blob: ae07987959fba059e27024fbf03f54070ff5baac [file] [log] [blame]
* AddPipeViewer action can be used to add a new viewer to the pipes view
* this action can be run at anytime and user can be on any view and this action
* will still work.
* Depending on user preferences, user might be presented with a confirmation
* dialog to accept seeing the incoming pipe.
* @fileoverview
import { Logger } from 'libs/logs/logger'
import { register, trigger } from 'libs/mvc/actions'
import { get as getPipeViewer } from 'pipe-viewers/manager'
import { displayError } from 'actions/display-error'
import { navigatePipesPage } from 'actions/navigate-pipes-page'
import { redirectPipe } from 'actions/redirect-pipe'
import { LoadingView } from 'views/loading/view'
import { pipesViewInstance } from 'runtime/context'
var log = new Logger('actions/add-pipe-viewer');
const ACTION_NAME = 'addPipeViewer';
var pipesPerNameCounter = {};
* Registers the add pipe viewer action
export function registerAddPipeViewerAction() {
register(ACTION_NAME, actionHandler);
* Triggers the add pipe viewer action
export function addPipeViewer(name, stream) {
return trigger(ACTION_NAME, name, stream);
* Handles the addPipeViewer action.
* @param {string} name Name of the Pipe Viewer that is requested to play the stream.
* @param {Veyron.Stream} stream Stream of bytes from the p2b client.
* @private
function actionHandler(name, stream) {
log.debug('addPipeViewer action triggered');
// Book keeping of number of pipe-viewers per name, we use this to generate
// display names and keys like image #3
var count = (pipesPerNameCounter[name] || 0) + 1;
pipesPerNameCounter[name] = count;
var tabKey = name + count;
var tabName = 'Loading...';
// Get the plugin that can render the stream, ask it to play it and display
// the element returned by the pipeViewer.
getPipeViewer(name).then((pipeViewer) => {
tabName = + ' #' + count
}).then((pipeViewerView) => {
// replace the loading view with the actual viewerView
pipesViewInstance.replaceTabView(tabKey, tabName, pipeViewerView);
}).catch((e) => { displayError(e); });
// Add a new tab and show a loading indicator for now,
// then replace the loading view with the actual viewer when ready
var loadingView = new LoadingView();
pipesViewInstance.addTab(tabKey, tabName, loadingView);
// Add the redirect stream action
var icon = 'hardware:cast';
pipesViewInstance.addToolbarAction(tabKey, icon, () => {
redirectPipe(stream, name);
// Take the user to the pipes view.