blob: 5d37832b2daa5f0e00b8e85558a31ab1b7021c75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Redirects a stream to another veyron name. It prompts the user to pick
* a Veyron name before redirecting and allows the user to chose between
* redirecting all the data or just new incoming data.
* @fileoverview
import { Logger } from 'libs/logs/logger'
import { register, trigger } from 'libs/mvc/actions'
import { page } from 'runtime/context'
import { RedirectPipeDialogView } from 'views/redirect-pipe-dialog/view'
import { pipe } from 'services/pipe-to-browser-client'
import { getAll as getAllPublishedP2BNames } from 'services/pipe-to-browser-namespace'
var log = new Logger('actions/redirect-pipe');
const ACTION_NAME = 'redirect-pipe';
* Registers the redirect pipe action
export function registerRedirectPipeAction() {
register(ACTION_NAME, actionHandler);
* Triggers the redirect pipe action
* @param {stream} stream Stream object to redirect
* @param {string} currentPluginName name of the current plugin
export function redirectPipe(stream, currentPluginName) {
return trigger(ACTION_NAME, stream, currentPluginName);
* Handles the redirect pipe action.
* @private
function actionHandler(stream, currentPluginName) {
log.debug('redirect pipe action triggered');
// display a dialog asking user where to redirect and whether to redirect
// all the data or just new data.
var dialog = new RedirectPipeDialogView();;
// if user decides to redirect, copy the stream and pipe it.
dialog.onRedirectAction((name, newDataOnly) => {
var copyStream = stream.copier.copy(newDataOnly);
pipe(name, copyStream).then(() => {
page.showToast('Redirected successfully to ' + name);
}).catch((e) => {
page.showToast('FAILED to redirect to ' + name + '. Please see console for error details.');
log.debug('FAILED to redirect to', name, e);
// also get the list of all existing P2B names in the namespace and supply it to the dialog
getAllPublishedP2BNames().then((allNames) => {
// append current plugin name to the veyron names for better UX
dialog.existingNames = => {
return n + '/pipe/' + (currentPluginName || ''); //TODO(aghassemi) publish issue
}).catch((e) => {
log.debug('getAllPublishedP2BNames failed', e);