blob: 4c32e6b4e1ffba8b7ebfd39b56257d536459b1f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main_test
import (
func checkFileType(t *testing.T, infoFile, typeString string) {
var catOut bytes.Buffer
catCmd := exec.Command("cat", infoFile)
catCmd.Stdout = &catOut
catCmd.Stderr = &catOut
if err := catCmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q failed: %v\n%v", strings.Join(catCmd.Args, " "), err, catOut.String())
if got, want := strings.TrimSpace(catOut.String()), typeString; got != want {
t.Fatalf("unexpect file type: got %v, want %v", got, want)
func readFileOrDie(t *testing.T, path string) []byte {
result, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile(%q) failed: %v", path, err)
return result
func compareFiles(t *testing.T, f1, f2 string) {
if !bytes.Equal(readFileOrDie(t, f1), readFileOrDie(t, f2)) {
t.Fatalf("the contents of %s and %s differ when they should not", f1, f2)
func deleteFile(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, creds *v23test.Credentials, bin, name, suffix string) {
args := []string{"delete", naming.Join(name, suffix)}
sh.Cmd(bin, args...).WithCredentials(creds).Run()
func downloadAndInstall(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, creds *v23test.Credentials, bin, name, path, suffix string) {
args := []string{"download", naming.Join(name, suffix), path}
sh.Cmd(bin, args...).WithCredentials(creds).Run()
func downloadFile(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, creds *v23test.Credentials, bin, name, path, suffix string) (string, string) {
args := []string{"download", "--install=false", naming.Join(name, suffix), path}
stdout := sh.Cmd(bin, args...).WithCredentials(creds).Stdout()
match := regexp.MustCompile(`Binary downloaded to (.+) \(media info (.+)\)`).FindStringSubmatch(stdout)
if len(match) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("Failed to match download stdout: %s", stdout)
return match[1], match[2]
func downloadFileExpectError(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, creds *v23test.Credentials, bin, name, path, suffix string) {
args := []string{"download", naming.Join(name, suffix), path}
cmd := sh.Cmd(bin, args...).WithCredentials(creds)
cmd.ExitErrorIsOk = true
if cmd.Run(); cmd.Err == nil {
t.Fatalf("%s %v: did not fail when it should", bin, args)
func downloadURL(t *testing.T, path, rootURL, suffix string) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/%v", rootURL, suffix)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Get(%q) failed: %v", url, err)
output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadAll() failed: %v", err)
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, output, 0600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile() failed: %v", err)
func rootURL(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, creds *v23test.Credentials, bin, name string) string {
args := []string{"url", name}
stdout := sh.Cmd(bin, args...).WithCredentials(creds).Stdout()
return strings.TrimSpace(stdout)
func uploadFile(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, creds *v23test.Credentials, bin, name, path, suffix string) {
args := []string{"upload", naming.Join(name, suffix), path}
sh.Cmd(bin, args...).WithCredentials(creds).Run()
func TestV23BinaryRepositoryIntegration(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Build the required binaries.
// The client must run as a "delegate" of the server in order to pass
// the default authorization checks on the server.
var (
binaryRepoBin = sh.BuildGoPkg("")
clientBin = sh.BuildGoPkg("")
binaryRepoCreds = sh.ForkCredentials("binaryd")
clientCreds = sh.ForkCredentials("binaryd:client")
// Start the build server.
binaryRepoName := "test-binary-repository"
// Upload a random binary file.
binFile := sh.MakeTempFile()
if _, err := binFile.Write(testutil.RandomBytes(16 * 1000 * 1000)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Write() failed: %v", err)
binSuffix := "test-binary"
uploadFile(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, binFile.Name(), binSuffix)
// Upload a compressed version of the binary file.
tarFile := binFile.Name() + ".tar.gz"
var tarOut bytes.Buffer
tarCmd := exec.Command("tar", "zcvf", tarFile, binFile.Name())
tarCmd.Stdout = &tarOut
tarCmd.Stderr = &tarOut
if err := tarCmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q failed: %v\n%v", strings.Join(tarCmd.Args, " "), err, tarOut.String())
defer os.Remove(tarFile)
tarSuffix := "test-compressed-file"
uploadFile(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, tarFile, tarSuffix)
// Download the binary file and check that it matches the
// original one and that it has the right file type.
downloadName := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded"
downloadedFile, infoFile := downloadFile(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, downloadName, binSuffix)
defer os.Remove(downloadedFile)
defer os.Remove(infoFile)
if downloadedFile != downloadName {
t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", downloadName, downloadedFile)
compareFiles(t, binFile.Name(), downloadedFile)
checkFileType(t, infoFile, `{"Type":"application/octet-stream","Encoding":""}`)
// Download and install and make sure the file is as expected.
installName := binFile.Name() + "-installed"
downloadAndInstall(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, installName, binSuffix)
defer os.Remove(installName)
compareFiles(t, binFile.Name(), installName)
// Download the compressed version of the binary file and
// check that it matches the original one and that it has the
// right file type.
downloadTarName := binFile.Name() + "-compressed-downloaded"
downloadedTarFile, infoFile := downloadFile(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, downloadTarName, tarSuffix)
defer os.Remove(downloadedTarFile)
defer os.Remove(infoFile)
if downloadedTarFile != downloadTarName {
t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", downloadTarName, downloadedTarFile)
compareFiles(t, tarFile, downloadedTarFile)
checkFileType(t, infoFile, `{"Type":"application/x-tar","Encoding":"gzip"}`)
// Download and install and make sure the un-archived file is as expected.
installTarName := binFile.Name() + "-compressed-installed"
downloadAndInstall(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, installTarName, tarSuffix)
defer os.Remove(installTarName)
compareFiles(t, binFile.Name(), filepath.Join(installTarName, binFile.Name()))
// Fetch the root URL of the HTTP server used by the binary
// repository to serve URLs.
root := rootURL(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName)
// Download the binary file using the HTTP protocol and check
// that it matches the original one.
downloadedBinFileURL := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded-url"
defer os.Remove(downloadedBinFileURL)
downloadURL(t, downloadedBinFileURL, root, binSuffix)
compareFiles(t, downloadName, downloadedBinFileURL)
// Download the compressed version of the binary file using
// the HTTP protocol and check that it matches the original
// one.
downloadedTarFileURL := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded-url.tar.gz"
defer os.Remove(downloadedTarFileURL)
downloadURL(t, downloadedTarFileURL, root, tarSuffix)
compareFiles(t, downloadedTarFile, downloadedTarFileURL)
// Delete the files.
deleteFile(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, binSuffix)
deleteFile(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, tarSuffix)
// Check the files no longer exist.
downloadFileExpectError(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, downloadName, binSuffix)
downloadFileExpectError(t, sh, clientCreds, clientBin, binaryRepoName, downloadTarName, tarSuffix)
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {