MsgID(ErrNoParams2.ID), "{1:}{2:} fr msg")
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("en"), i18n.MsgID(ErrWithParams1.ID), "{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}")
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("en"), i18n.MsgID(ErrWithParams2.ID), "{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}")
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("fr"), i18n.MsgID(ErrWithParams2.ID), "{1:}{2:} fr y={4} x={3}")
i18n.Cat().SetWithBase(i18n.LangID("en"), i18n.MsgID(errNotExported.ID), "{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}")
// NewErrNoParams1 returns an error with the ErrNoParams1 ID.
func NewErrNoParams1(ctx *context.T) error {
return verror.New(ErrNoParams1, ctx)
// NewErrNoParams2 returns an error with the ErrNoParams2 ID.
func NewErrNoParams2(ctx *context.T) error {
return verror.New(ErrNoParams2, ctx)
// NewErrWithParams1 returns an error with the ErrWithParams1 ID.
func NewErrWithParams1(ctx *context.T, x string, y int32) error {
return verror.New(ErrWithParams1, ctx, x, y)
// NewErrWithParams2 returns an error with the ErrWithParams2 ID.
func NewErrWithParams2(ctx *context.T, x string, y int32) error {
return verror.New(ErrWithParams2, ctx, x, y)
// newErrNotExported returns an error with the errNotExported ID.
func newErrNotExported(ctx *context.T, x string, y int32) error {
return verror.New(errNotExported, ctx, x, y)
// ServiceAClientMethods is the client interface
// containing ServiceA methods.
type ServiceAClientMethods interface {
MethodA1(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) error
MethodA2(ctx *context.T, a int32, b string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (s string, err error)
MethodA3(ctx *context.T, a int32, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ServiceAMethodA3ClientCall, error)
MethodA4(ctx *context.T, a int32, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ServiceAMethodA4ClientCall, error)
// ServiceAClientStub adds universal methods to ServiceAClientMethods.
type ServiceAClientStub interface {
// ServiceAClient returns a client stub for ServiceA.
func ServiceAClient(name string) ServiceAClientStub {
return implServiceAClientStub{name}
type implServiceAClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implServiceAClientStub) MethodA1(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "MethodA1", nil, nil, opts...)
func (c implServiceAClientStub) MethodA2(ctx *context.T, i0 int32, i1 string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 string, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "MethodA2", []interface{}{i0, i1}, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
func (c implServiceAClientStub) MethodA3(ctx *context.T, i0 int32, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall ServiceAMethodA3ClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "MethodA3", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implServiceAMethodA3ClientCall{ClientCall: call}
func (c implServiceAClientStub) MethodA4(ctx *context.T, i0 int32, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall ServiceAMethodA4ClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "MethodA4", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall{ClientCall: call}
// ServiceAMethodA3ClientStream is the client stream for ServiceA.MethodA3.
type ServiceAMethodA3ClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the ServiceA.MethodA3 client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() Scalars
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// ServiceAMethodA3ClientCall represents the call returned from ServiceA.MethodA3.
type ServiceAMethodA3ClientCall interface {
// Finish blocks until the server is done, and returns the positional return
// values for call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() (s string, err error)
type implServiceAMethodA3ClientCall struct {
valRecv Scalars
errRecv error
func (c *implServiceAMethodA3ClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() Scalars
Err() error
} {
return implServiceAMethodA3ClientCallRecv{c}
type implServiceAMethodA3ClientCallRecv struct {
c *implServiceAMethodA3ClientCall
func (c implServiceAMethodA3ClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.valRecv = Scalars{}
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implServiceAMethodA3ClientCallRecv) Value() Scalars {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implServiceAMethodA3ClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implServiceAMethodA3ClientCall) Finish() (o0 string, err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish(&o0)
// ServiceAMethodA4ClientStream is the client stream for ServiceA.MethodA4.
type ServiceAMethodA4ClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the ServiceA.MethodA4 client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() string
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SendStream returns the send side of the ServiceA.MethodA4 client stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors
// encountered while sending, or if Send is called after Close or
// the stream has been canceled. Blocks if there is no buffer
// space; will unblock when buffer space is available or after
// the stream has been canceled.
Send(item int32) error
// Close indicates to the server that no more items will be sent;
// server Recv calls will receive io.EOF after all sent items.
// This is an optional call - e.g. a client might call Close if it
// needs to continue receiving items from the server after it's
// done sending. Returns errors encountered while closing, or if
// Close is called after the stream has been canceled. Like Send,
// blocks if there is no buffer space available.
Close() error
// ServiceAMethodA4ClientCall represents the call returned from ServiceA.MethodA4.
type ServiceAMethodA4ClientCall interface {
// Finish performs the equivalent of SendStream().Close, then blocks until
// the server is done, and returns the positional return values for the call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall struct {
valRecv string
errRecv error
func (c *implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() string
Err() error
} {
return implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallRecv{c}
type implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallRecv struct {
c *implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall
func (c implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallRecv) Value() string {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall) SendStream() interface {
Send(item int32) error
Close() error
} {
return implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallSend{c}
type implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallSend struct {
c *implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall
func (c implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallSend) Send(item int32) error {
return c.c.Send(item)
func (c implServiceAMethodA4ClientCallSend) Close() error {
return c.c.CloseSend()
func (c *implServiceAMethodA4ClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// ServiceAServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for ServiceA.
type ServiceAServerMethods interface {
MethodA1(rpc.ServerCall) error
MethodA2(call rpc.ServerCall, a int32, b string) (s string, err error)
MethodA3(call ServiceAMethodA3ServerCall, a int32) (s string, err error)
MethodA4(call ServiceAMethodA4ServerCall, a int32) error
// ServiceAServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// ServiceA methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// The only difference between this interface and ServiceAServerMethods
// is the streaming methods.
type ServiceAServerStubMethods interface {
MethodA1(rpc.ServerCall) error
MethodA2(call rpc.ServerCall, a int32, b string) (s string, err error)
MethodA3(call *ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub, a int32) (s string, err error)
MethodA4(call *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub, a int32) error
// ServiceAServerStub adds universal methods to ServiceAServerStubMethods.
type ServiceAServerStub interface {
// Describe the ServiceA interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// ServiceAServer returns a server stub for ServiceA.
// It converts an implementation of ServiceAServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func ServiceAServer(impl ServiceAServerMethods) ServiceAServerStub {
stub := implServiceAServerStub{
impl: impl,
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implServiceAServerStub struct {
impl ServiceAServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implServiceAServerStub) MethodA1(call rpc.ServerCall) error {
return s.impl.MethodA1(call)
func (s implServiceAServerStub) MethodA2(call rpc.ServerCall, i0 int32, i1 string) (string, error) {
return s.impl.MethodA2(call, i0, i1)
func (s implServiceAServerStub) MethodA3(call *ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub, i0 int32) (string, error) {
return s.impl.MethodA3(call, i0)
func (s implServiceAServerStub) MethodA4(call *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub, i0 int32) error {
return s.impl.MethodA4(call, i0)
func (s implServiceAServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implServiceAServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{ServiceADesc}
// ServiceADesc describes the ServiceA interface.
var ServiceADesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descServiceA
// descServiceA hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descServiceA = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "ServiceA",
PkgPath: "",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "MethodA1",
Name: "MethodA2",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"a", ``}, // int32
{"b", ``}, // string
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"s", ``}, // string
Name: "MethodA3",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"a", ``}, // int32
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"s", ``}, // string
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf("tag"), vdl.ValueOf(uint64(6))},
Name: "MethodA4",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"a", ``}, // int32
// ServiceAMethodA3ServerStream is the server stream for ServiceA.MethodA3.
type ServiceAMethodA3ServerStream interface {
// SendStream returns the send side of the ServiceA.MethodA3 server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item Scalars) error
// ServiceAMethodA3ServerCall represents the context passed to ServiceA.MethodA3.
type ServiceAMethodA3ServerCall interface {
// ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements ServiceAMethodA3ServerCall.
type ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub struct {
// Init initializes ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// SendStream returns the send side of the ServiceA.MethodA3 server stream.
func (s *ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item Scalars) error
} {
return implServiceAMethodA3ServerCallSend{s}
type implServiceAMethodA3ServerCallSend struct {
s *ServiceAMethodA3ServerCallStub
func (s implServiceAMethodA3ServerCallSend) Send(item Scalars) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// ServiceAMethodA4ServerStream is the server stream for ServiceA.MethodA4.
type ServiceAMethodA4ServerStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the ServiceA.MethodA4 server stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() int32
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SendStream returns the send side of the ServiceA.MethodA4 server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item string) error
// ServiceAMethodA4ServerCall represents the context passed to ServiceA.MethodA4.
type ServiceAMethodA4ServerCall interface {
// ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements ServiceAMethodA4ServerCall.
type ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub struct {
valRecv int32
errRecv error
// Init initializes ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the ServiceA.MethodA4 server stream.
func (s *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() int32
Err() error
} {
return implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallRecv{s}
type implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallRecv struct {
s *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub
func (s implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallRecv) Advance() bool {
s.s.errRecv = s.s.Recv(&s.s.valRecv)
return s.s.errRecv == nil
func (s implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallRecv) Value() int32 {
return s.s.valRecv
func (s implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallRecv) Err() error {
if s.s.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return s.s.errRecv
// SendStream returns the send side of the ServiceA.MethodA4 server stream.
func (s *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item string) error
} {
return implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallSend{s}
type implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallSend struct {
s *ServiceAMethodA4ServerCallStub
func (s implServiceAMethodA4ServerCallSend) Send(item string) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// ServiceBClientMethods is the client interface
// containing ServiceB methods.
type ServiceBClientMethods interface {
MethodB1(ctx *context.T, a Scalars, b Composites, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (c CompComp, err error)
// ServiceBClientStub adds universal methods to ServiceBClientMethods.
type ServiceBClientStub interface {
// ServiceBClient returns a client stub for ServiceB.
func ServiceBClient(name string) ServiceBClientStub {
return implServiceBClientStub{name, ServiceAClient(name)}
type implServiceBClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implServiceBClientStub) MethodB1(ctx *context.T, i0 Scalars, i1 Composites, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 CompComp, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "MethodB1", []interface{}{i0, i1}, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
// ServiceBServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for ServiceB.
type ServiceBServerMethods interface {
MethodB1(call rpc.ServerCall, a Scalars, b Composites) (c CompComp, err error)
// ServiceBServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// ServiceB methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// The only difference between this interface and ServiceBServerMethods
// is the streaming methods.
type ServiceBServerStubMethods interface {
MethodB1(call rpc.ServerCall, a Scalars, b Composites) (c CompComp, err error)
// ServiceBServerStub adds universal methods to ServiceBServerStubMethods.
type ServiceBServerStub interface {
// Describe the ServiceB interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// ServiceBServer returns a server stub for ServiceB.
// It converts an implementation of ServiceBServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func ServiceBServer(impl ServiceBServerMethods) ServiceBServerStub {
stub := implServiceBServerStub{
impl: impl,
ServiceAServerStub: ServiceAServer(impl),
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implServiceBServerStub struct {
impl ServiceBServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implServiceBServerStub) MethodB1(call rpc.ServerCall, i0 Scalars, i1 Composites) (CompComp, error) {
return s.impl.MethodB1(call, i0, i1)
func (s implServiceBServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implServiceBServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{ServiceBDesc, ServiceADesc}
// ServiceBDesc describes the ServiceB interface.
var ServiceBDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descServiceB
// descServiceB hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descServiceB = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "ServiceB",
PkgPath: "",
Embeds: []rpc.EmbedDesc{
{"ServiceA", "", ``},
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "MethodB1",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"a", ``}, // Scalars
{"b", ``}, // Composites
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"c", ``}, // CompComp