blob: d8d834cdf5d4c715ccc1fd4b63634c2572c8686a [file] [log] [blame]
# Test the debug binary
# This test starts a mounttable server and then runs the debug command against
# it.
source "${VEYRON_ROOT}/scripts/lib/"
readonly WORKDIR=$(shell::tmp_dir)
build() {
veyron go build || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to build debug"
dumplogs() {
for x in $*; do
echo "-- $(basename "${x}") --"
cat "${x}"
main() {
local GOT WANT
cd "${WORKDIR}"
export VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=$(shell::tmp_dir)
shell_test::setup_server_test || shell_test::fail "setup_server_test failed"
local -r EP="${NAMESPACE_ROOT}"
# Test top level glob.
local -r DBGLOG="${WORKDIR}/debug.log"
GOT=$(./debug -v=2 glob "${EP}/__debug/*" 2> "${DBGLOG}") \
|| (dumplogs "${DBGLOG}"; shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to run debug")
shell_test::assert_eq "${GOT}" "${WANT}" "${LINENO}"
# Test logs glob.
GOT=$(./debug glob "${EP}/__debug/logs/*" 2> "${DBGLOG}" | wc -l) \
|| (dumplogs "${DBGLOG}"; shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to run debug")
shell_test::assert_gt "${GOT}" "0" "${LINENO}"
# Test logs size.
echo "This is a log file" > "${TMPDIR}/my-test-log-file"
GOT=$(./debug logs size "${EP}/__debug/logs/my-test-log-file" 2> "${DBGLOG}") \
|| (dumplogs "${DBGLOG}"; shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to run debug")
WANT=$(echo "This is a log file" | wc -c | tr -d ' ')
shell_test::assert_eq "${GOT}" "${WANT}" "${LINENO}"
# Test logs read.
GOT=$(./debug logs read "${EP}/__debug/logs/my-test-log-file" 2> "${DBGLOG}") \
|| (dumplogs "${DBGLOG}"; shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to run debug")
WANT="This is a log file"
shell_test::assert_eq "${GOT}" "${WANT}" "${LINENO}"
# Test stats watchglob.
local TMP=$(shell::tmp_file)
touch "${TMP}"
local -r DEBUG_PID=$(shell::run_server "${shell_test_DEFAULT_SERVER_TIMEOUT}" "${TMP}" "${DBGLOG}" \
./debug stats watchglob -raw "${EP}/__debug/stats/ipc/server/*/ReadLog/latency-ms")
shell::timed_wait_for "${shell_test_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT}" "${TMP}" "ReadLog/latency-ms"
kill "${DEBUG_PID}"
grep "Count:1 " "${TMP}" || (dumplogs "${TMP}"; shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: failed to find expected output")
# Test pprof.
if ! ./debug pprof run "${EP}/__debug/pprof" heap --text &> "${DBGLOG}"; then
dumplogs "${DBGLOG}"
shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: unexpected failure."
main "$@"